Playboy Killed My Marriage Pt. 01

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Playboy magazine was the death of my marriage.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/11/2023
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Playboy Was Born Again but My Marriage Died - Part 1

This story is dedicated to the memory of the beautiful Janet Lupo, Playboy Playmate of the Month, November 1975.


Playboy magazine killed my marriage to the most loving and devoted husband on the planet. But if I'm being totally honest, I was the one who really killed my marriage. Playboy just happened to be an instrument I used to do it. I have no delusions about making Playboy the scapegoat here. The responsibility for mortally wounding my soon-to-be ex-husband and my marriage rests squarely on my shoulders.

Those of you who enjoy soft-porn probably noticed that a couple of years ago, Playboy magazine pretty much died a slow and painful death. The proliferation of adult content on the Internet rendered paper and online soft-porn magazines impotent. For some older men like my husband (and possibly some older women in the lesbian community), the loss of this iconic magazine was unthinkable. Those folks grew up with classy centerfolds fueling their adolescent fantasies and masturbation sessions. The baby boomers especially felt that the magazine would just always be around; there would always a new Playmate of the Month. The death of the magazine inevitable. It was apparent that when Playboy went the online route, they would be competing with purveyors of hard-core porn who had been in the industry for decades. They were pros at it, while Playboy just couldn't get any traction with their online format.

About a year ago, the owners of the now defunct Playboy logo and franchise came up with an idea to revive the magazine that would ultimately make them loads of money. Before launching their initiative to bring the magazine back into circulation, they contracted with a top Madison Avenue marketing firm and commissioned several exhaustive studies to test their idea. Those studies revealed that if Playboy's content was aimed strictly at those 40 to 60 years of age, the product launch would be highly successful, and that success was sure to be sustained over the long haul. They cited as an example, former playmate, the deceased Janet Lupo. Demand was so high for photographs of Janet that at age 48 she started her own website. And keep in mind that Janet's breasts were all natural triple Ds. She aged gracefully and that seemed to be a turn on for many older and even younger men. For men in this age demographic, the slight sag wasn't looked upon as a scourge of maturity. Quite the contrary. In some ways, older men found this more sexy than the young women with plastic filled breasts, butt implants, and airbrushed photos that dominate the soft-core industry today. Janet was getting requests for public appearances even in her early 60s. Sadly, she died at age 67. But many people believe that had she not gotten sick, there would still be demand for contemporary nude photos of her. This was all the more justification for Playboy to bring their idea to fruition and bring the magazine back with an older target audience.

The marketing pros told them that younger men were not interested in seeing the traditional Playboy content and photos. The preference for those guys ran much hotter and in some ways crude to a degree of being offensive. This devolved over time due to the easy and free availability of the more prurient material that would appeal to that age group. Further studies showed that men in the 40 plus age demographic would want to see beautiful older women who were closer to their age. I'll call those women early Generation X and younger Baby Boomer MILFs. Housewives in this age bracket were especially appealing. It seems the men on whom the market study was done loved to fantasize about other men's wives.

With that as a backdrop, let me tell you about me and my ex-husband. This will provide you with context for the rest of this sad tale. My name is Amber Lynn Arthur. At the time the events in this story took place, I was 42 years old. I hail from Charlotte, North Caroline. My husband, Rocco Mancuso, was born and raised on the streets of Brooklyn. We came from backgrounds that couldn't have been more different, yet we were incredibly compatible. We both attended New Amsterdam University in upstate New York, and we met when I transferred into the school in my senior year.

While I was your typical southern belle with that cute little North Carolina twang, Rocco fits the New York Italian stereotype to a tee. (Having lived in New York for two decades, my southern twang is almost completely non-existent, except when I get very excited or angry.) When I met Rocco, my first thought was that the guy was an Adonis. He was about 5' 10" and weighed in at 200 pounds of solid muscle. He had that suave New York Italian way about him that just swept me off my feet. But deep down, he was a gentle giant. I won't bore you with all the minutiae from our year of dating or our early marriage. Suffice it to say that it was love at first sight for both of us. We fell very much in love on our first date, moved in together shortly thereafter, and married the month after we graduated, June 2002. Rocco was a civil engineer and I graduated with a degree in accounting. We both got outstanding jobs in New York City, and that's where we've spent the entirety of our 20-year marriage. Unfortunately, we were not blessed with children due to a problem with my ovaries that was diagnosed shortly after we married. But the lack of children did not shake the stability of our relationship as has sadly happened to so many other couples.

While in college, Rocco had joined the New York National Guard. He thought this was a way for him to give back to the community and the country he loved and also to pick up some extra cash with which to pay for his college expenses. Unfortunately, when the second Gulf War broke out in 2003, he was deployed as a young second lieutenant in a combat engineering battalion in the thick of the action. And being apart from him for a year until he rotated home was unbearable. But thank God he came out of it okay. He retired as a "full bird" Colonel from the National Guard about a year ago.

One thing about Rocco that I thought was kind of strange when we first started dating is that he is absolutely obsessed with Playboy magazine. Some guys collect cars, some collect stamps, and some have other reasonably sane "men's hobbies." But Rocco collects Playboy magazine. After the third or fourth time I spent the night at his apartment when we first started seeing each other, I asked him about it. "Rocco. I have to ask. What's up with all the Playboy magazines?"

He explained that his mom died when he was in high school. And his father and older brother would always buy Playboy every month. With no women in the house, issues of the magazine would stockpile and would be laying around forever. Naturally, with hormones kicking in, the magazine spent many a night with Rocco in his room while he was playing, how shall we say, a single organ solo.

He told me, "Back in those days, it's a wonder I didn't wear out my cock. But I don't want you to think that I'm a weirdo. Once I discovered the world of dating, I put that habit behind me for the most part, although occasionally during a dry spell I might still default to that relief method. As I got older, I just liked the magazine. I don't want you to think that this is an obsession. It's just a hobby. I really do think that all the Playmates are classy and professionally photographed. There's nothing obscene about them. They are just beautiful woman and being a guy, I like to admire them. Some of the back issues have become extremely rare and can fetch quite a price. I'll also occasionally go to shows featuring the older Playmates where you can also purchase back issues and memorabilia from vendors. So, please don't think I have some weird and creepy sexual practices. I promise you that I'm no pervert."

Eventually, when we started living together, Rocco and I would watch the monthly Playmate videos and special editions. That morphed into my acting out some of the vignettes myself. And that really got Rocco all worked up. I guess you can say that it became an obsession for me as well. But hey, don't knock it. We've had a very healthy and varied monogamous sex life for the more than two decades we've been together. And we've both been completely faithful. "Whatever floats your boat," as they say.

Rocco's other hobby is videography and photography. He loves filming and editing. Sometimes when we're on vacation, he goes a little nuts filming our excursions and turning them into virtual documentaries. At one point not too long ago, Rocco asked that rather than just act out the Playboy vignettes, how I would feel about him filming me. For some reason, this proved to be a real turn on for me. Whenever we'd decide to shoot a Playmate's scene, we'd watch the original video together and study it. I would surprise Rocco by purchasing near exact matches of the lingerie the playmates were wearing in their scenes. And Rocco stepped up his game with his video equipment, purchasing professional quality stuff.

After we amped up our game and started filming near professional quality Playboy-type vignettes with me as the video centerfold, our sex life reached new heights. Usually, when we completed the filming sessions, we rutted like animals for hours. Then after Rocco edited the shoots, we had repeat performances. I know that it sounds a little weird. But as I said, you shouldn't knock whatever works to keep the sex spark firing after twenty years of marriage. Believe it or not, our sex life up until the time the events in this story took place, was even more fulfilling than when we first met.

Rocco and I had three favorite video Playmates. Number one as our all-time favorite by far was Amy Leigh Andrews, Playmate of the Month for April 2010. I think Rocco liked her so much because, according to him, I could have passed as her twin. I'm short like her (only 5' 4") and have nearly the same body type, measurements, and shoulder length strawberry blonde hair. My boobs are a tad bigger. According to her Playmate Data Sheet, Amy's measurements are 34C-24-36. I come close with two differences: I'm a D cup and size 38 hips instead of her 36. Of course, being over 40, I have a little sag in the boob department, and my hips seem to have gotten a bit wider with age. But with proper exercise and diet, I've managed to fight off the battle of the bulge and keep cellulite at least for now. But overall, I must admit, I'm Amy's spitting image, especially facial features, hair, and height.

Number 2 on our list is Ida Ljungqvist, Playmate of the Month for March 2008, and Playmate of the Year for 2009. She is half Tanzanian and half Swedish and has just the right amount of African mystique about her to project a super-charged air of sensuality.

And last on our list is Heather Rae Young, Miss February 2010. She's a bit taller than most of the Playmates and unlike our other two favorites, has that innocent "girl next door" kind of look. Amy and Ida just ooze unbridled sex, while Heather exudes a softer, more subdued sensuality.

It was about 6 months ago when something happened that is central to my story. As I said earlier, Playboy was reborn. And that put our marriage on the road to destruction.

The Playboy bigshots decided that for the first year, with the relaunch focusing on more mature models, they would publish a video magazine six times a year, featuring a Playmate Video Centerfold with companion photo shoot. They already had several major sponsors lined up, so funding wasn't a problem. Their first issue, though, would generate paper thin margins. It would take several issues to build consistent revenue that would justify the magazine's continuation. The key is whether or not it would sell as robustly as the marketing people predicted. If things worked out, they would consider a paper magazine down the road.

One evening, Rocco came home all excited. He read about the resurgence of Playboy in one of his videography magazines. And he showed me an announcement put out by Playboy asking for amateur housewives in the 40 to 50 age group to try out for the first Video Centerfold of the Month. Rocco was brimming with enthusiasm, and he was hyperventilating when he broached the subject with me. I must admit, I was getting a little excited myself, but I didn't want Rocco to know that I was all-in just yet. We really had to think this through.

"Slow down there, stud. While I admit that this sounds like an awesome opportunity for us to take our 'hobby' to another level, we've got a few things to consider. First and foremost, assuming I win the contest, and that's a very big 'if,' what about my job? I'm not sure how I would feel about the whole office seeing me naked and whether they would continue to treat me as a professional."

"Yeah. I get it. But look...We've been talking about you quitting and opening your own accounting practice for quite some time. With the money you'll win, that'll make up a good portion of the capital you'll need to get started. The winner will get $250,000 plus endorsements and extras for appearing at Playboy events. With what we have saved, you'll be in great shape. And when you win Playmate of the Year, they're advertising an additional $500,000 payout."

"Wow. I'm really impressed that you have that level of confidence in my 42 year-old body. Okay. Suppose we do give it a shot. What about family?"

"Well, of course, that's a consideration. I admit that if our parents were alive, we wouldn't be able to do this. I don't have any immediate family other than my brother. He and I aren't close at all. And you have one sister and a couple of cousins. I think we're good on that front as well. Your sister and her husband seem liberal-minded. Neither of our siblings have any children under the age of eighteen. And you never speak with your cousins any way. And as for friends and co-workers, hell...I'd love for them to get a look at what I come home to every night and how lucky I am. And if they find it offensive, then screw them. Babe...c'mon...I think we've really got to do this."

"But you know, Rocco, I'm not 20 anymore. I'm 42. It's gonna be hard for me to compete against professional models."

"Don't be ridiculous. First, they're not looking for models. Read the advertisement. They're going for the everyday housewife look. That's their target. And we both work out regularly anyhow. You're in great shape. Come on babe, you've got the best body in the neighborhood. I bet most of the men around here, and that includes the younger guys too, would give a fortune to have you for one night. You look better than most women half your age. I get hard just thinking that so many men would want you but only I get to have you."

"Flattery will get you everywhere, mister. You're starting to convince me, Rocco, and also starting to get my motor revved up. I'm getting wet just thinking about all the guys who'll be looking at my photos and the video and even jerking themselves off to them. Tell you what...Take me to your bed and we'll start planning tomorrow morning." We had a month to submit photos and a video, but knowing Rocco, the video and photos would be submitted in a few days.

Little did I know that Rocco's comment about men paying a fortune for me was so very prescient. For the time being, however, the more I thought about this, the more excited I became. I was convinced. In hindsight, I really should have thought about this whole thing more critically.

The next morning was a Saturday and we got up for an early morning run. After breakfast, we started planning full speed ahead. We spent the morning reviewing the submission requirements and laid out a timeline for what we needed to do. The video needed to be ten minutes long and it had to be accompanied by photos. I needed one professional head shot, 4 in lingerie, and 5 nudes in various poses. We then watched all the vignettes that were available for our three favorite Playmates. We immediately dismissed Heather Rae Young. Her primary video was a shower scene. That would be too complicated to pull off. And our body types were way too different. Once we got beyond that, we just assumed we would use an Amy Leigh Andrews' vignette because of the resemblance. But after giving it some thought and watching all the videos a second time, we decided on one done by Ida Ljungqvist. We really liked the exotic nature of her shoot. Even though I'm white and Ida is black, we thought with the right lighting and outfits, we could pull it off and the setting and mood of the video would make me appear to be more alluring.

We spent Saturday afternoon shopping for the outfits I would wear, and Sunday we readied the rooms in our home in which we would film. We had all the lighting and equipment set up. We planned to take off Monday and Tuesday to do the actual filming and editing. I got a mani-pedi Sunday and arranged with a professional stylist to come over Monday morning to do my hair and make-up. Because we were playing to an older audience, I decided to stick with my landing strip in favor of a completely bare kitty. I did some research and from what I can tell, older men like a little hair down below, while the younger set prefers the bare look. Although I'm a slightly darker shade of blonde than my hair in that area, in order for it to be noticed on film, I have to grow it out a bit. So, it's a little bushier than the landing strips you see on nude models from the 1990s, but still very neatly trimmed and symmetrical on the sides. The rest of me is waxed bare.

I only needed one outfit for the video, and I tried to match it as closely as I could to that which Ida wore. When you open her video, Ida, wearing a black bra and a black belly dancer, non-see-through panel skirt (also called a "Gorean" or Princess Leia style high slit slave skirt), is first seen strutting like a runway model through a hall from one room to another. The two panels on her skirt are comprised of dark black fabric. The front and back panels are each 6 inches wide and run loosely down to just below the ankles. The front panel has a dozen or so frilly black tassels that dangle about 3 inches down from the waist. The back panel is made from thicker fabric and doesn't move as freely as the front panel. Both panels are connected with a thin chorded fabric that acts as a waistband just like on a high-hip style panty. The hips and legs are completely bare except for this waistband. This really accentuates the swaying of the hips. And given that my hips are considerably wider than Ida's, the hip action when walking is accentuated even more. There are no built-in panties, and it doesn't appear that Ida is wearing any. You can't really tell for sure from her video because the front and back panels are so dark and are just wide enough to shield her ass and her pussy. Rocco thinks it's hot that when she moves her hips enough, the front panel falls forward away from her tummy just enough to imagine but not really see that there isn't anything underneath. I'll go without the panties, which seems a bit more wicked anyway. When strutting, the panel material will shift from left to right in front and back with each step. Occasionally the front panel, because it's constructed of lighter fabric, will bunch, and collect in between both legs while walking, but then shift out again right to left within several steps. This movement, accompanied by belly dancer music, really gives the video a subtle erotic undertone.

I didn't really care for the bra that Ida wore in her video. It seems a bit too constricting. While it revealed a fair amount of cleavage, since Ida's breasts were obviously enhanced, there's not a whole lot of breast movement under her bra. And since I'm 20 years older than Ida was when she made the video, I wanted to go for something that would make my natural older breasts jiggle just enough to add more tease to the viewer. I chose a simple thin string, barely-there bikini top. My areola are quite large, so I had to use a top that was sure to cover them completely. One other thing that I had to consider with the top was whether I wanted to add more tease with erect nipples poking the fabric. Ida didn't have that issue because, as I mentioned, she wore a thick bra. With a thin bikini top, I thought this might be a sexy addition. Having said that, I would have to do something to get my nipples hard anyway, since I would absolutely need that effect after I removed my top in the scene. I'm pretty sure Rocco would be more than willing to assist with this. In fact, he would insist on it. With Ida, although I'm not 100% sure about this, since she had a breast augmentation, her nipples might have been cosmetically altered to be pointy all the time.