Porn Star Family Pt. 09


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"Well Ira..." Smacking her lips together tasting the lingering residue of his cum on them. She had to have more, and next time she wanted to feel it filling her pussy. Her breasts dragging up his chest as she rose. Unsure why she wanted to please him so badly, unsure why she wanted to be at his side as their lips were inches apart. She'd never before felt like this for Ira. Although now, as she stared into his eyes, she wanted to be his, always. "Let me write you a pass, I wouldn't want you to get in trouble for letting me have a taste of this," Ms. Nunes purred, her hand rubbing Ira's crotch. Feeling her cheeks heat as she scurried over to her desk, brushing her hair behind her ear as she bent over her desk. Hoping Ira liked how her skirt showed off her ass as she wrote out a pass for him. "Here you are Ira," she said, holding out the slip of paper for him as the strap of his bookbag rested on his shoulder.


"Well look who it is," Lucifer said, startling Gabriella as she studied Ira while that woman pleasured him. "I didn't know my own sister was such a pervert," smirking coyly at those shocked eyes of hers. Her robe fluttered in undulating waves allowing the nearly translucent material of her robe to hug the curvature of her breasts.

"Lucifer!" Gabriella seethed; her dual twelve inch daggers appeared instantly in her hands as she spun around. Her pearl white wings extended as she took up her battle stance. Her eyebrow twitched as Lucifer's 32FF breasts bounced as she laughed behind her hand.

"Please Gabby," Lucifer rolled her eyes at the display. Giving her own massive forty-foot wings a strong flap, watching how Gabriella braced herself as the force of Hell pushed her back towards the edge of the roof. "You and I both know you don't have the strength to fight me," she said, smirking wickedly at her sister.

"Why have you come?" Gabriella asked, knowing if it came to blows she would be hard pressed to win the fight. Her vast mind raced on how to get out of the situation if it came to that.

"Oh... I thought I felt something strange in this world, and what do I find? My sister perving out watching such a sight," Lucifer chuckled. "I didn't take you for one that was so interested in human relations."

"We both know that boy is far from human," Gabriella said, her grip tightening on the hilts of her daggers. Trying to still her heart, to steady her trembling limbs as hellfire leaped from her sister's golden eyes. She remembered how ferocious Lucifer was on the battlefield. How the ranks of Heaven fell to her blade when the civil war waged. She was never a fighter, she was a strategist, that's what her father made her for. "Scared that Heaven will kill your son?" Gabriella asked, hoping to throw off her sister.

"If Raphaela couldn't take down my Ira, what makes you think you can, hmm?" Lucifer asked, with a taunting smile. "Surely, you don't think that small chest of yours is going to seduce him? Not when his lips have been wrapped around these juicy things," she taunted, lifting up her massive breasts before allowing them to fall back down against her ribs. She knew how much Gabriella was self-conscious of her small size. They would always tease her about it, when their father gifted them with such abundant size. Chuckling inwardly at how Gabriella's face burned bright red, easily dodging her slashes, even after so many millennia away from one another her sister was still easily taunted.

"Why must you flaunt those things!" Gabriella hissed as she watched the sway and bounce of her sister's breasts.

"Oh, these little things," Lucifer cooed, the palms of her hands ran along the underside of her breasts curving upwards before giving her nipples a pinch. "If you don't like the bug bites you call tits then why not ask father to enlarge them," sidestepping Gabriella's lunge, smirking at Gabriella's cute little gasp when she gave her tight little ass a spank. "My, sister, I had forgotten how you liked to have father spank you," Lucifer giggled noticing the faint scent of arousal on the air. Tilting her head to the side as Gabriella's daggers fell from her hands.

"I loved you sister, why did you have to rebel?" Gabriella asked, her eyes quivering as she looked up at Lucifer. "I never wanted this, I never wanted to fight you!" she cried out dropping to her knees, burying her face in her hands as she wept.

"Oh Gabby," Lucifer sighed lovingly, kneeling down beside her sister. Wrapping her arms around her, resting her head in the cleavage of her breasts. "You know why I did; humans weren't then and aren't now worthy of our father's love. If they were they wouldn't be trying to kill each other. They wouldn't have distorted our father's word, they wouldn't think to use our father's name in their so-called wars," she said, hugging her sister lovingly in her arms.


"Shh," Lucifer cooed softly, placing a finger over Gabriella's soft, velvety lips. "You're so cute when you look at me with those eyes," she said, smiling sensuously at her. Leaning in, her fingers weaved through Gabriella's hair as their lips touched. Their tongues swirled around each other's as they delved into their shared bliss.

Unaware that Ira had used the skills his grandmother had taught him for two months in that time bubble. Only his face poked out of the shadows as he watched on. He had wondered why his grandmother had shown up at school. Tilting his head to the side as he watched the two of them fondling each other. "Does God have a thing for lolicons?" he asked himself, looking down as Gabriella's bronze bikini top slid across the roof.

"Oh Luci!" Gabriella moaned lightly as Lucifer sucked on her breasts.

Ira did have to admit she was cute with that lustful look on her face. Wishing that he had brought something to sit on and a bucket of popcorn as he watched his grandmother's hand moved between Gabriella's legs. Fighting himself to not get hard as he watched his grandmother fingering the angel. "Damn, how kinky is he and his angels?" Ira asked himself, as Gabriella scurried onto Lucifer's lap watching that cute little ass of hers growing redder with every strike of his grandmother's hand. He felt his hand instinctively reaching down adjusting himself as he saw the sheer bliss on Gabriella's face.

"Yes Luci!" Gabriella moaned as she came. Whimpering in want as she felt two fingers hammering her angelic cunt. "Make me cum for you," she pleaded dreamily, as her angelic juices dripped down onto the roof.

"Father hasn't been visiting you has he?" Lucifer asked as her sister's folds gripped her fingers. Watching Gabriella shuddering as her finger rubbed along Gabriella's clit as she shook her head.

"Father spends all his time with the Seraphim, he has forgotten all about us," Gabriella said, nearly crying.

"I see," Lucifer said, looking to the Heavens, narrowing her eyes knowing her father was watching. Flipping him off as her cum covered fingers ran along her sister's ass. A warm smile rose on her lips as Gabriella gasped in surprise as her fingers slipped into her starfish.

"You're playing dirty Luci," Gabriella pouted, while her eyes held hunger in them as she felt those wiggling appendages in her ass.

"Well, I haven't seen my dear sister in so long, I simply couldn't leave that tight little hole alone, now could I?" Lucifer asked, feeling her sister's anus tightening around her fingers. Knowing it wouldn't be long before Gabriella would be coming from her ass. Licking her upper lip as she listened to Gabriella's quickening breathing.

Ira shielded his eyes as pure white light flooded the roof. He knew that could only mean on thing: his grandmother just made an archangel cum on the roof of his school. He began to ponder on just how weird his life had become to ever think something like this could ever happen. Although it didn't make the sight any less erotic.

"Now tell me," Lucifer said, her hand gently caressing her sister's ass. "Why are you on Earth, and what's your intentions with Ira?"

"We are curious," Gabriella said, moving to sit on Lucifer's lap. Taking hold of her sister's hands as her back leaned against Lucifer's chest, letting her explore her body as she did. "He doesn't act like the Nephilim of old."

"Are you here to kill him?" Lucifer asked, squeezing Gabriella's breasts hard.

"N-n-no, not so hard sister!" Gabriella cried out; her lower lip trembled as Lucifer rubbed the soreness away. "I just want to know why he doesn't. Why he acts so much like Raphaela? You do know the two of them are so much alike, at least in regards to those who have hurt them?" she asked, peering out the corner of her eye as Lucifer rested her chin on her left shoulder.

"Are you sure that is all you are here for? I would hate to have to kill you for trying to take my Ira away," Lucifer said coldly. Instantly her sword appeared in her hand as she blocked Michelle's blow.

"Holy shit! She's fucking hot!" Ira shouted into his mind. His eyes ran over her blonde hair as it floated on the air. Her heavenly face could put any of the top models to shame. The light of Heaven burned brightly in her golden eyes. His adams apple bobbed as her 38EE breasts swayed before bouncing against her chest. Her holy, polished, silver chainmail bra gleamed in the late morning light. Her toned muscular arms trembled as the two Titans stared at one another. His eyes ran down her toned abs, wondering how much that linen cloth hid from view as the tips of her wings teased the roof. Feeling his cock straining against his pants as he pictured what those powerful legs of hers would feel like wrapped around him.

"Unclean one!" Michelle hissed; her cheek twitched as Lucifer wore a smug smile. "I will cleanse this world of your taint!"

"Is that so sister?!" Lucifer said, narrowing her eyes knowing she was at a disadvantage.

Ira's eyes darted to and fro knowing he had to do something. No matter if she was the Devil she was still his grandmother. "No one picks on Luci, other than me," Ira muttered to himself. Yet the question remained; how he was going to do that without giving away that he had been spying on them. Sighing inwardly, calling on the chains of hell like he had done with Raphaela. He couldn't help his smile from forming as Michelle's legs and arms were wrapped in those hellish chains.

"What's the meaning of this!" Michelle cried out as she was pulled backwards away from her sister. "Release me Lucifer so I can smite you!"

"Why would I want to do that?" Lucifer asked, playing along when she too was confused as to who could have done such a thing and for what reason. Whoever it was, she owed them, for even she would have been hard pressed to get out of that position. Shoving her sister off her lap unsure that she hadn't fallen into Gabriella's trap. "Well sister," looking to the heavens knowing if she tried to kill Michelle her father would interfere once again, "it seems you got lucky this time," she said before disappearing in a flash.

"Sister!" Michelle howled as the chains still held her bound.

Ira let her struggle for a little bit more, more so, so he could watch those tits of hers bounce and sway in her struggle. His eyes zeroing in on the pale pink nipple that peeked out as the chainmail rose over her breast. Snapping his fingers disintegrating the chains back to the ether.

"Well, now we know Lucifer is protecting the boy," Gabriella said, her heavenly robe appeared over her body as she stood over her sister.

"Yes, but for what purpose?" Michelle asked, watching her skin heal from the touch of the chains that had eaten away at her heavenly flesh.

"I don't know yet, but the boy is interesting in person. I'll see what I can find out in the coming days," Gabriella said, her hand brushing along the back of Michelle's head as her arms wrapped around her waist. Shuddering as Michelle's nose brushed along her clitoris.

"You're still with us right sister?" Michelle asked, looking up at her, knowing how the two of them were so close before Lucifer's rebellion.

"Of course sister, I am still loyal to our father," Gabriella said, smiling down at her sister.

Ira had heard enough, fading back into shadows, he had things to think about, mostly on what to do about those two. If they were snooping around there was no way he was going to be caught off guard. Not with two archangels nipping at his heels. Instinctively rubbing the scar that Raphaela had given him. It was only because of his grandmother he was still alive. He knew if they teamed up he wouldn't stand a chance against three archangels; however, if he could somehow pick them off one by one then he might have a chance to see another day. He doubted his grandmother would back him up if it came to that. She was the Devil after all, everything he had read about her; she didn't do anything that wasn't to her benefit. No. Shaking his head, in this fight he would be alone. He couldn't involve Vikki, Rita, Sue, or Alyda in it, they would be at a disadvantage when facing them, and that included Mor. He didn't want either one of them to die. Checking his phone noting the time. Chewing on his lip knowing he had already missed most of his next class. Wondering what use it would be to show up now, feeling his stomach rumbling as he pocketed his phone. Ira wasn't apprehensive about having a longer lunch period. Spinning on his heel, marching towards the cafeteria, knowing it was pizza day.

Ira sat in the shade on the picnic bench, the warm breeze flowing across the grounds of the school. Resting his right arm on his bookbag, taking a bite of his pizza contemplating on what he was going to do. Glancing up as the bell rang knowing how he had another thirty minutes to himself before he would have to get back to his classes.

"Ira!" His ears perked at the sound of Cybil's voice. "I hope you didn't miss me?" she asked, batting her eyes at him as she sat across from him. Pulling out her lunch from her bag, she had been waiting for this period.

"You better not go anywhere while I get mine," Beth purred, pressing her chest against Ira's back as she leaned against him. "Because I would be hurt if you just eat lunch with her," her eyes shot to Cybil as her arms wrapped around his neck. "I won't be long," she whispered placing a kiss on his cheek.

"What's the matter Ira? You seem lost in thought," Cybil said, as she took a bite of her sandwich.

"Oh, just something on my mind is all," Ira said offhandedly.

"Hey?!" Mark growled as he stomped towards them. "Cybil get away from that guy!"

"Oh?! Why should I?" Cybil asked, annoyance flooding her mind thinking Mark could dictate who she hung out with.

"He's not right..."

"Oh, you mean I'm not falling all over you and that tiny thing you call a cock, no thanks. I've got something bigger to fill me up now," Cybil purred, her tongue flicking against her teeth as she gazed lustfully at Ira.

"He's done something to Andrew, I know it!" Mark seethed, his finger pointing inches away from Ira's head.

"Who?!" Ira asked as he took a sip of his drink.

"Come off it Mark," Beth said, her hips swayed as she held her tray in one hand as she walked towards Ira. She hoped he liked how her breasts bounced since she didn't wear a bra. She wanted Ira to gaze unhindered at the shape of her breasts. "If anything happened to him, it was probably of his own making. Now way don't you go away," she said, shooing him away with her hand as she placed her tray beside Ira.

"You've done something to them, whatever it is I'll find out," Mark said hatefully, becoming unnerved by Ira's sinful smirk.

"Do have fun with that," Ira said, sliding his hand underneath Beth's ass, rubbing her slit so Mark could see just what he could do.

"I-Ira, not at... school," Beth said breathlessly. Biting her lip as she felt the fabric of her shorts parting her labia. Her thigh muscles trembled as she tried to hold back her climax. "So... why don't you leave," she said sternly, her nails scraped along the wood as Ira teased her clit.

"Can't you see he's brainwashed you!" Mark yelled, slamming his hand down onto the table.

"What's this about brainwashing?!" Kristen asked, interrupting them as she stood behind Cybil.

"Go away kid, can't you see we're talking here," Mark sneered.

"Sounds more like you're trying to force yourself on them when clearly they don't want you here," Kristen said, coming to the girls defense. Hiding her small chest from his leering eyes behind the books in her arms. Wondering if this would get her into his sphere of influence.

"Listen, I don't have time to explain this to a freshman," Mark sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'm eighteen you asshole!" Kristen shouted, causing those around them to stop and turn, wondering what was going on at that picnic table.

"See look at what you did, embarrassing this poor girl," Cybil said, placing a hand on Kristen's forearm. "You should be ashamed of yourself, tossing out accusations like that. Why don't you leave before you really embarrass yourself," she said coldly, narrowing her eyes at Mark telling him it was over and to move on.

"This isn't over!" Mark shouted, distancing himself from the table.

"Thanks," Kristen said shyly, hanging her head, appearing to be a shy teenager in a new setting. "Would you mind if I sit with you?" she asked, glancing up, her eyes falling on Ira. "You're the only one I know here,"

"Of course you can," Cybil said, patting the seat beside her.

"Thanks," Kristen said genially, feeling her cheeks heat. She had forgotten how man was always suspicious of newcomers. Even if they acted like they had evolved since ancient times, humans were still a suspicious species. "So have the three of you known each other long?" she asked, setting her books down onto the table while looking around the group.

"Since elementary, but it wasn't until recently Ira has gotten..." Biting her lip as her gaze turn sensuous, feeling her nipples hardening as her hand slipped into his lap.

"Mmmhmm, he's quite tasty," Cybil purred, running her right foot up Ira's leg.

"I see," Kristen said, wondering what Ira was going to do with them. From what they could tell he was only using them to keep himself fed. Wondering if she should break his hold on them to keep them from dying an early death due to his taking their lifeforce. Shaking the thought from her mind, that would give Ira cause to suspect her. That wasn't something she could do at the moment. Ira was still too much of an enigma that she hadn't puzzled out yet. If or when Ira becomes a threat to Heaven or Earth then, once he was dealt with, she would ensure those that have fallen under his hold would be set free. For now, it was best if she appeared to be a normal teenager. "So, since I just moved here yesterday, is there like anything to do around this town?" Kristen asked, hoping that was what teenagers these days asked.

"Well, there's the mall, the theater, there is this new coffee shop that's just opened up," Cybil said, her finger tapping her chin. Her eyes glanced over at Beth as her phone beeped within her bag. "If you've got somewhere to be, I'm more than happy to keep Ira company," she said, shooting Beth a coy smirk.

"Not on your life," Beth said defiantly, casting Ira a small nod to answer the text he had just sent. "Ira likes it when I'm around, don't you Ira?" she asked, rubbing her breasts up and down his arm. Letting him feel the heat of her skin through the material. Sticking her hand into her purse slyly forwarding Ira's text to Cybil. "Gum?" Beth offered holding out the small pack of Juicy Fruit.

"Sure," Kristen chirped.

"Will Ira Roderick please report to the office your ride is here." Ira turned in his seat as the intercom blared overhead. Confused as to who it could be, given he didn't know he was getting out early. Not that he was upset, after what he had just seen, he needed time to think of the problem at hand.