Porn Star Family: Bridgett’s Tale


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"You ready?" Bridgett asked as her wings shimmered into view.

"Yep... wait, hold on, can't go there looking like this," Samuel said, stopping in his tracks, knowing if he showed up at her college with how he looked would cause problems. Bringing his left hand up to his face, chanting low, a purple mist flowed around him as he turned his hand clockwise, superimposing what he once looked like over his vampiric body. "Okay, now I'm ready."

"Did you just randomly choose what to look like?" Bridgett asked, her eyes running down his body.

"No, this was what I looked like before I became a daywalker. I really don't need people yammering on about the golden vampire stalking college campuses. Then how would I ever get anywhere with all those vamp-obsessed goth chicks," Samuel said, smirking at her rosy cheeks.

"If I were you, I'd be more worried about Vikki's sisters and mother," Bridgett taunted, returning his smirk as her wings folded in around him.


Vikki stood annoyed as her sisters went about prettying themselves up as she waited for Bridgett to arrive in a very out-of-the-way spot on campus. Rolling her eyes at what her sisters were saying, a little perturbed that they had to horde in on her new friend. While she didn't know if Samuel thought of her as a friend, she, however, did think of Samuel as a friend. Maybe not as a close friend, but as a friend, nonetheless.

"Get that look off your face, Vik," Sue said as she checked to make sure her hair was just perfect.

"He's my friend; why do you two need to butt in?" Vikki huffed, causing her crimson hair to bump against her back.

"Do we need to remind you we knew him first?" Rita retorted as she checked her makeup. "If you think we're going to let you horde that tasty vampire to yourself, then you got another thing coming," she said in a challenging tone as the snap of her compact filled the air once she closed it at the feel of Bridgett's approach.

Vikki's anger melted away as she felt Samuel's presence, seeing the drool starting to form on her sisters' lips as they, too, were buffeted by Samuel's sexual energies. How she could just bathe in it for all time if she was so lucky.

"You know, I'm never going to get used to..." Bridgett's chuckle filled the air when Samuel quickly darted behind her at the hungry glares of the triplets that burned into his body.

"Here, I thought you were this powerful being," Bridgett teased.

"Yeah, I'd take facing off against Onoskelis than to know what's on their minds; seems safer at the moment," Samuel said, feeling like he was about to be eaten and dragged down into the pits of Hell.

"Now, now, Samuel, don't tell me you don't remember the moment we shared at the club," Rita cooed, displaying her body to him to reignite that memory.

"Mmmhmm, don't you remember how my lips, my body felt against you?" Sue purred as her nails ran up her body, hoping to tempt him to taste her delicious body to his heart's content.

"Hey, love," Vikki said, holding out her arms to her fiancée. "It's good to see you again, Samuel," she spoke as she and Bridgett shared a hug.

"Hello, Vikki; Kelly sends her greetings," Samuel said, becoming defensive when Sue and Rita ringed him in.

"Samuel, why are you like this?"

"Didn't you enjoy our bodies?" Sue uttered lustfully as she pressed her body against his.

"Umm... yeah, but I'm a guy, and they would kill me if I did anything more than what happened then," Samuel said nervously.

"Shame," Rita pouted, her fork tongue running along her upper lip, tasting his sex. "I can understand that, yet if we can't, she can't either," she said, flickering her hand at her sister.


"It's only fair, sister," Sue stated, grinning evilly at her sister at Vikki's fuming look.

"Come, let us show you around," Rita said, taking hold of his left hand.

"Yes, you must; we know some very private areas that you and I..."

"No, Sue, I think you mean me," Rita cut in, getting a burning glare from Sue.

"Damn, I just can't take you anywhere," Bridgett joked, watching the display happing before her. "You do know your mother had first dips on him." Biting her lip at the look, Samuel shot her, telling her not to give them any ideas.

"Well then, I guess we'll just have to make sure mother doesn't get her treat," Rita said, pressing Samuel's arm tightly between her breasts.

"That's right..." Sue and Rita stumbled when Samuel just vanished.

"You know I don't like being used, and I don't like them thinking I'm going to cheat on them even if they don't know about it. Don't do it again," Samuel warned when he reappeared at Bridgett's and Vikki's side; his cobalt eyes glowed threateningly as they burnt away the illusion that covered his eyes.

"I... sorry, Sam, I didn't mean anything by it," Bridgett said, swallowing hard.

"Show me to your mother so I can go home," Samuel said in a testy voice as he peered at Vikki.

"Of course, this way," Vikki spoke, directing Samuel's gaze to the east side of the campus where her mother's office was. Walking hand in hand with Bridgett as she noted how Samuel walked a few feet away from them, keeping in step with their strides with her sisters trailing behind them. Noting how Samuel was looking around, wondering if he was thinking about his own short time on a college campus. That was until she noted how he had a curious look on his face as he noted something on the brick facing of one of the buildings. Then noted how Samuel tilted his head up and how his nostrils flared as he did.

"Samuel, what's wrong?" Rita asked, coming up to his back. She didn't want to make him more aggravated than he already was at that moment. Yet she also didn't want to lose access to him either.

"Nothing," Samuel muttered, bringing his attention back down, knowing one of his kind was staring at him from behind those UV-blocking windows. He wasn't about to start something when he was on his own without his wives to back him up. He was sure the four of them behind him would fight, yet he couldn't trust them enough for that. Shaking his head at the person when whomever pulled out their phone, telling them it would be in their best interest not to inform whomever they reported to that he was within their territory. He had enough trouble from their ruling council he didn't need to add to it. He just hoped whoever it was, was smart enough to take his warning. If it came to it, he wouldn't hesitate to rend them all to ash like he had been in Greece since he didn't want to make trouble for Nimue. "How far?" Samuel asked, bringing his attention to Vikki.

"Not far; her office is only about five more minutes down this path," Vikki said, pointing down the walkway that sat diagonally to the left of them.

"Sam, I'm sorry; I didn't mean to make you upset," Bridgett apologized, hoping she didn't hurt their budding friendship.

"It's fine; I have other matters on my mind at the moment than your insensitivity in respecting one's vows," Samuel said coldly, causing Bridgett to wince at that. "Might want to work on that if you plan on marrying. How would Vikki like it if you just so callously cheated on her? But you're a demon..." Samuel's voice trailed off, allowing his words to go unspoken.

Vikki rubbed Bridgett's back, telling her it was okay, that it was just a growing pain, as Bridgett hung her head. It wasn't her fault that sometimes her demon got the best of her; it happened to them all, even Ira. While she knew Samuel was upset, Vikki knew Samuel wouldn't hold it against her as long as Bridgett didn't make the same mistake twice.

"Mom's office is on the second floor," Sue stated, opening the front entrance door and leading them all inside.

"Samuel, what's wrong? Why are you looking around like that?" Rita asked, concerned. Arching an eyebrow when they watched as Samuel pulled out his phone.

"Hey, yeah, I'm in the city, yeah, might need a hand," Samuel said, eyeing the walls and noting the runes that burned in his eyes. "No, I don't know who, just being cautious."

"Okay, so, what's wrong?" Ira asked, appearing behind the four, startling them all except Samuel.

"Don't know, but this place is warded in blood magic, and vampires don't like unwanted or uninvited guests in their domain," Samuel said low as he slid his phone into his pocket.

"Wait... what?" The four of them asked low, looking between the two of them.

"Ah, and you called because you might need the backup?" Ira muttered, nodding along.

"We can fight, you know?!" Sue muttered in a hurt tone.

"Yeah, maybe, but I don't trust you enough to guard my back in a fight," Samuel said indifferently. "Him," pointing at Ira, "I do."

"Still having trouble with those people?" Ira asked offhandedly, to which Samuel nodded. "Okay, you just point out who needs killing, and we'll turn them to ash," he said in a supportive tone.

"If it comes to that," Samuel uttered, eager to get out of that building as fast as he could.

"Sue, Rita, don't take it too hard; Samuel's just secretive like that. He's done this a lot on his own, and I know his wives; they would just raise him from the dead just to kill him again for getting himself killed," Ira said sweetly, trying to soothe their hurt emotions.

"But we can fight?!" Rita pouted.

"I know you can, and you're sexy while doing it," Ira cooed low into her ear as he pulled her into him.

"You mean that?" Sue asked, snuggling up to Ira's side.

"Of course I do. Have you seen you? One of the hottest things on legs," Ira flirted.

"Samuel, what are you afraid of, shouldn't vampires, other than you, be sleeping right now?" Vikki asked low.

"Depends on their age," Samuel answered, feeling the hairs of the back of his neck standing on end. "Just because they can't go outside doesn't mean they all are asleep," he stated, feeling his nails elongating, his spell crumbling from his body as he felt four approaching him. "Whatever happens, you keep walking, do not get involved unless I need it," Samuel whispered out the corner of his mouth to Ira.

"You sure?" Ira inquired in that same low tone.

"Yeah, don't want to pull you further into this than I already have," Samuel said, seeing Ira nod. His fangs descended as he noted two elders, as Nimue called them, in front of them, peering over his left shoulder and seeing two more at his back.

"You students should be in class right now, and you," the leader said, pointing at Samuel. "Are trespassing."

"Hello, Professor Green," Bridgett spoke, stepping forward, hoping to keep it from coming to blows. She had no wish for her college to become a blood bath. "I'm sorry we didn't inform the office, but our friend came to visit, and we thought we'd show him around in case he wanted to go here if his other college picks didn't turn out as he hoped," she said, lying through her teeth, yet she didn't detect that the man sensed what she was nor could she tell that he was a vampire either.

"Still, Ms. Roderick, you should be in class; we'll see to this... friend of yours," Professor Green said, looking at Samuel.

"Listen, I just came for a translation; let me pass, and no harm will come to you," Samuel spoke, noting how the man wasn't buying Bridgett's lie.

"I think not; you students move along; this doesn't concern you," Green said, pointing at the door behind him from over his shoulder.

"Samuel?!" Ira muttered worryingly as Samuel held out his left hand, encasing them in a barrier.

"Remember what I said," Samuel said, glancing out the corner of his eye.

"But there's four of them," Vikki stated, hoping he didn't get himself killed.

"Four elders isn't anything to me," Samuel said with a cocky grin. "Isn't that right?" he asked, releasing his hold on his magic, telling them he wouldn't be holding back. "You wanted this confrontation. I asked politely to allow me passage if you still wish to test your luck against her Herald and Seipowe's right hand. Please, do; I'm famished," Samuel taunted, smiling wickedly, revealing his fangs as they gleamed in the artificial light. Samuel moved his chin back in time to miss being impaled on the blood spike that shot up from the floor.

"We have to help him?!" Bridgett hissed as Ira took hold of her arm when Samuel was dodging the blows of the four and the blood spikes at the same time.

"We can't, not until Samuel needs it," Ira stated, yet he wanted to go to his friend's aid and render those four to atoms. Only to smile cruelly when he finally caught on to what Samuel was doing.

"You are so easily blinded," Samuel said coldly once he had all four entrapped within his mystical chains. "I wonder what tortures are in store for you once you cross into her domain for the sheer audacity to think you could assault her will on this earthly plane."

Bridgett felt her demon writhe at the screams of pain as their blood poured onto the floor below them. She noted the others were the same, more so Vikki and her sisters than Ira was. She chalked that up to him only being a quarter demon compared to the rest of them.

"Remember this when you meet her, I did ask politely, and you were given a choice, yet you thought you were stronger than her Herald." Bridgett looked away when their bodies were torn apart, peeking out her eyelashes and noting how their body parts just turned to dust in the blink of an eye. Watching how Samuel moved his hands over the pooled blood, her eyes followed how it was lifted into the air before joining into a large spherical mass hanging before Samuel. She didn't know what he was saying since his back was to them, yet the moment his hand moved towards his face. All the gathered blood flowed like a siphon into Samuel's mouth.

"Sam," Ira spoke, quickly rushing to his friend's side when Samuel dropped to a knee once the barrier had dropped.

"I'm... fine, just drank too much... need to sleep," Samuel muttered, shaking off the blood haze.

"You sure?" Ira asked, helping Samuel to his feet.

"Yeah, thanks," Samuel said, noting Ira's nod.

"We could have helped, you know," Bridgett said, a little hurt that he didn't ask for it.

"Then you would have been drawn into it. You live here; do you constantly want vampires attacking your home?" Samuel inquired, shaking the memories of the vampires he had killed from his mind. "We need to get this done before the others realize what's happened here," he said, looking at Ira, knowing the death of four elders wouldn't go unnoticed for too long.

"Alright, and why are you here again?" Ira asked, walking up the stairs beside Samuel.

"Need a translation, might know how to find them... or at least indicate where they're at, at the moment," Samuel said, peering over at him as Vikki led them up the stairs.

"But nothing on killing them?"

"You can't kill gods, Ira," Samuel said, noting how that clearly startled his friend.

"What do you mean they're gods?!"

"Well, if what I have deciphered from Hekatê's cryptic words she's whispered to me. They're Atlas's daughters," Samuel said low.

"Okay, and whose Atlas?"

"Come on, Ira, don't you remember Greek mythology?" Bridgett muttered with a roll of her eyes. "You have all those books, and you want to become an archeologist and don't know who Atlas is?"

"Well... sis, Greek myths aren't my area of interest I have, you know," Ira grumbled.

"He's a Titan, the god that holds the world on his shoulders, the guy Atlases were named after," Bridgett said, rolling her eyes at her brother.

"You have read Solomon's testament, haven't you?" Samuel asked, seeing Ira nod. "They even tell you they're gods in it. Now, as to why they're doing all this, I haven't a clue or why their bodies are obscured. Even Hekatê won't tell me why."

"So... all this time, I've been fighting Titans?" Ira muttered in shock.

"Pretty much," Samuel nodded.

"Did this Hekatê tell you why they were doing this?" Rita asked as they continued their climb.

"Nope, not a clue," Samuel muttered.

"But weren't their things in Greek myths that were able to kill gods?" Sue asked in confusion.

"Yeah," rubbing the back of his head, "see, beings like gods don't die; their essence are just cast to the wind. It might take an eternity to reform, but they aren't dead," Samuel answered offhandedly.

"But Titans are your thing, Sam," Ira spoke in step with his friend as they walked down the hall. "Shouldn't you like know how to at least I don't know trap them or something."

"Yeah, that's like me asking Missy for information on how to kill or entrap you," Samuel uttered, casting Ira a weary glance. Smirking when Ira grumbled and ruffled his hair in frustration.

"But you have to have an idea of how to bind them?" Ira asked, eager to have the upper hand in the remaining battles.

"I might," Samuel nodded.

"Well, at least that's something," Ira blew out a breath as they neared Alyda's office.

"Mom, are you busy?" Vikki asked, lightly knocking on her office door.

"Come in, honey," Alyda called out from within its depths.

To Be Continued...

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docholliday0007docholliday00073 months ago

Please write more chapters to this story it’s great work can’t wait for more thank you for the hard work

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Why are you turning him into a cuck god? Rita and Sue have sugar daddy's. Vikki and Brid are throwing themselves at Sam. What kind of harem is this?

TempestfuegoTempestfuego10 months ago

So, are none of Ira's harem loyal to him? It seems like the author hates Ira and is constantly throwing his women "even his sister" at another man.

TwistedOne66TwistedOne6611 months ago

Man, I hope more is coming.

Mark12370Mark12370over 1 year ago

I can't wait to read more of this story!

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