Poles Apart


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I didn't give my inner chicken time to so much as start to think. "Sure, if it'll shut you up."

As a taster of the levels of bravery I could take things to, I unfolded my legs slowly before I got up, all too aware of the rapt gaze my legs were receiving – and very nearly even more of me. And I loved it.

I had no idea where these new feelings were coming from but my main area of surprise was the intensity of the sensations. In the washroom I unclipped my bra through my blouse and didn't even have to loosen more than one button to wriggle free of the garment, my breasts luxuriating in the feel of just one layer of smooth silkiness laying over them. One rather transparent layer.

Kate's surprise was far more obvious, but it didn't stop her hugging me tightly before she whipped off her own bra and compared levels of exposure.

"Unbelievable," she giggled, "you're making me look like the chicken!"

I looked down at the front of my blouse, the darker circles of my nipples obvious against the paleness of the rest of my breasts. If it were possible, my nipples hardened even further. "Are you sure this isn't too-"

"It's perfect! You're perfect! Now let's go be dazzling and daring for once!"

I followed Kate in a daze, and even the wash of fear that passed through me at the threshold to the main room didn't do more than slow me for one footstep.

The feeling of the flimsy material against my breasts was mind-spinningly arousing, but when I saw my audience of one first take in my legs but then stare higher, almost choking on his drink when he realised just what he could see now, those arousal levels sky-rocketed. I was almost shocked when I failed to cover up or hide, but even more amazed when I felt a surge of heat spiralling into my groin, dampening me in a way that almost made me whimper.

The next few minutes passed in a blur of heat and unfamiliar sensations. Kate and I exchanged hurried, overtly sexual comments, of which I now have zero detailed memory – other than when I joined with her in an audit of the sort of looks we were both receiving. Oh, and an admission to her from me that she had been so very right all along.

Every time a male eye zeroed in on my exposed thigh or the diaphanous material barely covering my breasts, my arousal levels edged inexorably higher. Kate and I were guzzling free wine now – purchased for us by grateful guys – and at one glorious moment me had a quick count up and realised that there were more guys looking our way than were looking up at the half naked dancers.

It was while we were giggling together over that very topic when Chantella (if you can believe it) sat down next to us. It took me a moment to realise that I had seen the asymmetrically bobbed hair she wore earlier – and a moment or two more to realise what I had seen her doing.

"You're...?" I nodded towards the nearest pole.

"That's me," she nodded, introducing herself by her unlikely name and with an even unlikelier job description.

Kate sat forward. "You really manage this place? You can't be more than twenty-five."

"Thirty-two and with an endless gratitude to mum's genes. But thanks. And talking of thanks, I wondered whether you two fancied earning a little extra?"

Kate didn't let me say a word. "We're not here to earn! We may be made up and dressed down but we're-"

"Hey! I never thought for a second you were." Chantella interrupted, "Not, I hasten to add, because you're not good-looking enough. You've both got that gloriously shy-but-sexy vibe going, though and that's what I'm getting at."

Kate gave me a look that said 'don't you dare say a word', then focused on the dancer/manager, "So what's this extra money thing all about? Providing a pretty ear for some of your lonelier punters?"

Chantella laughed, "Heavens no, I was talking about some serious extra money."

"Well like I said, we're not-"

"And like I said, I know. I was referring to the poles."

"The poles...?"

I raised a hand (old habit), "You mean... us... dance?"

"Sure. You can learn all the lifts and leg-work later, but you'd have no trouble getting the punters salivating with a bit of everyday bump and grind up there."

Kate snorted, "You are joking, right? And anyway, we haven't got time free to rehearse."

I squeaked, "And even if we had you couldn't expect us to get up there and end up topless!"

This got another laugh, "Honey, you'd not be showing much more than you are now. And trust me, you might get gawped at up there, but it feels a lot less personal than getting gawped at down here. As for the practice, it's like I said, we can do that later but you'd be good enough right from the off."

"Costumes!" I put in, still searching for logical reasons why neither me of Kate could ever do such a thing. "We haven't got any-"

Chatella held up a hand and stared at both of us for a few seconds. She pointed at Kate first, "Thirty-four, c cup, thirty-six hips," then at me, "Also thirty-four but a b cup, thirty five hips. Right? We've got plenty of kit in those sizes."

Kate and I looked at each other. Kate took a deep breath. "She's right, and why not. What do you say, Wends?"

My jaw dropped, "You're joking, right?" "Why? You said it yourself you're getting such a buzz, and no one knows us here, right?"

"Anyone could walk in who knows us!"

Chantella chuckled, "Look at Vampyra over at the West pole."

We followed her pointing arm and Kate laughed, "There you go, Wends – bet you'd never recognise her if you saw her in the street."

I stared at the young woman's ornate mask and shuddered deliciously as I realised that I had probably run out of excuses. "Um...."

"That," Kate said triumphantly, "translates as 'let's do it'."

Without any apparent sense of irony, Chantella directed us into two changing cubicles at the back of the club and in just two minutes Kate and I were standing staring at each other in matching blue bikinis, giggling like schoolgirls.

Kate pointed at the doorway leading into the club, "If I go through there with you then you have to promise me on everything you hold dear that you want run off and leave me out there, okay?"

"Totally. Same goes the other way around as well... Does this man we're actually going to do it?"

Kate's eyes were wide and almost frantic behind the cat-mask she wore, "Why not? I'd never be able to pluck up the courage if I had notice of what was going to happen."

I adjusted my fox snout with trembling fingers, "You got that right. But... courage to go how far?"

Kate's giggle was showing signs of unravelling at the edges, "Well obviously we have to go grind our stuff but all the other girls..."

I nodded, "I know what you mean... All of them got topless at least."

"Reckon you could?"

I shrugged, "Never thought I'd ever wear a blouse or a skirt like that with nothing under. And before, I never thought I'd ever come in a place like this."

"And it's a one-off thing, right?"

I patted Kate's arm, "You reckon we can keep it that may. In our heads, I mean."

"I think I do. And it stays as our secret for all eternity, right, Wends?"

"Right... Hug?"

We were still hugging when Chantella came back into the room and said, "Ready?"

There's no way I can accurately describe the vast array of emotions that washed through me when, shoulder to shoulder, Kate and I followed Chantella through the door and into the main clubroom.

Nothing can begin to do justice to the sudden awareness of so many eyes on the expanse of flesh that I was already baring, or the equally sudden awareness of what thoughts were sheltered by those eager eyes. And, boy, when Chantella stepped away from us and we mounted the five steps up to little stages at adjacent poles, I can't even begin to tell you how suddenly exposed I started to feel. Nor how suddenly, drippingly, aroused.

Music started to pulse from speakers all around the little stages, and I realised as I saw Kate begin to sway, that the same tunes were being pumped to both stages. The very first movement I made to that music was like the final lock being opened. That first sway of my hips, the knowledge that the audiences eyes were now locked onto my flesh, cast away every last shred of reluctance. I started to sway harder, seeking out the smooth hardness of the pole behind me.

I began to lose myself in the beats, but never enough that I wasn't aware of how Kate was faring. And what she was thinking. I watched as her hands ran down her thighs, across her bell, across the skin above her bikini top, skimming over the mounds of her breasts and back down to the start. I locked onto her eyes as she gazed at me, the question writ large in the air between us.

I could almost feel the air pressure lower as I raised my hands behind my back, equally aware of Kate's sudden heightened excitement and the intake of breaths all around us as our audience realised they were about to get oh-so lucky.

I plucked at the ties and clasped the flimsy blue material tight to the swells of my breasts as they came free, aware that just a single relaxation of my hands would see me – crippingly shy Wendy – baring my breasts to a roomful of men. I swayed wide, gyrating to the rhythm, my hands teasing, squeezing my own breasts as this crowd of men watched me doing it. I looked across and Kate gave me a trembling smile under her mask before she leaned forward.

It was going to happen and I copied her move, letting the material fall away as my breasts came into contact with my thigh. Half naked and feeling my arousal levels shuddering ever-higher, I rose again until the whole room could see my naked, bared breasts.

As the applause and whoops of delight washed over me, I glanced at Kate and saw that she, too, was almost transfixed with excitement. At the same moment, we started to writhe and sway once more, my hands rubbing across the bare flesh of my breasts with abandon. I let myself sway low, towards my audience, almost within touching distance before straightening. I was intoxicated with the sensations, and when I saw Chantella below me nod towards my hips with a quizzical expression on her face, I almost passed out with the surge of pure sensuality I felt.

For the first time ever my glance towards Kate was not in search of her approval – it was me leading the way as I glanced down at my waistband and indicated what I was going to do. Kate's look was one of shocked delight, and she blew me a kiss before starting to writhe harder for her own audience. I turned back to mine and made a great, teasingly slow show of tugging the ties at my hips open, a prolonged grind and sway routine following as I clutched the last remaining material tight to my belly. To my pussy.

I was about to show this roomful of strangers the very heart of me, the one place that I had – foolishly – kept to myself and one or two very select partners over so many years. The very wet and hot centre of me. I spun towards the pole, pinning the bikini briefs between pole and pussy even as it fell away at the back, exposing my butt.

As the cheers rose I simply spun back to face them, legs together at first before I took a swaying side-step, opening myself to the eager eyes. Cheers and applause rose as I began to sway once more to the music, totally naked and exposed now, my fingers brushing across my skin, touching, even, the very centre of me very briefly.

I was aroused to a level that I had never reached before – almost like the other side of climax, but as a constant sensation – but that didn't stop me getting ever closer to a real-life orgasm. The whole idea scared me – that much loss of control and that much intimacy with such a wide and wild audience – while at the same time making me more and more excited.

My fingers still brushed across my bare skin, but now the pressure was increased when they touched my very centre, my outer lips parting a little further each time. I just knew that the first time I penetrated myself properly I would start to climax and nothing on this planet would stop me.

And perhaps Chantella realised that as well.

The music wound down to silence and we were helped shakily down from the little stages by two of the other girls to a background of loud, sustained cheers.

"Great show for a newbie," the girl helping me said, "And two quick tips: don't forget your kit when you come down, and mind out for groping hands on your way back to the changing room!"

I thanked her, grabbed the discarded bikini, and covered my nakedness as best possible as we dashed out to the back room.

Once safely through the doors, the girls left us and we stared at each other with total delighted shock registering on every feature. I pulled off the fox mask and three the bikini down, opening my arms.

The cat mask and the other bikini ended up together in the corner of the room and Kate ended up entwined in my arms.

We'd never really seen each other naked before, let alone hugged each other that way, but right then it felt just perfect – all part of a wonderful shared experience. Kate kissed my cheek, a companionable peck, and I returned the gesture before leaning back a little to exchange a look of shared experience.

It was one of those moments when you can almost see inside someone else's essence, when you just know that they have felt exactly the same emotions that you have, and that this time you're sharing is something that belongs to just the two of you. Those moments were incredibly powerful. And maybe that is why I leaned forward a fraction.

A faint quizzical look passed across Kate's features, but it was gone before it really registered, replaced instead by a look that spoke of the time we had just shared so fully and deeply. And of a time that we had maybe not shared which was all part of the same experience. Her face tilted little to the left and she mimicked the fractional lean forward that I had done a few moments before.

There was a hush as we both paused for a few seconds, before the forward leans started again, and oh-so very slowly we closed the gap between our lips. The first contact was the gentle sensuality of deep affection – love, even – but as we acknowledged what was really happening, what we had both done out there on those little stages, tongues were forced against lips and our mouths opened as out passions started to run free.

My hands started to roam over Kate's shoulders, then arms, as hers did the same to me. I leaned back a little and let my thumbs brush the outside of Kate's breasts and stifled a moan as she whimpered softly.

She caressed the soft sides of my breasts with fingers and we gradually leaned further back. Sides of breasts became the soft undersides, and my own hands moved inwards to finally cup her fully.

Our passions, already stoked on the fires of the pole stages and in the newfound freedom of my world, started to rise rapidly until when Kate asked whether I had become really aroused out in the club, I answered her my pushing her hand down to my mound.

There was no hesitation now as we fingered each other's most intimate parts, and no surprise when Kate sank to her knees in front of me. I leaned back against a desk and opened myself to my friend.

As the tip of her tongue pressed against my wetness and then slid inside the hot, soft folds of my flesh I started to buck against her. My spiralling arousal had reached bursting point and I lay further and further back, scattering papers and pens as Kate's mouth took me into a heavenly place where only pleasure existed.

No matter that the climax was so marvellously intense, I still needed to share one more thing with my friend and so, shuddering still, I slid from the tabletop and pushed Kate gently backwards until her shoulders were pressed against the threadbare carpet. Her hips rose as my tongue zigzagged quickly down her belly, her legs scissoring open as my chin reached the small dark strip of hair that guided me into the centre of her. Just as quickly as I had climaxed when Kate's tongue reached into me, so did Kate when my own tongue pressed between her labia, my mind marvelling at the softness, heat and sweet, sweet taste of my friend's juices.

Even as the last vestiges of my own climax had my belly spasming, Kate moaned ever-louder as her own orgasm shook her twitching, bucking form.

We were both panting as the waves of ecstasy began to subside, still naked and tangled in each other's limbs. We mumbled words at each other but no meaning was needed in our utterances since actions really had been speaking louder than any words. It was a moment – or rather, an evening – that would never be repeated in such eye-widening revelatory sensations, and we hugged each other in mutual celebration of our mind-scrambling escapade. It was maybe five minutes, or maybe twenty minutes, later when Chantella slipped into the room and found us still cuddled up together.

She laughed, but in no way unkindly, "It gets to some people that way, and I'm glad to see you both enjoyed the whole deal."

I surprised myself by feeling not the slightest embarrassment, "It was certainly an experience."

"A lovely one," Kate agreed.

"So, either of you reckon you'll be back for more? The set you two did was about as hot as it gets for newbies, and the crowd were very impressed – you've made close on a ton each."

"You mean we get paid for that show?" I was genuinely surprised.

"Hell yeah, and worth every penny. So will you be back?"

I grinned at Kate, "Maybe one day, but I don't think I'm ready to do it regularly just yet."

"Me neither," Kate stretched. "You thirsty?"

Any orgasm always left me dry-mouthed, but the intensity of the one I'd just experienced had mine feeling like a desert, "You got that right. But do you think we dare have one here?"

Chantella laughed again, "I'll let you out the back and you can just wander round to the front and back inside. The crowd won't associate those hot dancers with two women out for a night's wine and chat – even if you'll still be just as hot in clothes."

I felt a tiny twang of embarrassment "You know, Chantella, I'm not... well, not like-"

"She means," Kate interrupted, "that she's not a les, or even bi."


"Although an hour ago Wends wouldn't have put 'flashing my tits and pussy at a bunch of strangers' down as one of her favourite activities."

That Friday afternoon and evening was just a month ago. We're going back tonight. For the fourth time.

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davidmartin4davidmartin42 months ago

What a rush, very erotic indeed!

FXBradshawFXBradshawover 4 years ago
Good show, mate!

Loved how you took us through Wendy's slow transition from prude to exhibitionist.

lc69hunterlc69hunterover 12 years ago

very erotic, and well written

melsdadmelsdadover 12 years ago
Definetly erotic and arousing, I loved it.

One of the best, please post more of your brilliance with words.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Whether this is your life or your fantasy, please let Chantella hire them and tell us about it.

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