Pole Dance - część 02

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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/25/2021
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część 2

This is Part Two of the Story - Pole Dance.

I recommend readers to read Part One before reading this.

It is an Incest theme story (M/S) with a heavy undertone of Group & Lesbian action.

Currently the story is currently in two parts, and I intend to write an Epilogue to this story sometime soon.

I hope you all love the build up.... here comes the rest.

Happy Holidays. Enjoy.


Wednesday, 17 February

I managed to slip out of the bed without disturbing Antoni beyond a point. Walking naked to the en-suite I freshened up and cleaned my thighs with a towel before putting a gown on me. I was feeling too lazy to wear anything underneath it.

I walked to the living room and found Maja halfway into her yoga routine.

I politely declined to join her that morning and took my coffee and sat on the sofa right in front of Maja.

I enjoyed the view, she stretched delightfully and effortlessly from one posture to the next in a well-rehearsed set of motions.

Every couple of minutes our eyes locked and we'd smile.

She said, "Filip does that all the time."

"what?" I said flustered.

"He sits in front and keeps staring while I finish my routine." She replied.

"I....I wasn't staring." I stuttered defensively.

She smiled, letting me think whatever I wanted.

As an afterthought, I told her, "I don't know if Filip has told you enough - how beautiful you are."

She smiled back modestly. Then added, "not enough I guess." She chuckled at her own joke.

I looked towards her and told her, "Maja you are very very beautiful."

She smiled back and said, "thank you, Julia...."

Before she could say any further, I added, "looking at you doing these yoga postures is like seeing a ballet. It feels as if you are dancing in the clouds. You look even more beautiful going through your routine. It is all so fluid." Finally, I said, "You look lovely, like an angel."

She left her routine after that and came next to me and sat down. She kissed me on my cheek, and said, "Julia, you are kind with your words."

"Not nearly enough," I said instantly.

She hugged me from the side.

We sat like that for a while and then I asked the question, "about last night, Maja?"

She kind of knew what I meant and offered an explanation merely because I was new to the group, "Julia, did it bother you?"

I was surprised, instead of worrying about offering her boyfriend to another girl she was asking me if it bothered me.

"No. It did not. But I was wondering if it did to you?" I said.

"Not in the least." She replied promptly. Then added, "if you are thinking that this is how we live, interchanging partners and such, then no. We're not swinging. But we have sufficient trust and confidence in each other. We are a tight group that way."

I nodded in understanding. Then asked, "has this happened earlier too then?"

She chuckled, then said, "no. Maybe kissing or making out. Maybe some more.... I don't know. I don't keep a record .....but that's the point we don't need to. We trust each other way too much. Antoni was the newest in our group but a natural fit with us. We all love him and now you."

She bent forward and took my face in her hands and brought her lips to mine giving me a peck.

We hugged and then I saw Filip come in. He greeted us, "good morning ladies,"

Zofia walked in next and then came Jan.

I took charge of the kitchen with Filip and dished out eggs-benedict for everyone with brioche that the boys had brought the previous day from a local bakery.

We had decided to go for a hike on that day. We took off around eleven in the combi van.

After an exhaustive full day of hiking, we reached back to the chalet after an early supper on the way.

Maja brewed some hot coffee in the kitchen for everyone. We all sat together in the living room. Zuzanna went up to rest for some time.

I relaxed sitting next to Antoni, cuddling him lovingly.

Maja came by and handed over the coffee cups to us and went around to give others. Looking at us nestled lovingly, naughtily she smiled.

As she sat back, smiling, we looked toward each other. It was clear she was applying her mind to come up with some prank or perhaps something naughtier.

"Okay guys, today is girls' night. You need to work your way into our pants - or panties- so let's play date-night."

Everyone looked at her amused. She was the queen of the group and everything she said, undoubtedly got followed.

She ordered, "Jan, go get Zuz."

Jan got up and headed up to fetch Zuzanna.

Moments later, Jan came down to the living room with Zuzanna riding him piggyback.

Everyone laughed. Jan said, "she said she's too tired to walk."

He delivered Zuzanna on the sofa right next to Maja. Maja lovingly wrapped her arm around Zuz.

"Zuz we are going to play date night. The boys are going to pick but girls have the final word." Even abbreviated everyone knew what she meant.

But she surprised everyone and spiced up the stakes. She reached under her skirt and wiggled her panties off with some deft and quick moves. Then she smoothed her skirt back.

Then she signaled Zofia to do the same, who did not take long to comply. She handed Maja hers.

She moved next to Zuzanna for hers. She paid no heed to the fact that Zuzanna was wearing jeans. She bent in front of Zuzanna and started to unbuckle her. Zuz lifted her butt to let Maja pull off the jeans. A little struggle later, the jeans were at her ankle.

Everyone was perplexed at what Maja was doing.

Maja then hooked her fingers in Zuzanna's panties and started to pull. Without any hangup, Zuz lifted her butt once more. Off came her panties.

Maja then politely pulled the jeans back on Zuzanna. The struggle was a bit more than what it took to get them off. Before the final tug up, Maja bent forward and kissed Zuzanna's pussy mound to thank her for complying.

By then the tension had gone up manifold. Finally, she approached me. She offered me her hand. I was only glad that I was wearing a skirt for this part.

I took her hand and she pulled me up to make me stand in front of her. I knew what was coming so it lowered my surprise element. But I was still tense.

Maja held my hips and calmed me a bit before taking her hands to the hem of my skirt and lifting it sufficient to get her hands in. She hooked her fingers in the waistband effortlessly. Then got the smallest piece of my ensemble of that day and caressed the back of my thighs on the way down.

Once the panties were around my ankle she looked up towards me. I looked into her eyes and lifted one foot at a time to step out of the panties. A slight waft of cold winter air reached my pussy lips.

Once she had the four prized possessions without much resistance she looked around and found a bag. It was one we had got some food packed in and brought back.

Once the four panties were in the large brown bag, Maja crumpled the mouth of the bag in her fist and shook the bag a bit.

She kept the bag on the small table in the center and scanned the anticipating audience.

She smiled at the group and said, "each boy can pick his date for the night. What he Can do, or should I say, what all - depends on her."

It was obvious now, what the panties were for.

The first to walk up, backing his girlfriend's game was Filip. He walked calmly to the bag, lifted it, and shook it once. Without looking in, he put his hand in the bag and dished out a lime green panty. We knew while it was going in this tiny piece was Zuzanna's.

Filip walked to Zuz without any hesitation or embarrassment and offered her an arm. She smiled and put her hand into the loop he made of his arm. She closed in.

Next followed Jan, he copied Filip in keeping his face away and put his hand inside for his prize. He was rewarded with thin-strapped, embroidered v-shape black panties that had come off of Zofia.

Zofia did not wait for Jan to walk up. She was standing nearby and she gladly moved in front of Jan. He took her hand in his and slowly lifted her hand to give her a twirl. She played along and everyone laughed and clapped.

Szymon went up next to the bag and lifted it with the care of a glass utensil. Then he lifted his hand, waved it for the group, and then dived inside the bag. What he got out had my heart skip a beat. But then relief swept through me like ocean water caressing a beach.

Szymon got Maja's blue-colored sheer panties. He brought it to his nose and by then Maja was on her toes. She rushed into Szymon's arms and kissed him on the lips.

Antoni did not need the last pair to be brought out but he still went up to the bag and got his prize. He got my blood-red panties that were embroidered in the front and sheer on the back with no trims on the lower ebb.

He lifted my panties and brought them to his nose and then suggestively to his mouth. He then kissed the panties and moved in my direction. I stood up, embarrassed a little, and blushed. He moved into my open arms and took my lips with ease. We openly kissed in front of the group.

"Unfair," shouted Zuzanna. I thumbed my nose at her. And we all laughed. Fate had chosen.

For the next hour, we sat in the living room. It was Filip who changed tack and suggested, "I'm taking Zuz to a date. We are going for a walk outside, under the skies." Fortunately, the weather was playing sport and it seemed a clear day and not at all windy. But it was indeed cold.

Antoni stood up and went to our room on the first floor. He had gathered in his arms two duvets, a couple of pillows, and a few bed sheets. He marched from in front of us to the other room on the ground floor. We had rarely been using it over the last few days.

He came back empty-handed and asked me, "let's go."

He looked toward me and looped his arm for me to put my hand through, and we walked the twenty steps into the other room on the ground floor.

The room was where we were going to spend our date night in.

Antoni, intentionally, shut the door with a thud, in jest, for others to know that we were now no longer available until the next morning.

I could hear the faint chuckle from the main living room.

After we were alone in the smaller sitting room - a den of sorts - Antoni shed the facade instantly and explained, "I am sorry Mama, but I thought given everyone's expectations it'd be best if we are in an exclusive room for tonight. I hope you don't mind." I just felt love and warmth for him for having thought through the situation for my benefit. Now we didn't have to do what we didn't want to.

I smiled towards him and shook my head.

He slowly started to spread one of our duvets on the thick rug, making a slim mattress. He then spread a sheet on top and parked both pillows at the head.

I sat in the wingback chair and oversaw his work.

Antoni started the fire in the fireplace without much difficulty and got the first batch of wood lit up. As the fire caught up, he poured both of us some champagne.

"Mama?" He offered.

I accepted, "thank you."

We clinked our glasses and took our first sips. Antoni sat on the foot of my chair with her arm on my lap, folded at his elbow. His side resting on my leg.

I weaved my hand into his hair lovingly as we cleaned our glasses one sip at a time.

"Mama, I hope you don't regret coming here with us?"

"Not at all. I am glad I came in fact. Your friends are lovely, and they really care for you; and for each other." I added.

"I know." He replied, nodding.

We sat silently for a short while and then he remembered something, "Mama, I am very glad that I got you for my date."

"Not half as relieved as I am."

Pleased, he gloated after he heard my answer.

The heat from the fireplace started to show effect.

Antoni finished his drink first and kept his glass sideways on the rug. His hand started a soft rub from the bottom of my leg to my knee.

His feather-like touch changed eventually to a rub with his palm. He slowly calmed me and then moved up.

Before going under my skirt he looked up towards my face for resistance. He didn't find any. His hands moved in tandem with his words, "Mama, I love you."

"I love you too, Toni," I replied.

His hand by then was deep inside.

Instead of going for a grope on my quim he turned and sat facing me. His knees were folded and his butt on his heels. He moved his hands behind my butt and pulled me forward in the chair until I was a few inches from the edge of the chair.

Antoni rolled my skirt up and saw his prize - up close, bare as day.

He moved forward to kiss it. But before he reached my pussy he stopped and licked my thigh on the way. In between kissing and licking, he forgot where he was headed and stuck to my inner thighs. My sensations changed from excited to horny.

I put my hands behind his head again and pulled him in. Urgently needing release. I forced him to eat me- eat my pussy. He happily complied.

Antoni's tongue only stopped for a moment to find its way inside, and then he was playing with me like a seasoned player. He took long slurps and then wriggled his tongue to pull juices from inside me.

Antoni artfully kept poking and licking, always avoiding my clitoris, which he knew would be sensitive.

Whenever he came close to my clitoris, he would move in a different direction and keep me swooning.

I was in a lustful high when he caved and started sucking my clitoris hard.


I came like no tomorrow, grunting long and hard and loud for the group to hear from the other side of the door - if they were even bothered to listen.

It took me a long while to settle down, Antoni was no help. He kept kissing, licking, and sucking until I had come at least once more. Or I wonder if it was one long orgasm.

By the time I had the fortitude to push him away, I had bent into the chair like a contortionist, spasming and writhing.

Antoni cleared my flowing juices from outside my pussy. He licked the area clean, replacing my juice with his saliva.

We sat in our original posture, with him resting his head on my knees again, for the next few minutes. It was as if the last thirty minutes were a dream and it hadn't happened. But it had.

After my heart rate had normalized, I stirred a little, to let him know we should get up.

He gave me space to stand and move. I moved a couple of paces and started to undress.

One after the other, my clothes came off.

It was no striptease but he watched me in awe and with his mouth open.

I said, "it looks like we'd have to sleep without a nightdress."

Instantly his expression changed. He embarrassingly stuttered, not having got the nightwear with the duvets and bedsheets, "Mama, I...I."

I smiled back at him. Putting him at ease, I said, "we aren't going to need them anyway, for our date night."

He was relieved to have heard that.

By then I was out of my clothes. I shrugged at him, to get a move on.

He jerked to attention and started to hastily get out of his clothes.

A minute later, I was in Antoni's arms, nude as the day I was born and so was he. He was in my arms, also just as nude as he was the day he was born.

He bent to my face and made his first kiss and made it count. His lips took mine with a purpose, only to enter my mouth with his slippery, wet tongue. He explored away in my mouth as if it was new terrain for him. But he had been there before. He tapped around merrily and licked the region clean.

Our hands had gotten busy; his groping my butt cheeks and mine holding his head. We started to roll about, trying to find the best angle. And then we found it.

Antoni lay on his back and I had rolled on top of him. His dick nestled between my pussy mound and his belly. An evident proof of his state of excitement.

I decided to do the natural thing. I left his face on the pillow and pushed up. I used my palms on his chest to lever my way up and kept going until I was sitting. My knees fell off on his sides, as did my feet.

My pussy was layering his dick with cream. I moved slowly forward and back, suggesting that his erection was acknowledged.

He was wincing, his face expressive of his lustful state.

I moved my hand down, picked my butt up simultaneously, and gripped his very wet dick between my fingers.

He moaned, "unnngh."

I aimed the head of his dick into my pussy lips. I heard his heart pounding like a drum. It could very well have been mine for that matter. Or maybe it was both of ours.

I slid down.

Savoring every inch of my son's cock entering me, I slid down as slowly as mother nature could allow.

My eyes closed in disbelief at what I was doing or possibly because of extreme pleasure. I was loving every moment of it and every inch of it.

There was no pleasure purer, no love denser than what I was experiencing.

I thanked God at that moment. I wonder why, but my mind, although reeling in lust, thought it appropriate to thank God.

I opened my eyes and looked down towards my son, Antoni, who had his hands on my waist and was helping me move.

Once I had enveloped my son's entire cock inside my pussy, I held still to savor the experience. After a reasonable time of holding on, I started to move a little. Initially, just my butt - to experience the feel of his cock inside. Then the moves transitioned to my upper body as well.

I tried like hell to move just forward and back, to ensure not an inch of his cock comes out of me, no matter what the reason. I rolled my butt in a kneading motion, squeezing my pussy muscles to hold on to his cock, hugging it tightly.

At some point I had switched to bucking and rocking, I was swooning.

Suddenly, I started to cum. I was looking into Antoni's eyes when it started. My orgasm shook me so much that my mind felt numb. I felt as if I had used drugs and I was high. The feeling was the greatest I had known.

I shouted a big grunt, when I came, "MMMMMUUUUUUNNNNGGGGHHHH."

Just then, I heard Antoni groan his release. He could not hold any longer, He shot his first string inside me, with an "aaaannnnnggh."

I kept jerking and spasming, my orgasm stretched further as my pussy sipped string after string from my son. Each string was hitting my pussy walls but it had an impact on my mind. My pussy squeezed for more, and exhilaration ran through me - reaching my mind and I kept on spasming until Antoni too had stopped cumming.

I fell forward on Antoni, towards the end of my jerking and spasming, and we were writhing into each other's bodies. Antoni held me in his arms firmly to not let me fall off of him. His cock had pulled out halfway.

We lay like that for a long while settling down, letting our heartbeats come back to normal.

Eventually, his cock slipped out as it lost its strength, and Antoni allowed me to roll off him. As he did that, he turned along with me. We lay embraced for the longest while, kissing in small pecks to appreciate each other.

The fireplace had warmed the room sufficiently, and we slept in each other's arms.

It must have been a few hours into the night and we seemed to have slipped into a deep sleep because Antoni had released me from his clutch-hold. The cover, too, had come off halfway from above us. The fire had ebbed somewhat and I stirred awake feeling a bit cold.

I turned my back towards Antoni and moved into him. His body heat helped get me back to a comfortable, cozy warmth. His natural reaction as I moved in was to wrap his arm around me and pull me in deeper, spooning me. His flaccid but warm dick caressed my butt. His hand came on down my front and lovingly held my tit. His warm breath heated my neck. The rhythm of his breath lulled me back into sleep.

It was natural that if he was warming me up, I was too doing the same to him.