Plump and Plain


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"You have a really handsome body," she said, looking not at it but into my eyes.

"Thanks," I said, and I slumped back in the couch and took my prick in my hand. "The fantasy as fetish. Let's just explore that a little. Give me a fantasy, let me try to imagine the kind of thing you're talking about, I've never thought about fantasies."

She shifted in her chair, she had a different look on her face now, she was now clearly getting aroused, as was I. "You're on a bus. It's crowded. You see me. You move up against me. You feel me. I let you — that sort of thing, act it out."

"Where do I feel you?"

"Maybe you rub your arm against my breasts, maybe the back of your hand touches my sex."

"Have you thought of this scenario before?"


"And what do you do?"

"It depends."

"On what?"

"On my mood. Sometimes, when I'm in a hurry, I subtly rub back and the whole thing quickly escalates. Other times, when I have the time to drag it out, I'm more passive and he's more insistent — it takes a lot longer."

"But you wind up in the same place. His bed."

She smiled, "Mine, usually, that way I don't have to waste a lot of time imagining details of the setting ..."

"You can just spend your energies on getting it on ..."


I had been very slowly stroking my cock, trying to tease her a little but at the same time, for my own sake, making sure I didn't go too far, which would have been really easy to do. "Is this working for you?"

She hadn't been watching my hand, she had kept her eyes on mine, but now she took a peek, "You have no idea."

"Is this the first one you've seen?"

She nodded.

I took my hand off it. "What do you think?"

"It isn't as menacing as I thought ..."

"Not as big ...," I laughed,

"No, no" she almost over-reacted in protest, "I didn't mean that, I meant it in the sense that it's supposed to fit into me and when I first saw it, that's what I imagined and it didn't seem any where near as ah, threatening as I thought it would."

"Evolution has pretty much perfected the principal."

She laughed, "I think of it more as an Intelligent Design."

I laughed, too. She was impressing me. This couldn't have been easy for her but she was playing her roll impressively. "Will you take off your pants? Leave your panties on."

She quickly got up and took them off.



"Your panties are rose."

"And the rose has been watered," she laughed, sitting down, carefully placing her legs together.

"It's working, isn't it? If we had done it your way, it'd be over now and we'd be feeling stupid."

"I don't know what I'd be feeling, but I bet I wouldn't be feeling like this."

"And 'this' is what? Before you answer can you just sort of do what I'm doing?"

She sat back in her chair, slowly, cautiously opened her legs and began to move her fingers lightly over the dark spot on her panties. "I'm on fire. If Betty walked into this room right now, I'm not sure I could stop doing what I'm doing."

I smiled, "Another fantasy."

She smiled through hooded eyes, "Do you have a fetish? I mean, besides coaxing strangers into undressing in front of you and masturbating."

"I think I do, I think I have two. One is women's underwear, I find it unbelievably sexy," I nodded towards hers, "not the cotton stuff, the really delicate, sexy fabrics. To me, they're a giant turn-on. And the other is something that I'm just now discovering: helping a woman to really get into her sexuality, I mean, I'm finding this unbelievable. You described yourself as plump and plain awhile ago but you're anything but that right now. I mean, look at you? Your nipples are as stiff as pencils, you panties are wet with desire, your legs are wide open to me and you have a kind of joy on your face right now — it's beautiful, the whole package is unbelievably beautiful ...," I jumped to my feet. "I've got to take a break or I'll explode. Five minutes. OK?"

"Do you want me to put my clothes on?"

"Hell, no! We'll just pick up where we left off, OK?"

I went to the bathroom and took some time to coax my prick down so I could take a leak. Then I washed cold water over my face to help me gain a little control over my emotions. I had expected this to be a huge turn-on for her, but because I hadn't found her attractive, not for me. But it wasn't working out that way. When I took my place on the couch again, I took a long slug of the beer I had brought from the fridge and was glad to see that I wasn't totally stiff.

But I got that way the moment she walked into the room. "I rooted through Betty's drawer. We're about the same size; though she's a lot heavier on the top." She hesitated, searching my face, "I know this stuff looks better on ..."

"You look beautiful," I said. She had on the very kind of underwear I had described to her, flimsy, delicate, tantalizing and I immediately reached for my now-stiff pecker, careful not to squeeze it too tight. When she sat opposite me she opened her legs and began again to caress herself. For the very first time she looked unbelievably sexy to me.

And self-conscious, too. She smiled at me, "On our break I thought about it: it wasn't fair of me to ask you to do this, was it?"

"This was my idea ..."

"The sex, I mean, it wasn't fair for me to put you on the spot like that. You were right, I was asking you to service me, to give me a pity fuck, as you said."

"You were desperate, I get that." Then I laughed, "and look on the bright side, you said that one of your problems has been that you aren't aggressive enough. You can't say that anymore."

She laughed, her finger lightly tracing a circle around the growing wet spot on her panties.

I brought my eyes to hers, "Don't you think that's important?"

"What?" She had been watching me pump myself.

"That it was you who initiated this, not me. It was you who asked me for sex, not the classic boy asking the girl. When you think back about this, don't you think that'll be important to you, that you started this. I think you'll find that'll be a big turn-on, that you did the propositioning ..."

"Or maybe I'll find it pathetic ... that I had to."

"Do you feel pathetic?"


"You shouldn't. What were you thinking on the break?"

"That I'm really lucky, really excited. I'm going to have sex, I'm going to have it with a really nice guy and that I'm ready to explode."

"Ya, me, too, great isn't it?"

"But how long do you expect me to last?"


"I'm way beyond ready." She got to her feet and reached out to help me up, but I resisted.

"We're not quite there yet. Another few minutes."

There may have been anger in the disappointment that flashed through her face, but she sat down, leaned back, slowly opened her legs and continued to move her fingers over Betty's panties.

"Can you imagine sucking this now?" I held it out.

She looked at it, concentrated on it. "Yes. I would kiss it first ... on the top and then along its length. But then I would suck it," she smiled, looking up at me, "I have no doubt of that."

"And how does that make you feel? That discovery? You said you had never thought of it before."

I could see that her fingers crept inside Betty's panties, which were just a little big on her. "A friend of mine told me awhile ago that, and this is in part why I was so bold before, that she told a guy she knew and liked but didn't have a relationship with, that she wanted a guy to take her home on a Friday night and not give her up until Sunday night. That they would, as she said, 'fuck and suck and lick and kiss' until they needed to stop, needed to eat and sleep. When she told me about it, I couldn't imagine me ever saying anything like that, ever doing anything like that. I can now. I can easily imagine that now."

"So if I said, I want to lock the door and not let you out for two days, you'd say...?"

She laughed and brought her fingers back to her panties, "Lock away."

"Did they?

She didn't understand me, "Did they?"

"Did your friend get her weekend?"

She nodded, "She did."

"And did she tell you about it?"

She shrugged, "Sort of."

"Sort of?"

"I cut her off. It embarrassed me — at the time, but I've thought about it ever since. A lot," she laughed, "an awful lot. I wish I'd let her continue."

"Did that scenario work its way into your masturbations?"

She nodded.

"Were you ever there with them?"

Her coy smile made me laugh, "Wouldn't you like to know."

That did it.

She had her over-sized bra off before we got to the bedroom and her underwear joined mine on the floor and it surprised me, I didn't think this would be a part of it, and it sure as hell surprised her, too because when we fell onto the bed, I took her in my arms and started kissing her, passionately and she went frantic on me and she came virtually immediately, right then and there, in a loud almost agonizing moan that I could taste in her spit and feel on my leg. And then her rigidity relaxed and she melted onto to me, weightless and soft. "Oh, fuck, that was amazing."

I caressed her hair, "Ya, but it doesn't count."

She took a deep breath and put her arms around me and squeezed as hard as she could. I waited for her to relax again and when she did I turned sideways and dumped her off me, gently pushed her onto her back and I got between her legs. "Is it too soon?"

"No, God, no, please."

"You do it."


"You put me in." I leaned forward and bunched the two pillows under her head so she could more easily watch.

She was looking at me and I swear to God the lust that had been in her eyes just a minutes before had now changed to love, she had a look of adoration, then she looked down and took me lightly with both hands and as I shuffled forward, she guided me to her opening.

That's when I knew this had all been a terrible mistake, my timing had been awful. The moment I touched her warm, wet opening, moments after her fingers touched my stiff, throbbing cock, I unloaded on her, not IN her, ON here, I just pumped a couple of weeks of sperm on her hairy covering and then I felt her push me over and as I lay on my back she pumped me as waves and waves of ecstasy washed over me and as I nestled further into the bed she had her fingers lightly on my balls and she was snuggling into me and I knew I would remember this moment for the rest of my life.

It took me awhile to recover, a few minutes and when I did, I was surprised I wasn't embarrassed, in fact I was glad it had happened, "As I was saying, I wanted this to be a great memory ... for me," and I laughed and so did she.

Then she rose up on an arm and was looking down on me, smiling that new loving smile of hers, "I had no idea that losing my virginity would be this difficult."

"Well," I said, with a smile, "I don't think it's good idea to rush into these things."

"Apparently," she smiled back, "And now I don't either."

I gently pushed her onto her back and shifted down and got comfortable. "Would you feed it to me?"

She shifted, put an arm above my head so she could caress my hair and she fed her right breast to me and when I touched her stiff nipple with my lips she moaned in pleasure and she kept on moaning, lightly, expressively but only for a couple of minutes because that's when she slid down and took me in her mouth and when she did I looked up and saw Betty standing in the doorway.

She was smiling; she put her finger to her lips to shush me and then, as she leaned against the doorway, she moved her fingers to the crotch of her jeans and I could see her pinching herself as her friend's head bobbed over me.

It was all too much. I just let go and as my fluids shot into her, she moan loudly — and I couldn't take my eyes off Betty.

For some reason the look on her face and her hand on her crotch absolutely enraptured me and the feeling didn't go away with my release: it shocked me, the realization; it positively shocked me: I wanted her, I wanted her more than I've ever wanted a woman and I didn't know why.

But I couldn't see Betty now. The girl had left my cock and was leaning over me, that loving smile on her face, her breasts pointing at my still-stiff prick like witching sticks — that's when Betty applauded and with the noise she jerked around and Betty came rushing forward, took her head in her hands and kissed her on the forehead. "Magnifico!" she said, as her friend sat back, startled, then she sank into the bed lying beside me as if for support. "It never occurred to me that I couldn't leave you two together." Clearly, there was no edge to her voice, just fun.

"It's my coming out party," she clasped her hands behind her head, her elbow was resting above me so that her armpit, hairy and a little ripe, was just inches from my face. She didn't show a hint of embarrassment or even self-consciousness, which really surprised me, and, actually, turned me on a little, as my well-serviced dink was now evidencing.

"Coming out party?" Betty had one knee on the bed.

She nudged me on the head with her elbow, "Tell her."

"The whole thing?"

Betty was sitting on the edge of the bed now. She slapped at my foot, "Yes, the whole thing."

She laughed, "Sure."

So I did, leaving out nothing. I had known Betty for years, she was a friend of my older sister who had moved to the city after I did and she asked me over for dinner every once in awhile. We were friends, that's all, I'd never thought of her in any other way — until three minutes ago. Now, as I told her the story, I was looking at her in a whole different way, surprised that I had never seen her lustful sexuality before. She was heavy with curves, soft rolling curves that seemed now to be calling out for love; I could imagine myself lost in them; my face pressed between her soft round breasts; my fingers in her warm wet snatch. Why? It was her look: she now seemed to be exuded sex; everything about her seemed to be dripping with it.

My prick was rock hard again and she was looking at it, then she looked at her friend, "So has losing it been ... memorable?"

We both laughed, but I spoke, "We haven't quite got there yet."

Betty seemed incredulous, "You mean this was supposed to be all about her, and you got her to blow you?" She pulled her sweater over her head, "You need some help, girl."

She quickly sat up. "What are you doing?"

Betty was unfastening her bra, "What do you mean, 'what am I doing?' You're having a coming out party, you want to make it memorable and you're not asking me? Get serious." When she stood up to take down her pants she saw the panties on the floor. She bent down, picked them up, dangling them on her middle finger, "How long have you two been at this?"

"I borrowed them, I hope you don't mind."

Betty was feeling the crotch with exaggerated drama, "Been at it awhile," she said, as she dropped them to the floor and stripped her pants and panties in a single motion and then she crawled on the bed. That's when it got awkward because she didn't know where to go; she just sort of hung there on all fours, her breasts hanging like udders. Anger flashed through her eyes, "Well?"

I don't know why but that struck me as funny, and she thought it was funny, too because we both laughed, then I sorted of squeezed into her to make room for Betty beside me.

But Betty was having none of that. "I thought it was Nancy's coming out party, not your's.

'Nancy!' That was her name. "It is."

"Then isn't SHE supposed to be the centre of attention," Betty was looking at me but she was speaking to Nancy and Nancy wasn't moving, but I was, this was taking on a whole new theme and the prospects of a really 'memorable' outting was growing with every moment. When I shifted over to the edge of the bed, I pulled Nancy with me, and Betty lay down next to her, on her side, looking down on her. "Now, as I remember it, to lose your virginity that," she pointed to my pole, "has to go in there," she pointed to Nancy's pussy.

I didn't know if I had been summoned and nor did Nancy, who said, "Is it customary to lose it with an audience?"

"I'm no spectator," Betty said, as she put her fingers on Nancy's breast, "I'm a participant."

But with her touch Nancy kind of freaked; she slapped at Betty's fingers, "I'm not a lesbian!"

I watched with fascination as Betty put her fingers back on Nancy's stiff nipple, "Well nor am I but that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun. Jeez, I thought this was supposed to be memorable."

"Ya," I turned on my side to bracket Nancy, "this is supposed to be memorable," I repeated her words with all the enthusiasm I was feeling.

"For whom?" Nancy was looking up at me, with a kind of wry smile that excited me because I was pretty sure it was going to happen and then, when Betty's lips found Nancy's nipple and she winced, but only for a second, I knew it was going to happen.

I kissed her lightly on the lips, "Have you ever dreamed about anything like this?"

She smiled, "Have you?" Then she turned her head to watch Betty's fingers slowly travel down her belly.

I waited for Nancy to stop her but she didn't, not when Betty's fingers went south of her navel and not when her fingers entered her pubic patch — but she did gasp and I think I did too. But she didn't open her legs, not until Betty left her tit and looked up at her and when she did, it was clear to both of us that Betty was going to be an insistent partner — and she was going to be our guide.

In response to Betty's demanding eyes I watched Nancy's legs part, slowly at first but as Betty's fingers disappeared into her crotch, she opened wider and as she did she slid down a little as if helping to impale herself on her friend's fingers.

It was when Nancy started to shimmer at Betty's fingers, that's what did it. Leaving her fingers in her pussy, Betty rose up and looked down at Nancy whose eyes were closed the better to concentrate on her bliss. "Why you horny little tart."

A smile cracked Nancy's lips but she didn't open her eyes, "Sticks and stones," she said, as she rocked her hips sending Betty's fingers deeper into her pussy.

I wanted to suck something, anything but mostly I wanted my head between Betty's large, soft thighs, I wanted to be sucking her pussy — but I knew better, I knew this was about Nancy and I knew that anything I could get from Betty would be a side dish, at least until we had dispensed with Nancy's cherry, so I moved down and Betty did too, by tracing her lips along Nancy's body and when I reached Nancy's lips, she was sucking her belly, just above her pubic hair and I could feel Nancy's moans in my mouth.

"It's time, hot shot."

It took me a moment to realize that Betty was talking and she was talking to me.

But Nancy was objecting, "No, not yet, please," and she pushed gently at Betty's head and that's all the encouragement she needed. I rolled off Nancy and sat up, placing her head in my laps and we both watched Betty get off the bed and kneel on the floor, her eyes transfixed by Nancy's pussy.

What happened next was like a slow motion video that I hoped would remain in my memory to replay on demand.

The lust on Betty's face was lewd, deforming, she seemed almost to be panting. She was staring at Nancy's pussy as if she had never seen one before, then she put her hands on Nancy's hips and with her thumbs spread her lips slowly opening her, a hint of pink becoming a cleft, then a gully.

"Betty?" Nancy's voice was almost a whisper.

But Betty didn't answer. She bend down and carefully placed her lips into the centre of the opening and I could hear her kiss, a kind of smooch, then she lost it and pushed her faced deep into her and Nancy was pulling at her hair, bucking at her face so hard that Betty's head seemed almost to be bouncing and it must have bothered her because she brought her arms over Nancy's legs, gripped them and as she pulled her down towards the end of the bed Nancy's head dropped off my lap, then Betty seemed to throw Nancy's legs over her shoulders and with Nancy's ass off the bed she clamped her pussy tight to her face and Nancy's squeal lasted a full minute before she went limp — and I began to breath again.