Police Training Ch. 04


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Candi always gets philosophical when she's been drinking. "I figured it's a secret, and that's why you haven't told us. So you might not want to get interrogated in front of everyone."

"What? What are you talking about?" Lizzy is hoping this doesn't take too long; It's really late, well...really early technically.

"Who is he?" Her eyes bore right into mine. Lizzy tries to hide the shock, but she's not entirely successful. "I was right! Spill it, girl. Who is he?"

"I...ummm. I don't... What are you talkin..."

Candi interrupts her rambling. Damn, she's too drunk for this. "Don't even try to deny it. I saw that face you made just now. You haven't checked out any guys since you got here. Even the ones we've been throwing at you, you've been dodging. Hell, even Gem and Donna got more action than you so far, and they have long time boyfriends. Who is he? Why are you keeping him a secret? Or is it a she?" Her eyes get big at this new juicy thought.

Lizzy sighs. "He's not a she." Candi squeals and all four limbs start twitching uncontrollably in the air.

"I knew it! Why so secret? Is it Carlos? He's hot."

I slap her chest. "Eeuwww. I'm not dating my partner!"

"Why not? I would."

"He's married! You leave him alone." Candi makes a scoffing noise. She's had a crush on my partner for a while now.

We sit in silence, both of us staring up at the ceiling. "So... Spill it. I want all the juicy details. When did you meet him? What's he like? What's he do? Is he good in the sack?"

"Candice!! You have a perverted mind. I think we should talk about that." Sometimes it sucks having observant friends who truly care about you.

"Nah. Nah. Nah. Spill it. No changing the subject. Spill it, girl."

Another groan. "I can't tell you everything. So don't ask, OK?" She nods a little too energetically; the possibility of a secret brightens the twinkle in her eyes. "His name is Nic."

"Oooh I like that name, very sexy. Nic. Nic. Nic." Here she inserts some fake dramatic orgasm sounds before Lizzy has to hit her again. They both giggle.

"Shush, or I won't tell you any more." She makes a lip buttoning and zipper type action. "OK. His name is Nic. I met him for the first time about five years ago at a club. Then I didn't see him again for almost three years. We met again, got along OK, and I've been sleeping with him for about 18 months."

"OMG! 18 months? And you haven't told me?"

"I haven't told anyone."

"Not even your mom? Why not? If you love him, you should shout it out."

"Whhoooaaa. I didn't say anything about loving him. It's complicated. My family wouldn't approve."

"Lizzy, you're with a guy for a year and a half! You have some feelings for him. Why can't you tell your family?"

"I'm not going to tell you that, Candi. You can ask, but I won't jeopardize whatever this is. I'll let you know when I figure it out, but I won't tell you now."

Candi harumppfs. "Well, what can you tell me? Is he cute? Funny? Mensa smart?" That starts a round of laughter. Candi's always wanted to fuck a genius. It's one of her quirks.

"He's tall and very handsome, with Mediterranean or European features. He has an ego the size of Texas, but even that grows on you eventually. He's funny, and he treats me great. He paid for this suite."

Candi's eyes get huge. "No way! Are you sure?" She looks around the room, judging its value.

"Pretty sure. Before we left, he gave me a 'miss you' card with exactly 400 pesos in it. When I asked what I could buy with $25 worth of pesos, he cryptically said they would come in handy."

"Wow! What else? Come on, juicy details."

"No juicy details. He's the one who put me back together after papa died. I could barely pick myself up off the floor, it hurt so much. I wouldn't turn to my family because they were all hurting too. He gave me strength, told me I would find a way to go on, gave me hope that life would be good again."

"Oh, baby." Candi hugs me and holds me. "I'm so sorry. We didn't know what you needed. You always seemed so strong."

"Don't be sorry. This is exactly what I needed, when I needed it. I needed to get away and clear my mind. You guys are my best friends. You're always looking out for me."

Candi just holds her for a long time, offering support and friendship. "So... the sex. Is it fan-tabulous??"

Lizzy laughs and pokes her in the tummy. "You sassy shit. Yes, the sex is spectacular." They lay quietly on their backs again, staring at the ceiling. The confession just slips out. "I seem to have developed an affinity for getting my ass spanked."

Out of the corner of her eye Lizzy enjoys the reaction of her best friend. The eyes go wide, still staring at the ceiling. The broad grin slowly disappears. In slow motion she turns her head to look at Lizzy. Her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Then in unison, both girls begin to laugh. And laugh. And laugh.

Two girls poke their heads into Lizzy's room. "What's going on in here?" Lizzy and Candi look at Jenn and Gem, then at each other, and more peals of laughter fill the room. Gem runs out, but Jenn rushes in and bounces on the bed. "What's the joke?"

Gem comes bounding back in, and soon after Tami and a bottle of rum follow. All five girls piling on the bed, giggling. The girls sit around talking, drinking, and laughing till the sun comes up.

The week goes by so quickly. I feel like a new person entering the airport when my phone buzzes. I check the text. [I'll be around if you need me tonight. Even if it's late.]

That's weird. And it didn't sound like my perverted egomaniacal gypsy friend. [What's wrong?]

There's a long pause, almost three minutes before my phone buzzes again. [I thought you knew. Talk to your mother when you get back.]

[Nic! What's wrong?]

[I'm sorry. I thought you knew. Just talk to you mother when you get back.]

Shit. Our plane just announced its boarding. I call my mom while I'm standing in line.

L: Mom, what's up?

M: Hey hunny, Is everything OK with your flight? It's soon, right?

L: Yeah, I'm in line to board right now. Is everything OK?

M: Yeah, everything's fine. Have a safe flight.

L: Mom! I can hear it in your voice. What's wrong? Is grampa OK?

M: Grampa's fine.

L: Tell me. Don't leave me like this.

M: [I hear a long sigh on the other end] The trial didn't go well this week, that's all.

L: What happened?

M: Liz, just have a safe flight, OK. I promise I will tell you when you get home. There's nothing you can do about it anyway. I don't want to do this over the phone. Have a safe flight, hunny. I'll see you soon.

L: Mom?!

She hung up. My friends are staring at me. They know something's up, but like me, they don't know what it is.

"What's wrong, Liz?"

"Mom said the trial didn't go well this week, but she wouldn't tell me anymore." Everyone is silent. They know how much this trial means. They've been sitting in the courtroom with me when they could.

Tami breaks the silence in typical Tami fashion. "Maybe that piece of shit lawyer dropped dead of a heart attack." There is some uncomfortable forced laughter, but none of us believe that is what is going on. I send a text to my brothers, but none of them answer me before the flight.

The flight is long but thankfully uneventful again. By 7 PM, after going home to drop off her bags, Lizzy is walking into her childhood home. She finds her mom washing the dinner dishes. She gets a big hug and is forced to tell her all about the trip. She tells her about the room upgrade, the beaches, the food, and all the fun they had.

Finally, it's time for the bad news. She can see it in her Mom's face. "Mom, what happened? Why is no one talking to me?"

"We decided, as a family, not to ruin your vacation. Whoever told you is on my shit list. We wanted you to have some fun without worrying about things you couldn't change anyway." She's pretty sure Nikolai Kerchenko is already on the shit list, so she won't mention that. Lizzy gets another big hug. This can't be good.

"Mom, just tell me." Get it over with and rip the band-aid off already.

Mom takes a deep breath, focusing her thoughts. "The computer that linked lawyer to the money trail was deemed inadmissible on Thursday. It was a work computer, and only the home computer was named in the warrant. Also, as a lawyer, the work computer is protected under the 'client confidentially' laws. The shooters were his clients at one point."

She's speechless. Lizzy just stares at her. "What does that mean?"

Mom looks so defeated. "To be honest, Mr. Allan called it a 'devastating blow'. Without the computer, we have nothing to link them to the murder. Without a confession, which isn't likely, or finding the shooters we don't have much of a case. The defense asked for the case to be dismissed, the judge said she will give her decision on Monday."

"No! No! They killed him! They have to pay for it. They have to." Lizzy is screaming, the despair hanging in the air like an echo. "They have to pay for it. Mom?"

She doesn't know what to do. Mom doesn't know what to do. We just hold each other, crying in the seemingly desolate kitchen. By 11PM she's exhausted, physically and emotionally. She makes her way home in a haze. She has Sunday off, and she's going to spend most of it in bed. It hurts almost physically to know they're going to get away with it. Standing outside her apartment, she checks her phone. Her brothers haven't answered any of her texts. She sends a quick text out to Nic – [INY Find the shooters, now]

She gets a response before she enters the building. [I'm working on it. Everyone is working on it.]

[I feel terrible]

[You are strong. You'll survive this. We'll get through this together.]

She's too drained to answer. She goes up to her apartment, drops her clothes on the floor as she makes her way to the bedroom, and collapses on the bed. She tries to stop them, but tears soak her pillow before she falls asleep.

She wakes up with her face pressed against soft white material. She looks up and sees the jaw-line that is etched into her memory. "Breaking and entering is illegal."

The jaw tightens slightly as he smiles. "You won't give me a key. Besides, I only break in on Sundays."

"And Saturdays." Her turn.

"And Thursdays." His turn.

"And Tuesdays." Her turn.

"I only broke in on Tuesdays a few times. Mostly Fridays."

"Ummm. I forgot what days are left. Thursday?"

"Nope, we did that one already."

"Well, you break in a lot."

"I do. I like what's behind the door. How are you feeling?"

"They're going to get away with it, Nic. They killed my papa, and they're going to walk free."

He gives her a squeeze. "I know, Lizzy. I know."

"Life sucks."

"Yes. Sometimes is does. But other times it doesn't. You just have to be strong enough to make it through. I'll help you."

"I've made it through so much already. I'm not sure how much more I can take."

Nic sighs and holds her close, trying to take as much of her pain as possible. "Tomorrow, around lunch, the judge will dismiss the case against the lawyer and his two sons." Lizzy groans into his chest, not wanting to hear this. "She gave you as much time as she could to come up with something, but she'll have to do it. The lawyers will celebrate, and you'll feel they are rubbing it in your face, but they're not. Don't look at them. Don't speak to them. Stay in your seat until they leave. The cameras will follow them. As soon as they leave, get your family up and out through the prisoner entrance. It's a narrow, hidden alley; no one will see you until you're almost out. There's nothing we can do right now. When we find the shooters, you can try again. Until then, you have to wait."

"You could be wrong."

"I'm not. But I'll agree that there is a smidgen of a chance I could be wrong. Once every decade or so, it's bound to happen."

She elbows him and laughs. "You ass."

He snuggles her. "You'll get through this, Lizzy. I promise." They lie in bed and chat until noon. She tells him all about her vacation. Then she has to get up and get ready for Sunday dinner. He has to sneak out without being seen.

"Can't we just stay here, in bed?"

"I've suggested that many times, but you've always said no. So 'No.' Lizzy, we can't stay here. We have to live. Your father would want you to live." Nic repositions himself above her. "Just feel Lizzy. Don't think, just feel." A strong firm hand opens her legs. "Just feel. It's only you and me." Soft lips dance across her forehead and cheeks. "Let me take care of you." The tip of a hard cock slides between her moist folds. These few subtle actions cause an uncontrollable heat to bloom in her pussy. "Just you and me, Lizzy. We are one, my heart. We are one."

Her core welcomes and opens for her lover. Long slow strokes drown her pain. One hand wraps into her hair. His lips latch on to a pert nipple, teeth hardening it to steel. Lizzy welcomes the pain scorching out from her chest into every atom of her body. Her soul is on fire. She embraces the release of everything horrible in her life.. She feels like death is at her door when his warm wet tongue laves at the puckered flesh. Every bump and curve explored relentlessly. With his familiarity with her body, it's no challenge to draw her body into a rolling orgasm, one after another, until they collapse on the bed. He whispers soft, erotic, salacious words into her ear as their bodies become calm from their high. She is alive. She is safe. She is cared for. She will get through this.

They shower and dress is silence. One last kiss and Nic slips out of the apartment. Lizzy bundles up and leaves a few minutes later, trudging to her mother's house. She wonders when she started thinking of it as her 'mother's' house, it used to be her parent's house.

The mood when she walks in the door is somber. Everyone knows what's going to happen tomorrow. The plates clink together. The cabinet doors open and close. Footsteps are heard on the linoleum. Her brothers hug her, forcing smiles onto their faces. They mingle for a while, not saying much, but just being together.

The table is loaded up, and we take our regular positions, Mom is at the head of the table nearest the kitchen, and Malachi has taken up papa's old chair at the other end of the table. Grampa said he didn't want it back, so it went to the oldest child, Aiden. After a few weeks it became obvious Aiden didn't have the strength or personality to take the chair, so papa's chair went to the next in line, Malachi. Mal is a better fit. He's a natural leader, he tries to make everyone around him a better person, everyone is comfortable around him, and he can end a conversation or redirect it with a few casual phrases.

We load our plates, more out of habit than hunger, then we sit there in silence, picking at our food. Mal comes to the rescue. "OK, we all know the score. We lost this round, but it's not over. When we find the Russian shooters, we can go back to court. This is just a set-back. It's not the end."

We all knew that, but this still feels like a defeat. No one says anything so Mal continues. "Tomorrow we will all be in the court room. We will act like adults. We will act like police officers. I don't know when, but sometime tomorrow the judge will dismiss the case."

It just slips out. "Noon. It'll happen just before noon." Everyone looks at Liz, but no one says anything.

"Noon? OK, noon it is. We'll leave as the lawyers are congratulating themselves. Nobody make any comments to them or interact with them. We'll just slip out."

"The paparazzi will be waiting for the first to come out. They'll attack us. We should wait till the lawyers leave, then slip out the dock they use to load and unload prisoners. It's secluded, and restricted."

Mal and Grampa share a look. Grampa nods. "OK, that makes more sense. We'll let the lawyers deal with the press. We'll leave through the secure entrance. Just be calm, and know that this isn't the end. It's just a set-back. We'll get them. No one is giving up."

"I have to work tomorrow."

"No you don't. Carlos got someone to cover you shift Monday and Tuesday. We all did."

Carlos is always there when she needs him. She knew there was a reason she hadn't heard from him the last few days. He probably instigated the veil of silence they covered over her when she was on vacation.

Dinner goes by quickly; no one is really hungry anyway. Leftovers get packed up and sent home with all of us. Papa used to eat them through the week, but now that he's not here, mom ended up throwing most of it out. It's just Liz, mom, Mal and grampa putting away the last of the dishes.

Grampa slumps down at the kitchen table. The despair showing across his face. "They murdered my son." Liz goes to hug him. Soon all four of us are holding each other. "They murdered Quinlan and Jimmy so the bastard's kids could go to law school. How fucked up is that." We just hold each other, giving support as only family could.

Liz goes home and spends the rest of the evening catching up with Carlos. As expected tomorrow is as horrible as she thought it would be. Soul crushing would be a good way to describe it. Nic's description of the morning was accurate. At 11:40 the judge dismisses the case. By 11:50 the lawyers have congratulated each other and left the courtroom. By 12:00 we're in the cars and leaving through the prisoner bay. Reports are camped out in front of mom's house, so we go to Aidens. It's dark by the time we leave. Reporters are still camped outside, greedily waiting their turn to degrade us for the viewing pleasure of their audience. Carlos drives Liz home and she collapses on the bed. She survived. She survived.

Months go by, still no sign of the two shooters. Spring arrives and life goes on; weddings, babies, anniversaries. Liz goes to work, hangs out with friends, sneaks in her quality time with Nic, and has Sunday dinners at moms. Life goes on.

It isn't until the end of July that her life changes drastically. She's directing traffic at a corner with Carlos, some demonstration or parade in Little Italy. Her phone buzzes and it's Liam. She answers it and almost gets her ear blown out. "They're reported as missing!"

Liz: Oh my gawd! Why are you screaming? Who's missing?

Liam: The fucking lawyer and his two shitty kids! They went to Florida. They're missing. Their boat is missing.

Carlos is motioning her to get off the phone while they're working.

Liz: Are they dead?

Liam: Don't know. Just 'missing'.

Liz: I gotta go. I get off in three hours. I'll call then.

Carlos saunters over to see what's up. "They're missing. The fuckers that killed my papa are missing. Some kind of boat accident or something. I didn't get much info. He just screamed in my ear."

"Are they dead?"

Liz shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know. Liam just said they were missing."

Carlos is just as shocked as Liz is. "Holy shit."

The afternoon slugs along. It isn't until we're back in the squad car that we both whip out the phones to see what's happening. Carlos checks the news feeds, Liz is calling Malachi. "Hey. What's up?"

Mal: Watch out. The press is back in full force. They were in Florida on some yacht. Now no one can find them. That's pretty much all we know. No one has heard from them for two days. They can't reach them by phone or radio.

Liz: Shit. I don't know how to feel about that.

Mal: Feel whatever you want. This is fucked-up. I'm flip-flopping between ecstatic and guilty at the moment. We're meeting at moms.

Liz: OK, see you soon.

Carlos gets the news feeds; we watch a few of them in the car, before heading back to the station. We clock out and Carlos drives me to mom's house. As warned, the press is camped out in front the house. Carlos takes the lead and forces his way through the crowd and into the front door.