Pledge Initiation


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Sandy was as ready now as either of the other two. If anything, her dance was more enthusiastic than either of the others. Once her shirt was gone she searched for something unique to do. She couldn't duplicate Anna even is she had wanted. Sandy's hair was a beautiful auburn color but it hung only a little below her shoulders. Then she suddenly spotted the blindfolds the pledges had worn on their way over here - wherever "here" was. She snatched up the black silk rectangle and began to use it as a prop, hiding her breasts one at a time as she moved to the music.

Soon her skirt followed the shirt and she used the long, black rectangle to conceal her pussy. She pulled it between her legs and moved it behind her ass like she was drying herself with a towel. She kept this and similar things up until the music ended and then moved to Michael's lap with no prompting and went to work on his clothes.

In just a couple of minutes all three of the men were as naked as the women and each couple was engaged in hot, steamy petting. For nearly ten minutes these activities continued until suddenly a door chime rang. The women, startled, sat up but before they could do anything else Dick said, "I'll get that." He stood Liz on her feet as he rose himself. "I'll be right back. Tom, you want to hold mine for a second?" Not waiting for an answer he picked Liz up and deposited her on Tom's legs next to an equally naked Anna. He then picked up a robe and wrapped it around himself before leaving the room.

The women were looking around, a little uncertain, afraid more people were going to join them. Realization seemed to come to all of them at the same time that this was an initiation, not just a gathering of close friends. Then Michael spoke. "Don't worry, pledges. That's just some pizza. We thought that if we were going to keep you up all night - 'initiating' you - that we probably all could use something to eat. The women relaxed a little, leaning back against the men. During their pledging, the girls had been together partially or totally naked several times. However, they had never been physically touching as Anna and Liz now were. But neither girl, surprisingly, seemed to mind or even to really notice.

Michael rose letting Sandy slip onto his seat. Then he said, "I think just one thing before we eat." He picked up some soft rope and said, "OK, pledges, hands behind you, wrist to elbow."

The girls slowly responded and he and Tom quickly bound their forearms, leaving them helpless. Just then Dick entered with three pizzas which he quickly set on a counter. Then he ducked back out but returned in less than a minute with napkins, paper plates, and soft drinks. As he placed everything on the counter he said to the pledges, "Don't worry. We won't let you starve." He then shed his robe once more and, naked like everyone else, settled into a large stuffed chair and pulled Liz down onto his lap again. The other two men did the same with Sandy and Anna.

For the next half hour, the men fed the girls and themselves. There was also a lot of feeling and necking. All three cocks were at least partly hard and all three of the women were soaked. When they had eaten, Tom suddenly stood Anna up and rose himself. "I think I'm going to go do a little one on one initiating with this pledge," he said,. Then he picked up Anna up, her arms still bound behind her, and carried her out of the room.

Anna was surprised when Tom scooped her up, but didn't object. All three of the girls had moved beyond worrying about the initiation and were now just aroused and, if truth be told, extremely horny. The two left the room and in a few seconds a door was heard to close. For the next half hour sounds of sexual excitement from down the hall could be heard even in the room where the others were still playing.

When Tom carried a very worn Anna back into the big room, Dick immediately stood and led Liz out. Anna guessed they would be going to the bed room she and Tom had just vacated and her guess was confirmed in a couple of minutes when Liz's cries and moans began to sound from down the hall.

During all of this Sandy had been becoming more and more aroused. Michael, of course, had continued to play with her and the sounds coming from down the hall added to her excitement.

When Dick brought Liz back, Sandy was desperately anticipating her own trip down the hall. The instant Dick and Liz reentered the room, she began to squirm in eagerness. Michael sensed her excitement and made her wait, continuing to sit and play with her for another five minutes before finally picking her up and carrying her from the room.

He moved a few steps along the hall and pushed open the door. Sandy could smell the scent of sex throughout the room the instant they entered. A large bed dominated the room, the satin sheets covering it already rumpled and even damp in spots. Surprisingly, this did nothing to lessen Sandy's excitement. She knew that in only seconds she would be on the same sheets her sister pledges had already marked with their own arousal, but she wanted it, too!

Michael laid her in the center of the big bed. Then he did surprise her by picking up some pieces of soft rope which he used to bind her wrists and ankles to the bed, spreading her wide open, exposing her dripping sex. He then moved a pillow under her hips, raising her there to leave her obscenely displayed. Being exposed and displayed in such a fashion actually excited Sandy even more. By now she was lost to the rest of the world, aware only of her own sexual arousal. Her entire world consisted of the hot and wet sensations of her own body and of the hot, hard body before her. She wanted only to be impaled on that rigid cock, to be pounded hard and deeply, and she expected Michael to do just that any second now.

But then Michael did something she was not expecting. He moved to kneel on the bed between her widely separated legs and then suddenly plunged forwards to bury his face against her hot and open sex, his tongue beginning to flick and tease her most sensitive spots. Michael spent the next twenty minutes licking, sucking, and teasing Sandy with his lips and tongue. He would lightly trace lines all around her swollen and open sex, run it along her no longer hidden creases, plunge it deeply into her soaked pussy. He repeatedly flicked her clit back and forth, the light feathery touches making her strain against her bonds as she moaned and begged him to fuck her. His tongue traced paths from behind her anus, across this sensitive pucker, and on up to her open pussy. Sometimes the broad, flat surface would drag firmly up the center, ending its journey by pressing hard against her clit. Other times it would move lightly around the outside of her openings, teasing the hard bud at the top, but never touching that sensitive organ directly, no matter how much Sandy begged.

Michael continued this wonderful torture through four separate orgasms, not stopping even when Sandy was moaning and straining at their peak. Then finally on one trip he let his tongue continue to move up her body until he lathed first one and then the other hard nipple, ending its trip with the hard bud on her left side caught tightly in his lips and he shifted and pushed his cock into her in a long, slow stroke which left him as deeply as possible inside the stretched girl.

As he entered her, Sandy screamed and began to come again and kept coming as Michael began to pound her in hard, deep strokes, becoming faster as he went on until he finally exploded in his own climax and his cries joined Sandy's.

They lay together, nearly exhausted, for several minutes, Michael's weight pressing Sandy more deeply into the bed, placing more pressure on her arched and stretched pussy. Then he slowly withdrew and moved to untie her. He helped her up and she threw her arms around his neck, kissing him hard. When they broke the kiss he scooped her up and carried her back into the room where the others were still cuddled naked, playing and teasing and completely enjoying each other.

The six of them remained together, nude, casually playing, occasionally napping for a few minutes, for the next couple of hours. A clock somewhere else in the house chimed and struck four and Michael straightened a little. "I think we should tell these pledges about their final test, don't you guys?" Nods and murmurs of agreement came from the other two men. "We'll speak to each of you alone, pledges."

With this he stood and took Sandy by the hand and started towards the door as Tom stood and followed suit with Anna. Dick straightened and turned Liz to face him. Out in the hall the two men led the girls in different directions and into two rooms, Sandy into the room she and Michael had vacated a couple of hours earlier and Tom and Anna into another.

Inside Michael turned to face Sandy. "We have one more test planned for you. All three of you pledges have lovely asses and we plan to give them another workout." Sandy made a small groan as she anticipated another spanking. Michael continued, "You will receive one more pledge spanking and I can promise your ass will be sore afterwards. But then we plan on taking you anally." Sandy sucked in her breath but before she could say anything Michael went on. "Now listen carefully. If this seems like too much to you, tell me. I can fuck your pussy instead and none of the others need know. They won't be able to see."

For a second Sandy was silent. Then she asked, "Are the other two getting this option, too?"

Almost reluctantly Michael nodded his head. "Yes. We don't want to really hurt you three too much, either physically or otherwise. Just tell me what you want."

Sandy started to say something and then hesitated. A second time she began to speak even though she was still mixed up about what she wanted. She was afraid to try anal sex. She expected she could take the spanking, even if it was harder than the last one. And she had loved the normal sex they had had this night. But the idea of a hard cock up her ass was a little frightening. It was also a little exciting. She knew the other two had had anal before and Liz, at least, had said she really liked it. Anna hadn't been as explicit, but hadn't indicated it was too bad or anything. Then suddenly she knew what she did want and said, "No, go ahead and take me like that. Only, please, Mich... Please, sir, take it a little easy. I've never done this before and I'm not sure how I'll handle it." She was silent for a couple of seconds. "I'm not sure what will happen, but I want to try." She stretched up and kissed him quickly. "Please, sir, fuck my ass."

Michael smiled at her. "All right, pledge. Let's go back and join the others." He gave her bottom a slight slap and led her back to the room where the other four were now gathered.

Liz and Anna looked a little scared, as did Sandy herself. None of them was actually looking forwards to another spanking, but knew they could take that. And while Anna and Liz were not afraid of anal completely, they both knew that how it felt depended on how the man proceeded.

The men nodded at each other and then moved three of the stuffed chairs into a line spacing them two and a half or three feet apart. Sandy was moved over facing the chair on the right from behind. Anna was to her left and Liz was at the other end. The men knelt and began to bind their ankles to the chair legs, spreading their legs and opening them up. Then each girl was bent forwards over the low chair backs and her wrists were bound to the chair legs in front, leaving each one stretched tightly and with her ass arched up invitingly.

Michael moved around in front where the women could see if they raised their heads. He held up a paddle, about the size of the standard pledge paddle, but made of thick, flexible leather. "We'll begin by warming you up with this." He held up the instrument and flexed it back and forth. "Then," he continued, "a dozen strokes with this." He now displayed a whip. Cat of nine tails, Sandy thought. It wasn't a real cat but rather the floger she had seen earlier. Leather strands two feet long topped a sixteen inch wood handle. The tails were at least soft and flexible and the whip looked more like it was designed for mild pain instead of serious, damaging punishment. Still, there was little doubt a whipping with this would hurt more than anything they had received so far. But he wasn't finished. "And finally," he added, "five strokes with this." Displayed in his right hand was a crop, flexible, leather covered handle two feet long with a wide leather loop at the end. As the girls stared at this device, fear and apprehension clear on their faces, he added, "This will hurt and probably leave welts, but it will not do serious harm. No skin will be broken. We have no intention of leaving any permanent marks on your lovely bodies."

Then he moved behind Sandy and began to deliver strokes to her fully available bottom with the leather paddle. He began softly but increased the strength as he progressed. Soon the strokes were stinging and her skin was turning pink and warming up. Before he stopped, the color of her skin had changed to red and Sandy was gasping at each stroke.

He finally stopped and handed the paddle to Tom who began to apply it to Anna's well displayed bottom. Michael meanwhile took the cat and moved back slightly. Sandy heard the swish of air an instant before the tails landed, bringing a sharp cry. She steadied herself to accept the remaining eleven strokes and managed to hold her cries to small gasps and moans for all but three of the strokes which brought two sharp cries and one scream.

When the last stroke had landed Michael passed the whip to Tom and he began to apply it to Anna as Dick was using the paddle on Liz. Michael moved his hand back and forth over Sandy's stretched ass a couple of times, feeling the heat. Then he took the crop and moved beside her. He leaned over and whispered in her ear. "You can take it. Just five. Ready?" Sandy nodded and steeled herself. She heard the swish of air as the crop descended but was not really ready for the hot line of pain which appeared horizontally across the top of her ass. A scream escaped her mouth even as the second stroke descended, landing parallel to the first and a little lower, bringing a second scream. Each of the next two, each a little farther down her stretched bottom, also brought a similar scream. Michael hesitated for a few seconds before the last stroke. This one, when it came, made a diagonal stripe, crossing the other four.

Sandy's scream died although tears continued from her eyes as Michael gently rubbed her hot bottom. Anna's first scream came as Michael began to gently touch Sandy's tight pucker, gently stroking the sensitive flesh. He quickly added some lube to the ends of his fingers and as the strokes continued to land on the other two pledges, he began to probe her rear opening, sliding his finger tip inside, twisting and spreading the slick substance. He lubed her well, both inside and out, and by the time the fifth stroke had been delivered to Anna and the first to Liz, Sandy was beginning to relax slightly. The touch to her sensitive anus actually felt good. When Michael's finger penetrated her bottom, she experienced a feeling much like when his cock had slid into her pussy. Much like, but not the same. In many ways this was an entirely new sensation. Sure, she had been touched there before. One boy had actually penetrated her ass about an inch with his finger as he fucked her. (Or, more accurately, as she fucked him, as she was astride at the time.) But that had been nothing like this. Michael's finger penetrated much deeper, touching her in places she had never been touched before.

A second finger joined the first and Sandy's anus began to relax and, not only accept, but also to enjoy, the intruder. The hot skin of her ass still hurt, but these new sensations helped distract her from that. The sounds of the whippings had stopped now and been replaced by moans and other sounds of sexual excitement. The fingers finally pulled out of Sandy's ass, but almost immediately she felt a new pressure against her anus. This was larger, more rounded than the fingers had been and she immediately recognized it as the head of Michael's cock, also covered with slick lubricant.

Michael pressed forwards firmly, but not enough to hurt. Still, slowly the hard shaft opened her more and more and she began to feel the large rod begin to slip inside. Michael continued without haste and without realizing it, Sandy took his entire length up her rectum. Then he froze, holding himself buried inside her, his course hair pressing against the sensitive, hot skin of her whipped bottom.

He moved out slowly and only a little ways before pressing just as slowly back inside. Several times he repeated these short, slow journeys. On one of the slow slides inwards Sandy said, hardly louder than a whisper, but enough for Michael to hear, "Yessssssss. Do it."

He smiled and this time pulled out a little more before sliding back inside a little more quickly. Before much longer he was fucking her in long, deep, but still slow, strokes and Sandy was reacting very favorably, squeezing him with her tight muscles, trying to arch her bottom to get him even deeper. He leaned forwards and let his hand move around her thigh until her could place a finger over her clit. As he fucked her ass he began to tease her hard nub. Suddenly Anna cried out in an obvious climax and this seemed to push Sandy. It also had an effect on Michael and he stroked harder three more times and then pushed himself as deep as possible, holding Sandy's hips tightly as he sent spurt after spurt inside her hot and tight bottom. She moaned and joined her sister pledge in orgasm. Both were followed in the next minute or so by Liz.

As Sandy began to return to normal, Michael let himself relax and slide from her incredibly tight tunnel. He leaned over and kissed her neck before standing. In another minute the men released the three pledges, helping them to stand.

For the next quarter hour the girls lay nearly exhausted in the laps of the men until Michael said, "You pledges have been outstanding and we will be sure to give a good report of how you have conducted yourselves. However, much as I would like to keep you longer, I believe it is time to return you. You may clean up a little in the bathroom over there and then get dressed while the three of us go get ready to take you back."

The men then stood and left the room. The girls looked at each other and finally Liz said, "Well, this wasn't quite the initiation I had expected."

"No," Anna agreed, "definitely not."

Sandy added, "It might have been more than I was expecting, but not as bad as I feared." The other two murmured their agreement. "Well, we'd better see if we can clean up a little, even if I'm afraid a shower will have to wait."

In a few minutes the men returned, now dressed again, and found the three pledges wearing the skirts and shirts in which they had arrived. "I'm afraid you'll need the blindfolds again," Michael said as he passed the black silk to the other two men and they proceeded to tie the swaths around each girl's eyes. They then led them back out and into the van.

"Where are you taking us?" Liz asked. "I mean, the mall is closed and, anyway, I don't think we want to walk back to the house by ourselves at this time of morning. Can you drop us off at the house on Baker?"

"Well...." Michael hesitated a second. "You have a point, but we're not supposed to take you up to the house. You're supposed to walk up to it by yourselves."

"Then what about taking us to the corner of Crandon? That's only a block from the house and it would be safe for us to walk from there."

"I think we can do that," Michael replied.