Please Brother Please Pt. 04


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"Stop it, how would you like something just pushed up your ass?"

"Their fault being into all this kinky shit," she claimed.

"No, you just like going down on pussy, you hypocrite,"

"That's normal sex!"

"With another girl!"

"Oh fuck off, shove it up her, she should be stretched by now!"

They did just exactly that and I painfully felt my ass spread and then close around the butt plug. One gave it a brief tug just to make sure it stayed in my ass and then they led me away to the stables. I walked down an aisle with enclosures on either side and I could see with my peripheral vision naked men getting to their knees to get a look at me. I was put in an enclosure with another man, one of small stature. I was tethered off beside him and tried to get some rest to my aching limbs.

"Hello," kindly greeted the human pony beside me, "my names Gary, what's yours?"

"Maria," I nervously muttered, scared of what would happen to me.

"It's not often we have a Philly here," informed Gary, "usually there's some girlfriends and the odd wife but you've volunteered."

"Well not exactly," I weakly started as I was worrying more about Gary's growing erection. He saw it had caught my eye and immediately apologised.

"Sorry about that, it's difficult to control normally but in the presence of such a pretty girl."

"Thanks," I muttered feeling he was being a little disingenuous.

"I think we've been grouped together because of our size."

"Sorry, but do you volunteer for this?"

"Oh yeah we all do, especially at party weekend, I thought you knew especially as you have a cross on your ass."

"Cross on my ass?" I exclaimed, "I didn't know that's what they did, what does it mean?"

"It means nobody can take advantage of you, so unless you want to be screwed make sure you don't wipe that cross off in the hay! Sleep with your ass in the air," he laughed, "I promise I won't take advantage."

"What a gent," I joked, looking at Gary's rising cock.

On noticing his erection Gary lay face down.


I did as he told me and slept face down. There were a million questions I wanted to ask but I was much too tired and I soon fell asleep.

I was rudely awoken by a ringing bell. The natural light had dimmed and was enhanced by the stained dim yellow lights of the stable.

"Up you get, line up by your enclosure," yelled a voice at the far end of the building.

"Time to go princess." Informed Gary rising with his morning glory, "sorry," he naturally apologised.

"Stop apologising every time you get a stiffy otherwise you're going lose your voice." I laughed.

We got up out of our enclosure, brushed off the straw and lined up beside each other outside. I could see right down the aisle and saw sixteen or more couples lined up naked side by side, mostly men with the odd woman. I laughed again as Gary urgently tried to hide his hard cock.

"You better get that down or they're going to think we've been up to no good," I teased as girls in equestrian attire acting as guards started to tie or hands elbow to hand behind our backs and put a bit in our mouths.

When a girl in equestrian uniform reached us she immediately saw the dying embers of Gary's erection.

"You can lose that," she commanded and hit his cock expertly on its head with her crop. Gary cried out and doubled over. The girl carried on pulling his arms behind his back and tethered him. She moved onto me and grabbed my hands, "Tits forward," she commanded as she pulled my arms back to tie me. Thankfully she was more careful with the bit, placing it in my mouth and fixing it behind my head.

I looked down at Gary's cock and was amazed to see a huge bruise already appearing. I jolted upright as she gave my tail a hearty tug just to make sure my butt plug tail wasn't going anywhere.

We stood obediently as the rest of the ponies were tied and then we heard the cry of, "Forward!"

Each couple shuffled towards the door. There they were fitted with a body harness and escorted to a carriage. The carriages were black two seated with two wheels. Three bars came from the carriage so two human ponies could be connected side by side, In their body harnesses.

Two by two I saw them move off until it was our turn.

The carriage was pulled up and Gary and I were pulled out of the doorway into the cold night air. We were attached to our carriage and then felt the judder as our driver jumped aboard. He cracked his whip and yelled, "move."

"Try and keep instep," mumbled Gary through his bit.

"Silence," came the rebuke from the driver.

We started to walk pulling the carriage behind us making sure we were in step before we heard the crack of the whip. We sped up automatically making the harness pull my boobs while thrusting them out forward. My pronounced breast was the least of my worries as my naked feet were on hardened ground. Every now and then I'd feel a little Sharpe prang into the bottom of my feet distracting me from my bouncing boobs as we made it into a trot.

I glanced at Gary who I felt sure would be eyeing me over but to my surprise, he was more concerned with keeping step, which must have been harder for him the way his cock was flopping from side to side.

I looked to the carriage ahead and saw we were doing okay.

We ran half a mile and we got into a queue. I could hear in front of us a gaggle of young partygoers, all drunkenly loud, laughing hard at the smallest quip. My heart sank, I could take a scolding from a master or mistress but high-class bitchy youths turned my stomach.

The carriage stopped by this mob of young yuppies all drunk drinking Champagne from the bottle. Our carriage drew up and I kept my eyes forward. I heard a rich sounding girl with an affected English accent step aboard.

I peeked around to see her with her long flowing chiffon dress, short swept back blonde hair and pearl earrings.

"Oh goodie, we've got a Philly," she gushed loudly as her man friend joined her on the carriage.

"Oh such a pity she's got a cross on her ass, I could do with a ride after this ride," he joked joining the over the top drug-induced cackle of his girlfriend.

"Just so long as she can take a spur in her!" The girl japed and with that I felt her take the crop to my ass. I jolted forward and tried to move too quickly.

"In time, remember," Instructed Gary.

We slowly accelerated, which I found hard to do as I was going against my instinct to rush away from the lashes raining down on my fast reddening ass.

"Oh she has such a jolly pretty ass," said the snobby girl, "I shall have to whip it more, we can't have the staff having prettier bottoms than us."

With that, she whipped me again and again but by now Gary and I were up to speed. The novelty of having two human ponies in their control quickly passed as they got back to drinking.

"More Champers, Henrietta?" I heard.

"Jason you know I'm a pink gin girl, you heathen!"

The next ten minutes passed with ease apart from the odd eardrum breaking shrill laugh from Henrietta.

I groaned as we pulled on, slowing up as we hit a gradient.

"Oh look, we've slowed down, that's a poor show," berated Jason.

"Quite, I wonder if we'll get more speed out of the blighters if we hit his bollocks," opined Henrietta, taking the crop and shunting over towards Gary's side of the carriage. I pulled the carriage on looking at Gary's worried face. I heard the whack of the crop and saw Gary's eyes bulge slightly.

"Dash it! Missed!" Laughed Henrietta, "Still I got some speed out of the old slacker." She took aim once again. I heard the swish of the crop once more and Gary unconsciously sped up somehow thinking he would get away from his cruel teaser.

"You're trying to get his balls from the wrong angle," declared Jason taking another swig of champagne, "here hold this and give me the crop."

I looked round to see Jason leaning down to hit Gary's balls from below. He swished the crop upwards and obviously clipped Gary's genitals as he jumped forward with a grunt.

"Oh nice shot," gushed Henrietta, "did you see the Okie skip forward?"

"I still didn't get the blighter's balls spot on," explained Jason with relish, "I can do better than that!"

He swished the crop with hard intent at Gary's balls again with Gary trying to avoid being hit by skipping to one side. His cock had shrivelled up in fear even though it was his balls under attack.

"I'll have the buggers nuts!" Insisted Jason as Henrietta screamed with laughter, "Oh yes make the working class work!"

The next swish of the crop hit Gary's balls dead centre and he cried out against the bit, the cart swaying at his genital cropping.

"Bull's eye!" Shouted Jason," right between the nuts!"

"Oh, jolly good show! Again, again, whip his nuts off!" laughed Henrietta.

I looked to my side at Gary bent over struggling to stay on his feet, his balls unmistakably aching. He slowed us down dramatically. The snobs were determined to make us stop for fun. I took on Gary's workload and pulled harder towards the top of the hill.

"The Philly's keeping us going, let's whip her pussy!" Henrietta shrieked in a horrible drunken female tone.

I was sweating immensely pulling the carriage with Gary feebly keeping up and groaning from his ball bust. I ran trying hard to keep my knees together trying to stop the oncoming attack on my genitals. Henrietta's crop shots just missed clipping me with a stinging lash on my ass just above my pussy.

"Tally Ho!" She squealed as another miss placed shot missed my pussy.

Meanwhile, Gary was beginning to recover from his ball blow and helped us speed up. We made the crest of the hill and I could see a brightly lit Mansion in the dark distance. Before us was a line of human ponies and carts.

We started to accelerate going downhill and our passengers were more concerned about holding on and not falling out of the carriage. That didn't stop them talking though.

"My look at her jugs bounce," remarked Jason, "Our Philly does have a fine pair of tits, I must have a fondle before we go into the house."

"I shall have to whip her ass more for having such nice tits as well, the insolent bitch," scorned Henrietta, with more than a hint of jealousy in her words, "and you can keep your hands off the help."

"Now, now," laughed Jason, "you know I adore your pretty boobs but you must admire her solid tits, look them."

I became painfully aware of my bouncing boobs but as we raced down the hill there was nothing I could do to stop them.

"There's a hill coming up soon," noticed Henrietta, "that'll take the speed out of the blighters and I'll whip their balls and pussy then."

I glanced at Gary and it was clear in both our minds what we should do. The quicker we got up the hill the less time they would have to attack our genitals. We got up as much speed as possible and quickly pushed up from the bottom of the hill hoping our momentum would take us most of the way.

Henrietta whipped away like fury, from left to right across my buttocks, trying to hit my pussy and Gary's balls but we were soon at the mansion. Henrietta was in a huff, "I haven't finished with those yet!" She declared while Jason got out of the carriage and came around in front of us, "Thanks for the ride," he graciously omitted before having a hefty grope of my boobs, "such wonderful tits," he declared and then went not the mansion after giving them a cheeky slap.

All the ponies were detached from their carriages and led away by stable men who were also acting as supervisors. As bitchy as the equestrian type girls back at the stable was; I still preferred them to these men.

They led us down into a field where we were made to go on all fours and tied by our harness to a long-running bar.

"What happens now?" I inquired of Gary still beside me.

"We just wait until they get off their tits on drink and drugs."

"So we take them back home as well?"

"No, they come out here to pick which one of us they want to play with back in the Mansion," coldly informed Gary as the thought gave him a semi.

"Oh no, as if things can't get any worse," I cried despondently.

"You're okay, you've got that cross on your arse, it means you're exempt from being fucked, you must know the Lord or an Earl."

"I don't know anyone," I earnestly declared not liking the thought that I was something special."

"You must know someone, anyway that cross won't stop you from being groped, prodded and fingered when they come down to take their pick."

"Oh God, why do you do this?"

"Fun, release form the real world, forget who I am, what about you?"

I bluntly ignored the question," when will they be out to pick us?"

"You'll know, they prepare us before-hand."

We knelt in the dark in silence except for the distant sound of party music regularly punctured by the squeals, shouts and laughter from the party revellers. After a few hours, a cry went up from one of the supervisors, "ready the ponies."

We were all brought into line, our noses touching the bar in front.

A long pole was pushed along the ground between our hands and knees and then hydraulically lifted. It went up into our waists and went up further lifting our asses into the air. My toes and fingers could only just touch the ground. It was just enough to push away from the ice-cold bar in my stomach. The shadowy supervisors then went about spreading or legs using 'spreader bars' making sure the snobs had access to our genitals.

Soon the cry went up, "Ready your lordship!" And then the drunken socialites could be heard, drunkenly chanting, "Oi, Oi, Oi, We're going to fuck the Oiks!" I felt very vulnerable as the chanting got closer. My ass was in the air and my pussy well spread as the shrill drunken cries got closer with only a red cross on my ass to protect me.

The snotty girls were already assessing the first human ponies with cheap jokes made at their expense; "Oh nice weighty balls on this one," followed by a human cry as his balls were squeezed, initiating a huge squeal from the girls! "Oh do let me have a squeeze!" Was heard and again the human cry of pain followed by squeals of delight.

They were working their way down the line. "Nice cock on this one, let's give him a little wank and see how big he gets."

Many asses were slapped, balls squeezed with the odd finger inserted much to the crying amusement of the socialites.

Every now and then a pony was selected.

"Staff take that one to room 56," I heard.

"Yes my lady," was always the responses as the pony was led away on hand and knees to be used however the Lady wanted.

I became nervous as a group of toffs were behind me swigging out of champagne bottles, one noticed me.

"Look chaps, its Philly and a pretty decent one at that," he apprised.

"Nice tits," bluntly admired his friend," I think I'll have a feel of those beauties."

I worried for my puppies at the hands of drunken boys but as soon as I thought of that I felt a finger inside my pussy!

"Oh gosh, boys the girls nice and moist with a tight snatch to boot, what do you say we pork the bitch here?"

They were all keen on the idea and the leader was keen to go first. He parked his bottle on top of my ass and I could hear his zip come down and then the hardness of his cock probing around my pussy.

"Hey you can't fuck her," shouted Gary as hard as he possibly could through his bit, "she got a red cross on her ass."

My rider stopped, "Oh so she has, well I didn't see it."

"I know you've seen it and so does she and his Grace will get to know about it." Threatened Gary a very unusual hero, naked, feathered, bent over with his legs apart. My assailant though better of nailing me and I heard his zip rise.

"So you're a right little sir Galahad are we?" Mocked the toff, "what's to say we can't cum on her?"

Gary stayed silent knowing he had saved me. The boys rounded behind Gary's bottom. "We're going to wait until the rest of the ponies have been picked and if you're still out here, and I think you will be, we'll have some fun with you," hissed the leader, "in the meantime here's something to remember us by?" He kicked Gary hard on his balls and he groaned into his bit and collapsed around the bar. Poor Gary I had been nothing but trouble for him.

Little by little ponies were led away by a socialite woman and sometimes a man to be used for their amusement. Gary and a few others were the only ones left.

The two of us were the only ones left kneeling in the cold night when four ominous shadows came out of the lit Mansion backdrop.

It was the socialite who Gary had warned off me. "Here's the trouble maker," he informed kicking Gary's ass.

"Leave him to us," Said one of the shadowy figures, "we'll give him a good seeing too!"

"Make sure the bitch gets a good spraying as well," insisted the socialite before turning around and marching off into the light and sounds of Mansion.

"I'll go first, " I heard an urban voice say as his zip came down. Gary jolted as two fingers were inserted into his ass and began to finger fuck him.

"Don't loosen him up too much, I like a nice tight ass," came another voice.

I looked around at the two men wanking their cocks up ready to take their turn on Gary's ass. The first one was soon bent over him and entering, Gary squealed out into his bit. His assailant went for the short fast stokes right away making Gary close his eyes in a squint, moaning with every shaft that pounded into him.

His assailant soon pulled out and I could see a spewing cock coming my way. I turned around and felt him ejaculating on my ass. His warm cum splashing onto my skin and running over the crest of my ass and down my legs.

"Argh! A nice hot cream covered ass!" Laughed the man with the cuming cock, pushing out the last remnants of his spent balls.

I heard Gary cry out louder as his second assailant ploughed into him.

His cock was bigger judging from Gary's cries and the two men behind me began to laugh.

"Make the bitch scream," laughed the spent force, as he started to slap his ass as well. He too came quick and once more my ass was splashed with wave upon wave of hot thick spunk. I peeped over my shoulder to see the massive weapon that was hosing my ass down with semen and thanked the high heavens he was spent.

A torrent of cum flowed over my ass and over my pussy until he finished, wiping his sperm covered cock on my ass and giving me a playful spank making my ass sting with the liquid cum on me.

I looked back and saw the third man had a small playful cock. I looked at Gary who was well fucked and thought it was the least I could do for him.

"I'll take that cock," I submitted.

"What was that, what did she say?" Queried the man with the big appendage.

"Say's she wants his cock?"

It was too late as the small cock was already in Gary's ass pounding away.

"Hey she says you can have her pussy," he cried.

It was too late as he was already enjoying the fruits of Gary's sore ass, enjoying how he was making him wince due to the two larger cocks that had fucked him and made him sore. He was soon cumming on my ass, adding to the sticky pile in my ass crack. He too wiped his cock on me preferring to use the sparse hair of my pussy. He then stood up and zipped up his fly.

"You fool you could have had a nice wet pussy there," laughed his friend, "or do you prefer a bit of ass?"

"I don't mind either," he laughed as they wandered away.

We waited chained from neck to neck with our hands tied as all the used ponies slowly came out of the Mansion. Some of the lucky ones were going to be used throughout the night. I apologised to Gary for causing him so much trouble.

"That's okay, thank you for volunteering to take that last cock," said Gary as we moved off back to the stables.