Play Testers Wanted Pt. 11


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"What did she steal?" I asked as I dressed.

"The blueprints of the Great Machine, our machine!" The elder Ia' Kandri snarled. "Return it thief and we'll grant you oblivion. Do not and we shall send you to Mephisto."

"His ring! He wears the ring." Another of the shifters cried in surprise. "How can he wear it?"

"I am Anackire's champion." I said and that name carried great weight here. "Well, Druuna?"

"It never left this plane of existence. You want it, find it." She growled. "I'm not mad at you lover. You are wonderful."

"I know. So, what does this machine look like?" I asked as the elder shifter addressed me ignoring Druuna entirely.

"It appears as a layered crystalline sphere." He said and gestured. "Here. This is one of only six physical copies of the Great Machine." Another shifter handed him a gorgeous glass ball. It looked like it was made of stained-glass but there was more to it, I could feel it. He let me handle the model and I turned it this way and that. My first thought was either a complex holocron like device or sphere-shaped puzzle box. I switched the sphere to my left hand and the elder became quite upset. When the Byzantium ring and the exterior of the globe touched something happened. The interior of thing lit up and expanded to one hundred times its size and shifted from a solid to a holographic medium.

"Whoa!" I gasped seeing the intimate detail they went into. At the core of the Great Machine was a swirling Yin Yang power core. "No wonder she's so damn powerful." I said and bowed my head. Just outside the core were labeled quasi planes of existence. They represented the basic elements fire or energy, water or time, air or thought, and finally earth or matter. I reached out using my hand with the Byzantium ring on it and touched the slice representing the Elemental Plane of Fire. It expanded and we all got a window onto that realm. I expected to see volcanoes and a blasted landscape but instead was an ethereal beauty of blazing stars hovering within an infinity of stellar gas and a slithering miasma of energy and pyrotechnics. I touched the plane of water and to no one's surprise it was an eternal ocean and filled with an abundance of aquatic life. Some of the creatures looked familiar while others were gorgeously alien, and I felt the desire to mimic them on the spot. I touched the image again and it returned to the sphere.

Where those primary elements touched were demi planes of blended elements. Where fire and water meet you have steam, and many other combinations. I touched the Quasi-Plane of Lightning and I giggled aloud seeing the infinite realm of storms and living plasma. I squealed like a kid when a world-shattering blast of lightning arced across the 'sky' and the deafening boom shook the city like an aftershock. Things flew amongst the continent sized clouds but eluded my gaze.

"What is that?" I asked and the Ia' Kandri elder spoke.

"That? That is the Titan of Wrath... Stormbringer!" He said with head bowed and I found my mind reaching out to touch its mind. Did it even have what passed for a conscious mind?

'Stormbringer?' I whispered. Suddenly it broke from the clouds. The city sized entity turned its gaze towards me. Was this happening in real time? 'I am Ghost Fire great one.'

'I feel my power inside of you,' it replied as clouds rolled in above us. 'I feel it tied to you.'

'I adore lightning. I love thunder.' I admitted to it.

'Raise your limb and accept what comes.' It ordered. I lifted my left hand with the Byzantium ring skyward and the shifters and Druuna fled the immediate area. 'Strike!'

My world went white. The lightning struck the ring and from there the rest of my body. To my surprise I still stood and the only after effect was that all my meters were full and in the case of power was supercharged. The window to the demi-plane closed on its own. I had been dismissed. My body still crackled when I continued to examine the Great Machine. The connecting conduit between the elemental and prime or earthly plane is the Ethereal Plane. All the various parallel earths are located on this middle realm or multiverse. The second transitory realm is the Astral Plane. I felt the urge to touch this one. It had a feel of outer space. It was all empty save a few small objects drifting in the distance. I reached out and touched one of the objects drifting and tumbling end over end. The view zoomed in and was I wrong. The object wasn't tiny it was in fact colossal in size.

"There are markings on it," I said and zoomed in closer still. "Those are numbers. Wait. What the hell?! That makes no damned sense." I growled as the elder moved next to me and urged me to continue.

"Do not stop now," he stated. "You are so close to revelation."

I examined all the characters carefully and moved around the massive structure. Had this been a school or university? The clear mathematical script decorating its exterior seemed to indicate it. I found another of the mind bending 'magical equations' and it hurt my head. One side of the building described three-dimensional space invoking traditional height, length, and width. However, this side invoked sanity breaking negative space.

"Negative width? Negative length? Ugh!" I growled. "That symbol there," I gasped as I pointed to it. "Negative zero? No... it isn't positive or negative."

"The H'Shoosh, also known as the Builders, believed that zero and other numbers had three states." The elder stated as calmly as he could. "One was positive, one negative, and lastly was could best be described as a Zen state." He continued when he saw my confusion. "In the beginning there was the One, from the One came the Two, from the Two came the Three, and from the Three came the then thousand things. I hope that helps." He said.

Clear as mud I thought. I focused my attention on the concept of a negative zero. It stuck in my head and wouldn't relent. What was the point? Their point was negative space.

"But negative space can't exist." I snapped as my head began to hurt.

"It does champion and you use it quite often." The elder declared and let me mull it over. I felt the anger as unreason threatened to overwhelm me when I realized his point.

"Shadows! You are talking about shadows." I declared in a loud clear voice.

"Yes. Shadows shouldn't possess any substance and yet for you, they do." He added. Was the plane of shadows in fact a representation of negative three-dimensional space? Ugh my head!

"Show me the plane of shadow," I said touching the sphere. The astral plane vanished, and the map displayed a spot below the negative energy plane at the core of the machine. While the positive and negative swirled around each other they also reacted to one another. The form of this reaction was the shadow cast by the negative plane by the light of the positive. "Interesting. Do the H'Shoosh have a home world?" I asked the elder, but it was the hologram that answered my question. "Whoa, it is beautiful!"

The planet was dominated with violet clouds above a purple ocean. There were a mix of large and small land masses beneath the clouds. The H'Shoosh home was exotic and on another parallel universe. Perhaps one day I'd get the chance to visit them. Back to the Great Machine. I touched the Astral Plane and continued from there. The astral lead to the Upper and Lower spiritual realms. All the various after lives are located here from the saintly heavens to the diabolical hells. Wait, there is a third transition realm? "What the hell is that?"

"We do not speak of... I see... it is like the Astral or Ethereal, just older much older. Your people call it Sub or Hyper Space. It is also known as the space between spaces. Before you ask it leads to the Pale and Beyond the Pale. It is an alien place where logic and laws break down. Its inhabitants are dead gods and their demonic servitors." He said and shuddered. "Tread not to those places champion."

"I have no intention of setting foot anywhere near it." I said. "Do you hear that? It is making music." I said as I leaned over the orb and listened. There were multiple songs playing and yet there was a unifying theme. I began whistling and the air shimmered like hot asphalt on a sweltering summer's day. "Interesting." I memorized the tune and then isolated each sub melody and put them to memory as well. "How do I close this... oh!" I exclaimed as it closed on its own. "Why did you steal the blueprints?" I asked Druuna.

"Ha, shortcuts of course," she declared. "With the blueprints I was able to slip in and out of places you wouldn't believe." She laughed. "I have no regrets."

"I understand. You should have asked." I said and Druuna brushed me off. "Where can I rest and meditate on the problem?"

"This way Champion," the elder guided me to a glass gazebo. I sat and food was brought as hundreds camped out nearby and watching my every move.

The chance for clearing my thoughts was zilch. I called out and asked who had a question. They all did. I picked one and answered it. One by one the arms came down as I satisfied their curiosity. When I asked them to show me their shape shifting abilities I was astounded. They weren't limited to mimicking races or living things, but they could alter their forms to match anything from a rock to a patchwork quilt.

"Champion, you can shift, I can feel it," one of them stated instead of asking. They were backed up instantly. "Show us."

"Sure," I acquiesced knowing it was better to amuse the masses. My plan was simple to mimic heroes like the Iron Maiden, Captain America, and just for personal curiosity, the Black Widow. I never got beyond America's first Avenger when they made noises. "Fine. I will pick one of you and you call out a shape. Is that what you want?"

"Yes!" They eagerly roared.

"Oh boy, I'll do my best. I am nowhere as good as you." I said knowing that my shifting skill was only a twenty.

"You," I said pointing to a cute feline-ish female. She stood and asked me take up the shape of an Earth centaur. "Okay. Give me a second. I've never..." I said as I thought of all the books, movies, and RPG material covering the creature. I did my best. I squeezed my eyes shut and pushed. I heard claps of approval and looked over my shoulder. I was a Clydesdale sized centaur with the coloring of a silvery grey coat reminding me of Tolkien's Shadowfax.

I continued to take on all manner of terrestrial creatures and felt better as I tried shapes I never would have attempted normally. I was as small as a newt to the mass of a midsized whale. Then someone asked me to take on the shape of a New York pigeon. How many times had I avoided those rats with wings? It was an easy form to adopt. Then they asked the impossible.

"Fly!" One of them demanded. "Yes, Champion fly!" They all took up the chant and I nearly broke down in tears.

"I don't know how!" I screamed and they fell silent but weren't upset by my words.

"You haven't tried. Try." A child of the Ia' Kandri urged gently. "I'll help you." The small being walked over and mimicked me perfectly. "Like this great one." She giggled. "And then like so." She launched her body into the air as she took off. If a child can do that then so can I. I flapped my wings like a fiend and hopped. Hollow bones and nature of the form took over. It wasn't pretty that first flight of mine, but I flew damn it. The crowd began calling out new winged shapes for me to assume on the wing. I took on all manner of bird at first. I became a raven, a hawk, a seagull, and even a golden eagle. Then more esoteric and unusual shapes were demanded. Gargoyle. Harpy. Sphinx. Finally, a dragon was called for. I remembered her. I drew on my memory with the Shi'Ar dragon and not only did I take on her shape but her massive bulk, length, and wingspan.

"I am a dragon!" I roared forcing them to clap their hands over their ears. I couldn't breathe fire, but the shape alone was impressive. I reverted to a hummingbird and alighted on the elder's shoulder before hopping off and reverting to my natural state.

"Dark Elf!" They gasped.

"He is Her Champion," the elder reminded them. "He is our friend."

"I mean no one harm." I said. "How can I do these things? Have I just not pushed my skill enough?" The elder gave me a puzzled look. I asked again. "If you know can you please explain."

"I am truly confused Champion. You have in your possession one of the most potent shifting relics in existence, the Osirian Mask."

"You mean the Mask of Anubis." I said and he shook his head. "Please continue."

"I mean the Osirian Mask. It is a runic artifact from that august race." He said and I pulled down my HUD. I'll be damned. The mask's name had indeed changed. Had that massive DLC changed some of my equipment. It was marked as a rune mask. I pulled up its screen and looked at its abilities. Its primary ability was shapeshifting. It didn't have a level attached to it, had that changed too? Is that why Odin hadn't been able to pierce my disguise because I was in fact a human being or human shape? There was no illusion to pierce and so a perfect disguise.

"Who are the Osirians?" I asked and he spoke of an ancient race akin to the Asgardians who were ruled by beings such as Anubis, Bastet, Osiris, and others. Their children took after their parents, so they are known as offspring of the gods. Since it was a rune item I had long bonded to it and its deepest abilities mine to command. "I had no idea."

"Now Sir Champion, it is time to test your limits, if you will." The elder urged. "It might prove lifesaving or simply amusing. You," he said pointing to a female of his race. "...take on the shape of a comely humanoid female."

"Yes Elder," she purred. "So many to choose from. I know just the one!" She declared as she ran both hands upward through her short thin hair in a gesture that reminded me of Hela the goddess of death. Instead of the stark black antlers she instead grew a long translucent mane of crystalline hair. Her once round chubby face was now triangular, angled, and extremely elfin. The same was true of the rest of her facial features. The girl's eyes were now narrow angled sockets filled with two glowing orbs of silvery white light spilling out. Her high-born cheeks gave her a cold yet awe inspiring beauty that no mortal runway model could hope to duplicate. Even her small full mouth had a chilly cruel smile on it. A long narrow neck met broad proud shoulders and naked I could see her full pouty breasts topped with crystal nipples that made me wonder how they tasted.

"Farseer, of course," the Elder smiled mirroring her own pride. "A dead race that were too aloof to save themselves." He explained.

I looked back and her transformation was complete. Just below her gorgeous breasts was the first of two diaphragms. When she breathed there was an odd double action. The first was what I was accustomed to, the second diaphragm was located parallel to where her belly button should be. The lower muscles moved just a few seconds before the upper expanded. Her limbs were long, delicate, and again gave the sense of an almost elvish nature. Her hands and feet were a bit odd possessing four fingers/toes and two opposing thumbs/toes on the sides of the extremities. She touched fingers to thumbs in a dexterity check and smiled once she grew accustomed to the extra thumb. She then wiggled her toes all six of them.

"She must find you attractive," the Elder mused. "That is one of her favorite forms for mating."

"Ah, I..." I fumbled and he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Relax, it is just sex. Now follow me and try to follow my instructions the best you can. Don't beat yourself up if you fail the first time."

The girl lay on the grass with arms outstretched and legs partially parted. I stood next to her and she smiled up at me. Druuna was nearby sitting uphill from us watching intently.

"Okay, relax and take on the form of a flat silk sheet." The Elder stated. "I know it appears to be taking on the form of a nonliving object. Think of it this way. There is a race of Symbiotes that bond to their hosts... you've encountered them before?"

"My armor is symbiotic by nature. I'll give it a shot." I said. "Form of a puddle." I closed my eyes and imagined a flat puddle of water.

"Good! Excellent!" I heard above me. It sounded so strange when the elder spoke. I felt the sound as much as I heard it. The sound seemed to bounce off every inch of skin I had. "Red silk." He said reminding me. I had owned black silk sheets back in the day. I remembered how cool and slick they felt. I just imagined ruby colored version of that. "Perfect, now the hard part. Move your body to cover hers."

I opened my eyes and wow was that shocking. I could see from every inch of skin facing skyward able to absorb light. I imagined slithering and failed. I tried all manners of locomotion and they all failed.

'Ghost. You are way overthinking it,' my armor whispered. 'Slide man, think of the ground as a patch of ice and just slide boss man.'

I slid. I flowed. I felt her body heat as I touched her foot. She wiggled it and giggled. I built upon my successes. I covered her feet and moved upward. It was sensual I hoped. It was slow going and she didn't seem to mind. I was mid-thigh before I knew it. I took in her changing scent as her arousal grew. When I first touched her groin, her hips lifted, and she whimpered. I could feel her skin prickle and her body shiver in anticipation.

"Yes." She moaned so soft I almost missed it.

I touched her stomach and her lower diaphragm. Her breath increased as my body caressed her. She ground against me and urged me upward. When I flowed over breasts, she nearly climaxed. Her hardened nipples became a pleasant obstacle to overcome. I ended my progression at her shoulder blades. Her whispers begged for my touch. That was awkward at best. I imagined lips wrapping around those prominent nipples and she reacted positively. Her scent flooded my consciousness. I tapped into my time in Hentie's form. I nudged between her thighs and they yielded to me. She spread her legs for me.

"Make me cum!" She vocalized as her ass left the ground. "UNNNN!! Sneaky Champion!!" She cried out as I formed a tongue and lapped at her jeweled lips. "More! Quit teasing me!" She snapped.

'You asked for it lady,' I thought as I altered the tongue into a full-fledged tentacle. 'How is this?'

"UNNN UNNNN UNNNNN," she grunted as the tentacle drove in and out of her. I never tasted Farseer before. I wonder what flavor her ass was. Let's find out. "IRK!! Foul Champion... you invade unexplored territories." She gasped in surprise. I began withdrawing the second tentacle when she cried out a second time. "Wait! Not so hasty! MMMMM!! My ass is yours, invade me... break me...I am succumbed."

Her climax was as intense as it was spectacular to behold. She was on her belly now, with ass high in the air and the only sign of any activity on my part a subtle ripple across my surface. My constant thought was 'man was Steph and the others in for a surprise'. I pumped her full of cock milk and she adored me for it. Exhausted we fell asleep like that, her naked under a red silk blanket.

I dreamt of a cracked sphere and slipping through the cracks to places forgotten and familiar. Was this the thing that Druuna had been exploiting? Was it the same thing that Loki had used during the dark world scenario? Were there gaps that even Heimdall couldn't perceive? That would make life interesting. Were their ancient places lost and ready for plundering? I hoped so. I awoke with the girl cuddling me and I had returned to my natural state.

"Well done Champion," the Elder said as I opened my eyes. "Will you help us find the blueprints?"

"Absolutely," I said as the girl kissed me hungrily and I felt something pass between us. "What was that?"