Playing the Succubus


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A voice inside screamed for him to let her down, but another part of her shoved that voice down. Split between terror at the thought of having someone looking at her like this, and hoping that someone was, she kept silent.

She heard a few people greet lord Telamus. No one commented on her naked rear, but there was no way they could miss it. She clenched her ass together as best she could and endured.

Then she got something else to think about. Her top was never intended to be worn upside down, and under the weight of the metal scales, it was slowly slipping off her breasts as she swung bent over Telamus' shoulder. With her hands tied, there wasn't much she could do except press herself against Telamus' back and hope.

After what seemed like an eternity, lord Telamus set her down and her clothes fell back into position. She was vaguely aware of being brought before the high priest, John's counterpart on the enemy side, and they talked about her and at some points to her. She answered questions, but most of her mind was scanning the camp, trying to assess how many had seen her naked behind. Five or ten people, probably. Most of them men. From the way they stood looking at her, they had gotten a very good view indeed.

She was brought into a tent and 'put to the question', which meant that she had to sound like she was being put to the question. It was all rather boring, but gave her time to recover from the terror and excitement of before.

When lord Telamus took a break and stepped outside, Marie heard Moivra talking to the guard posted outside. Marie couldn't make out what they were saying, but apparently Moivra convinced the guard to turn the captive over to her.

Moivra took Marie out of the tent and over to her own camp. The elves had left their tents back in the archmage's camp, and now they were bivouacked in makeshift shelters.

"I know the archmage punished you for your involvement in the massacre of my men, but a lot of your misdeeds are still unpunished. I intend to remedy that." Moivra sat down on a bench and pulled Marie to her by the belt binding Marie's wrists, bending her over her lap.

Unlike when lord Talamus had carried her, Marie could stretch her legs out making her less exposed. Any such thoughts disappeared, though, the moment Moivra unbuckled her skirt and pulled it off her.

Marie stiffened. She was lying in another woman's lap, in broad daylight, naked from the bottom of her bikini armour top to the tops of her boots and there were twenty or twenty-five people watching her. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing it all to go away. It didn't, though.

Moivra's slap on her ass was not particularly hard, nor very unexpected, but Marie still gasped in shock.

"I want you begging for forgiveness, demon."

No one made a sound as Moivra kept spanking her, except for some small moans escaping from Marie's lips and Moivra urging her to beg for forgiveness. The blows were only hard enough to make a slapping sound, and Marie's face was redder and stinging worse than her ass.

"What's this?!" lord Telamus' voice resounded and he strode into the elves' midst, pulling Marie from Moivra. "Who gave you permission to take my captive?!" He snatched a blanket from a nearby bedroll and covered Marie with it, pulling her away from the elves and to a tent that seemed to be the one he shared with his men.

"Are you all right? I don't know what got into her..." he asked when they were alone inside, concern on his face.

"I'm fine. I discussed it with her before." Marie lied, cutting him off. "Only... being watched like that... swear you won't tell anyone... it got me so hot..."

Marie stammered. She only wanted to curl into a ball of shame and embarrassment, but she forced herself to continue.

"I really need to... do something... about it. So if you could turn your back so I could... Or maybe you could..."

He blinked at her.

"Are you serious?"

In reply she let go of the blanket she had wrapped around her, letting it fall to the ground.

"Holy..." Telamus stared at he, then he stuck his head outside the tent and shouted to someone outside:

"Let no one in! No one, I tell you!"

He had hardly pulled his head back into the tent before Marie jumped him. He had changed out of his armour, for which Marie was grateful, but she still swore over his historical trousers. How the hell did all these buttons and flaps work?

When they were done, she lay on his broad chest panting, his cock still inside her. She felt a bit bad when she thought about John. She probably should be getting back now. She rose and made plans for her escape. The guard outside, and probably a few others, would have no doubts as to why lord Telamus had wanted to get his captive alone. The two of them had been pretty vocal.

After getting his trousers back on, Telamus let himself be tied up and showed her where she could lift the wall of the tent and escape into the forest. Her skirt was still in the elven camp, and Telamus offered to lend her something to put on, but she declined. She figured she just had to sneak out of this camp and into her own. She could do that bottomless and without being seen. Leaving Telamus, smiling around the gag she had pushed into his mouth, she snuck out of the tent and escaped into the forest.

When she had gotten away from the enemy camp, she started regretting not taking up Telamus' offer of a pair of trousers. It was a long walk through the forest, and she didn't want to take the road or any of the larger paths for fear of meeting a patrol.

She stubbornly refused to take off her heels, so in the end she ended up taking one of the paths anyway.

How the hell was she going to get to John's tent? It stood smack in the middle of the camp. Even with night falling, getting there unseen was no mean feat.

It turned out to be a moot point anyway, as three sentries stepped out of a cluster of trees just in front of her. Damn, when had they gotten so good at hiding?

"We heard you were lost in action. What happened?"

They were all trying, and failing, not to stare at her exposed pussy. Marie suppressed the impulse to cover herself up with her hands, and stood with back straight and her arms by her sides.

"I was captured. Take me to the archmage, I have important news."

The men offered her some clothes to cover up, but they didn't really have anything readily on hand unless they started taking off their own clothes, and with the chainmail they were wearing, it would take time. So Marie ended up only borrowing a shield that she held in what she hoped was a nonchalant fashion in front of her. Two of the men formed up behind her to block the view, and to be able to ogle her ass on the way back, and they went into the camp.

"Where have you been?" John rose from his desk as they entered his tent.

"Into the enemy camp." Marie handed the shield back to the sentry, who saluted and went back to his post, and started rummaging around her pack for something to put on.

John stood staring at her naked, and later panty-clad, pussy, expecting an explanation, but she didn't give him one, saying she would tell him on the way home. She told him some parts, but nothing that cured his curiosity, and nothing about how she had ended up bottomless.

He wasn't entirely dissatisfied though. As soon as she had her panties on, she took them off again and lifted the hem of his robe.

A lot of that evening went into planning and preparing for the final battle the following day. Marie stayed out of most of it. She sat next to John and spoke when spoken to, but her mind was bursting with the events of the day. Oh god, how was she going to explain to John about fucking lord Telamus? A man she had never met. She didn't even know his real name, for crying out loud!

Marie was standing on the dirt road while the 'battle' raged ahead of her. She could feel her head starting to freeze up as it seemed to do whenever she started thinking about what she was doing and what she was wearing, which right now wasn't much. Apart from her high heeled boots, she had the cloth discs with the red tassels covering her nipples, and the semi-opaque veil that she had worn the first day, except that now she had no panties on underneath. She thanked god for the long cloak, even though the shoulder guards from which it hung prevented it from closing properly, it did cover her pretty well.

She shifted her hand a bit to push the veil down. It kept riding up on her hip, and even pushed down, it barely came down to her crotch. She tried to ignore the unfamiliar tingling as she did so. Somehow, she had let John persuade her to shave her pubic hair. Since it was just as black as her hair, it would shine through the veil, he claimed. Though this was surely true, Marie told herself that people might have mistaken it for a pair of black panties. Now there was nothing, and with the sun shining on, the crack of her pussy would show instead, even to a casual observer. Plus, it tickled when the veil brushed against her bare skin. The tassels on the small cloth discs glued to her areolae also sent unfamiliar sensations through her nipples as the tassels swung when she walked.

In fact, she wasn't sure if the discs did anything towards her decency. Anyone looking at her from the front would see only the decimetre wide strip of exposed skin in the opening of the cloak, and that made it completely obvious that she wasn't wearing except the veil. It had been an ordeal when John had inspected all of his troops, lined up outside his tent. Marie had tried to stay behind him and to keep her sword and right hand over her pussy, with the blade of the sword sticking out of the cloak. It wasn't much, but it obscured the view a bit.

"Drop it!" Marie was shaken out of her thoughts by Moivra's voice from the roadside. Marie cursed herself for being so lost in her thoughts that she had not paid attention to, well, to anything.

The battle had pressed on forward, and in the void behind it Moivra and a dozen of her elves had snuck around and were now stepping onto the road, bows trained on Marie.

"Hands where I can see them, and no funny business!" Moivra commanded as Marie let her sword fall from her grip. Marie carefully held her hands out through the gap in her cloak, careful to keep them covering her pussy and to not separate the sides of the cloak.

Moivra wasn't satisfied though:

"Hands behind your head, demon!"

"Come on! Didn't you hear me?" she went on, motioning with her bow when Marie froze.

Hands behind her head? That would push her cloak wide open! Actually, it might fall right off. It all hung from the shoulder guards, and they only lay on her shoulders without straps or fasteners.

Why was Moivra doing this to her?

Yet, Marie could think of nothing to do but comply. Refusing outright never even crossed her frozen mind.

Biting her lip to stifle a sob, Marie slowly lifted her hands. There were some gasps when the gathered archers saw what she was, or wasn't, wearing.

Marie looked down in embarrassment, but she couldn't avoid seeing Moivra's wicked smile.

Wasn't this enough? Whatever Marie had done to wrong the woman, surely this paid for it in full?

Moivra seemed to be of another mind, though, and handed her bow to another woman standing next to her.

"Hold this while I check for more weapons."

More weapons? Where would she hide them? In her mouth?

Moivra first bent down and felt the tops of Marie's boots, and continued upwards, putting her arms around Marie to make sure there was nothing strapped to her back.

Marie closed her eyes, trying to will it all away. It didn't work. If anything, not seeing made her all the more aware of the other woman's hands on her bare skin, and let her mind imagine the looks of the assembled elves.

"On your knees, demon. Someone get some rope. I think I'm keeping this one."

Marie sank helplessly to her knees, fingers still locked behind her neck. Besides opening her cloak wide, the position made her breasts lift up and out.

"The archmage has good taste in his minions. I believe losing this one will hurt him more than loosing this ragtag army."

Marie felt a light tugging on one of the tassels hanging from her nipple. Please, please let the glue hold. Some small part of her recognized that maybe it was better if it did come off. If it all came off she would just be naked, with it on she was naked with some erotic decorations.

"We have company!"

Marie opened her eyes to see the elves retreating into the forest and Talbur and his men charging down the road.

Moivra cast a disappointed look at her and then ran after her men.

Marie hurriedly pulled her cloak shut before Talbur came up to her. How much had he seen of her kneeling in front of the tiny elf woman, naked breasts thrust out?

She summoned some semblance of composure and spoke, hoping that he would take the tears of shame rolling down her cheeks for acting.

"The Master will not be pleased. Get back to the front sir Talbur. I am fine."

"But milady."

"Go! They surprised me once, it won't happen again. Now go!"

She thrust her chin at the fighting down the road, and to her relief Talbur nodded and commanded his men back the way they had come.

Her reason for wanting them gone was not just that she did not want them to see her shame. Even now, her hands under the cloak were reaching down between her legs. She wanted to be alone, even for just a little while.

As soon as Talbur's command had turned their back and gone a little ways down the dirt road, she could contain herself no longer, and her hands went for her pussy.

Was Moivra still watching from the forest? Marie didn't think so, and even if she was; let her. Marie needed this. Now.

Hopefully the sounds of her orgasm did not carry all the way to the fighting.

Marie didn't know who won, and didn't care. She had taken off the veil and tied it around the cloak as a makeshift belt. It didn't look very good, and it made it almost impossible for her to use her arms, but it was all over now anyway. She could pack up and go home. The terror of her encounter with Moivra had faded, and she was bubbling with happiness.

Now that it was over, cameras were being brought out, and some of the participants asked to take her photo. She obliged, but kept her cloak tight.

John brought out his usual bag of candy, and she snaked an arm out of her cloak to partake.

Past a group of people striking their tent, Telamus came walking, holding her spear and whip, both things left behind the day before.

Marie didn't think at all before introducing the two:

"Telamus, this is John, my boyfriend. John, this is... actually I don't know his real name, he's the one who captured me yesterday and then had sex with me in his tent."

Then she realized what she had just said, went bright red and shut her mouth so fast she was sure they could hear her teeth clicking.

She had intended to tell John, but not like this. Who introduces people like that anyway?

The two men stared at each other, saying nothing. Then Telamus began:

"Oh shit, man! I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

At almost the same time, John went:

"How was she?"

The two stared at each other mutely again, this time for a slightly shorter period of time before Telamus spoke:

"Fucking wild!"

"Let me guess. You had just shown her ass off to someone? Oh, now the missing skirt is starting to make sense."

"Actually, that was that elf woman. I don't know exactly what happened, but when I arrive, she had Lei bent over her knee, bare-assed and was spanking her in front of her whole troop, plus whoever else happened to be close. I step in, thinking I was some knight in shining armour, but when I get her to my tent, she starts talking about how it all made her randy as hell and she's practically begging me to fuck her. Does that happen a lot around here, then? You seem pretty calm about it."

"Well, it's not like it means less sex for me. She's like..."

"Hey boys, I'm right here, you know!" Marie was relieved that John seemed to take it all so well, but at the same time it was a bit embarrassing being talked about that way. And perhaps a bit exciting as well. "Anyway, you're the one who started it, when you carried me into that camp. I wasn't wearing anything beneath that skirt, you know."

"Oh, shit, I never realized." Telamus whistled.

Then John broke in:

"Speak of the devil. Here's Vera now." He pointed his chin towards Moivra, who was coming towards them, dangling Marie's armour skirt on a finger and grinning widely.

With a grin just as wide, John did the introductions:

"It seems you all know each other fairly intimately, but it also seems introductions might be in order. This is Marie, my girlfriend. And this is Vera, who I just learned stripped and spanked said girlfriend in front of a crowd. And this is... no one knows his name, but he's the guy who subsequently took my newly spanked girlfriend to his tent and fucked her.

"Name's William, by the way." said William

Moivra looked a bit surprised:

"You mean you... for real? Talbur as well?"

Marie shook her head.

"No, with Talbur it was faked. Nice to meet you, William."

"This is a very strange conversation." said William, shaking her outstretched hand.

"I hope I wasn't too hard on you, Marie." Vera asked.

"I'm okay. Today on the road I was about to break down and cry my eyes out. I thought you really hated me. But at the same time... some part of me likes it."

Vera smiled.

"No, I don't hate you. Oh, I'll admit I thought you were a bit of an attention whore at first, but once I had some time to think about it, I realized that it was making the whole thing more interesting for everyone. And I really enjoyed doing those things to you. Oh don't look at me like that, boys. It's not like I'm lesbian or anything. I just like making her squirm."

"'Today on the road'? What have I missed?" John asked.

Moivra motioned to Marie.

"Open your cloak and we'll reenact it."

"No way! I'm changing back into my real clothes, and then this is all over."

"Oh, come on. The boys deserve one more peek, don't you think?"

Marie paused. Talking about her past deeds was making it all come back to her, and she was starting to wonder if she couldn't spirit John off somewhere private for a few moments.

She had already fucked both the men, and Vera was a woman. Being naked in front of them wouldn't be that bad. Oh, what the hell!

"Okay, they can watch. But no more reenacting, I'm changing and going home."

The four of them retired into John's tent, and Vera told a quick version of what had transpired on the road earlier that day while Marie took off her cloak and used rubbing alcohol to dissolve the glue holding the tasselled discs on her nipples.

The men watched in appreciative silence as she stood naked in front of them, trying to get her horns to come loose.

At one point Vera commented:

"That is one terrific ass. I wish my boyfriend had an ass like that, I'd just lie around squeezing it all day long."

Marie blushed and broke off her last horn, using a towel and some alcohol to remove the last of the glue.

"All right, show's over" she said, buttoning up her jeans. "I am Lei the succubus no longer. Time to go home."

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phfinaphfinaalmost 3 years ago

My goodness, what a hot little hottie! Guess what, I'm going to be Vera and capture that little succubus all for myself the next LARP, mm, hm. I'M (my pussy's) NOT DROOLING; YOU'RE DROOLING! (yes, I loved this story.)

myothername100myothername100almost 4 years ago
Weird thing

I reread this story thinking that I've never finished it and only read the first page, kept finding it more and more familiar as I kept reading it, then surprising myself when I saw that I not only finished the story, but had also left a rating. Then went to comments and was surprised again that I also left a comment. Just wanted to share that because I thought it was weird that I forgot I read this story already, even though I did like it.

myothername100myothername100over 6 years ago

The ending was a bit abrupt. Aside from that, it was nice.

lowkeyonelowkeyoneover 7 years ago

I nearly stepped away after half a page but I am glad I didn't, what a great story. Thanks..

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
5 stars!

Will you PLEASE continue this story! That was SO hot!

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