Pixie Affair

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Chris and Freya have hot kinky pixie sex.
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When Chris saved injured pixie Freya, he had no idea how much she would change his life.

Pixie Affair

Chris Bennet has the all American life including a good job, a wonderful home and two cars in his garage. He doesn't have a wife or kids sharing that life. He's fine with that, though, because he has a sexy six inch tall pixie girl living in his attic.

It all started when he found her outside one day, lying in the grass, badly injured. She looked like she had been carelessly thrown away by some child. Perhaps she was an incredibly life like doll. She coughed, shook her head and opened her eyes. A stunned silence fell over Chris.

She was slim, very pretty with long blond hair and blue eyes. Later he would find out she had a smile to die for. He had picked her up out of the grass and carried her inside. She was so tiny, weighed almost nothing. A petite, feminine, feather in his hand.

He got her into the kitchen and looked at her, really looked at her. She was wearing almost nothing at all, just a green dress that could, by any standards, barely be considered brief and bare. She was a mess, hurt and bruised all over. Chris felt sorry for the tiny temptress.

He gently removed her torn dress and looked at her. Despite being only six inches tall, she was very voluptuous with perky breasts and a firm ass. Skin like creamy silk and a shaved pussy that looked like it never grew hair (later he would find out it didn't). He felt an erection forming and a red flush bloomed on his cheeks. He quickly pushed such thoughts out of his mind.

"This girl needs my help." Freya had been through much worse before. She enjoyed the rough stuff just a bit on occasion. But this had been the first time her high flying friend had left her and told her to go fuck herself. She was more hurt emotionally than physically.

"I've found a new bitch, and this one's my size!" Ray had screamed at her as he flew off into the night.

Chris felt it was his duty to protect beautiful tiny women in trouble. Chris wasn't really the sort to get girls, either. Not a ladies man. It wasn't that he was ugly or offensive. He just didn't really know how to talk to ladies.

He had a hard time saying anything intelligent and usually found himself sounding like a bumbling idiot. Women were just a different species to him, one he wanted to get close to, but never understood.

Here, though, was a six inch tall girl that was in trouble. "..and I have to help her." He went to a cabinet and grabbed the cotton balls, peroxide and Neosporin. He came back and saw that she was wide eyed, staring at him, embarrassed and covering her shame.

Chris looked off to the side, "I'm sorry, but I had to take off the dress to see how badly you were hurt." He was glad that his voice came across calm and collected.

Freya looked at him and snapped, "Yeah sure, perv!"

Chris met her eyes and simply replied, "You do need medical attention."

Freya looked at him closely, thinking his response was kind and smiled, "Okay, but be gentle."

Her voice sparkled as if crystallized chimes rang with each syllable. Chris smiled back at her, placed the peroxide and Neosporin on the table next to her and started to get a few cotton balls out of the container.

Freya looked at him, studying him. She saw the glimmer of lust and attraction that all men tended to have towards her. Tiny she may be, but anything less than divine she was not. What she saw in his eyes was something new to her. He exhibited genuine concern and caring.

Her high flying friend had not shown such tenderness towards her. All Ray had wanted was a quick jack off and some pixie dust. Bastard snorted more than he used to fly. Now he had a five foot seven girl to screw, so what was the point of Freya? He didn't even need the dust to fly anymore. She was sad, but in a curious way, happy to have been found by such a kind man.

Chris covered one of the cotton balls with some peroxide, in a quiet voice he said, "Now this is probably gonna sting a bit, but it should clean out those wounds of yours."

Chris was about to apply the soaked ball when he realized her size and quickly wrung out most of the liquid. He gently placed it on her body, the cotton ball covering almost a fourth of her. Gently he stroked it up and down her battered body.

It did burn a bit, but Freya was enjoying how gentle he was with her. Having had her ex just throw her at the ground as he flew past made here appreciate this kind man. When Chris was done, he asked her to turn over. She smiled, embarrassed for the first time in years, and laid down on her stomach.

She felt the cotton ball go across her skin and sting in places that she had been fiercely spanked just the night before. She really liked the rough stuff sometimes. The smooth caress of the wet cotton ball and the care the man was taking turned her on a bit.

When Chris was done, he threw the cotton ball away and looked at the Neosporin bottle. He was curious how to go about applying it then decided she should do it herself.

"That stuff should make it heal faster, so you should probably rub it on all the hurt spots." Chris said as he showed her the small tube of medicine.

Freya smiled and looked up at the curious fellow with the polite manners, "Who are you?" she asked.

He smiled at her and gave a small bow, "I am Chris Bennet a computer programmer and console gamer." He looked at her and noticed himself staring at her breasts. He quickly diverted his eyes and continued on, "Who or what you are. I've seen a good amount of women, but never one with your diminutive stature."

"My name is Freya," she said began to rub the Neosporin on her wounds, "I'm a pixie or faerie if you prefer." Now she was rubbing the lotion over her breasts. She saw that he was still averting his gaze from her. She smiled, "You don't have to look away, Chris."

He looked back to see her rubbing the lotion all over her stomach and beginning to smooth it down her shapely legs. Chris felt his cock twitch in his jeans and looked back at the wall. Freya giggled a bit while rubbing the soothing ointment all over her firm ass.

She wiped the remaining amount over the small of her back, and walked over to her dress. "Do you have anyplace I could sleep? I don't think I'm welcome back at home anymore." Freya slipped the torn dress back on and wrapped her arms around her back. A big grin grew on her face.

Chris looked back to see her dressed and said, "You can stay here, if you want." He pointed at the bag of cotton, "I have a guest bedroom you can use."

Freya looked up at him and crossed her arms which pressed her breasts up. She gave him her saddest puppy eyes look,"I don't like to sleep in rooms all alone. They may be small to you, but to me they are huge and scary. May I sleep in your room with you?"

Chris was surprised at the suggestion but he wanted to be a good host to the tiny pixie girl. "Of couse," he said, "I'll find something for you to sleep in."

He found a cigar box that was the proper size and used some material and fleece to make a soft bed and covers for his diminutive guest. Freya watched from the kitchen counter with intent eyes. Chris was really a good guy. He was trying to make her feel good, and wasn't trying to just look at her like some sexpot (although, admittedly, she was). She was quickly forming a fondness for him.

When Chris was finished, he brought the golden box over to Freya and asked her, "Will this be acceptable?"

Freya inspected her new makeshift bed and replied, "That should do fine. Thank you, Chris."

"Would you like to have dinner and watch a movie with me, Freya?" Chris asked hopefully.

Freya smiled brightly. She felt she was being courted, Ray had never done that. "I would love to."

Chris grinned and headed over to the fridge. He opened it up and quickly looked back, "You aren't vegetarian, are you?"

Freya looked up at him and said, "Nope, don't know how I would live without a good piece of meat." It sounded a bit more erotic than she meant, though Chris didn't seem to noticed.

Chris began cooking steaks. His was rare and hers was medium well as she preferred. The unlikely duo chatted throughout the preparation and the meal. They talked about themselves, where life had taken them, what their goals were and their personal interests and hobbies were. It was the best conversation either of them had had in years. In Freya's case, many years.

After dinner, Chris put the large amount of leftovers from what he had made in the fridge. He washed his hands and took her, inside her little golden cigar box, out to the family room. There they watched a new episode of The Walking Dead. Freya, having never watched the show or that much television for that matter, and was all wrapped up in it. She told Chris that she would like to watch all the seasons with him.

At ten thirty, Chris had to go to bed, he would be getting up early in the morning. Freya was happy to get some refreshing sleep, she needed to rest and recuperate. Chris took her upstairs to the master bedroom and lay her box next to his bed, opposite to the night stand where he kept the alarm clock.

"I would hate to accidentally smack you when that thing goes off." He said as he pointed to the clock.

They both quickly fell asleep after staring at each other for as long as their eyes would allow. Freya had thought to herself that Ray was an asshole. She had saved him as a teenager, taken him somewhere wonderful and immediately he had asked for sexual favors. She really hadn't minded the sex with him. Freya just never realized how much she hated to be used and thrown away like she had meant nothing to him. She wanted somebody that would to talk to her and spend time with her. Not just say, "Hey, Freya, I'm horny, get me off."

Freya fell asleep with the thoughts of Chris on her mind. He was a good guy and she would like to repay his kindness. She thought of wrapping herself around his cock to see it harden to full size. She began masturbating in her sleep, imagining his cock all about her, rubbing her clit all the way up and down his thick shaft.

Chris had very similar dreams. Wouldn't you know, though, that in his dreams she was still six inches tall. The eroticism of a woman that could play with your cock all over and in so many different ways. He imagined her entire body rubbing along his shaft while sucking on the sensitive bit of flesh right under his cock head.

Chris didn't masturbate in his sleep, but he did wake up with one of the largest erections he had ever had.

He awoke, before his alarm even went off, and looked over at Freya. Maybe she had gone. Perhaps it had all been some strange waking dream. He saw the cigar box with the sexy pixie sleeping peacefully. She looked like a living doll. He enjoyed gazing at her and thinking that Freya was a tiny blond angel sent to brighten his life. A part of him felt she was probably meant for something else. You would think that a pixie has more exciting things to do than live with a computer programmer. A man who preferred to stay home and watch movies and tv shows all night.

He started up and noticed the erection he was sporting. His face turned red and quickly took as much of the blanket as he could. He swiftly moved to his dresser, his blanket trailing him the whole way. He grabbed what he needed for work and headed to the adjoining bathroom.

Once inside, he shut the door and turned on the shower. He looked at himself in the mirror, he didn't think he looked like he had gone mad. He wasn't sure what mad looked like, though. There were worse ways to go crazy. And even if the sexy pixie was only in his mind, it was more entertaining than watching another episode of reality TV.

He dropped the blanket and began shaving as the shower heated up. He hopped in the shower and began to wash his hair. The thought of Freya, naked on the kitchen table, came to his head. He kept wondering, how would you have sex with somebody that small? You couldn't insert anything into her. She would explode.

He thought about her slowly stripping off her little green dress and throwing it over her shoulder. Walking up his leg, sultry, seductive. Him lying on his back, her little feet tickling his legs. He saw her walking up to his erect cock and slowly trailing one of her hands down it's shaft. Feeling it, stroking it, like a woman would feel an entire man's body. Every nerve, every dip, every curve.

Before long Chris exploded semen all over the wall of his shower. He hadn't even known he had been jerking it fiercely, but the quakes of the best orgasm he had had in months shivered up his spine and down to his curled toes. Shots of his wad lined the shower wall, more than he thought he could produce.

"Oh, man. Imagine if I had done that last night when I was going to sleep. That would have been fucking embarrassing." He said it to no one but himself as a pair of eyes looked in on him through the keyhole.

Freya had woken up shortly after hearing the door to the bathroom close. She had yawned, and got up stretching her legs out a bit. Her bed had been more comfortable than the leather makeshift one in Fae Land. The shirt had kept her really cozy and warm all throughout the night. She felt along her legs and felt the wet spot near her crotch. She realized she had been going at it in her sleep.

"No wonder that dream felt so good." Freya said to nobody at all. The splashing of the shower reached her ears. Steam began to rise from the corners of the door. There was a keyhole in the knob and it got her curious.

No, she thought, that's not very nice. He has been so kind to me. But her darker, more naughty side, got the best of her. Freya, years ago, had lost her wings but could still fly. Her Pixie abilities alone helped. She wasn't as fast as before, but she made less noise.

She flew over to the key hole and peered in. She could see directly to the shower, the curtain was pulled back. She saw Chris standing in it washing down his hair. His hands began to move down his body and came to rest upon his growing erection. Freya stared at it. It wasn't as large as Ray's, which for a boy his age (that being a questionable statement considering he had been in Fae Land for over a hundred years) had had a cock about a good nine inches fully erect.

Chris had one that was probably close to seven inches. To Freya that was still more than she could reasonably handle. Despite the difference in size, she found herself more turned on by Chris than Ray. Perhaps it was his gentleness with her, perhaps it was that she was horny as hell because she hadn't gotten any with Ray since he had found that storytelling ho-bag.

His hand began to jerk himself off. She saw it move across his shaft with purpose and precision, "I guess guys just know how to turn themselves on" she said to herself. His hands began to quicken in pace. Her own hand drifted down to her pussy. Freya felt the wetness that had sprouted and began to dig a finger inside. She played with herself, excited with the image of this new man furiously beating off.

She tried to time her hand with his, felt shudders run through her legs and almost lost her flight several times. Finally he came, his huge load splashing against the shower wall. Her own orgasm came, hard, her hand became drenched in her own juices. Freya's legs trembled and once again she almost lost control of her flight.

She got a hold of herself enough to keep in the air and heard Chris say something.

"Oh, man. Imagine if I had done that last night when I was going to sleep. That would have been fucking embarrassing."

Freya suddenly realized he had been jerking off to her. Chris was thinking about her when he had done that. She didn't feel any disgust, she felt almost honored. She felt cherished in a way. Maybe not truly, deeply, forever in love, but really cherished.

Freya began to glow. Literally. Her body, already a milky white, began to shimmer like a light bulb. She felt lighter than air and like dancing with joy. She hadn't felt like this since she had first met Ray, and even he had never masturbated thinking of her. She had always done all the work herself. Her smile felt made her even more beautiful as she continued to glow.

Freya heard the shower go off. Wet feet hit the linoleum floor and she quickly darted to her bed. She grabbed one of the cotton balls inside, quickly using it to clean herself up. Next to her box was a mystery novel, in hardback. She pushed the cover over, trying to make it look like she had been attempting to read it.

Chris came out of the bathroom fully clothed in a T-shirt and slacks, saw Freya struggling with the book and began to laugh a little. Just a small chuckle. She turned around to see him and a page came crashing down on her head. Chris rushed over to her and helped with the page.

"You okay?" Chris asked.

"Yeah," Freya said, the glow not entirely gone yet, "just got a little bored while you were in there. Thought I would try to read."

Chris smiled, "Perhaps later. I have to get to work, are you gonna be here..." He stopped mid-sentence, looking over at her, "Hey, you're all healed."

It was true. Every mark and bruise on Freya's pale skin had healed over night. She giggled, "We pixies heal real fast, but I'm sure the Neo-Spurin helped."

"Neo-Spo-Rin, and I'm happy. Well I guess you got pixie things to do then." Chris kind of got a little glum when he said this.

Freya looked around, a little red creeping into her face, "Nope, not a thing. You mind if I stay here a while. I don't want to go home," she put her arms behind herself and lightly kicked the ground, "I kind of like it here."

Chris grinned largely, "Sure, I would really like that. I have to go to work though, I'll be back after five, okay?"

Freya winked and gave the okay symbol with her thumb and index finger. Chris smiled, paused a moment, then headed out of the room. Freya fell into her make-shift bed and began to laugh. Weird thing was, she kind of wished he had caught her peeping at him and fingering herself wildly. She wondered how he would have reacted.

Freya heard the door downstairs close and a car starting up. Chris was heading out so she decided to get comfortable. She flew into the bathroom, the door now wide open, and drifted over to the sink. She had worked one before, although it had been years. Freya plugged the sink and began pouring warm water inside. She stripped out of her green dress, turned off the faucet, and got into her bath.

She looked up to see a hand pump soap dispenser and flew up to get a bunch. Inside her tub, she washed herself thoroughly.. She found herself absentmindedly playing with her clit as she scrubbed her body with the soap. Freya was thinking about Chris and what she wanted to do to him. She hoped she would get a chance to touch him soon.

She felt another orgasm build up inside her. It flowed out of her, calming, exciting although almost drowning her. She pulled her head up out of the water and began laughing. "I haven't played with myself this much in years." she said as she glowed and lit up again.

After the bath, Freya decided her dress needed a good wash. She scrubbed it in the basin and hung it over a towel rack. Just enough space for a dress made for a doll. She flew around exploring the house while nude. Seeing what she could find, what she could look through. The place was a well organized and clean though it could use a woman's touch.

Freya decided to settle in and watch some TV. After watching several channels, she came to a channel that she began to love, really fast. Apparently Chris was a subscriber to something called Casa Erotica. She loved it. In fact, she couldn't get enough of it. She watched it for six hours straight enjoying shows where guys and gals stripped and pole danced, a special about the intricacy of erotic massage, and a couple of hot porn films.