Poor Little Heidi


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My mind began to think of strange things as I recalled Uncle Tony licking at my pussy with his tongue. I imagined that he was doing it then as my hand worked rapidly causing me to squirm around on the bed. I remembered how close the men were to my pussy earlier in the evening and how Uncle Tony actually put his finger into my hole while he held me against himself.

Then it happened. For the first time in my life I had an orgasm. It was wonderful! Waves came over me as my body jerked and convulsed on the bed. They talked about this in school but they didn't say that I was going to enjoy it as much as I did. Once I finished I just laid there breathing heavy with my hand still on my pussy.

I woke up the next morning in just the same position that I was in when I went to sleep. My hand was still on my pussy and I noticed immediately that I was wet again. I started to rub the area lightly and found that I just couldn't stop myself from masturbating again. I brought myself to another wonderful orgasm as my legs clamped my hand against my sex like a vise. After a moment I jumped out of bed and into the kitchen for breakfast. I was as happy as could be as I danced my way into the room. Uncle George was already seated at the kitchen table reading the paper as I came in. He lowered the paper to talk to me.

"Did you sleep well dear?" he asked. His eyes went from my face to my crotch in an instant.

"Yes sir. I had a very good sleep." I said almost giddy. I watched his eyes and they seemed to be fixed on my pussy. I looked down and saw that it was pink and puffy with a hint of wetness still showing. For the first time since I began to dress this way before him I became self conscious about what he saw. I figured that he must have figured out what I had done and would be disappointed in me for touching myself. I know that my face must have turned beet red further giving away my transgression. I put my hands down to cover myself from his view. I didn't want him to be angry with me. Instead a broad grin came upon his face.

"Come and give your Uncle George a hug." He opened his arms for me. I walked up to him still covering myself as he pulled me into a tight bear hug. "You are becoming such a big girl. You have made quite an impression on my friends. They love having you around on Friday nights. They all hope that you will be able to join us from now on. Would you like that?"

"Yes sir. They treat me nice and I even made a little money just for serving them. I will do it as long as you wish Uncle."

"That's a good girl. Promise me that you will never change."

"I promise Uncle. I will always be your little girl."

Truth is that I really enjoyed being with those men that night. I loved the way that they smiled at me, the way that they held me, even the way that they touched me. I was beginning to have feelings that I never had before especially after what happened later in the week.

Part 3

On Tuesday, after school, I was finishing with the laundry. I removed the clothes from the dryer and after separating our underwear I went into Uncle George's room to put his into his drawer. I opened the bottom drawer of his bureau and placed them inside. While trying to straighten things out my hand bumped something at the bottom. Moving his underwear aside I found a stack of magazines under them. I took them out to see what they were.

They all contained pictures of naked women and men and some showed them together in different sex acts. I knew that Uncle wouldn't be home from work for a couple of hours so I removed them and spread them out on his bed. I jumped up on the bed and propped a pillow behind me and picked one up to see what was inside. I couldn't believe my eyes the first time that I saw the pictures. There were beautiful women showing their privates to the camera. Some had their vagina opened to get a better look inside. They were even putting things into them!

The next one had naked men with the women and they were performing various sex acts together. As I was going from page to page I found that I couldn't take my eyes away. I started feeling strange down in my pussy and when I put my hand into my shorts I felt wetness inside again. It felt good to rub my hand against it and the more that I looked at the pictures the more I wanted to rub myself. I found that the pictures that made me most excited were the ones where the woman showed off her privates and the man's penis would get really big. I thought about the way that I dress in only my t-shirt when I get ready for bed and wondered if Uncle George got that way when he saw me. When I thought about being dressed like that with my naked bottom showing to Uncle's poker friends something came over me. My body began to spasm and my pussy gushed with fluid. I was having an orgasm just by thinking about others seeing me naked.

What I thought was just an act of innocence became something dirty. My Uncle's friends like me to be naked for them and that's why they wanted me around so much. My hand worked feverishly on my now soaked pussy as I again clamped my legs together and closed my eyes. I just laid there panting as my body calmed down. I wondered to myself if this is why the people depicted in the magazines were doing what they were.

After that I just laid there and thought about it for the longest time when it dawned on me that Uncle George would be home any second and I didn't have dinner ready. I quickly scooped up the magazines and put them back in his drawer just in time for him to come through the door. I quickly made dinner and spent most of the rest of my day in a daze thinking about things.

After that first day it became an every day ritual to pull out the magazines and masturbate on Uncle George's bed. Different ideas went through my mind and I started to imagine the next time my Uncle's poker friends would see me with my naked pussy showing for them. I started wearing just my t-shirt after school as I imagined the men watching me masturbate. I couldn't control it anymore as my mind was always on showing myself and masturbating. I was caught daydreaming in school by my teachers several times and nearly got myself in trouble for it.

Finally Friday arrived. My school day seemed to be the longest ever as I thought about what was to come that evening. After school I paraded around the house in just my t-shirt and devised a plan to make the evening a bit more interesting. I remembered seeing in one of the magazines a woman wearing just a t-shirt as I did but it was cropped short to just below her breasts which peeked out underneath. Taking a pair of scissors I cut one of my shirts to look the same way. I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror.

I checked myself out from every angle. It barely covered my large breasts and basically just hung over them like a tent. When I raised my arms the shirt would rise to just above my nipples. I began to have second thoughts thinking that Uncle George would get mad knowing that I am showing myself off for these men on purpose. I pulled out the magazines and propped myself up on his bed. Watching my reflection in the large mirror over his bureau at the other end of the bed I could see how I would look to the men dressed this way. I looked every bit as nice as the woman in the magazine and if she can have an effect on men than so can I. My fingers went down to my pussy and I spread my lips open as I faced the mirror. I was doing the same things as the women in the pictures and it made me feel very warm. I buried the fingers of one hand inside and I used my other to rub myself hard. I brought myself to a very strong orgasm and decided that I will follow through with my plan.

After taking a long hot bath I carefully shaved my pussy mound smooth before I got myself ready for the evening in my room. I wanted to look extra sexy for the men so I fixed my hair and put on some makeup and eye liner for the first time since they have been coming over. I wore a pair of tight jeans that I had just outgrown. They were well worn and from the front it was easy to make out my "cameltoe". The finishing touch was a snug fitting pullover sweater. No bra.

I was ready.

Hearing a knock on the door Uncle George asked me to answer it as he was down the hall getting the table ready. I opened the door and all three men had arrived at the same time and were waiting at the doorstep. Their eyes lit up upon seeing me with my makeup and tight sweater.

"Hello Heidi. You look great tonight!" Said Tony as I let them in.

I blushed.

They each quickly put down their bags and gave me a big hug. The soft material of the sweater felt good against my breasts as they pressed me up against themselves which caused my nipples to enlarge. As I backed away it was clear where their attention was as I had them follow me down the hall. Uncle George had little time to notice me as he greeted his friends.

The men had me very busy getting them drinks and snacks. I made it a point to flirt a bit with them as they would always give me a chip along with a hug each time that I returned. I kept checking the time as I couldn't wait for my plan to go into effect as I got "dressed" for bed. Finally I couldn't wait any longer and decided that it was close enough.

"I'm going to get ready for bed Uncle. I'll be back to say goodnight." I said.

The other men at the table seemed to perk up as they gave each other a knowing smile. Little did they know that they would be in for something special this evening!

I went back to my room and slipped my sweater up over my head. Next I worked my tight jeans and panties off. I looked at my naked refection in my full length mirror. I held up my firm breasts and pinched my nipples. I could feel my body becoming excited thinking about what would happen if the men in the other room could see me now. I reached down and felt liquid leaking from my pink pussy. Working my middle finger inside I brought it up to my face to inspect it. It was wet and smelled of my sex. It made me wonder if the men will be able to smell it too when I go back to them.

I slipped the cropped shirt over my head and imagined the men thinking that I have become some kind of dirty girl for them. I was getting very nervous but had to get back out there soon before Uncle George came to get me and tell me that I couldn't dress like this. I finally took one deep breath and opened the door. I slowly walked down the hallway as I heard them all joking and laughing. I stood just to the side of the doorway out of sight visibly shaking as I tried to talk myself through it.

"Is this what you really want?" I asked myself. "In school they call girls like this sluts. Is that what I'm becoming? Once they see me they will know what I am. They will know that I show myself to them on purpose. No more of acting innocent like I don't know that I excite them. This will change everything!"

Minutes passed as I waited to get up the nerve to step around the corner. I thought about all of the time that I have been here and how much I love my Uncle George. I wondered how disappointed my Auntie Marge would be in me if she knew what I was about to do. That's when I decided to chicken out.

"I'll just go back and dress the way that I always do and act the same as before. I'm not ready for this." I thought.

I pushed myself away from the wall and turned to go back to my room.

"Heidi? Is that you out there? What are you waiting for? Come on in girl." Uncle George spotted me!

Oh god! He saw me. I have to go through with it. Maybe if I try to act as though nothing has changed it will work out alright.

I eased my way around the corner. I had second thoughts. I was embarrassed. I was humiliated. My hands were covering my pussy for the first time in front of them. My eyes looked down at the floor. My Uncle and his friends see me now as some kind of slut I know it!. My breasts are barely covered. My pussy is pink and puffy and I'm sure oozing some kind of thick fluid. My face and hair are done up like they have never seen before. What have I done?

"My my. Will you look at that? Come closer Honey. Let us get a good look at you." Said Uncle Tony as he pushed his chair away from the table.

I walked slowly into the room and up to him. I stood before him with my eyes still looking toward the floor. He placed his hand under my chin and raised it up. I looked into his eyes and then over toward Uncle George who had a shocked look on his face.

"You seem to have grown into a beautiful young woman. We are very lucky that you are sharing yourself with us. There is no reason for you to be shy about your body. It is beautiful. You are beautiful. Your Uncle George should be very proud. Here sit down and watch us play for a while." He turned me around, raised me up, and placed me on his lap.

I was totally humiliated. I was sitting on a middle aged man's lap nearly naked and exposed knowing for the first time that they wanted me this way because it excited them.

The rest of the men looked on with hungry eyes as Uncle Tony held me while they played. Uncle George looked upset about the situation but he had let things go on up until now and didn't know how to go about stopping it.

"Heidi can I speak to you in the kitchen?" Uncle Gorge motioned for me to follow him.

"Aw come on George. Let the poor girl stay. She did herself up real nice for us tonight. Besides, it's still early." Tony said as I hopped from his lap.

I followed Uncle George into the kitchen. He stopped and turned toward me holding me by the shoulders. He bent down to look into my eyes. He saw that I was visibly upset to the point of tears.

"What are you doing? Don't you know that by looking like that they might get bad ideas about you?"

"Yes Uncle, I know." I couldn't look him in the eyes.

"Then why?"

"Because.....because I thought that you wanted me to. That you liked looking at me and that your friends like to look at me too. I thought that you might want to see me more grown up like in your magazines." I let it slip unintentionally.

"What magazines?" He asked.

"I'm sorry Uncle. I was putting things away for you and I found them in your drawer. I thought that if I was like the girls in the pictures that everybody would want to see me too. I hope you aren't mad at me."

Uncle George thought about it for a moment.

"OK you don't want me to be mad that you went through my private things is that right?"

"I didn't mean to..........."

"And you want to show yourself like the girls in the magazines right?"

"I don't know Uncle. You make it sound dirty.........."

"OK then from now on you will dress as I say. Is that clear?"

"Yes but............"

"You will do as I tell you right?"

"I'm not sure what you mean?"

"Right? You will do as I say without question?"

He had a very stern look on his face. I really didn't know what I was agreeing to but I really didn't want him angry with me.

"Yes Uncle, I will do as you say. Please don't be mad."

"Oh, I'm not mad. In fact I think that the best thing to do is to start right away."

He took me by the arm and rushed me back to the den. When we walked back into the room they all smiled. I don't think that they expected me back.

"Heidi has discovered that she is now a grown woman. She now wants to do what other grown women do to make men happy. Go ahead Heidi, tell them what you want to do for us."

I couldn't believe what he wanted me to say. I looked down and then up into each of their eyes as they anticipated what I was about to tell them. It seemed like an eternity and I know that Uncle George was starting to get upset. The other men motioned with their hands for me to come out with it. I don't think that any of them expected what I was about to say. Shaking like a leaf I began to speak.

"I....I'm not sure how to tell you this." I looked down about to cry.

"Come on. Out with it." Uncle George demanded.

"I found out this week that..............that when you look at me after I get myself ready for bed and you can see my bare bottom that..............that it gives me a funny feeling inside. It makes me feel warm down there and I like to touch myself thinking about it." I just looked down as it became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Uncle Tony spoke up.

"Do you mean that you enjoy it when we look at you?"

"Yes sir."

"And that you think about us looking at you and it makes you want to masturbate?"

"Yes sir."

"Wow. Jeez. You know that gives me an idea. We're looking at you right now aren't we?"

"Yes sir."

"And you have never been more naked in front of us right?"

"Yes sir."

"Do you have that warm feeling down there now?"

I could feel the blood rushing to my face. I had to hesitate for a moment before I could answer.


"Do you need to masturbate?"

Everyone leaned forward to hear my answer.

"Yes." My voice was breaking up.

"Well, what do you say George? She needs to masturbate like a grown woman." Tony leaned over and nudged Uncle George with his elbow.

"She's all grown up. I think that she knows what she needs by now." Dave said trying to convince Uncle George.

"OK Heidi. Bring that chair over here and get started." Uncle George pointed to a chair across the room.

"What? You mean here? Now? Right in front of you?" I didn't know what to do. Surely they didn't expect me to masturbate with them watching me did they?

"You promised to do as you were told so now I want you to bring that chair closer to the table and sit."

"Yes sir."

I turned to get the chair and could feel all of their eyes staring at my naked bottom. I had to regain my composure before bringing it back to the table. I sat facing them with my legs together and my hands in my lap.

"I don't see a need for that top that your wearing do you?" Uncle George motioned for me to take it off.

"No. I guess not." I slowly raised it over my head leaving me now completely naked. This was the first time that they saw my breasts uncovered.

"Hey, you really are all grown up. Look at what you've been hiding from us." Tony gave me a smile and a wink.

"You can begin now." Uncle George told me.

Not knowing what to do next I just sat there with my knees together and my hands in my lap. This wasn't what I expected. I thought that I would be bold and show them how much I really wanted to do this for them. Instead I was embarrassed even though I could feel that warmth inside.

"Heidi it is time for you to show us your pussy. Now spread your legs. Wider. That's a good girl. A little more." Uncle George coaxed me.

That was exactly what I needed. I needed to be told what to do. Now it wasn't my idea I was just doing as ordered. It made things much easier for me and I found myself obeying his commands.

"Now take your hands and open yourself up for us. A little more. Good girl. Just like that." He spoke in a quiet and comfortable tone.

The rest was a little hazy. I remember that my pussy was getting very wet and I spread it all around with my open hand. I closed my eyes and heard them giving me instructions on what to do next. I brought my hand up and pinched one of my nipples. It seemed that the harder that I pinched the more that I felt my pussy getting hot. I buried two fingers inside and worked them as if they were a mans penis from the magazines. I rubbed harder and harder and I could hear a sloshing sound coming from my wet pussy as my hand worked from side to side rapidly.

Finally I came. I know that I made loud panting sounds just before but when I reached my orgasm I squealed so loudly that I'm sure that the neighbors could hear me. When I came to my senses I found myself slouched in the chair with my fingers still inside of me. My legs were spread as wide as possible. They all gave me an appreciative smile and told me what a good girl I was for them. I was allowed to stay up late that evening and serve them once they resumed their card game. I was ordered to remain naked the rest of the night as I served them and to pose in lewd positions any time that they requested.