Porn Star Family Pt. 05


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Ira released a sigh once his cock was freed from the confides of his pants. His rod glistened in his pre-cum that coated his hard root with a fine sheen along his shaft. He had never been so hard in his life, and the way Sue's ruby eyes were staring at his pole only made it throb even more.

"This is only the prelude to what I had planned. Not that you think I'm not going to ride this cock again Ira. But we both need this, and I know you like it when my lips were wrapped around your cock," Sue said, her hand softly wrapped around his shaft. "So you don't worry about if you cum too early, I'll understand. But you better be prepared for a very long fuck session with your sister," she said, peering up at him before her tongue ran up the back of his rod. Her tongue teasing his crown, enjoying how his body reacted to her skill. She was so glad that he understood her need for her sugar daddies. She didn't know how she would react if he was disgusted by her, yet, as she saw how he looked at her as her lips wrapped around the head of his cock, she wanted to be with him always.

"Sue... I'm going...," Ira warned, after the stellar five minute blowjob she was giving him.

"Give it to me, give me my brother's cum," Sue said from around his cock. Working quickly to swallow every drop of his cum as it shot out from the tip of his cock. "God, Ira, I just love the taste of your cum! It's so delicious compared to mortal men," she said, licking up any drops of his semen she had missed. "Now help me decide on which pairs of underwear you like, because I want you to peel them off of me when you come over again," Sue said rising from in-between his legs.

By the time they had narrowed down her selection to ten pairs Ira was hard once again. Given the looks in the women's eyes that worked in the store as Sue bought her items he knew he hadn't hidden his hard-on as well as he thought he had.

"My, I didn't expect to see you here Ira," cooed a voice he knew all to well.

Keeping his startled look from his eyes as he peered behind him. There she stood, her arm resting on the metal rack of lacy bras. Her brunette hair cascading down, teasing her shoulders. Her amber eyes peered at him through her wire frame glasses, she didn't make any effort to hide how she was staring very intently at his hard bulge. Her green silk blouse laid open down to her third top button showing off her cleavage. Her slim black skirt hugged her shapely hips, stopping just a few inches above her stocking covered knees. He wasn't expecting to see his English teacher in that very same store either.

"So what brings you here, hmm?" she asked, unable to take her eyes from her student's cock.

"Shopping, obviously, Ms. Nunes," Ira said sarcastically. He knew of the reputation she had at his school. While yes, she was indeed hot, Ira never liked how she looked down at him, especially after he had seen the video 'Teachers Gone Bad', starring none other than his father, set in none other than his very own classroom and on his desk, nonetheless. A devious thought began to form in his mind.

"Ira. There is no need to be snarky," Ms. Nunes said, her eyes glancing up.

"Why not? Seems like that's all you do to me when I'm in class," Ira said, glancing over at Sue, wishing the cashier would hurry up.

"Please, if you can't..."

"Ira, who are you talking to?" Sue asked, draping herself along Ira's left side. Adding her new purchase with her other ones as she eyed the woman.

"I'm his teacher," Ms. Nunes said plainly, "and just who might you be?"

"His girlfriend for the day," Sue said her nose nuzzling his neck. She could tell Ira didn't think much of the woman from his body language, and that made her instantly dislike her. "No one looks down on my cute little brother," she said sternly to herself.

"For the day?!" Ms. Nunes asked, confused at what the woman meant.

"Mmmhmm, me and my identical sisters share this orgasmic man," Sue purred, drawing the woman's eyes downward as she rubbed Ira's hard cock in front of her. "Why do you think triplets share him? Because no man can preform like my Ira can," she said, her eyes cutting into the woman, "make her your servant, I don't like her," Sue whispered into his ear. "Then when she is I know some men that would love to wear her ass out."

"Just how old are you?" Ms. Nunes asked, her eyes running down Sue's body.

"I'm twenty, not that I see a reason for you to know," Sue said curtly, "come Ira, let's go eat. She's not going to get this," she said. Making sure Ms. Nunes saw how her hand stretched the fabric of his jeans around his rod to show her a very detailed image of Ira's eight inch cock.

"Ira!" Ms. Nunes called after him as she stood in the entrance of the store. "I expect that report to be done by Monday, also I want to see you after class then too," she said sternly, as she placed her hands on her hips causing her breasts to bounce.

"Uh-huh," Ira muttered, not caring what she wanted to see him about. He had done that report the day she handed out the assignment. It was easy, given the book he had done it on he had read numerous times. "I so love you right now," he whispered into Sue's ear as they headed off to the food court.

Sue quickly looked away her cheeks burning bright red at his words. Instinctively her arms wrapped tighter around his pushing his arm deeper into the cleavage of her breasts. "Y-your my brother Ira," Sue said, her voice low, "I don't like those that have hurt my family."

"So... what do you want to eat?" Ira asked, as they stood in the center of the food court looking up and down the rows of restaurants.

"Do you like Chinese food?" Sue asked, her mind still in flux by his words. No boy or man had ever said that to her. While yes, she used them to feed, like they used her for sex, she was still a woman. Women did want to know they were appreciated and not used.

"Sure, who doesn't?" Ira said looking over at her.

"Come, this place has the best orange chicken in town," Sue said, leading him down the left branch, down the left hand side of that branch towards the tantalizing smell that drifted on the air.

Their lunch was nearly halfway over when Ira's ears perked at the sound of rowdy young men causing a very vocal annoyance. Sue must have sensed his tension as she reached over, her hand squeezing his. A chill crept up his back as their voices grew near.

"Well, if it isn't Ira," Mark said, a sneer formed on his face. "Has your dad fucked any of your so-called girlfriends yet, I need to fill my spank bank," he said, looking behind at his friends, who shared a hearty laugh.

Sue began to speak only for Ira to silently tell her not to. He could fight his own battles. He had been waiting to put these fools in their place for so long, and now that time had come.

"None that would want to fuck some manhandling piece of shit, like the turd I see, that should've been scraped off their shoe when but a gleam in their daddy's eye," Ira shot back seeing Mark growing red in the face. "Trust me, I know all about every single one of you," he said, his eyes running over each one of them. "At least I'm not a ten second man," Ira said, looking directly at Andrew causing Sue to burst out laughing.

"Really?!" Sue asked, hysterical at the embarrassed look in his eyes.

"Do you have to wear three rubbers to keep from shooting off too soon?" Ira asked with a pointed look. "You ever wonder why my mother never invited you back?" he asked, looking directly at Mark. "I'll tell you, even in a porn, you can't treat women like you did. And you," Ira said, looking at the boy standing over Mark's left shoulder. Holding up his fingers up depicting Bret's length. "How my mother laughed her ass off when she told me how small you were," he said pointing at his crotch.

"Andrew, baby, I thought you promised we'd go shopping," pouted a redhead he had seen in the hallways of his school but didn't know her name as she cut him off before he could start on the other two. A few of the girls on the cheer squad he had seen at assemblies that were held in the gym joined her, and one he knew very well.

"Oh, it's you Ira, don't you get tired of being the butt of the jokes?" Julie asked, her dyed purple hair didn't suit her very well.

"Oh honey, Ira here has stopped caring about what you little kids think," Sue jumped in. Staring down the high school girls that seemed to her couldn't live without their little boyfriends. "Ira has moved up to better, older women," she said, smirking at the boys.

"Then you're not that woman I met before?!" Andrew asked, confused, she looked so much like her.

"Oh, you must be thinking about my sister," Sue said, not bothering to look at the boy, "Ira takes care of us very well, I don't know how you fuck all three triplets at once and not keel over," she said to irk that teenage group. "Come Ira, suddenly I've lost my appetite," Sue said getting up from her seat seeing how the boys eyed Ira in a mixture of anger and awe.

"Ira! What did she mean?!" Julie asked, as they tossed their food away.

"It means little girl," Sue said, pressing herself against Ira's back as he turned to face her, "this man you threw away for one of those subpar lovers," she continued, resting her chin on his shoulder, her hands running over his chest. "Is a man you won't ever meet again, my sisters and I don't plan on tossing him away like you did, and for what? A role in a film? Selfish. Not when this man gives us orgasm after orgasm after orgasm and that is just with his mouth. I've lost count of the number of times this thing" Sue paused, patting Ira's hard cock, "has made me cum over and over... well, you get the idea. Come Ira, it's time you put this cock back inside of me," she said glancing at the girl as her lips wrapped around Ira's earlobe giving his cock a little tug. A smile touched her face as Ira's mirth filled the air as they left the food court. Taken by surprise as Ira's arms wrapped around her. Sinking into his warmth as her own returned the embrace. Melting in his arms as they kissed, not like they had done before when both were filled with raw passion. This was something she had never experienced before as if she was the only one in Ira's life or the world for that matter, and that truly melted her heart. "Ira," Sue said breathlessly as she pulled away, "come, I want to dance," she said leading him towards the gothic store.

Her knuckles rapped on the metal door as she and Ira awaited admittance into the club. Ira glanced over at her as she rocked her hips slightly, her fingers snapped to the beat that could be heard faintly through the metal door. Ira tried to remember what happened the first time he was here, yet all he could remember was Vikki leading him up the metal stairs. He hoped this time wouldn't be like then.

"Yes?" came a silky smooth female voice as the eye slot slid open.

"Mor. Let us in," Sue said, cocking out her hip.

"What house does he belong to?" her dark eyes glanced over to Ira.

"Mine of course," Sue rolled her eyes.

"Show me," Mor said, taking her responsibilities very seriously.

Sue released an exasperated sigh as she lifted Ira's shirt. Their house crest burning brightly in her demonic eyes. "Satisfied?" Sue asked, looking at Mor.

"You know I have to ask Sue," Mor said, her solid black eyes blinked, "you know how the master would react if we let normal humans in here," she said, the sound of locks opening resounding in that old subway tunnel.

"Umm... what is she talking about?" Ira whispered into Sue's ear.

"Think Ira, we are demons, who do you think she means as master?" Sue said with a pointed look. "We are the children of the Morning Star," she said matter-of-fact. "You did meet... the last time you were here, don't you remember?"

"You mean I actually met Lucifer," Ira said, a touch of fear finding it's way into his words.

"Duh! Who do you think chose you as a Lucifugous incubus?" Sue asked, pinching her nose at her sister's lack of tutelage. "Seems Vikki hasn't been teaching you like she should've been," she said, a sinful thought suddenly flared in her mind. "Ira? Since my sister has failed to teach you, how would you like it if I taught you, hmm? Wouldn't you like that?" Sue purred, pressing her body against his. Feeling his hard cock pressing against her stomach. "I promise you will definitely become the teacher's pet," she cooed, as the door groaned as it opened.

"Please enter and be welcomed," Mor said, gesturing them into the club.

"You mind storing this for me Mor?" Sue asked, holding out the bag.

"Sure, just don't forget or I'll take it for myself," Mor smiled her needle-like teeth peeking below her lips. Her black eyes ran down Ira's body as he fought to maintain his human form once he crossed the threshold. "You might want to tell your friend to remove his shirt before he ruins it," she said, nodding to Ira.

"Oh my, Ira," Sue gasped, seeing how the heels of his hands pressed into his eyes as he struggled to hold back the change. "Lift your arms," she said, quickly lifted the hem of his shirt.

"W-w-what's happening to me?!" Ira gasped, as he fell to his knees, his arms held his chest as he was losing the struggle.

"You are being called," Mor said, standing before him. Her fingers tilting his chin upwards, her black eyes gazing down into his ruby ones. "Be at ease, you are among your own kind here. There is no need to hold back who and what you are here," she said, her pale skin glistened in the weak, hellish light. A smirk rose on her pale pink lips as arcs of lightning leaped from his eyes as his wings flared out. His house crest burned in a dull red glow against his midnight blue skin. "Mmm, yes, you are much more attractive in this form," Mor purred, her raven hair hung down as she leaned in for a kiss.

"Mor!" Sue growled, as she took hold of the collar of Mor's shirt.

"Do come see me later," Mor waved at Ira as Sue led him into the club proper.

"Sue?!" Ira said, his eyes darted around as the club became still as she lead him through the crowd of demons.

"It'll be okay Ira. We did tell you, you are a rare breed," Sue said, glancing over at him. "Many aren't chosen as Lucifugous types."

"You're family is so damn lucky Sue," said a very alluring blond woman as her fork tongue flickered against her teeth.

"You best be willing to share him," said a stunning black woman, her long braids brushing against her voluptuous breasts.

"You know the price Danara," Sue said, looking around Ira, "don't worry, we wouldn't whore you out Ira, well too much," she giggled.

"If I am then I'm the one that gets the money," Ira said defiantly as his tail swayed behind him. His black feathers ruffled the deeper she led him into the club. He could feel the smoldering heat prickling his skin. The faint scent of sulfur as it hung in air. If he strained his ears he could have sworn he could hear the screams of the damned.

"You'll get a cut I promise you Ira," Sue said, rubbing his back, "do you recognize where we are Ira?"

His mind flashed back to Dante's Inferno. How he described his escape from the Lucifer's lair. Shaking his head, that couldn't be it. He simply couldn't be in the deepest parts of Hell. Yet as he looked over to Sue, gone was her human form, her ruby eyes glowed, a red mist rose from her irises. Her horns had a more wicked gleam to them, her once smooth spear tipped tail now had rows of spikes along its entire length. In all she looked more demon than human the further they went.

"Enter my child," came an angelic voice once Ira and Sue neared the end of that very, very long tunnel. Drool hung on the jaws of the hell hounds as their chains rattled as their red, glowing, vacant eyes stared at them.

"I'll wait here for you," Sue said, her hand running down his arm. "It will be fine Ira," she said reassuringly as she saw the look on his face. "You wouldn't have been summoned if you were going to die."

"Says you, you aren't going to meet Lucifer in the flesh," Ira said, a little unnerved by Sue's smile.

"Go on," Sue said, pushing him towards the entrance.

The hell hounds turned their heads towards him, their skin seemed to be charred and rotting on their bodies. Their blood stained noses wiggled as they caught his demonic scent. Their barbed tongues hung lazily out of their mouths as they sat on their hind quarters. Their razer sharp teeth nipped at his jeans wanting attention. Whimpering happily as Ira patted their heads. Sucking in a breath, stepping over the threshold, wanting to get this over with as fast as he could.

"Hello son."

To Be Continued...

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RanDog025RanDog0258 days ago

Waiting for a plot but the only thing here was a suck and fuck. Sorry Soul

spectrescreenspectrescreen3 months ago

At this only only genuinely love him is Vikki

IrreventScribe3IrreventScribe36 months ago

I've read the whole 19, with two spin-off of Bridgette, but his demonic house didn't teach him anything.

Ravey19Ravey19almost 3 years ago

So much going on but what an ending. Good thing I'm reading this after next chapters have been published.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Omg so sucking fucking debauched and depraved. Your descriptions of the cunnilingus are absolutely fabulous. I love performing cunnilingus as I simply adore cunt, love to eat cunt and fuck cunt at the same time, also love to fuck a woman who eats cunt while I fuck her brains out. I never get enough the more I get the the more I want. Cunt lapping sex maniac Lanc’s UK.

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