Poly at the Poly Pt. 02


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But that wasn't far away at all. Everything to this point felt dangerous, risky. But compared to what came next, it's clear that we'd been playing it safe.

It helped that Allison basically got the hand of death to start the next round. She was blanked on her very first play and had to lose the last of her top. She lifted her sports bra up from the bottom, and her pale, round breasts bounced out. Allison rushed to cover her chest with her arms, as if we hadn't already gotten an eyeful.

"There's, like, nothing to see,' she said, blushing. Again, I was used to Allison being so confident. Not in the same way that Cassie was, but still.

"If there's nothing to see, then show us," Cassie said, smiling warmly. Such a sweet instigator.

Allison took a deep breath and dropped her arms. The athletic blonde's breasts were little and round, and her broad frame made them seem even smaller. Her nipples were also tiny, pink, and very stiff. They stuck out like eraser nubs.

"My breasts are like, my worst feature," Allison said.

"Then the rest of you must be really amazing," Jack said.

Allison smiled, despite herself. She shook her head, like trying to jolt her mind back to its normal setting. But she left her arms at her sides.

The rest of us were able to play through the round, but the card stayed red, and Allison was, again, unable to match it.

"I'm out," she said, "My hand sucks."

I almost laughed as I realized it: Allison wasn't all that upset about exposing herself. It was the act of losing, itself, that was driving her crazy.

"That means it's down to dares," Cassie said, casually, "I think you should have to kiss... Paul." The beautiful blonde said it like she'd had to think about it. But despite Cassie's movie star looks, she was a terrible actress.

"I thought we were just doing partner stuff," Emily said, "For now."

I wondered if she'd have protested the same way if it was her and Jack that were being paired. But I decided to be more charitable. My wife was standing up for me, for us, in her own way. I shouldn't be complaining about that, considering.

"This isn't the cards," Cassie said, "It's a dare, so the rules don't apply."

If we'd all disagreed, it would have ended things right there. But that was the thing -- the big secret -- we could pretend that we were tricked into this, forced. But the truth was, we all wanted what was happening.

Allison crawled over to me. Her little tits hung lovely as she went. She pressed her lips to mine. We were way past a peck on the cheek. This was a real kiss. My dick shot from somewhat stiff to incredibly erect.

Allison broke our connection. She gave me a smug grin, then sat down next to her husband. He gave her an evaluating look and she shot it right back to him.

Mike, though, had a move of his own. His next turn he switched the color of the pile to black. Now all of us were on the hot seat, and we started to catch up to Allison's state of undress.

My erection was a foregone conclusion at that point, but everyone got to see for sure because I had to take off my pants. I was tenting my navy boxers something terrible, but the only reactions I got were a cute wink from Cassie and a thumbs up from Allison. My own wife flushed but smiled.

Despite being down to my underwear, I didn't feel all that nervous. Not with everything else going on around me. Especially after Emily went next and also lost her shorts. She had on a pair of green, bikini cut panties. They made her tight little backside look good, in particular. And don't think anyone missed the small wet spot near the front, either.

It quickly became clear that we'd all run out of black cards. Jack took off his jeans, revealing a pair of purple briefs (tighty purplies? I don't know). They didn't do anything to hide that he was feeling plenty aroused, that was for sure.

Cassie's blue skirt came off next. Her lacy black panties matched her bra. They were too dark to see any wet spots, but I had to assume one was there.

Cassie looked like a Victoria's Secret model, recumbent in her underwear. Tan skin and perfect body on display, incongruent in the casual living room. I remembered an 80s movie I'd seen once about two horny high schoolers making a magical woman using an image from a magazine, and I had to admit it kind of looked like we'd done the same.

Mike, too, lost his shorts, revealing a pair of white boxer briefs. Like the other boys, he was pointing prominently. He sat back down, looking anxiously at Cassie, Emily, and his own wife. Like he didn't exactly know what to do with himself. Everything kept amplifying -- the nerves and the nudity. But no one seemed ready to quiet things down.

Now it was Allison's turn. She looked at her cards like a kid with a twenty-dollar bill at a candy shop, surveying all the options that could easily be hers. You didn't need to be Daniel Negreanu to read what had happened -- she'd been dealt a completely homogenous hand. She could play a black card, easily. But which one?

The athletic blonde slowly weighed her options. I could see the gears turning in her mind. Finally, without a hint of her earlier nerves, she played the ace of spades. The air rushed out of the room so fast, it's a miracle we didn't suffocate.

Cassie clapped her hands excitedly. "OK!" she said, "Let's do this thing! Girls go one over. I'll reshuffle and deal."

The women all dutifully moved over one spot. My wife went next to Jack. He lifted his arm, welcoming, and Emily snuggled into his side. Cassie traipsed over to Mike and flopped down, giving him a little kiss on the cheek.

Finally, Allison crawled over to me. The whole way over, she kept her eyes focused on mine, hungrily, like a jungle cat stalking her prey. Her little tits wobbled slightly as she went. She sat down next to me, then pulled me close, mirroring Emily and Jack.

As if I wasn't already aware of what was happening, the reality of it dawned. We were all in our underwear, sitting next to someone who was not our spouse. Heck, the boys were all down to only our bottoms.

Emily and I had agreed that we were willing to be open. I knew that Allison and Mike had made a similar settlement. But there had been implied limits. Assumed rules. With all of us sitting nearly naked next to someone other than our partners, it was clear that not only had we already crossed those lines, but we were about to go far, far further.

"I think this should be the last round," Emily said suddenly.

I looked over at my wife and she gave me a shy smile. She was cuddling so close to Jack, yet at the same time it felt like she'd never been more with me. It made me look at all this from a new angle.

To that point, I felt like Emily was the one pushing us forward. That I was the reluctant participant, hanging on while my wife went wild. Sure, I could concede that we were all enjoying the ride, but in my mind, Emily was driving. Now I wondered if my perspective was off. Was I similarly guilty of indiscretion? Were both of us steering our marriage closer to the cliff?

"I agree," I said, "Last round."

One of the benefits of speaking so infrequently was, my words tended to carry a lot more weight. When Emily had made her announcement, I felt the group about to argue. When I took her side, immediately we were all aligned.

"That's good," Cassie said, quickly recovering, "Save some for later."

"I'm sure there will still be plenty of excitement," Allison said, smiling at me wickedly.

We all nodded. In some ways, while capping the action, Emily had also encouraged it. With no more to come, we all knew it was now or never. Or at least, now or not till later.

After Cassie dealt the cards, Allison flashed me her hand. I didn't catch much, but I saw a few faces in there plus one of the jokers. What was the athletic blonde trying to tell me? That she was going to play for punishments? I should have been anxious, but all the blood had gone to my dick and so all I could feel was anticipation.

Emily was the first to miss. Allison had played a red ten and I'd dropped a red card on top. My wife, in the flow of the game, reached for a card from her hand. Then she stopped herself. She reached back to undo her little pink bra, instead. For a moment, I wondered if she'd intentionally kept a playable card. But I couldn't imagine her doing something like that.

My wife's perky tits popped out. Emily's breasts were on the smaller side, but they fit her frame flawlessly. Even better, they were as near to ideal in shape and fullness as any I'd ever seen -- slightly upturned with coral nipples that flushed almost red when she was excited. As you might expect with everything going on, they were completely crimson and quite puffy.

"Wow," Cassie said, unable to contain herself.

"Nice tits," Mike said, equally enamored.

Emily giggled shyly. Jack gave her a little grin and I swear my wife almost swooned.

"They do look practically perfect," Jack said. I noticed the later we played, the more his drawl came out. He sounded like an old cowboy now, evaluating a million-dollar herd.

And now it was his turn. Jack, too, eyed the red ten with a calculated eye. But after some deep thought, he played another red card -- appropriately, a Jack. Cassie, next to play, stared down at the card like it was daring her. No doubt, in some ways, it was.

There are only 12 face cards in a deck, and we'd already seen a few of them. Plus, I knew Allison held a bunch more. At a certain point, as I'd learned from the previous rounds, we simply got locked in a spot. Or, as I started to wonder, maybe people decided to stop playing cards. Regardless of the reason, it seemed we'd reached that point.

Cassie put her cards down and turned to Mike. "Kiss?" she asked, and he nodded. He licked his lips in a way that made it clear that his mouth had gone dry.

The beautiful blonde leaned in and pressed her lips to his. She rested her hand on his cheek. Eyes closed. There had been a lot of making out so far at these things, but it had never looked exactly like this. Even when the two of them had been playing around at the park.

This was beyond affectionate. It was sensual. Desirous. Hungry and yet also quite affectionate. Not love, but... Not not love either. Little groans and loud wet smacks. Nearly naked bodies pressed closely together.

The both of them separated, but they kept staring at each other. Eyes searching. Still touching like they might go back in for another round. As if they wanted to, desperately. I had the sense that, if Mike and Cassie been alone, they might have moved so much further.

We had to remind Mike it was his turn. He didn't even look at the cards.

"Kiss?" he asked, matching Cassie's earlier request. She nodded.

I think all of us, including Cassie, assumed the couple would return to the activity they'd enjoyed so much. Mike had other ideas. Looking back, I have to say I'm impressed by his audacity. I mean, this was his chance. Why not go for it all?

Cassie leaned forward to kiss Mike on the lips. He leaned lower. Before anyone could react, Mike pressed his mouth onto Cassie's breast.

"Oh!" Cassie said. You know you've done something when even she was taken aback.

The kiss was over the black lace of Cassie's bra, but it was still shocking. None of us had even touched below the neck to this point, and now Mike was suckling on the beautiful woman's tit. Cassie let her hand slide behind his head. Fingers running through his thin, blond hair. She let out a little moan.

It was only a moment, but it didn't matter. Mike pulled back and the room went silent.

"Wow," Allison said. I couldn't tell if she was angry, upset, jealous, or what. Maybe all of it and more.

If Mike noticed his wife's reaction, he didn't show. He was grinning like a cat with a canary. The man with a boyish grin had gotten to mouth his dream girl's boob. I mean, honestly, could you blame him for feeling blissful?

"My turn," Allison said, decisively.

Like I said, we tended to get stuck in a spot and we'd been locked into the red face cards for a while. However, having seen Allison's hand, I knew that she was about to put a stop to it. At the very least, she was going to play a card to me, giving me a tough choice. I was already weighing my options when Allison put her cards on the floor. She laid them down carefully, as if they might explode.

"I've got nothing," she said.

I was too thrown off to register it. I certainly missed what she said next, though I suppose it was another kiss. Of a sort.

In one smooth motion, Allison dropped her head down to my lap. She opened her mouth wide and engulfed my cock. She didn't just kiss the tip or whatever, she full-on engulfed me as deep as she could go.

"Whoa!" Cassie cried out.

"Holy fuck!" I shouted, accent on full.

I felt the warm wetness of Allison's mouth surround my dick through my boxer shorts. I didn't think I could get any harder, but I sure did. Allison's tongue pressed into the bottom of my shaft. She made a little humming noise. I swear I felt the room start to tilt, like we were on a ride at the parks.

Allison pulled off my cock and wiped her mouth with her forearm. "Very nice," she said. She smirked at the rest of the room.

I was too shocked to reply. My dick did its best to fly out of my boxers while my eyes tried to pop off my face. The only part of me that wasn't ready to explode was my stomach, which was knotting itself something awful and sinking deeper.

I looked around the room, afraid of what I'd see. But Cassie was clapping, and Mike was smiling, shaking his head ruefully at his wife, as if she'd played an awesome prank. Jack gave me a simple guy nod and it felt like getting the highest honor he could bestow. And my own wife, Emily, was eyeing me, appreciatively.

Nice, she mouthed at me. I was too shocked by it all to fully think about what her approval might mean.

"Your turn, Paul!" Cassie said.

I looked down at my cards, realized that I hadn't seen them at all, then looked again. My brain was mush. Besides, was I actually going to play something at this point?

"No more kissing," I said, firmly.

"It has gotten a little out of hand," Cassie said.

"Yes," I agreed, "Hand."

I reached over to Allison. Her brown eyes widened as I drew closer. I cupped her bare breasts in my palms. She let out a soft sigh, settling into my grip. I ran my thumbs over her little pink nubs. The athletic blonde bit her lower lip.

"Very nice," I said, knowing that she was self-conscious.

Allison responded, breathily. "If I'd known that the way to make you talk was to take my tits out..."

"Shhh," I said, still weighing her boobs in my hands.

They were warm and soft. Little fleshy swells of happiness. Like Allison, herself, her breasts were the kind you didn't notice at first. But once you did, you realized you were experiencing something truly special.

I realized I was breathing heavily, like I'd gone on a run. Allison's chest was also rising and falling quickly. A trickle of sweat ran down her neck. Our eyes locked. I wondered if the rest of the room noticed. I didn't care enough to look.

Finally, I let go of Allison's breasts and sat back. Again, the room seemed shocked by what they'd seen. What we'd all shared.

Cassie loudly cleared her throat, getting our attention. "Next!"

I looked over at Emily. I hadn't forgotten about her, exactly, but then I hadn't really realized she was still there, either. And that it was now her turn.

"No more kissing, right?" Emily asked.

She didn't wait for a response. She turned to face Jack, reached down to his crotch, and slipped her hand inside his underwear. I didn't need X-ray vision to see what she did next.

Again, the room erupted in shouts, like my petite wife had grabbed a gun, rather than massaged Jack's missile. She stroked her hand back and forth on his bare dick, the purple material of his underwear bulging around her fist. The older man sat back, a strange, knowing smile on his lips, as my wife worked him over.

A moment later, Emily pulled her hand free. She looked at it, oddly, like interrogating her fingers about where they'd been. Then she saw behind them, at me, staring her way. She gave me a quick, innocent shrug.

"Well now," Jack said, "I guess that makes me last?"

He was right. We'd all passed. So, unless Jack played a card (and we all knew he wasn't going to do that), this would be the end of the game.

"Gotta make it a good one, then," Jack said.

He reached between my wife's legs, slipping his fingers under her green panties.

"Oh," Emily gasped.

The room went silent, except for the surprisingly loud slicking sounds, as Jack explored my wife's most private place. He moved his hand up slightly and started stroking back and forth. Slowly at first but building ever faster.

Emily's green eyes grew huge. She leaned back, breasts skyward. Her nipples turning so tight they seemed almost sharp.

Allison had put her mouth on me for a moment. I'd held her breasts for a bit longer. Emily had given Jack a few strokes. Jack reached the point where we'd all stopped, but he kept going.

Emily's breath came in sharp, high-pitched gasps. Growing faster. I recognized those noises, so strange to hear them in such an unfamiliar way.

"Come on," Jack said in his now-persistent drawl. "Let it out. Let yourself feel good. There's a good girl."

His hand moved faster. Emily's legs slowly curled, then kicked straight.

"Oh," she said, "OH!"

Emily reached down and grabbed Jack's hand, holding it in place. Her face went pink. A long, strangled sound escaped her throat. Her whole body arched, like she was squeezing the orgasm out of herself. Finally, she fell limp.

Gingerly, Jack pulled his hand back out of my wife's underwear. Even from across the room, I could see that his fingers were sticky. He gave them a quick taste, then smiled broadly at the room.

"Lovely," he said, "Just lovely."

"Uh huh," Emily said. She stayed on the ground, staring outward. But her eyes were empty.

Abruptly, everything seemed possible. My wife's dramatic finish had opened up a whole new place to start. I looked over at Cassie and Mike. They were both running their eyes up and down each other's nearly-naked forms. I felt someone looking at me and turned to see Allison, giving me a similarly hungry look. I had to admit, she looked almost shockingly beautiful. I'd appreciated her before, but now...

"I think it's time to call it a night," Emily said, through panting breaths. She slowly got up and began gathering her clothes, carefully, like she was worried her knees might buckle under her.

"Easy for you to say," Cassie said. The room chuckled nervously. Emily flushed.

"It's just... I think that's enough," she said. My wife looked right at me, and I could see the nervousness on her face. I did my best to smile back at her, reassuring, but I couldn't be sure that was the emotion I was conveying.

I wasn't mad at Emily. A little jealous, maybe, but not angry. Jack had taken her somewhere further than I think any of us had been ready to go. But, let's be honest, we were all heading that way anyway. Could I really complain about Emily's cum after I'd paid such homage to Allison's breasts? After my dick, no matter how clothed, had been in the athletic blonde's mouth?

"Yes, OK," Allison said, like breaking out of a trance. "It's late and we've got a lot ahead of us."

"See you all tomorrow?" Cassie asked.

And suddenly the room went silent.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Gawd! Its a slow motion car crash! You build the tension well. The absence of proper discussion of limits / tolerances prior to being egged on by the swinging Cassie & Jack spell trouble ahead. Emotional heartache, turbulence, possibly marital doom? However, hints are there that maybe he’s the only one not in the know!

MrJohnnySirMrJohnnySir6 months ago

Quite an imagination you have ...

Where do we go from here?

Let's find out ...


DevonadrianDevonadrianover 1 year ago

Doesn't seem realistic that Emily is his 'wife'. It's casual, like she's his college girlfriend, not wife. Not saying he has to be mad or something, but the suspension of belief didn't hold.

The fact that he doesn't talk much is basically a copout for not having to write the dialogue.

NLDomNLDomover 1 year ago

The "slow burn" of "slow burns".. love it!

StoriefanStoriefanover 1 year ago

Great story build, I am looking forward to Pt. 3 and future Chapters. I like how you develop your individual characters, which I am trying to polish in my own stories.

I would love to see the six main players have individual offshoot stories in their future.

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