Playing "The Game" Ch. 03

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The Game pushes Olivia further.
6.3k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/18/2019
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For the next week Olivia focused on everything but The Game. It was her first week of college classes and she knew how lucky she was to be there. Keeping her scholarship was the only way she could stay at such a good school, so working hard was her top priority. Olivia spent her free time in the library studying or attending extra workshops to make sure she understood everything. She was more determined than ever before.

During the evenings she attended different events for new students. There was a party on her floor for all first year students. Her program ran a couple of events to help students meet the faculty and learn more about what was coming up. There was even a party at a local bar she went too. Sometimes she went on her own accord, mostly to the ones that had to do with her studies, and sometimes Charlotte had to drag her to them. Olivia always had a good time though. Life at school was going just how she hoped and playing The Game started to become less of a thought.

*** The Game "Headquarters" ***

"FUCK!" Mark yelled while looking at his computer.

"What?" asked Steve turning away from the porn on his computer.

"These fucking bitches are not playing out game as much now that class has started," Mark was angry, "we put all of this work into making this game so they can be the sluts they want to be and this is what they do? Typical fucking cunts."

Steve sat there for a minute thinking. Looking back at the porn on his screen, and then back at Mark. It was like a lightbulb went off in his head.

"Woah, Mark, I have an idea," Steve started, "what about making, like, a website that has all of the videos on it?"

"You mean like a Pornhub or something?" Mark asked not fully understanding.

"No, no, like a pay site, like people can pay to view the videos or something."

Mark thought about it for a few minutes, thinking about all of the options. "Hmmm, we would have to blur their faces though otherwise we are 100% getting sued somehow."

Mark and Steve weren't stupid, that's why they had so much fineprint, they knew they had to protect themselves somehow.

"And we could tell the stupid cunts that there is a cash reward from the funds on the site for the winner!" Steve added laughing with Mark, "they are all so fucking dumb."

*** Olivia ***

It was Friday night now and finally her first week of class was over. Of course there was more work to do, more reading, more studying, but for the first time she decided to just lay back on her bed and relax for a minute. She grabbed her phone and started her regular routine of scrolling through Instagram until the inevitable point where there was nothing new.

She closed her phone and closed her eyes thinking back on the week that had just passed, and the week coming up. As she relaxed and her mind floated The Game started to rear its ugly head in her thoughts. She started to think back on all of the tasks she had completely, and she could feel her body react immediately.

Olivia's hand grabbed her phone again and opened The Game app, "maybe if I just play on the weekends," she justified to herself. As the app opened there was an immediate pop-up with new information.

"We have exciting news! We have added a new part to The Game that is sure to entice! You will now see a link that directs you to The Archive. The Archive is a website where people can pay to see the videos of your tasks online! Isn't that exciting?

Don't worry though, all of your faces are blurred, no one will know who you are. And! We are using the proceeds from the site to offer a cash grand prize to the winner of The Game! Keep playing to win!"

While reading this notification Olivia went through a rollercoaster of emotions. First her stomach sank and her face went bright red, her heart beat out of her chest and she started to panic. The news that there would be a website where people could watch the videos was too much, it was going to ruin her life. Then she read the part about faces being blurred and she relaxed a little bit. Her mind started to realize no one would know who she was except Charlotte and that she could live that, her heart calmed down, the knot in her stomach eased, she felt a little better. Olivia still thought it was fucked up that they people running The Game would do this, but at least now she could live with it. And finally her heart beat a little faster again when she read about the cash prize at the end. She could use the money, she needed the money. Her mind started to think about winning and what it would mean, even though she had no idea how much money it would be.

As Olivia finished reading the notification the logical part of her was making her say things that made sense. "I can't keep playing", "I don't want to have anymore videos on this website", "I should just delete the app". All of these thoughts went through her head, but underneath it all the excitement, the risk, the fun she had started to work its way back up. And through all of the emotions, all of the ups and downs of the last few minutes there was one constant. Her pussy was getting wetter and wetter.

Her finger closed the notification and she went to the leaderboard to check her positioning again. She scrolled through the list to find her place, 57. "Fuck!" she said realizing she had dropped 11 places over the last week. It was clear that most players didn't go as far as her, but still there were a lot that went further. As she started to work her thoughts through the next steps Charlotte walked into the room and Olivia exited the app.

For most of the weekend Olivia and Charlotte hung out doing a variety of things. There was a party, they studied, they ate, nothing extraordinary, but Olivia enjoyed it. It wasn't until Sunday night when she was finally alone and bored again. Charlotte had gone out for dinner with her family again leaving Olivia to her own devices.

As she laid there thinking again her hand opened The Game. It was as if her body knew that it was the only option. First she decided to try The Archive since all players got to use it for free. She went through and watched videos of other girls doing the same tasks as her. Twerking, dancing, stripping, masturbating and cumming. She wished there were faces on the videos so she could match people she has seen in real life with what was happening on the screens, "fuck that would be so hot," she said to herself. As more videos streamed in front of her eyes her other hand reached down into her shorts and started to rub her soaking wet pussy. There was nothing to stop her, no timer, no task, no Charlotte. She scrolled and watched and rubbed until a smooth orgasm ran through her body soaking her fingers. She brought them up to her mouth and sucked them clean. It was a strange act for her, someone usually so reserved, so inexperienced, and now sucking their cum covered fingers clean without direction. All it did was somehow make Olivia more turned on.

She excited The Archive and went to the main app seeing the familiar words up on the screen.

Level 10 Completed!

Level 11?

She clicked "Yes" and moved on. Some words popped up on the screen with more explanation.

"Congratulations, you made it to Level 11! From now one the tasks and levels will be less structured, possibly longer, and overall not as organized. Have fun!"

The message was a little weird. Olivia wondered why they even mentioned it, but she also thought that maybe it was good to not necessarily expect five tasks for each level and then get thrown for a loop. She continued.

Task 1?

"Yes" again. Olivia now laying on her stomach.

Task 1: Wear Thong During Next Day


Olivia frowned. That was it? "Wear a thong?" Her eyes went to the timer, 23:59:47, almost twenty four hours to complete the task. "Just when I was getting excited to play the game again this is the task they give me? Fuck."

Olivia spent the rest of the night watching videos on The Archive and having nice slow orgasms until Charlotte returned home. They watched a movie on Netflix together while Olivia's mind kept wandering through all of the videos she had watched. She wondered if any of them had been Charlotte.

The next morning as Olivia was starting to get dressed she almost forgot about the task. Her heart skipped a beat when she remembered, and realized how close she was to having everything sent out to her contacts. She pulled down the leggings she had on, removed the boyshorts, and pulled on a black thong before replacing the leggings again. She looked at the app and checked the task as it was still running. "Well fuck".

Olivia didn't like wearing thongs. She didn't like how they rode up and how they left her ass exposed. Thongs were also never allowed in her house growing up. The couple of pairs she had she had to hide all through high school. Being able to wear one whenever she wanted was liberating, the only issue was that she didn't even like them.

Olivia spent the day in class, the library, food hall and back in class wearing the thong she had to wear. If it wasn't for that constant piece of material riding up her ass she wouldn't have even known she was completing a task for The Game.

Finally her day came to an end. She walked back to her room and was happy to find Charlotte wasn't there because it meant she could remove the stupid thong she had one. "Thank god," she said while taking it off. Olivia decided to replace her thong with a pair of regular white panties and a pair of shorts. She sat down at her desk and opened The Game. The screen showed the regular words.

Task 1 Completed!

Task 2?

Olivia looked at the words for a minute. Today's task wasn't fun, it wasn't enjoyable, it didn't make her feel especially sexy or slutty or turned on. It made her feel dirty, used, like she was just something for someone else's pleasure. Wearing a thong all day when she didn't want to, it just wasn't for her. She wasn't sure if she wanted to play anymore. Her finger instead of pressing "Yes" went to the leaderboard. "Really?" she said annoyed. Somehow she completed a task and still dropped a place to 58. Maybe it was the anger of dropping places, maybe it was her still wanting to win the game, to win something, or maybe it was her pussy, her desires driving her on. "Yes."

Task 2: No Panties and No Bra


No Panties, No Bra. Olivia said the words out loud, "No panties, no bra," as she moaned. Her hand went down and started to rub her cunt over her shorts. It was amazing how quickly she went from being pissed off at The Game to loving it. Olivia had never gone without panties before. And now she was going to go out in public without them. She thought about what her family would say, her sister, her mom and especially her dad. What would they think of their little girl, the good catholic daughter that they raised going out without anything under her clothes. A louder moan rang out as she rubbed her cunt harder.

Unfortunately her time alone was cut short as Charlotte walked in from class. Olivia quickly pulled her hand up from between her legs before her roommate noticed anything, unless you count the flushedness of her face.

Charlotte and Olivia went out for dinner and talked like they usually did. Olivia filled her roommate in on The Game a little more. Trying not to say too much, but at the same time knowing that everything she had done was almost certainly something most girls had done at some point, or at least heard of. Olivia was horny the whole night, turned on from her little time rubbing her pussy thinking about tomorrow. The only problem was Charlotte never left her alone long enough to take care of it. As the night wore on Olivia finally fell asleep, her mind on fire just like her pussy. She couldn't wait for tomorrow.

*** The Game "Headquarters" ***

Mark and Steve both continued to develop The Game. Their biggest issue was trying to come up with more tasks. There had to be a balance between pushing the girls further, and not scaring them off. It wasn't as easy as they thought it would be.

"Fuck man, these sluts are really starting to turn me on, I can't believe they are doing what they are doing," Steve said while watching one of the videos, faces uncovered.

"I know... but coming up with these tasks is hard man, we don't want the bitches to stop playing, but we need to get them to be nasty too..." Mark trailed off.

"I wonder how far they will go... fucking sluts."

*** Olivia ***

Olivia pulled up a pair of leggings on to her legs. As the material came up and ran up over her ass there was a weird sensation. Not having any panties on was weird, and new, and exciting. The material continued up until her pussy was also covered, the tight lycra squeezing up and running along her moist lips. As she pulled her leggings up further the seam ran up in between her pussy causing her to hold in a moan. She pulled a t-shirt over her head, the material coming down and brushing against her nipples. Olivia realized right then that the whole day would involve material rubbing up against her most sensitive areas, she could feel the sensation already.

As she walked to class the leggings rubbed against her clit, the t-shirt moved against her nipples, and the whole time she was getting more and more turned on. The logical part of her hated what she had gotten herself into, having to go against everything she was before coming to college. No one would have thought she would ever be commando and going to class. But her body always fought back, always pushed her to do more. Right now it was all just fun and games, there was some risk, but nothing she couldn't take back. Experimenting was something college girls did. Sure her parents would yell at her, be mad, and maybe not want her to come home for awhile, but nothing she had done couldn't be taken back, brushed off at some point as an experiment. Or at least that's what Olivia kept telling herself.

She sat in the back of her boring History class trying to pay attention to what the professor was saying but kept having trouble concentrating. Through the day her clothes kept rubbing her and turning her on more and more, her cunt was so wet she was worried it was beginning to show through her leggings. Being this turned on made it difficult to think about anything else. She opened her phone and looked at The Game.

Task 2 Completed!

Task 3?

She had already finished the task of going commando so she could go back and put some panties on if she wanted too, but that thought never really entered her mind. Her eyes went back up to the front of the class, the professor continued to drone on about something. Usually Olivia would be focused on class, focused on not losing her scholarship, not disappointing anyone, but right now she was too turned on to think about anything else. She pressed "Yes".

Task 3: Masturbate


Reading the words sent a shock down through Olivia's body right to her pussy. What had she done? How was she going to masturbate in five minutes? And why was this task only five minutes when the last two were 24hrs. All of these thoughts ran through her head as she was still sitting in her seat. 4:43, 4:42, 4:41. Her time was running out already and she needed to figure this out. Even though she convinced herself that everything she had done could be forgiven she knew that she didn't want to test it out. "What the fuck am I going to do?" she asked herself.

One thing was for sure she couldn't do it here in class. She grabbed her things and snuck out the back of class, the professor giving her a bad look as she did. This was not going to help her grade she thought as she walked away from class. Olivia looked at the app and saw that it was down to under 4 minutes now, 3:58, 3:57, 3:56. Her pace picked up as she kept looking for somewhere to go, somewhere she could finally masturbate. Thankfully her eyes picked out a washroom sign in the distance and she ran towards it. Bursting in she found an open stall and dropped her things. 3:05, 3:04, 3:03. She was surprised that she still had that much time left. Her eyes went down to the toilet seat and she wondered if she should sit down. It looked gross, and dirty, and not like a place where she would want to sit and get off. Instead she decided to stand, pulling her leggings down below her ass, exposing her dripping hole to the air.

Olivia started to rub her pussy and closed her eyes, her mind letting the feeling wash over her. She felt so dirty doing what she was doing. In a dirty washroom rubbing her pussy because she was basically dared to do it, dared or have your life ruined. The thought made her sink a finger into her hole. She was a good catholic girl she tried telling herself, she was a good person, and yet she was doing something so slutty her mind could hardly comprehend it. A second finger slid into her and she started fuck herself. Her foot came up and rest on the toilet giving her more access. The Game updated.

Task 3 Completed!

Task 4?

Olivia didn't care right now, she just needed to cum. Her two fingers kept driving themselves into her hungry cunt, her other hand joined and started to rub her clit. The door to the washroom opened and she tried to stay quiet. The intruder entered the stall next to Olivia and her heart started to beat harder and harder. She couldn't stop her fingers from fucking herself though. The feelings were too strong, the desire was taking over. The sound of the wetness was starting to increase as the rush of having someone beside her was driving her on.

"Uh... is someone there?" a voice came from beside her. She didn't know what to do, but it was obvious she was there.

"Uh... oh god... ya..." she struggled to get out as her embarrassment grew and her orgasm was rising.

"Holy shit, are you masturbating in there?" the voice returned with a chuckle of disbelief.

Does she lie? Does she try to stop and pretend she was doing something else? The thoughts went through Olivia's head, but nothing made sense, so she blurted out.

"Yes... oh fuck...mmmmmm... Ugh..." she replied, fucking herself harder. The shame of doing what she was doing was too much, it turned her on to a new level, it was like a switch was flipped, she couldn't hold it anymore. "FUCKKKKKK YESSSS..." she screamed out not caring who was beside her, who was listening. Her body shook from the orgasm as it coursed through her body. She collapsed down onto the toilet seat, sitting on the place she tried to avoid, her pussy rubbing up against the dirty seat.

Outside the stall she heard the sink running, her neighbour washing her hands. The water shut off and she heard the words.

"Wow, I can't believe what a nasty slut you are."

The door to the washroom opened and creaked closed. Olivia dropped her head into her hands and started crying. Her world was slowly starting to fall apart. She hoped that the girl next to her didn't know who she was, or wasn't waiting outside so she could identify her. Olivia just sat on the toilet waiting for what seemed like forever. Girls entered and left and Olivia sat there trying to keep in her sobs. This wasn't her, this wasn't who she was supposed to be. But through it all her body didn't agree. Just thinking about everything, including her shame brought a sheen to her pussy again.

Frustrated she pulled up her leggings finally and left the washroom. As she exited she turned bright red, her face on fire, hoping the other girl wasn't there. Luckily she wasn't. Luckily she wouldn't be exposed. Olivia took a deep breath and relaxed a little. Her walk becoming a little more free, her movements less worried. The rush of what had just happened came back to her and she felt her pussy twitch. "How can I still be this horny," she asked herself on her way back to her dorm.

By the time she arrived back her mood had leveled off a little. The evening air and the exercise helped to tame her horniness somewhat, but the constant rubbing of her clothes didn't help, and her mind had focused and she was trying to convince herself that she was done with the game , that she couldn't play anymore.