Pleased to Meet You Ch. 01

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A recent widow moves in next door and things heat up.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/27/2020
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A very shy widow moves in next door and provokes Will's wicked curiosity

[This is only my second story here at Literotica. I have posted it in BDSM, but it could also have been posted in Fetish, Mature, or Romance. Obviously, it has a range of themes. Everyone in this story is well over 18.]

Chapter 1

It was just past midnight as Will lay in bed drifting off to sleep, that he heard noises from the apartment next door. The walls were not very well-insulated, and he had long since become used to hearing neighbors' loud conversations, TVs, music, and sexual behavior.

His apartment shared an airshaft with the apartment next door, as well as the apartments above both of them. Their bedroom windows, along with their bathroom and toilet windows all opened out onto the same shaft, receiving fresh air and sunlight. He knew that the apartment next door mirrored the layout of his, thus the night noises were coming from the neighboring bedroom.

The head of his bed butted against the shared wall and the room's dimensions were such that it was virtually certain that this was the setup next door as well. Will was always covertly pleased and aroused to hear the sounds of neighboring sexual mischief, and this was no exception.

It had started with a series of low groans underlying a sequence of loud swats or spanks, followed by louder and louder cries and squeals, until an outburst of expletives was crowned by a scream of ecstasy and a receding trail of whimpers and sighs.

"Whew!" Will thought to himself. "Someone is really going to town!" His own cock was rigid and dripping pre-cum and he knew he'd not get to sleep tonight without giving himself a good wank. "It must be that new neighbor next door. But how can that be?" He had met her briefly when she first moved-in the other day and he couldn't wrap his mind around the idea that a buttoned-up lady like that could be the source of the wanton sounds he had just heard.

* * *

Recently widowed Margaret Higgins was still getting used to her new apartment in the big city. It was so much smaller than the home she had shared with her dear late husband out in the suburbs, and she had met so few of her new neighbors in the compact apartment house she had moved into. It was very disorienting.

Margaret was, by nature, painfully shy and consequently retreated into a persona of almost rigid dignity and propriety. She dressed very properly in an old fashioned and formal manner, barricaded behind a plethora of undergarments: seamed stockings, garters, girdle, silk knickers, brassiere, slip, the works. Her bust and derriere were both quite generous, an attractive plus that was only amplified by all the layers piled on top of such fleshy gifts. Her face was still quite pretty with delicate features, marred only by her chronic 'deer in the headlights' expression.

And yet, beneath it all, Margaret was a slave to a whole raft of perverse cravings and desires. Her shyness and propriety were accomplices in her need for humiliation. Her dignity was a fragile screen masking her deep need for debasement. And the constant shame and guilt she felt over her helpless cravings pushed her relentlessly toward self-abuse and a hunger for punishment and pain.

She knew she was a "piece of work", but for years it hadn't mattered because her dear husband Paul had skillfully looked after her needs and "played her like a violin". He had both adored her and understood her desires -- even better than she had herself -- and had orchestrated little scenes of sublime mortification and embarrassment, followed by intricate stimulation and arousal, before her final submission to an ecstatic obliteration of her shame and guilt in a frenzy of orgasmic annihilation.

But Paul had prematurely died of a sudden heart attack, and Margaret was cast adrift, hardly destitute -- his investments and life insurance had seen to that -- but without his loving presence as guardian and anchor. In an effort to cut her expenses and stockpile her equity, she had sold their suburban home for a sizable sum, invested the proceeds in income property that avoided capital gains penalties, and found a more manageable home in her present apartment. She really shouldn't worry, but she was plagued with an anxious need to find a new emotional anchor who could also fulfill her relentless sexual needs.

Her thoughts turned to Will, the nice older man in the apartment next to hers. She had met him briefly while she was moving in and had been taken with his strong gaze and welcoming grin. True to form, she had been bashful to a fault, finding it hard to look him in the eyes, and squirming as he surveyed her carefully enwrapped body. She had felt that his gaze was penetrating beneath all her carefully placed layers and wondered if he might be the one. He had a devilish smile, and she couldn't keep herself from fantasizing him teasing out her need for humiliation and submission, and satisfying her shameful longings.

It was with such considerations in mind that she had gone to bed that night and surrendered to a much needed bout of masturbation. Without Paul, she was resigned to a pantomime of teasing and fulfillment, arousing in its way, but hardly a match for her husband's time-honored rituals of loving humiliation. She had certainly achieved a sublime climax, but the next morning had felt a bit glum.

It was with some surprise that she had heard a knock on her apartment door that afternoon and went to look through the little peep hole and saw Will standing outside. He smiled at her through the tiny lens and greeted her with warm eyes as she opened her door.

* * *

"Hello, Margaret, I guess it's up to me to be your welcoming committee for our apartment complex. Most residents here can't be bothered and live their own private lives, shut off from the rest of us. It's a shame, but that's life in the big city!" She couldn't resist letting him in, his gregarious manner was such a tonic for her shyness. She yearned for him to power past her hesitations and overwhelm her defenses.

"I'd like to invite you over for a nice afternoon tea. It's the least I can do. Are you willing? Yes? Then I'll expect you at four." Will quelled her worries with an enticing, yet somehow soothing smile, and set the stage for a mutual encounter of smoldering desire.

* * *

Unbeknownst to Margaret -- or to Will, for that matter -- Will was almost certainly the answer to her anxious needs. Now retired after a successful career in sales, he spent much of his spare time writing erotic stories for the popular online site Littersmutica. He had even forged friendships with a select few of the site's other authors and readers, a tiny circle of connoisseurs of the exotique and bizarre. They privately shared stories and intimacies with each other that were likely to challenge the limits of Littersmutica's sometimes quirky editorial policies.

Will was especially tuned into fantasies of dominance and submission, particularly those involving humiliation, embarrassment, and debasement. Exactly why this was so was not entirely clear to him. But his ongoing efforts toward self-knowledge and self-acceptance pushed him to forge ahead and capture his fantasies as honestly as possible. It was especially gratifying when these products of his imagination seemed to arouse or excite his prurient intimates. It was no doubt all quite perverse and depraved, but it was a comfort to an old man who still had the soul of a young buck.

In anticipation of Margaret's impending visit, Will printed out a copy of one of his most delicious stories. This would be a test of whether his instincts had been correct. Recalling once again her late night noises, he was confident that he would not fail. It was as if he was carefully tuning an old-fashioned shortwave transmitter to the exact frequency where she could receive his signal.

He tried to contain his excitement as he set about readying his apartment for Margaret's visit.

* * *

For her part, Margaret made a special effort to make sure she was nicely attired in her idiosyncratic style. All the usual extensive undergarments were in place, while a lovely sleeveless knee-length black dress peppered with white polka dots and a little black open-faced short-sleeved half-jacket made a valiant effort to cover her ample bosom. A quick glance in the mirror confirmed that her carefully coiffed auburn hair was in place, her makeup was neatly applied, and her dark red lipstick was flawless. If Will was going to undress her with his eyes, which seemed to be his way, she was determined to give him his money's worth.

At four o'clock, almost to the second, Margaret stood at Will's door and knocked timidly. Tap, tap, tap. She was as nervous as a girl before her first date. For the longest time, it seemed like there was no response, and she had her arm raised to knock again when the door suddenly opened and there was Will, with his warm smile and mischievous eyes.

"Margaret! So good to see you. Do come in and make yourself at home." He waved her in and locked the door in a gesture of privacy -- or was it entrapment?

"Well, just look at you!" He took in every inch of her, as he slowly looked her up and down and walked in a circle around her. "Lovely, just lovely. I have to say, my dear, that you have a sense of style that is too rarely seen these days."

He, himself, was dressed in a crisply starched white dress shirt and carefully ironed black slacks with matching spit-polished black shoes. Will smiled and gestured for her to come with him to the kitchen.

"I have some water on to boil and a nice selection of fresh fairy cakes from the bakery 'round the corner. Come and choose one that looks good to you, why don't you."

While Will brewed some tea and poured it in two cups, Margaret chose a nice fairy cake with pink icing in a pink-colored paper cup. Turning 'round he spied her choice and said with a devilish smile, "Ah, I see you have a nice little pink one."

The lewd little joke was not lost on Margaret, who immediately blushed and turned the same color as her fairy cake.

"Oh, and now a pink face as well! Pink becomes you, my dear. It makes me think naughty thoughts!"

Margaret could barely believe her ears. This charming man whom she hardly knew was wasting no time in embarrassing her, as if he knew all her secret desires. She could feel a delicious warmth spread through her body and she had to steady herself on the nearby table to catch herself from swooning. Will came right over and sat her down firmly in the breakfast nook.

"Now, now! No fainting please. It's much too soon for that! We must get to know each other a little better before fainting is allowed."

Will pondered the baker's box of fairy cakes and lifted out a large pink cake.

"Well, Margaret. I hope you don't mind that I have a large pink one! I realize it's bigger than yours, but don't worry, I'll be happy to give you a bite."

The poor woman was nearly melting down. She was desperately trying to maintain her poise, but failing badly. All she could think of was licking and gently gnawing on his rigid tool. She sat there squirming and looking mortified as she felt her little quim dripping its juices and dampening her panties. She struggled to say something coherent.

"'s getting rather hot in here, don't you think?"

"Well, someone is certainly getting hot, my dear! Why don't you give me your little black top thingie and I'll hang it up for you. It looks like you are soaking right through its underarms."

Margaret daintily shed her half-coat, exposing her auburn-tufted armpits in the process. They were sopping. This caught Will's attentive gaze and he let out a low whistle.

"Ah, the French look! Really, Margaret, I like your style more and more. Not many women around here would be so daring."

Margaret gave him a look that was equal parts gratitude, embarrassment, and pride. Secretly, she loved where this was going. Will was making it so easy to just follow his orders and get her into her submissive zone. At this rate, he'd have her panties off in no time and playing with herself wantonly in the middle of the living room carpet. Or, at least she hoped so!

"My husband, bless his soul, forbid me to shave in all my, er, private parts. He insisted that this was how God designed women's bodies, and that was good enough for him. Plus, it was one of his little fetishes." Margaret allowed herself a little titter, covering her petite smile with a tiny hand. She was beginning to loosen up as she decided that she liked Will very much. Very much indeed!

"Well, God bless your husband's little fetishes, I say. I look forward to hearing all about them, one by one. And yours too, I might add." He carefully placed her damp black top on the counter and grasped her nearest hand, lifting her arm up to expose her armpit hair.

"If you will allow me..." He bent toward her and quickly sucked her sweaty tufts between his lips, murmuring softly.

The daring action, so intimate and yet so familiar, was simply too much for Margaret's already excited state. With a little squeak and then a hoarse cry, she had an explosive cum that sent electrical sparks throughout her whole nervous system. And then she fainted.

* * *

Margaret came to with Will cradling her chin and wiping her forehead with a cool damp washcloth.

"There you go. You're back now and everything is just fine. You got a little overheated there, my dear, and I took the liberty of loosening a few buttons which were part of the problem I'm afraid. I also unzipped your lovely dress and slipped it off to allow your body more breathing room. Don't worry, you still look quite modest, and all your lovely lingerie is still in place.

"I must say, however, that the less your garments obscure your charms, the lovelier you are. I look forward to helping you shed them as I earn your trust. I can't help but think that we were destined to find each other and you will once again have someone who treasures you and carefully attends to your special needs."

Will's soothing words were a balm to Margaret's flustered state and she allowed herself a long ragged sigh of relief. She realized that she had been holding her breath for far too long. But as she returned to her senses, she recovered her memory of the whole premise of her visit.

"But, Will, what happened to the tea and fairy cakes?"

"Yes, well, I think we got a little sidetracked there. I'll heat some more water and brew a fresh pot. These things happen when one is making new friends."

With fresh tea in hand and milk as needed, the smitten pair enjoyed a nice tea and pink cake interlude of further suggestive conversation, peppered with little details of Margaret's covert desires and Will's stories and real-life experiences. They both felt a rising exhilaration, a sense that either dumb luck or destiny had conspired to bring them together. However, they did not escape the dilemma of sticky fingers coated with cake crumbs and frosting. Will solved this by thrusting his fingers into Margaret's mouth and sucking hers into his. His tongue traced and caressed her little digits, inserting itself between them, as if between the lips of her labia. Blushing madly, Margaret sucked his fingers fervently as if she were giving them head.

She was definitely now in sub space, and once they had cleaned each other's fingers thoroughly and wiped them on the white linen napkins, she gazed at him with a shy little smile and then closed her eyes and offered her dark red lips to be kissed.

Will was immediately there, kissing her deeply, his tongue playing hide and seek with hers, daring her to suck on it. Margaret quivered and squirmed, feeling all flushed and flowy. Will reached down and inserted his hands under her arms and lifted her to her feet, embracing her in a gentle bear hug, which made her feel both protected and sublimely immobile. As they broke the kiss to catch their breaths, she summoned all her courage and whispered in his ear, "I surrender, Will. Do with me as you like."

"Don't mind if I do," he chuckled and gave her a sly wink as he cupped her generous buttocks and gave them little love pinches. "You will not regret this, my dear."

To be continued.

[Note: If you like this story, please rate it and favorite it. This will encourage me to write more and hopefully draw more readers. Thank you.]

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great beginning. Looking forward many subsequent chapters.

JackobinJackobinover 3 years agoAuthor
Thank you for your kind remarks

You clearly have excellent taste! Stay tuned for more, as I am not done yet.

As far as going too far, I plead guilty now and then to getting carried away. It comes with the territory. At times I have written myself into situations where new kinks seem called for. I have two series sitting at that point, so fasten your seatbelt. After those are resolved, I may take things back to the more playful realm of fairy cakes and diddling for a spell. Variety is the spice if Life, someone once said.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

These stories are really sensuous and show incredible imagination. Everyone of them are worth full marks.

Shy Mrs Higgins and the smart elderly William set the scene for this and the subsequent fantasies with the fairy cakes for tea with pink icing

The later chapters go onto some more taboo activities which are again very erotic although the last one goes a little too far for me.

Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great story

Looking forward to another story about her submission!

chytownchytownover 3 years ago

For the read.

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