Porn Star Family Pt. 10

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A chat with God, a night at the fair... and into the unknown.
21.3k words

Part 10 of the 20 part series

Updated 09/22/2023
Created 04/01/2019
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Thanks to WAA01 for the edits.


Ira's tongue felt heavy. His nerves on edge. A chill of fear ran down his spine as those gold eyes fell on him. Something in the back of his mind screamed at him: Run! Yet to where? Where in the world could he run to and not still feel that man's presence. However, no matter how much he wanted to flee it seemed like his body was so in fear that it would not yield that spot. His hands pulled at the fabric of his jeans trying to get his fear stricken muscles to move. Cold sweat beaded along his brow as the man flashed him a warm smile. Although, underneath it, Ira could feel the power emanating off his body.

"I understand why you feel like that Ira," God said warmly, placing his hands behind his back. The snap of his fingers caused all of creation to shudder. "There, that should allow your demon side not to cower in my presence." Humming as he casually walked over to the edge of the carter. An amused smirk graced his lips at his daughter's handiwork.

"W-w-who are you?" Ira asked, knowing even if he tried to flee it wouldn't be too much trouble for the man before him to destroy him if he so chose.

"Yahweh," God said matter-of-fact. "You know me as God, Allah," he said, rolling his hand at the numerous names that man had given him throughout the ages. "Or better known as your great grandfather," a sparkle formed in his right eye as he glanced at Ira.

"O-okay." Ira's mind couldn't function, it seemed to have shut down at what he just heard. Ira wasn't a fool. He knew if his grandmother existed then God had to, too. He just never thought God would actually show himself or for that matter actually take an interest in him. There were so many much better and more important things to worry about than li'l ol' him.

"You shouldn't think about yourself like that Ira. It's not healthy," God said in a concerned fatherly voice, taking some pleasure from Ira's shocked look. "We are inside your head Ira. It isn't hard to know what's on your mind. Did you believe we were actually here?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.

"So I'm dreaming?" Ira asked, looking down at his hands. Wondering why it felt so real if it was all in his head.


"W-what do you want of me? Are you here to kill me?" Ira asked, it felt like a swarm of butterflies was in his stomach only wishing to burst out of his chest and fly far, far... far away from the deity before him.

"Ira, I have angels for that," God said coldly. "Angels that are extremely good at killing Nephilim. Although you might give them pause, but even you would fall in time," he said, not beating around the bush.

"Then why?"

"Thought I already said Ira. To chat," God said, his smile radiating the light of Heaven as he gazed at his great grandson. "Come. Walk with me Ira," he said, gesturing for Ira to join his side.

"S-sure, this isn't weird at all," Ira muttered. Suddenly he felt the air around him vibrating as God burst out laughing.

"You should have seen Paul or James when they first saw an angel. Peed their pants!" God bellowed out, slapping Ira's left shoulder as God clutched his stomach in his laughter. "I mean the things they said just seeing an angel, their minds would explode seeing the more busty ones," he said, nudging Ira with his elbow. "You know what I mean, don't you Ira?" Flashing Ira a knowing smile. "I mean you are face deep in Lucifer's and now Raphaela's huge..." Using his hands to depict their size.

"Have you always been this perverted?" Ira asked, his cheeks heating knowing God must have watched them fucking.

"Don't get judgy on me Ira, you are breaking a sin I commanded never to commit," God said, his eyes glancing over at Ira. "Having relations with your family is a sin Ira. But... I'm not here for that," Ira thought it best not to argue with God. His mirth rolled off him as they continued on whatever path they were on.

To where? Ira couldn't say, he honestly couldn't say where they were to begin with let alone trying to describe what he was seeing. No mortal or newly awakened eternal could ever hope to describe what he or she was seeing. Nothing in his life gave him a reference to even try.

"So... you wanted to talk... to me. What about?"

"You'll see." Was the only thing God said as he constantly wore a smile on his face as they wandered. His strong hand fell on Ira's shoulder stopping his advance. Any further and Ira would have crossed into Heaven. Something that could never happen given what Ira was. "And gaze your eyes upon Heaven, or as close as one such as yourself can get to it," God said, gently squeezing Ira's shoulder. Zoomed in windows popped up before them showing all the lustful, busty, curvy, erotic angels of all orders as they flew around Heaven in their daily tasks.

"Holy..." Ira's hands flew to his mouth to stop himself from cursing in front of God.

"I know, they're such yummy daughters..." Clearing his throat, brushing off the make believe lint on his robe. "As I was saying, this is why I have brought you here Ira," God said, gesturing to the windows, his eyes studying Ira as he studied the angels. Watching his grandson's eyes as they followed the bounce, the sway of his daughter's breasts that were on the screen. "Breast man, huh? Nothing wrong with that," chuckling softly when Ira's cheeks heated.

"So... umm... God, why bring me here?" Ira asked, feeling extremely nervous and weirded out at actually speaking with a deity.

"To offer you a choice Ira," God said, as he watched the backside of one angel as she flew towards the tallest spire.

"What kind of choice?"

"I shall call off my hounds, so to speak, and you have to fill in for me with a few of my more needy daughters," God said, a mischievous grin spread across his face as he gazed at Ira.

Ira was at a loss. On one hand, Heaven wouldn't be out trying to kill him any longer, which was good, the constant looking over his shoulder for when his aunts made their move was tiring. On the other hand, just how many was he going to have to deal with.

"Oh, 4 tops, starting off, can't have you overwhelmed too early. You are still in school. I did tell you Ira we are inside your head," God stated not hiding his mirth at Ira's unnerved look. "It wouldn't do if your learning was hindered."

"So you'll call off your archangels and everyone else that wants my head?"

"Yes. You're not a bad kid Ira, yet that doesn't mean you still won't be watched," God said plainly.

"I know I'm going to regret this," Ira sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "If it means I'm not going to be killed... sure. Why not?"

"Excellent. Now I think it's time for you to wake up," God said, tapping the center of Ira's forehead.


A few minutes after Ira went to sleep the day before...

The back door to her girlfriend's house closed behind her as Vikki stepped out into cool air. She felt the dew gathering along her exposed skin as the moon washed the backyard in its argentine rays. Her fists were clenched at her side. She wasn't going to lose Ira to Heaven or Hell. She was going to make sure of that. First, however, certain things had to be set in place before all that could take place. Things that she herself would personally see to, needless to say, there was a certain item she needed, something that she herself wasn't strong enough, at the moment, to retrieve.

"Mor!" Vikki called out. Ever since she had treated the wound on Ira's shoulder, she had felt the demon's presence around Ira's home. Yet, due to her kinds rules she was forbidden from entering the home on her own. "Mor come out right now! I know you're out there!" A red haze drifted off her ruby eyes as she scanned the yard. Her eyes glanced to the left as she saw how the shadows writhed and shimmered along the ground.

"No need to shout Vikki," Mor said, stepping out of the shadows. Her pale skin shone eerily in the moon light. Her raven hair floated as the gentle breeze lifted it from her shoulders. Her 36B breasts bounced against her folded arms. Her black soulless eyes glinted evilly as she stared at Vikki. "What is it that brings you out here calling for little o' Mor?" she asked, her pale pink lips curved into a cruel smile revealing her needle-like teeth.

"I need a favor," Vikki said matter-of-fact.

"Oh? A favor is a pricey thing to ask of Mor," Mor cooed, her eyes flickered up trying to peer through the walls that hid her mate from her.

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't need your help," Vikki said sternly, matching the demon's gaze. "I would think you would want to help your... mate."

"I see. What is it that my Ira needs, that Mor can't give to him?" Mor asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Life. Or more in the form of life force," Vikki said plainly. "Neither can I," holding up a hand when Mor started to speak. "But I want to fix that, hence why I need your help."

"Very well, what is this favor you have need of Mor for?"

"I need you to fetch me the belt of Phykhe," Vikki said, knowing it was the only item in the underworld that would be able to hold the soul, indefinitely, that she was going to go after. Arching an eyebrow when Mor whistled.

"That is some favor you ask of Mor," Mor cooed, her forked tongue flickered out, running over her upper lip. "I understand why you ask Mor of this. Asmodan isn't likely to give it up easily. Good thing you came to Mor, huh?"

"Will you do it or not?" Vikki asked, growing impatient.

"Mor needs something from you before Mor agrees to help you," Mor said, her eyes flickered once again upwards.

"Which is?'

"If Mor agrees to help you, you have to let Mor inside any time Mor wants it," Mor said, stating her terms of the deal. "Mor's mate needs to feel Mor's body writhing against his," her hands traveled along her chest, cupping, pinching, and tugging on her nipples at the prospect of laying with Ira again.

"And allow you to bring calamity to his house? I think not!" Vikki said, setting her foot down.

"Please, Mor would never do that to the father of Mor's little ones," Mor hummed rubbing her stomach. "Do you agree to Mor's terms?"

"Very well, but I want the belt by the rise of the sun," Vikki commanded.

"Oh? Interesting things must be happening, hmm?" Mor asked, grinning evilly as they shook on the terms. "Tomorrow night you will let Mor in," she said, disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

Dropping her chin into her hand, hoping Mor could get the item she needed. Shaking her head, Vikki had other things to do; like finding out where that man was, and she knew the first person she needed to talk to -- Cora.


Gabriella and Michelle stood on the roof of Ira's school as the day reached its halfway point. Their eyes studying Ira as he sat, uninterested, at his desk, his pencil tapping his notebook as he leaned on his elbow. Trying to figure out why Ira didn't act like the Nephilim before him. However, that all changed when they felt the powers of a class of angel that topped even them. Turning to their left, falling to a knee as that presence neared the threshold of the material realm.

"Welcome sister, we honor she who is the voice of God," Michelle said, bowing her head in reverence to her sister.

"As decreed by he who is our maker, you are to cease your attacks upon the Nephilim that is called Ira Roderick," Metatron commanded. Three pairs of wings extended as she appeared before her sisters. Her light red hair held in a tight ponytail trailed down her back, while a curtain of her locks draped down the left side of her face. The wind gently lifting those silken strands revealing her golden eye that laid hidden underneath it. Her immense breasts bounced in the royal purple fabric that held them, straining to contain her voluptuous size. Her gold nipple chain glinted as the sun's rays struck its surface. The same royal purple cloth wrapped three fourths of the way around her waist, held secured to her hips by a gold braided chain leaving her right leg exposed and doing very little to hide her angelic mound from view as it fluttered.

"What?!" Gabriella's head shot up; her eyes shot down as the Seraphim floated before her. "Metatron, I don't understand. Why are we ordered to stop our observation on him?"

"I didn't say you were to stop watching him sister. I said you are to cease your attacks on him," Metatron said, staring intently at the back of Gabriella's bowed head.

"Forgive me sister, I didn't mean to assume. Please tell us why father has done this," Gabriella said, feeling Metatron's aura pressing down on her.

"It's easier to show you," Metatron said plainly. A three foot round crystal orb appear halfway between them. "Rise sisters and gaze at what our sister has experienced."

"I told her to stay away from that boy," Michelle growled under her breath. Her eyes watching every action her sister took. Her eyes going wide when she witnessed her sister orgasming, something only their father could do to them or so she had thought.

"That boy!" Gabriella's arm darted out, her finger pointing at Ira as he sat at his desk. "Made Raphaela cum like that!" She couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing. There was no way a simple Nephilim could do that to an angel. None of them was equipped the way their father was.

"As you see he certainly did sister," Metatron said, her ruby hued lips curved into a lustful smile. "However, that is not all, if you so choose to, Father has given his blessing should the two of you wish to partake in this Nephilim as our sister certainly already has," feeling her nipples hardening, her mouth watered as her eyes fell on Ira's manhood.

"Has father forsaken us?!" Michelle's eyes quivered praying it wasn't so as she looked at her elder sister.

"Of course not dear. He is simply giving us the option to have a taste of the man he has appointed to be his stand in on such matters."

"What do you mean us? Are you going to lay with that boy?" Gabriella asked, trying not to allow her tiny body to heat as she watched the euphoria on her sister's face. She tried not to allow the sight of her orgasm to reach her womb, yet that was easier said than done. Thinking back to when the last time her father made her cum like that; it was in the dark ages.

"It is a very high probability," Metatron cooed. "The question is sisters will there be enough of him left for you after he tastes these?" she asked, lifting up her 32G breasts as her six foot, three inch frame towered over them.

"Hmm... we must discuss this before we can give you an answer sister," Michelle said, her eyes glanced up then back down watching again the scene in slow motion. Studying everything with her eagle-eyed vision, reading her sister's lips, gasping, aloud, at what Raphaela had moaned.

"What is it Michelle?" Gabriella asked, laying her left hand on Michelle's right forearm.

"Is it true?!" Michelle asked, her head shot up, a fiery look burned in her eyes.

"If you are referring to his size," Metatron said, her golden eyes were alit with mischief. "The answer to your question is, yes. He is like Father in that aspect."

"No way! I refuse to believe it!" Gabriella shouted. Her pearl white wings unfurled, sending her flying; to where she couldn't say.

"Thank you sister for bringing this to us," Michelle said, bowing to her sister. All the while her mind was racing. On one side, her mind raced with what she was going to do to her sister for her violation of her command. On the other side, it swirled in uncertainty with what she was going to do. Could she truly lay with Ira like her sister had? Obviously, her father had allowed it. Was he growing tired of them? Was this why he had given his blessing? Was her body -- the body he had made -- not good enough for him any longer?

"We will see each other soon." Metatron's voice was but a whisper on the wind as she faded back into the ether.


Ira groaned as sixth period P.E. started as the metal door of his gym locker closed. He never liked gym class especially after lunch. His gym shirt slid down his chest as he heard the coach blowing his whistle. Glancing out of the corner of his eye as he tied his tennis shoes.

"Dudes! You won't believe this, there's a hot ass chick standing beside old man Burns!" one of the boys said nearly shouting as he ran back into the locker room.

"Well... maybe gym won't suck today," Ira thought to himself. However, the moment he stepped out onto the basketball court Ira was in disbelief at who it was standing beside his teacher. Watching how her breasts bounced as she laughed behind her hand when Coach Burns was regaling her with his old Vietnam War stories. While they weren't as large as they were when he had fucked her yesterday, he did have to admit her large 38D breasts did seem to suit her. He wasn't the only one that was approving of her choice of gym wear. Slyly glancing around as he noted how all the guys in his class were staring at her tits. He even noticed how old man Burns' eyes occasionally glanced down. Not that he could blame them, her nipples weren't that hard to see through the pearl white shirt she was wearing. Then there was the blue with white pin stripe shorts, with lines that ran down the sides of her hips, which looked like they should have been outlawed back in the '70s given how they ended at a few inches above her mid-thigh. The way the cloth hugged her ass Ira didn't know what kind of man could not stare at that heavenly ass.

"Look at those legs, what I wouldn't give to feel them wrapped around me," one of the boys whispered from behind him.

"And that ass, I just want to bite it."

"Forget about all that... check out her rack. It's practically on display, she should just get rid of that shirt for all the good it's doing," one boy said, drooling in lust as they gazed at his aunt.

"I wonder how bad they would flip out at the fact I've already done all that?" Ira asked himself. Smirking when they could only dream of what it was like being inside her hot cunt. The way she made that cute little face when she moaned. The hungry predator that lay beneath that gentle exterior when she was drunk on sex. How she moved when she had something hard to ride. His adams apple jumped as he saw those dark brown eyes glance at him, slowly moving his hands out before him as he noted the lecherous smirk she flashed him. Ira felt the murderous atmosphere building around him as he felt his classmates gazing hatefully at his back.

"Alright cupcakes!" Coach Burns yelled, blowing his whistle. "All except Ira, laps!"

"What!" roared the male students.

"Why does he get to experience the bouncing sweet boobage?!"

"Coach this can't stand, Ira shouldn't be getting any special treatment. He's the worst in the class, shouldn't those that are in the top ten get the chance to study under her?" one of the male students said stepping to the forefront. Ira rolled his eyes at the guys behind him as they joined in. They so didn't know who they were ogling. She was more apt to spear them to death than allow them to touch that angelic body of hers.

"Why are you all making a huge deal out of this?" Ira asked, looking back at the group of perverted boys. "It isn't like she's just going to allow you to touch any part of her body. So why don't you just give it up, huh?"

"Be silent you! We don't know what's going on with you. First, Beth and Cybil, now the new hot P.E. coach is looking at you..." Ira watched as the guys grew still when a knowing smirk rose along his lips. "Why are you smirking?! What have you done to that gorgeous woman!"

"Oh... not much," Ira said, his eyes shimmered evilly. Laughing inside his head at their gaping mouths as he turned back around he allowed his innuendo to hang in the air. When this all started for Ira, he had no idea he would have this much fun with it.

"Ira isn't getting off lightly," Coach Burns said, cutting in, his thumb pointed over his shoulder at the area on the other side of the gym. "She's here to personally instruct Ira."