Pixie's Reward


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Duncan let out a shuddering groan. It was unbelievable. This pixie, this tiny little woman, not even as tall as his own cock, was utterly destroying him with just a few mere touches to that very organ! As she hugged his member and rubbed her body against it, he was shaken to his very core, the pleasure threatening to burn out his mind. His cock was painfully hard, his balls aching sharply. He cried out for mercy, begging between high pitched whimpers for her to grant him release, but she only continued to torment him.

When she finally stopped, he was drenched in sweat, shivering and gasping, his vision unfocused. "Well, then," she said. "I guess I shouldn't hold you up! As you say, you have work to do, and the sooner you get it done, the sooner we can play!"

Duncan gave her a baleful look, but could only meekly nod, and stagger off to the art room, where his day's work awaited. It took him almost an hour to calm down enough that he could draw without his hand shaking. But his cock remained stubbornly hard all day long.

When he was done, the pixie was there waiting for him, with three more of the Centurion women. Starlight again, this time joined by Razor and Rain. They fucked him long into the night, Razor binding him in wires once more, as Rain proceeded to fuck his ass with a dildo of solid water. Again, they took turns straddling his face and riding his cock; his genitals were on fire from sensation overload and the agonizing need to cum.


The next day, the pixie was finally tired of hanging around the house; as Duncan lingered in his bedroom in the few hours he had before his factory job started, the pixie went into the backyard, where a small flower garden was set up. As Duncan watched the pixie flit around the flowers, taking in the sun's rays with a smile, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number he had sworn he'd never call again.

He waited anxiously as the phone rang. Just before the voicemail could pick up, however, a voice answered with a, "Hello?"

"Mia? It's Duncan."

There was a cautious pause, before his ex-wife said, "What do you want?"

Duncan swallowed. "I'm really sorry to call you like this, but I wouldn't unless it was an—"

He heard her sigh. "Just out with it, Duncan."

Duncan blanched, and considered hanging up. However, he didn't know anyone else to turn to. "I need your help."

Another pause. "Alright. What's the problem?"

"Really? You'll help me?"

"Tell me what the problem is, and I might."

"Do you believe in pixies?"

"Oh, for fuck's sake..."

"No, listen to me! There's this, this pixie thing in my house! She's got magical powers and she's using them to, uh... well, she's using them to..."

"To what?"

"She's, well, she's been using them to, ah, play with me."

"Okay. Assuming you're not hallucinating, so what? You could stand to make a new friend or two."

"You don't get it, she's using her magic, and it's getting to be too much. But she doesn't want to stop. I think—I think she intends to kidnap me!"

Yet another pause, excruciatingly long. "It sounds like you've got a mage or an esper screwing with you."

"Well, you're the only mage I know."

"I'm not doing it," she said. "If I was going to use my magic on you, it wouldn't be to create some dumb pixie fairy to tease your cock."

Duncan swallowed, blushing. "How did you, uh, know that's what I was—"

"You always get this little hitch in your voice whenever you talk about sex."


"Yes. It's embarrassing."

Duncan flinched at that. "Alright, fine, but, I really need help! You're a mage, can't you do something?" Her heard her give an exasperated sigh, and Duncan blanched. "Damn it, come on, you can't hold this against me! I'm just a normal guy! How do you expect a normal guy to handle to something like this? You think I like having to ask you for help?"

Mia said, "Calm down, Duncan. Look, I'm not sure how to help you."

"Well, can't you just, I dunno, cast a spell to banish her or something?"

"I'm not that kind of mage. I'm a shadowmancer, remember? I create illusions. I can't summon or banish strange creatures."

Duncan sighed, checking to make sure the pixie was still fluttering around in the garden. "Well, what am I supposed to do?"

"Have you tried SOS?"


There was another sigh. "Seriously, Duncan, can't you do anything for yourself? Supernatural Operations Specialists. They handle cases like this."

"Oh, yeah," he said. "I, uh, I didn't think of that."


"You know, you don't have to be such a bitch about this."

"Fine. Look, I'll call them for you, alright? That's the best I can do."

"Thank you." Duncan swallowed. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. Just man up next time."

Duncan felt a hot flash of anger. "Man up? Man up?! Don't you fucking start with me, Mia! This isn't something you—"

"Duncan?" came a voice. He jumped, nearly dropping the phone as he saw the pixie flutter into the room. "Who are you talking to?"

"Oh, uh, nothing! I mean no one! Just, uh, my editor!"

"Whose that?" said Mia, sounding curious. "Your little 'pixie' friend? Doesn't sound like a pixie."

"How would you even know?" said Duncan. He could almost hear her dismissive shrug.

"That's not your editor," said the pixie, flying in close. "Hey! Are you upsetting my boy? I'll kindly ask you to show some respect."

"Put me on speaker, Duncan," Mia commanded.

"I don't think that's—"

"Do it," she said, her tone low and authoritative. Duncan swallowed and switched the cell phone to speaker mode. "Hello? Is this that little pixie?"

The pixie put her hands on her hips and gave the phone a stern look as Duncan set it on the desk. "Yes, it is. Who is this?"

"His ex-wife. Listen, I'm happy Duncan's found a kinky little girl to fulfill his little bitch fantasies, but you have to understand, he can only take so much. You need to back off whatever you're doing, because he can't handle it." Duncan put his head in his hands, utterly embarrassed. And yet, to his greater shame, his stubbornly hard cock twitched in his pants, hearing Mia belittle him.

The pixie glanced at Duncan, noticing his cock twitch. Her eyes widened, and she grinned. "Hey, now, that's not fair," she said. "He's held in there very well for himself."

"Oh, sure. That's why he felt the need to call me up for help. Because he's not man enough to take it. You need to back off, before you break him."

The pixie forced back a giggle as she saw Duncan's cock twitch again. A wicked idea crossed her mind and she flicked a finger at Duncan. Duncan, to his surprise, found himself sliding down his pants, and grasping his cock. He tried to stop himself, but his body moved out of his control. He shook his head, mouthing, "No! Stop!" to the pixie, but then he was stroking himself steadily.

"Not man enough, huh?" said the pixie. She flicked a finger at the phone. "Tell me more!"

Suddenly, Mia began to babble. "Yes, not man enough! I'm sure you know the things he likes to do, don't you? To be forced onto his knees and have his face fucked. He wants to be tied up and made to whimper and beg like a little bitch. He wants to be fucked in the ass like a cheap whore. Sure, he could pretend to be manly and strong for a while, but every time we made love, his little bitch tendencies would take over.

"He'd be fucking me, but he couldn't handle my pussy for more than half a minute! He'd beg me to make him last longer with my magic; it was so pathetic. I did it a couple times, but after that, I just told him to hold it in. But he never could. I think the most he got in was ten pumps before he was shooting his goo. And then, he had the gall to ask me to tie him up and tease him! What kind of a man wants that? What kind of pathetic excuse for a—"

She paused as she suddenly heard Duncan's heavy breathing, the tiny whimpers he was making as he tried to hold back his moans. "Oh, my god! Duncan are you masturbating to this? You sick fuck!"

"I c-c-can't help it!" gasped Duncan. "Sh-she's m-making me!"

"Oh, for fuck's sake— This is why we broke up, you pathetic shit! I can't believe you! At least have the decency to take responsibility for your actions."

The pixie was laughing hysterically now, almost rolling in the air, covering her mouth with both hands to keep from laughing out loud.

"Oh, god, M-mia!" Duncan gasped, moaning.

"Oh, no, don't you dare! Don't you dare! I'm not going to be part of your sick little game! You don't deserve the satisfaction!"

Duncan cried out as his orgasm was blocked by the magic barrier. But the pixie finally relented, and with a snap of her fingers, the barrier vanished. Duncan let out a cry as he exploded, right there, with his ex-wife on the phone, and the little pixie no longer able to contain her laughter. Long streaks of cum shot from his cock, splattering the far wall. When it was over, he collapsed onto his chair, gasping.

"Oh, fuck, Mia, I'm sorry—"

"Oh my god. You stroked one off while talking to me! I can't fucking believe you! What, did your pixie friend tell you to?" She made a disgusted grunt. "Well, are you satisfied now, you little bitch? Did that make you happy?"

Duncan's cock twitched again, even despite having just cum. "Mia, please, wait," he said breathlessly, "It's not what you think!"

"You know what, Duncan? You deserve whatever's coming to you. Have fun with your new playmate, you fucking pervert!" With that, she hung up.

The pixie laughed. "Oh, my god, that was amazing! So you do like being insulted! But only by your ex! I guess that makes sense, if she's still your special someone." She flew down to his cock and touched it. Duncan jerked as his cock surged back to full mast, gasping as a series of magical strokes primed him back up. He grit his teeth as the pixie rubbed him gently, and he was once again overwhelmed by her mere touch. "I knew it! You pathetic little stroker boy. Did you get hard every time you two had an argument? No wonder she thought you were a sick pervert!"

"P-p-please stop!" said Duncan. Despite having just cum, his balls were aching again as she magically teased him. His cock lurched as the pleasure became too much and another orgasm rose inside him. However, the pixie laughed, and with a snap of her fingers, she cut him off. He bucked helplessly as she teased him, stroking him with her tiny fingers, feeding maddeningly intense energy into him.

"No, I won't stop," she said. "Because the truth is, this is exactly what you want. Isn't it, you little stroker bitch?"

Duncan flushed with shame. Yes, this was everything he fantasized about. This is what made him hot. Being taken, being dominated, used like a fuck toy by women who could break him in half with ease, then those women mocking him for it. Gods help him, he'd wanted this so bad for so long it hurt. And yet, when given the opportunity to make those fantasies real, it was too much. Far too much. His fragile human body and mind could only handle so much sensual torment. Mia was right, he couldn't handle it. He couldn't take it at all! And, worst of all, that very fact just riled him up even more!

The pixie giggled and finally ceased, letting Duncan sag in his chair, exhausted and thoroughly re-blue balled. "Now, then, I recommend you call in sick to work today. You're going to need the time off." She flitted out of the room, leaving Duncan to shakily pick up his phone and do just that.


Ten minutes later, Duncan came out of the bed room to grab a bottle of water. He nearly leaped out of his skin when he saw Mia sitting on the couch, smiling. The pixie sat on Mia's knee.

"Oh, no," said Duncan, his cock going iron hard. "Please, don't. Not her!"

The pixie laughed and flew up. "Why not? I was being silly making your little superheroes come to life to fuck you. I should have known the one person who could rile you up like nothing else would have been your wife!"

"Ex-wife!" said Duncan, as "Mia" stood and stepped towards him. He backed away, swallowing hard. She was dressed only in a semi-transparent silk robe, decked with oriental draconic designs, the one she wore whenever she wanted to get frisky. "Come on, don't do this. Fictional girls I can handle but..."

"But nothing, you pathetic wuss," said Mia. She flicked her finger at Duncan, and his arms were suddenly bound behind him. Mia grabbed his shirt and easily tore it clean in half. She then gently brushed his nipples with her fingertips. Instantly, they hardened, and Duncan let out a gasp as the embarrassingly sensitive spots hardened.

"No... don't..." he said, but could not bring himself to resist her advances. Mia pushed him against the wall, and rolled his nipples between her fingers gently. He shivered with pleasure, his cock twitching in his pants. Mia yanked his pants down, revealing his tense cock. With one hand, she made a circle with her finger and thumb, and Duncan felt a ring of pressure form around the base of him, even as her other hand resumed its playful teasing of his nipples. His hips began to buck; the touch to his nipples was exciting him so much, combined with the previous teasing, that he had very nearly cum from that alone!

Mia smiled wickedly. "Still a premature ejaculator, I see," she said with a laugh.

The pixie landed on her shoulder, giggling. "Isn't he, though? That's okay. Makes edging him real easy!" She flew down and slowly brushed her fingertips along the length of his shaft, making him shudder and buck.

"Oh, god... Mia..." he gasped, looking at her with lust-glazed eyes.

"You want to fuck me, Duncan?" she said. She parted her robe slightly, letting him get a teasing glimpse of her womanhood and the inner curve of her breasts. "Want to ravage me, like you used to? With my little spell, it shouldn't be too hard for you to hold it in, just like before." She then suddenly pinched his nipples, hard.

Duncan hissed and curled into her, resting his head on her other shoulder, gritting his teeth. He tried to reach up and push her hands away, but his arms were too thoroughly bound by Razor's wires.

"Or would you rather I shove you to the floor and ride your face?" She twisted her grip and Duncan cried out. "Oh, why even ask? I know it's the later. You just love being the little bitch, don't you?"

"Please... please let me..." he gasped. "Let me lick you! I'll make you cum... so hard... please..."

Mia laughed. "Oh, will you? Think it'll make me merciful? Think it'll convince me to let you blow your load?" She shook her head, reached down, and tightly gripped his balls. Duncan gasped out loud. "Look at you. You're so turned on by my bitchiness, you'd spurt all over me right this very instant if I called you a little bitch just one more time." As if on cue, his hips bucked and he let out a savage cry as he tried to cum, only for the magic ring to block him once more.

"Oh, god, Mia, please! I-I-I know you're j-just an illusion, but... oh, fuck... take me... use me... please!"

Mia smiled then bodily threw him to the floor. His limbs were pulled away from his back, and he was then bound on the floor, spread eagle. Mia crouched over him, shedding her robe, revealing her body, too beautiful for him to bear. He nearly came again, just looking at her.

"Gods, look at you! I haven't even put inside me yet, and you're trying to cum! You don't deserve to be used by me!" Despite her words, she slid down and promptly took him inside her. Duncan let out a loud cry and writhed in his bonds as his cock was ablaze with pleasure. His ex-wife's hot, tight wetness swallowed him, burning him straight to the core. He was now trapped at the very moment before orgasm, but unable to go over, as she rode him hard and fast. Soon, she was crying out herself, almost snarling in her passion. She lay atop him and nearly smothered him with her breasts. He thrashed even harder, completely overcome.

"Little... shit... little... bitch! Can't take... my pussy... can't take... my tits... not even... my hand!" She made a motion, and Duncan felt a phantom hand clamp hard onto his balls. He shuddered violently and for a moment, he thought he might, just might, push past the cruel magic barrier on his cock and cum. But even though he got so close, he could nearly feel the cum straining in his cock, he was nonetheless denied.

Vaguely, he was aware of the pixie watching them, shouting "More, more!" At her insistence, the illusion of Mia fucked him harder. Duncan could only lay there, shuddering, gasping, and crying, as he was taken in ways he had only dreamed of before. Then, suddenly, he heard the pixie whisper into his ear. "It's time, Duncan. I have enough energy now. I'm going home, and you're coming with me."

Somehow, Duncan fought through the haze of lust and gasped, "N-no! Please! I d-don't want to go!"

"Come on, Duncan. With me you can live this dream forever. Or would you prefer this paltry existence? Would you prefer working your ass off every single day, all alone, with no one to turn to for help but an ungrateful bitch?"

Duncan began to cry. The illusion of Mia slowed her fucking. Now, her motions were gentle, loving and she pet his hair soothingly as she moaned softly into his ear. Even the phantom hand on his balls released their death grip, rolling them gently. Duncan shivered and buried his face into "Mia's" neck.

The pixie kissed his cheek. "Come, my pet, my dear boy. I'll make sure you're never lonely again." She giggled. "And I'll make sure you'll never cum again, either. Won't that be sweet?"

Duncan moaned loudly, and for a brief moment, his reason maintained a valiant struggle against his primal desires. But it was all for naught. He couldn't resist his desires. "Take me!" he cried.

The pixie smiled, and then, his vision went white. "Good boy, Duncan," she said.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Great Job!

That's quite the story - a great way of going about a longer form piece!!!

CodaCielCodaCielover 6 years ago

Wonderful story!

I'd – genuinely – also had the premise of a late-night driving accident involving a faerie and subsequent reciprocity in mind for ages; I was really surprised to find something so close in form.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Lousy Ending!

WTF?! When the ungrateful,perverted pixie turns her back even for a second,he should grab the flyswatter or a comic book and SPLAT,end the reign of terror!

Momma Mia ,another cunt he needs to LAY down the law to!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Shameless compliment

Really nice story, I'm actually very interested to see what gonna happen to Duncan. Perhaps you might consider a part 2?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Not "man enough" ?

Oh! Oh my fuckin goy god!


You're fuckin trief!

Oy, my goy brain--did I spell the Yiddish word for "dirty" right?

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