Plain Jane & Hunky Tarzan

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A plain black girl sweeps a hot white hunk off his feet.
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(I was talking to this black chick about interracial dating and she was telling me about her Plain Jane friend who snared some rich, handsome white guy. She was Jealous of her plain friend but at the same time happy her friend had that experience. All plain women should be so lucky)

"I can't believe that guy is going out with you!"

She says it with sarcasm, and the twinge of jealousy in her voice is unmistakable.

"And by guy, you mean which guy?" Cynthia asks.

Sandra stared at her incredulously. "C'mon, Cynthia. Just how many rich, single, good looking Caucasian hunks do you have floating around?"

"I guess you mean Craig?"

"If he's the one with the buff body and handsome face with an expensive sports car and no wedding band on, then yeah, he would be the one I am talking about."

Cynthia relishes her astonishment. For years it had always been Sandra the one to salivate over her hot dates, and Cynthia the one languishing with lesser guys who had no jobs, had no looks, had no money, and had no car. For the first time Cynthia's life, she felt like she had the upper hand, and she was determined to rub it in.

"He's taking me to a five star restaurant and then, afterward, we're going to see a musical. Front row seats."

"Wow! Is it Jersey Boys?"

"The one and the same."

"Damn, that must be costing him at least $125 per. You'll know what he'll want in return, don't you?"

Cynthia frowned. "I don't know that he'll want anything in return. "I'm sure his motives are pure, but even if they're not, the truth is I haven't had a man make love to me in over two years. My oversexed and over-heated body is just so damn sex starved, that if he were to put his hands on me I'd just fold up like a tent. He is, as you have seen for yourself, amazingly buff and absolutely gorgeous."

"That he is, which is why it is so hard to figure out what he is possibly doing with you."

Cynthia cringes. "You really know how to bring down a woman's spirits, don't you? Nothing like a best friend to make you feel like pure shit!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean it how it sounded. It's just that a guy like that could obviously get any chick he wants."

"And he wants me, is that so hard to believe?"

"Well, quite frankly, yes."

"There you go again, trying to make me feel like I belong on a segregated island with lepers. I'm not that bad looking, and I have nice breasts. But he says he likes the way I make him laugh, and he likes the way I am such a sports statistic nut. We both love college sports, like football and basketball. I know the names of all the quarterbacks in the nation and he finds that refreshing in a woman. He loves talking college sports."

Sandra shrugged. "My compliments. I always thought your obsession with following college sports was silly, but apparently it is beginning to pay dividends. I take back everything I said. Maybe you two do have a lot in common after all? Damn, gonna be late for work. Gotta run. Call me later, after my shift. I don't care what time it is. I want to know every single salacious detail."

She left the coffee shop with a sprint.

Cynthia sighed as her best friend scooted away.

She then glanced at her watch. Her date with the amazing Craig was to begin in just three short hours. Time to go home and get herself ready.


She chose a red dress, not so much because she liked the color, but because it had the lowest cleavage of all her dresses, and her bulging breasts were by far her best feature.

He had said he loved her eyes, 'large, glossy and hypnotically brown' was how he had put it. Still, his words didn't come across as being stilted or rehearsed, neither did they seem phoney. They seemed sincere and nice, just like him.

She frowned at the bulge around her waist. She had about thirty extra pounds spread out over her five foot three frame. Still, she was arguably somewhat curvy or arguably somewhat overweight, depending on how he chose to look at her. He seemed to be the kind of guy that was always looking on that glass as being half full. It gave her a reason to be encouraged.

She sprayed on a little perfume and glossed up her thick black lips with a stunning scarlet sheen. He said he liked red lipstick on a woman and she wasn't about to disappoint him.

She wondered if she would be able to hold onto her fast and hard rule about no sex on the first date. She had a hard time getting dates of any kind, and the very fact that Craig was easily one of the hottest hunks she had ever seen, now led her to wonder if she would simply fold up like some tent if the subject of sex presented itself. Just the thought of being in his arms was making her irrepressibly horny. She almost began to wish they would just skip dinner and the show and stay at her place. Still she was really looking forward to the night out, and hoped it would give her time to build an inner resolve. Sex on the first date, as much as a turn on as it would be, might make her seem like some slut. She sighed at the thought and then simply decided to play it by ear.


"I can't believe you didn't call me."

"It's kind of hard when you're not alone."

"Damn! Whatchoo mean not alone. Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"You got it."

"But on the first date? I thought you always said that you would never-"

"Rules were made to be broken, especially when there is a handsome millionaire laying next to you."

"Wow, and soooooo, is he still there?"

"Having a shower as we speak."

"Shit woman! I am really jealous. Soooo how was it? I remember you saying it's been two years for you."

"It was like heaven itself. For both of us. We made love for two hours straight."

"He wore a condom, right?"

There was no answer, merely a pause at the other end of the line. Sandra sought clarification. "A condom. He wore one right?"

"Not really."

"What do you mean not really? This is no halfway business. Either he did or he didn't."

"He didn't."

"And you were okay with that?"

"He said he didn't have one, and I was horny out of my mind. What was I supposed to do?"

"And if you get pregnant?"

"Don't say that."

"I'm your best friend. Of course I'm gonna say that. Are you ready for a baby? Raising a kid alone can be pure hell."

"He doesn't seem like the type to abandon me should I get pregnant."

"Will you listen to yourself? So he tosses you a few bucks then vanishes. What do you really know about him?"

Cynthia was suddenly angry. "If you were just calling to try and make me feel bad then why did you bother calling?"

She hung up and tossed her cell phone onto the bed.

Almost immediately the phone began to ring. A quick glance told Cynthia her supposed best friend was desperately trying to get through again.

Cynthia sighed bitterly at the sight of the number. Once bitten, twice shy. She was determined not to talk to her for the rest of the day.

Craig came out of the bathroom in all his naked glory. He was certainly a stunning hunk. She watched him approach and smiled, but in the back of her mind, Sandra's comments made sense. What if? Surely it was wise to be prudent? Having a baby was no laughing matter, and although the chances were against her conceiving, you never knew.

"What if you've knocked me up?" The words just kind of slid out of her mouth like toothpaste being squeezed out of a tube.

Her question caught Craig off guard. "I don't think we have to worry about that until we actually cross that bridge," he said. "But if you are really worried about it, see your doctor first thing in the morning and get the morning after pill."

"There is such a thing?" Cynthia asked, feeling stupid for asking yet another probing question.

Craig was suddenly on the defensive. "I wouldn't make such a thing up. If you can't get a hold of your doctor than go to a clinic. They can point you in the right direction."

His answer wasn't at all what she expected. She had expected him to say that he was a man of honor and that he would readily marry any woman he got into trouble. Instead, he was saying she should hunt down some kind of weird morning after pill.

"I'm really having a good time," she said, trying to change the subject and eliminate the doom and gloom that she had caused to suddenly hang in the air like an albatross. Besides, she had never dreamed to see the day when she would have such a fabulous hunk in her arms. And a rich one at that. "Hopefully we can do something like this again real soon."

He slid next to her on the bed, his rippling stomach muscles garnering all her eye's attention.

"How about right now," he offered, peppering her lips and slender black neck with a flurry of heartfelt kisses.

She swooned and wrapped her arms around him, signalling she was up for whatever he wanted to do. She was absolutely shocked he could still get it up.

His lips were soon on her nipples, sucking them sweetly, and making her moan once again.

She was beginning to pant, and could not believe that in just a short few minutes he had gotten her so damn hot and bothered that she was ready to be made love to all over again.

"I really like you," he whispered, sending her spirit soaring. She was at his mercy and relished the fingertips roaming over her curves as his stiff, white cock pressed against her inner thigh, signalling he wanted her to spread her legs once more.

She did so immediately, gasping as his enormous size pressed deep inside of her once more. It was now even sweeter than the first time and she couldn't help thinking that a man like that she could easily spend the rest of her life with.

His thrusts were slow and purposeful, making her sweat as she curled her toes with delight. Gone were the concerns that Sandra had raised over the phone mere moments before. All she cared about now was his sumptuous body next to hers, his tensing muscles igniting pleasure in her heart and flesh as her spirit soared to new heights. Perhaps, when all was said and done, they would start going steady, perhaps even become engaged, and then from there...from there...

She pictured herself dressed in a magnificent white wedding dress, with a twenty thousand dollar engagement ring on her finger. Surely a millionaire could easily afford such a ring. And then, after the ceremony, a cruise on the Mediterranean? Perhaps a stay at some five star resort in the Bahamas?

She could feel her body getting ready to explode with orgasmic glee. He was an amazing lover, making her damn pussy sing. She groaned and seductively dug her sharp nails into his back as her orgasmic fluid coated his pumping cock. She was on fire, and shivering with unimaginable delight.

He kept his heavenly thrusts up for over another hour until finally, as the sweat simply rolled off of both their bodies, he filled her vulnerable insides once more. The thought crossed her mind that if she hadn't been knocked up the first time, then the second time might surely have done the trick. Still, in the back of her mind, his comments about a pill that could make things right if taken the morning after, buoyed her spirits.

He kissed her lavishly even after he had emptied out, making her feel special in that he was showering her with an afterglow of sweet gentle kisses and roaming, thoughtful fingertips. She snuggled closer, and wanted to tell him she wished the night would never end.

He seemed to read her mind and shared her thoughts. His earlier hinting that he would have to leave soon was suddenly tempered with playful whispers that he would love to spend the night just sleeping in her arms.

Such a declaration was both welcome and appreciated. Most men she had ever slept with had only one thing on their minds, hightailing it out of there the second they reached orgasmic glory. But by his own admission, he 'really liked her.' And in her own enraptured mind and heart, she really liked him even more.

She pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming, then drifted off to sleep in his arms.


She awoke to a missing man in her bed, but the sight of his shirt and pants, still strewn over the end of her bed, let her know he was obviously still in her condo somewhere.

She rose and felt happy and contented. Having a man around, especially one so nice, was a dream come true.

He was not in the bathroom, and she scampered down the stairs to where the sound of a whistling tea kettle and frying pancakes greeted her ears.

"You're making breakfast?"

He clutched his chest. "Darn! Don't sneak up on people like that. You could have given me a heart attack!"


He smiled, showing off rows of white teeth. "I hope I'm doing it right. I have a maid at home that does all my cooking."

His words blew her socks off. Who could afford maids? And since a guy like this could have any girl he wanted, what did he see in her?

She paused and returned his smile. She wanted to think logically. First, maybe he liked black girls, second, maybe he liked them with a little meat on their bones, third, maybe he liked to have fun and let his hair down? She knew she was really good at that. Fourth, maybe he liked women who could simply be themselves and not act uppity? Fifth, maybe he liked women who were horny and couldn't resist the allure of a good cock. She had been humping him steadily on their first date together, so if that was one of his prerequisites, she was certainly coming through with flying colors.

"I really had a good time last night," she whispered, clutching him and allowing her breasts to press into his shoulder as she smiled.

He smiled back. "And which part of last night did you admire the most?"

She jumped onto the island counter and raised her legs until they sat, foot bottoms on the edge, exposing her pink tunnel for easy access.

"The part I loved most was when you introduced me to your long cock."

He turned off the stove under the pancakes and flicked the switch under the whistling kettle. Then he let his bathrobe slip open and she watched as his cock stiffened in mid-air. He was still just as horny as she was.

"Damn, we're just like rabbits," she spat out.

"Worse than rabbits," he agreed, kissing her mouth as his cock pressed against her vaginal opening.

She groaned as he made his way all the way inside of her.


"Sounds like you two had a lot of fun."

"Yeah, we did."

"Hmmm, you seem a little down. Everything okay?"

She sighed. "Wished I knew. It's been two days now since he spent that night, then most of the day at my place. But he hasn't called me since. I keep checking my emails and looking at the messages on my phone, but-"

"Did you text him?"

"Well, no. I was waiting for him to-"

"Did you try phoning him or maybe emailing him?"

"No. Again, I felt that it should be the man who takes the initiative and-"

"For all you know he may feel you have moved on to some other guy?"

"That's ridiculous. Look how long it took me to get that date with him. I don't know any other guys."

"You know that, and I know that, but he doesn't know that. For all he knows you may have lots of boyfriends. You should be the one to call and say you had a great time and that you can't wait to see him again. Give fate a little push, you know, make him feel like you are crazy about him."

"I don't know."

"That's just your problem, you don't know. You think a handsome rich guy like that doesn't have women coming on to him all the time? You're probably the only lady that knows him that is not calling him right now."

"You think so?"

"Of course. Use your head. Oops, something's in the oven. Gotta go or it will burn."

Cynthia listened to the click at the end of the phone and then scrolled through the screen until she found Craig's number. She was just about to hit dial when her phone started ringing and his number started flashing onto her screen. Craig? Calling at the exact second she was about to call him?

"Hi! I was just about to call you."

"I bet you were. You've got me sitting here on pins and needles while you chat up all your other boyfriends."

"I don't have any other boyfriends, silly."

Cynthia suddenly kicked herself. Why was she giving away secrets about her non-existent love life when he was keeping all his juicy, private details close to his chest? He certainly wasn't telling her about the women in his life. Why was she spilling her guts?

"What's on your mind?" she asked seductively. "And you better answer that I am on your mind or I'll throw a tantrum."

"Actually, I was thinking about whether or not you checked into that pill I was telling you about?"

She suddenly became angry and lost it. But she tried to bite her tongue. Here she was, waiting in agony for him to call, and finally when he did, all he seemed worried about was some stupid pill. Did he not care about her at all? Had he not called to say he had a wonderful time and that he wanted to see her again? Besides, how could she possibly have left to hunt down some pill, when she had spent most of that night plus the following day in his arms? The thought then dawned on her that perhaps he was worried about outrageous child support payments. Some judges were good at adding zeros to your monthly check if the guy paying up was a multi-millionaire.

"You're worried about paying a few bucks a month should I be pregnant, is that it? I thought you called because you cared about me, no?"

"That too."

She sighed at his pitiful two word clarification. That too? That too??!! Hardly a ringing endorsement of the spectacular time they'd had together.

She felt like crying. It was always the same with men. They would hump your brains out and make you feel like a real woman, but after they'd had their fun, and the dust had settled, all they wanted to do was slip out the back door and make sure they were free to move onto their next conquest.

"Another reason I called," he added, "is because they're starting phantom of the opera tonight down at The Gala Theatre. I love going to grand openings, but I don't like going alone. I really would like to see you again, so-"

"I'd love to go," she blurted out, not giving him a chance to finish his sentence. She then sought to look less desperate.

"Not that I'm super anxious for a date per se, only I've always wanted to see Phantom of the Opera."

"Great," he said. "I'll be by your place at seven. Although, it we wanted dinner first, I should slip by earlier, say six?"

"Six works well," she lied. Knowing she'd have to call in sick to her workplace. Still she wasn't about to miss such a fabulous night out.


"I had a great time, as usual" she said, not wanting the evening to end as he stood out on the porch. They both knew there was no way she wasn't going to invite him in for coffee and sex. It wasn't just the sex she craved, but conversing with a guy who loved college sports and statistics as much as she did, a guy who shared her sense of humor, a guy who liked seeing shows and eating out. What woman didn't enjoy those things? He also made lots of eye contact with her, and seemed interested in the things she had to say, which she found non-existent in other men. Plus he was filthy rich. When you tossed into the mix the fact he was generous to a fault, and was extremely sweet, then she began to worry that such a fabulous catch like him might just be too good to be true. Her girlfriend Sandra's earlier warning was suddenly front and center in her mind. If Craig could easily have any woman he wanted then what was he doing with an overweight, middle aged plain looking black woman with no money? She immediately kicked herself for putting herself down. Had she not just, minutes earlier spewed out a half dozen perfectly good reasons why he might find her both desirable and special? She was probably the only woman on the planet so knowledgeable about the college sports world, and that was, after all, what interested him the most in life! He probably didn't like his women too skinny and he liked them humorous and down to earth like her, so she was exactly what he was looking for. So what was her problem? She hated the fact that she lacked such self-esteem and self-confidence.