Pirate on the High Seas


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"Julia, I have a plan which would need your help but first I must sell the valuables to reward the crew. We'll put into Port au Prince to see what price we can get and to contrive some papers to support the story I shall later tell."

The vessel sailed around the long spit of land to run before the wind toward the port many miles South east. The jewellery and silver items made a handsome sum, so the crew were allowed ashore in groups. The old hands kept a watchful eye on the new draftees, there was no authority in the port that would help disenchanted sailors but loose tongues were to be avoided. Women gathered round the free spending crew and soon relieved them of the hard won money. Belle had sought a legal writer and commissioned a letter of introduction for herself, as Lady Constance, wife to the Duke of Cumbold and a wealthy person in her own right as the daughter of the late Baron Hartnup. The cost was just one of the gold trinkets seized in the taking of the Carmine.

The crew were finally aboard and each watch had cleaned and repaired ship, it was time to implement Belle's plan. They sailed for Kingston port, Jamaica, having spent nearly a week in Port au Prince, the winds were now favourable and speed was of the essence. With a good wind, it took just a few days to sail down to Kingston port, they arrived with good tides and weather, anchoring well out in the bay away from prying eyes.

"Julia, what gowns do you have that perhaps your father and others may not have seen," asked Belle.

"I have my travelling clothes that were bought for my trip home, only the servants have seen them as they were packed."

Belle held Julia's hands looking fervently into blue eyes,

"Perhaps you would help transform me into a proper lady? I have no idea of the powder and paint that such a personage would wear."

They went below to 'their' cabin, Julia kissed her lover and stripped the clothes from her slowly, kissing full breasts and lingering over soft nipples pulling them with her lips, rolling their hardening tips between tongue and upper lip. Belle moaned, holding Julia and feeling the weight of the girl's breasts in both hands. Julia meanwhile, cupped Belle's sex with both hands, one held the balls which years before had dropped and filled the inverted pouch which was believed to have been a pussy at her birth, whilst the other held a burgeoning cock that was growing bigger by the second.

The girl picked up a tapered wooden fid, the small point of which is used to open the tight turns of rope when splicing in new.

"You could not dress as a lady bearing a hard cock, I think I must induce it to fall," she said, as she softly hit the solid object of her observation with the thicker, blunt end of the fid.

"Oh dear, it seems to have grown even bigger, I will take a closer look," with that she knelt, breathing over and stimulating the angled cock, a lick caused it to rise suddenly, then fall.

"I've got to get it to go down, perhaps if I made it cooler," and promptly put wet lips over the head, saliva dripped as she then pulled away, observing the glistening end as she blew upon it. Belle's cock jerked, as a dying man might dance at the end of a rope.

"Oh that will never do," cried Julia, warming to her play, I shall endeavour to push it down and hold it with some twine."

She held the cock down with some difficulty; Belle had to bend forward to allow it to be depressed parallel to her thighs, whilst some twine passed around her legs captured her cock behind double knots. The increased tension was acting to make her cock throb harder, pushing upwards, the twine bit into the back of Belle's smooth thighs, making red marks as the tension transmitted itself to soft skin. The rigid cock still strove to rise and, as Belle straightened, the twine bit deeply into the front of her organ, pulling her foreskin back further, the glans was so shiny and hard, visibly throbbing as blood pressured it. The organ strained to angle upward, a throbbing monster tamed by the thinnest twine, which bit cruelly into soft flesh but still it projected so noticeably.

"Perhaps heat might cause it to lower," said Julia playfully, holding a lit candle and bringing it close to the rock hard appendage, running very close to the underside of the engorged organ. Belle was sweating and bent forward again trying to relieve the pressure from the turgid cock, tethered as it was between her thighs and the heat of a naked flame under her very naked balls. Julia brought the flame dancing and flickering around to the front of the restrained organ, closer and closer the flame approached the knotted twine. Belle could feel the heat scorching her skin,

"Ahh, No," she cried.

"Is that the cry of a tough pirate," said Julia scornfully, as she re applied the candle to the twine. Belle screwed up her courage, she had never been faint hearted but the heat was starting to scorch her skin as the knots turned black, then glowed redly. Suddenly the twine parted, her cock sprung up, knocking the candle to one side and slapping her belly resoundingly, to jerk and flop like an angry eel.

"Hmm, restraint didn't work," Julia murmured, "First I'll have to kiss it better."

Cool lips kissed gently upon the tender flesh, meanwhile she pushed a finger into her wet pussy, then touching drops of her juices to sooth the reddening skin on the softening dick. Each tender touch left glistening drips of nectar but raw nerves had heightened sensitivity, which made Belle's cock jump and sway, hardening the rigid muscle once again. She moaned, the solid waving flagstaff was begging for more stimulation but she was afraid it would just cause more pain. A pussy soaked finger sought her tightly puckered ass, she struggled with emotions but allowed the intruder ingress, this feeling was very different. She knew she needed more sensation and wet fingers were as good a stimulus as she could get, two fingers were easing apart to allow a third to stretch Belle's ass, her cock was responding to every twitch and tingle. Meanwhile Julia had pushed the blunt ended, tapered fid deep into her pussy, bathing the polished hard wood shaft with her juices, it felt good but she reluctantly spurned the feeling, removing the dripping rod to push it tenderly into Belle's anus.

The Captain stood, her naked body swaying to the ships motion, her tits thrust forward, her cock waving, as the blunt fid was thrust deep into her open ass. She was a mere plaything as the juice slicked spike was moved up and down within her tender insides, bringing a new feeling to her loins, building her climax even though her cock was not being stimulated directly. Julia bent her lips to the wobbling shaft, kissing her own nectar on the tender scorched area, it leapt, ultra sensitive. Belle's feeling grew as her ass was continuously massaged and her cock kissed, until, with forward thrusting hips and a loud moan she spurted her cum over the other girl. The sensitive cock bounced and jumped as the semen passed through it, sending loads of sticky white cum in arcs left and right like a loose fire hose. Even as the last drops crested at the head of her cock, it was bouncing and jerking with the dying sensations of her orgasm.

"There that should hold it for a while," murmured Julia, raising her breast and licking semen from it. Belle's cock was shrinking visibly, a wounded animal seeking shelter within her body, curling down, its hood of skin covering itself, hibernating.

Dressed in one of Julia's travel gowns, Belle sat in a hired carriage as she approached the Governors house. Warmly received, her credentials allowed her full honours and was duly shown into the main reception room. With her hair swept up in the latest fashion, her face looking gorgeous with lightly applied powder and lipstick, her natural beauty shone through. The low cut blue gown was slit to the knee for ease of alighting carriages, and, with the tantalising glimpse of a garter, she could turn heads anywhere. Men were entranced by this stunning vision, they fawned about her like servants, alert to her every wish. It was simple enough to learn the plans that Geoffrey Owen had to release his daughter, several men present were ships captains who freely spoke about a trip to lie off Navassa island. A trap! It reassured Belle, she was correct in thinking the capture of her vessel and crew came first in the father's thoughts. She could not find evidence of the accumulation of the ransom, even rich people don't have money lying idle, they know how to make money work and he would have to sell something to raise the amount of gold she had demanded.

She approached him and held out her hand for him to kiss, if only he knew where it had been recently, the thought made her smile. Geoffrey Owen was smitten by this radiant beauty, her smile lit up the room and of all the men there, she was talking to him. Her interest in his dealings with plantation owners, the way he duped some and cheated others had her laughing, hanging on to his every word. He bragged of expensive paintings and of silver and gold ornaments in his house. She said breathlessly,

"I would love to see your pictures, are we able to view them privately?"

He swallowed nervously,

"The interesting ones are in my dressing room, of course I would send the servants away." She nodded coyly,

"We wouldn't want our dalliance spoken of would we?"

Within minutes he had ordered his carriage and they were soon ensconced in the brocade and silk lined brougham, travelling apace to his house. Belle's heart was beating fast, although trusted members of her crew were to be stationed near the Owen mansion, it could be up to her to subdue this heavy, muscular, man, hopefully before he had his hand up her skirts. They were decorum itself as they alighted the carriage to be welcomed by the household staff, drinks were set out in the book lined room that he called his library, although Belle felt the big ledgers were more to do with his business. He dismissed the servants and kept an eye on her glass, as soon as it was empty he suggested they carry candelabrum to view the art work. She had awkwardly turned and gave a a small cry, making a show of twisting her ankle and falling toward the garden door, unlatching it as she fell, Mathews was briefly lit as he backed away further into the garden. Belle was helped to her feet by a concerned Geoffrey but whether for her ankle or his intended conquest she didn't know.

He carried her up the wide, sweeping staircase, to his dressing room where a couch would allow her to lay with her ankle propped by cushions. She was uneasy as he stroked her ankle, there was no heavy weapon to hand, apart that is, from the one fully formed in his trousers. His hand was progressing a lot further than ankles normally ascend, by now two of her men should be ransacking the downstairs rooms of their silver and gold. Hopefully Mathews would be quietly walking into the dressing room, so she gave a loud moan to cover any extraneous noise as Geoffrey's hand slid past her knee to the bare leg above. He too, groaned in anticipation but a solid thump to his temple soon rendered him unconscious, Belle helped push him to one side.

"There are some gold trinkets over there, I'll meet you downstairs."

She made her way to Julia's room and bundled some clothes and shoes into a bag. Mathews soon joined her and together with Johnson and Carey they piled the loot into a 'borrowed' handcart and made their way unchallenged through darkness back to the ship. Most of the crew were awaiting their return as they climbed aboard, a quiet congratulation followed with back slapping the loudest sound. With the ship ready to weigh anchor and sails starting to billow from the foremast it didn't take long to head out to the open sea. With more sail set they were soon lost to view, a breakfast of ham and eggs and a hold crammed with rum was perhaps a more tangible reminder of what they gained from a criminal life.

Belle went below to her 'treasure', the beautiful girl who was waiting, standing in a thin lace gown, the glow of candles around her silhouetting her perfect form. The captain stopped, drinking in the sight of this naked girl, partially covered in shades of grey. Julia seemed to glide forward on tip toe, dainty steps prolonging the ardour of both until they touched, to kiss passionately. Belle's borrowed dress slipped to the floor, nimble fingers soon undid her camisole which fell from her shoulders, revealing proud full breasts. Julia slipped both hands around these soft smooth globes to caress their weight and to tease their nipples into hardened pegs. Belle had already run her hands up Julia's body under the lacy robe and eased the garment off her shoulders, falling silently to pool at her feet. They kissed and fondled, taking their time to savour each other's body, feeling the frisson of excitement when, by unspoken consent they stroked each other's sex. It didn't take much to bring Belle to full hardness, the sight of this naked girl was sufficient to energise her cock, Julia's hand merely added piquancy to the turgid organ. Her cock was so hard it beat up and down with the pulse coursing through it, Julia was not to be outdone as her pussy grew wetter due to Belle's expert fingers, thoroughly aroused they sank down to their bed, bodies aching to feel the joy of their congress.

A tender tweak of nipple here, a shift of position there and soon a hard cock slid smoothly into a wet, welcoming pussy. They sighed almost simultaneously, their feelings mounting, as the silky sexual movement brought heightened sensation once more. Slowly, tantalisingly, they moved in unison, delighting in the contact of their bodies, smooth skin sliding over the body of their lover. Each wanting to feel the rush of orgasm but delaying the exquisite climb to it's peak, a slow arousal, all but holding their present sensation and just gradually building upon it. Effort was needed to keep things at this slow pace when their bodies were aching for the orgasmic release their union promised. Frequent kisses and tender teasing of nipples were a tingling counterpoint to the sliding cock against a steadily growing clitoris hidden in a juicy pussy. The tempo increased, Mother Nature could only be held back for so long, animal instinct takes over as growing sensation makes its presence known. Increased libido was now giving impetus to their lovemaking, whilst the ancient cycle of life took them by the hips and rubbed them together. All restraints removed, answering only to their demanding bodies, they stepped up their rate of thrust. Humping their bodies into each other, wanting only that elusive orgasm, they fucked for it, harder and harder, by now each tender pubic bone was hurting as they collided. Julia cried out,

"Wait my love" and removed herself from Belle's cock, turning her back, she nestled her curvy sweet ass into Belle and brought her knees up, allowing ingress to her pussy from behind. Belle was sliding into it but not quite as deeply as before, they settled for just maintaining their level of sexual feeling, until again libido strove to increase that.

Sweating, groaning, they pounded their bodies at each other, pushing them on towards a peak. Belle loved Julia's bum hard against her and pushed into that pliant rounded ass seeking to get even further into her deep, warm pussy. She could play with Julia's nipples as she held her, bringing each other further delights, sensation was building towards a crescendo, then reached a plateau. They teetered on the brink, as they thumped their bodies into each other harder still , seeking the ultimate release, craving a violent ejaculation of bodily fluids which promised to banish tension and give a sexual after glow. Suddenly, Julia stopped, holding on to that fragile peak of orgasm as it swept over her, all of her body seemed to float away, her mind was bathed in a warm, melting feeling, everything was good with her life. Belle was too far gone to stop, the peak of climax centred in her loins, a thrust more, she spurted hot semen deep into her lover. She felt jet after jet cascading from her, it felt like she would never stop, or would ever want to, she was rove so deeply within this gorgeous girl. Her thick cock was lodged well and truly into a tight wet pussy and a cute bum was buried into her belly, nothing on this earth felt better, she would remember this forever. They lay entwined, reluctant to part, sleeping still coupled, soft female bodies locked together by a most wonderful cock.

A tidy sum was realised from the silver and gold which translated into drunken 'jollies' ashore and lots of fresh food for the crew. Belle bought a new, large truckle bed for her cabin, she had every reason to try it's soft comfort, together with her nubile lover. The rest of the crew were encouraged to have women aboard, Belle knew that a hot woman was far preferable to a cold hammock, though few women relished the danger and even fewer remained onboard after a ship action. Some of the crew set up their 'wife' in a couple of small houses in the village of Aquin, to the south of the island of Hispaniola, their ship sailed the waters hereabouts and often stood off in the bay. The bay itself was protected by an island near to the entrance allowing free passage on either side, it would need a very large force to trap such a fast ship as Harrier in such a large body of water.

So it was, that a beautiful pirate sailed the Southern seas, plundering ships and making her crew rich. Few knew though, that her greatest treasure was the sexy girl who loved every little bit of this shemale pirate but, more especially, the big bit!

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Saqwana1Saqwana1over 8 years ago
So fun

This story was alot of fun i would love to see more of there adventures.

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