Porn Star Family Pt. 18


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"Michelle." The name left his lips in a whisper as his befuddled mind finally realized just who he was staring at. The way she lifted her chin and wore that smirk only reaffirmed what he had suspected.

"Who?" Cybil uttered, turning around to peer at who had drawn Ira's gaze. She didn't want any more competition for Ira's attention. Her jealousy rose at how stunning that woman was; she ignored everyone around her who appeared to her that she couldn't take her eyes off of her Ira. Not hearing Ira telling Beth and Shea to leave or how he whispered angel to them.

"Cybil, we should go," Beth said, quickly getting up from her seat. She was not about to tangle with an angel. She wasn't about to die that day. Not after finally making her mother proud of her and earning the highest rank in Hell that a demon could achieve.

"But why?!" Cybil asked, incensed. She wasn't about to leave Ira alone with that woman for any length of time. There was no telling what she would do to sink her claws into her Ira.

"She's having issues; could you do it for me?" Ira asked, laying on the charm.

"Okay, Ira, I'll do it for you, just for you. But you better take me out Friday," Cybil said, puffing out her cheeks at being sent away from his side.

"It's a date," Ira nodded, watching how her mood instantly brightened.

"Good, I know just what to wear, too," Cybil purred, winking at him as she rose from her seat. Shouldering her bookbag and purse, grabbing her tray before walking off with Beth and Shea. Looking back, blowing Ira a kiss, feeling her heart fluttering as that smile greeted her. Knowing now, she could get through the rest of the day. Although, she did not like how that woman so elegantly slid onto the bench beside Ira, who still sat at what had become their picnic table.

"Hello, Ira," Michelle cooed in her human disguise as she leaned on her left arm, allowing Ira to peer down the valley of her heavenly orbs. "Do you like my look?" she purred, leaning forward, noting how his eyes couldn't tear themselves away from her lips. "Do you want to kiss me, Ira, or should I say, Suriel Zol, Nagdaium' of Vengeance, Prince of Heaven and Hell, Ruler of the Fourth Heaven," Michelle stated, listing off his lengthy title. A sinful smile formed on her lips at the dumbfounded look on his face as Ira nodded vehemently that he so did want to kiss her. Resting her elbows on his shoulders, her forearms hooking around the back of his head as she passionately kissed Ira. Loving the feel of him on her lips after being apart for so long. Moaning into his mouth when his arms wrapped around her, pressing her chest against his own as his tongue twirled around hers as she greeted her lover and the father of her child. Opening her eyes, noting how the human males were gawking at them, namely Ira, as their kiss grew. Sinking into their embrace, not knowing the next time they would be able to see each other given his involvement with the Sisters. They knew they were on the move, yet God forbade them from interfering.

"Do you like them?" Michelle asked when she rested his hand on her left breast. Rolling his hand along it, feeling her nipple growing hard under his touch. Feeling her body heating, recounting the time they shared on the roof of one of his school buildings.

"You have to show grandpa this form," Ira said with a sinful grin. Of course, he liked them; what sane man wouldn't?

"Oh? And why's that?" Michelle asked, matching his grin. Biting her lip when Ira so blatantly pinched her nipple.

"He wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of you if you did like I wouldn't be able to do if we weren't currently at my school," seeing the lust flare in her eyes when he said that, "which begs the question, why are you here anyway?" Ira asked, inhaling deeply the hate that was directed at him. It was so sublime, at least it was to his demon.

"Are you not happy to see me?" Michelle asked, looking hurt.

"No, I didn't say that, so don't go putting words in my mouth," Ira said, bopping her nose, watching her cheeks heat as he did. "Just curious to know what brought you to the mortal plane unless you're here to whisk me off and have your way with me again. Something I don't mind in the slightest." Noting how the area above her breasts got a little blush to it as heat flooded her face.

"If I was?" Michelle inquired, resting her hand over his as it rested on the bench.

"I'm all for making an angel sing," Ira stated, wiggling his eyebrows. Hearing her sigh when she pressed her forehead against his.

"Sadly, I cannot, as much as I want to feel you again, I only came down to deliver a message to you before I have to return to my duties," Michelle spoke, her thumb brushed along the back of his hand.

"Oh? God isn't going to have me swallowed up by a whale, is he?" Ira joked. Loving the sound of her laughter, it was, to his mind, far better than hearing her war cry as she came for his head.

"Gabriella wanted me to deliver you a message," Michelle stated truthfully.

"What about?" Ira asked curiously.

"She wanted you to know that Nanael has been born and that your daughter is very healthy," Michelle said with a smile on her lips. "Now, I must go," she uttered in a sad tone. "I promise we'll see each other soon." Her fingertips danced along the back of Ira's hand as she rose from her seat. "Ira?" Stopping and peering back at him, smiling devilishly when she saw just where his eyes were. Grinning madly when he begrudgingly brought his gaze to her face from where it had been lingering on her ass.

"Yeah," Ira muttered after getting his tongue to work.

"Would you mind if I came to see you more often? Like this, I mean?" Michelle asked, gesturing to her human disguise.

"What, be seen hanging out with one of the hottest women I know? You're joking, right?" Ira mused, noting how red her face was getting. "Do I look insane as to pass that up?"

"You really think I'm hot?" Michelle asked with insecurity as she brushed strands of her blonde hair behind her left ear.

"Duh?! Just look around you, Michelle," gesturing to his surroundings, "have you noticed how every guy within eyesight can't take their eyes off of you? You are by far one of the hottest women they will ever lay eyes on, and they so hate me for it, too," Ira said, smirking evilly as he felt their hatred directed at him.

"And why would these humans hate you for it?" Michelle asked, feeling her cheeks heating beneath Ira's gaze.

"One: they so wish it was them who gets to kiss those lips of yours. I know I enjoy it greatly," wiggling his eyebrows, "two: they so wish they were this hand right at this moment," holding up his right hand, "because they would never wash it after feeling that heavenly pillow beneath it," Ira stated truthfully.

"You know you can touch me anytime, right?" Michelle said bashfully as she ground the toe of her shoe on the cement walkway. "You know Lailah needs another sister; maybe we could work on giving her one the next time we see each other?" she asked with hope in her voice.

"Sure, dying to feel those thighs around me again," Ira answered in a sinful tone, watching how her nipples hardened against her sweater. Feeling his demon rising wishing to know what they tasted like on his tongue.

"I promise, next time, just you and me," Michelle said, smiling sweetly at him as she walked backwards with her hands behind her back.

Sighing as Michelle disappeared around the corner, wondering where his grandmother had went off to. Even Anael couldn't tell him where she had run off too, just that his grandmother wasn't in her realm nor anywhere on Earth. Peering up at the sky, wondering if Yahweh would know. Shaking his head as he picked up his tray, he couldn't get God involved. He didn't want his grandmother to be upset with him if this was meant to be some kind of secret. Then again, he doubted she would tell him even if he asked, given that now he was opposed to her if she threatened the mortal world. He hoped and prayed that day never came; he so didn't want to have to fight his grandmother. That was the reason he never took a side. Although he couldn't deny the threat she posed, she was the Devil after all. It would be foolish of him to think she would never unleash the hordes of demons he saw when they were battling Onoskelis.

"Luci, wherever you are, be safe," Ira muttered in his mind as he stared up at the sky once again as he dumped the items from his tray into the trash can.

Chapter Two.

Upper Egypt, Old Kingdom...

Lucifer hovered in the air high above the mortals. Listening to the sounds of the city life below. The cries of their voices as they sold their wares to the people. The sounds of the hammers rang out as the pyramids rose in the distance. Her golden eyes ran over the multitude of them as the Pharaoh of the time demanded that his people build such things. Ignoring all of them, she wasn't there to sightsee. She had been following her mother's bread crumbs. She had no idea why her mother enjoyed this time period. Then again, after Yahweh had thrown her out of Heaven, they haven't spoken much even after her own fall. She couldn't remember a time when mention of her mother ever reached her ears. She wondered what her fascination with her Ira was about since Ba'al had sealed herself, along with the land of Punt, away from Yahweh and her sisters, along with the mortals of the world.

Her head shot up when she felt her father's eyes searching for her. "Shit!" Lucifer hissed, disappearing without a trace back to the modern era. Knowing she couldn't do that again, at least not for a while. One: for her, traveling through time was taxing on her powers. Two: she couldn't risk God or her sisters of that time finding her. She had no wish to start a battle with the Heavenly Host.

"You know you shouldn't have done that, Lucifer," Zophiel spoke as she stepped out from behind one of the many pillars of stone that held the roof of Lucifer's cell aloft as Lucifer's flawless backside graced her throne.

"What would you have me do, Zophiel? Allow our mother to do whatever she wants with Ira?" Lucifer asked in a harsh tone.

"You need to allow this to play out, Light Bringer," Zophiel stated, her three pairs of amethyst-colored wings sat against her back. Her feathers rustled at the mention of their mother. Given how she was the first angel in creation, she had spent an enormous amount of time with her father and mother before she was cast from Heaven. Hellfire played along her ornate gold shoulder armor that sat tightly to her body; matching gold winged bracelets adorned her wrists, mirroring her tiara that rested against her forehead.. The hands that weaved Fate rested along her swollen belly as her and Ira's daughter grew within. Knowing the time for her birthing was drawing near. She could feel how strong Azza would be, just as strong as she was. Praying that she didn't lose her to Heaven. Hoping that Azza chose to remain at her side. Although she would never deny her daughter if she wished to visit Ira, she would never do that. She just didn't want Heaven to claim her as one of their own and never be able to see her daughter.

"Why?" Lucifer asked; her elbows rested on the armrest of her throne as her fingers interweaved together as her chin rested on her thumbs. Her golden eyes shimmered in the power of Second Heaven as she stared down at the angel of Fate. Her left hand instinctively lowered and came to rest on top of Anael's head when she appeared at her side. Smiling down at her daughter when Anael stared up at her in her true Nephalem form. Her thumb brushed along Anael's forehead when she rubbed her head against the palm of her hand. Her eyes glanced over to Zophiel when a tremendous power radiated out from her womb and shook the foundations of her cage. A wicked smile formed on her lips at the thought of the first Hell-born Seraphim to grace her halls. Noting how Anael was intently looking on, knowing her sister would soon be born. Minutes if not hours if Lucifer had to guess.

"Settle down, Azza," Zophiel cooed down at her daughter.

"What have you seen, Zophiel, to tell me to allow our mother to toy with Ira?" Lucifer asked with the authority of the Ruler of Hell. Zophiel might be a Seraphim, yet all Fallen must yield to her will; if they wish to reside in Hell, that is.

"Events that must unfold as they should," Zophiel stated cryptically.

"Tell me, Zophiel?!" Lucifer demanded.

"I cannot, oh Lord of Hell," Zophiel said, standing her ground. "The fate of he who is Suriel Zol, Nagdaium' of Vengeance, Prince of Heaven and Hell, Ruler of the Fourth Heaven, cannot be altered by us. What he makes of his choices now will determine the fate of everything," she stated ominously. Cooing down at her child when she fidgeted in her womb at the sound of her father's name.

"What do you mean everything?! I will not allow my grandson to die!" Lucifer thundered as she surged to her feet.

"It is no longer in your power to stop it. What becomes of Suriel Zol will be of his own making; he is beyond even your grasp now, Lord of Hell," Zophiel uttered with a smirk as she peered at her younger sister. Noting how Lucifer did not like that one bit. "Do remember what happened the last time you tried to alter Fate because your son was destined to die," she warned, knowing Lucifer had a habit of trying to trick Fate. Seeing the burning anger in her sister's eyes when she glared at her.

"My, you haven't changed one bit, Zophiel," Allocen spoke, shimmering into view. The crown of her Dukedom sat against her forehead; the gold glinted in the orange-red light playing along its polished surface that dominated the space. Her fine red, the color of blood, robe flowed effortlessly along her body as she sauntered along the sand that surrounded the lake of fire that mimicked the real one below them.

"Allocen, what are you doing here?" Lucifer demanded.

"Why to inform your grace of the wonderous news, in person," Allocen said, doing an over showy bow, smirking at Zophiel as she did. Knowing that it would irk her sister to no end that she's been with Ira and she hasn't for some time.

"Oh? And what news would that be?" Lucifer asked, sinking back down onto her throne.

"That my mate, Suriel Zol, has defeated the first Sister of the Underworld, along with bequeathing me a child," Allocen said, hearing Zophiel huffing in annoyance.

"Has he now?" Lucifer mused with a wicked grin at the news.

"He has; it won't be long now, your grace, that our child will be serving Hell," Allocen said proudly, resting her hands on her stomach.

"That is excellent news, Allocen, I eagerly await what your child has to offer to me," Lucifer spoke in a firm tone. "Going somewhere, Zophiel?"

"I've said all I wanted to say, Lucifer. What you do with it is your choice to make, yet do remember your past follies when trying to alter Fate," Zophiel said from over her shoulder as she departed.

"She was always a wet blanket," Allocen intoned, getting a parting shot at her sister's fading form.

"And yet stronger than you, so it would be wise not to anger the first of us," Lucifer warned.

"But it's so fun to ruffle her feathers," Allocen chuckled wickedly.

"True," Lucifer mused. Nonetheless, the words Zophiel had spoken still had her unnerved. There were just too many unknowns for her liking, and she was not going to lose Ira, ever!

"I believe the other six rulers will be making their move soon," Allocen hinted.


"Mmmhmm," Allocen nodded. "Even as we speak, Apollyon[8], Belial[9], along with Samael[10], Gadreel[11], Kokabiel[12], Mephistopheles[13] are preparing to make their approach towards Suriel Zol," she stated, relaying what she and her sisters had discussed after she had laid with Ira.

"I see; why so suddenly?" Lucifer asked, leaning on her right hand. Remembering the battles she and Allocen had fought side by side in.

"Do you have to ask, your grace?" Allocen uttered, waving towards Anael. "We Fallen must move quickly if we are to have any hope of countering those of the Host that has sought his bed. While Anael is indeed strong, I don't say this to insult you or your daughter, your grace. Yet, she isn't enough. Not if Father sends his Host down upon us. We need to increase our ranks. We already lost too many when our foolish sisters rebelled against us," she said, referring to the Onoskelis crisis.

"And what do you propose to elevate our reduced numbers?" Lucifer asked curiously.

"Kidnap the Lord of Atlantis, of course," Allocen answered in a wicked tone.

"And pray tell, how would you go about that? Assuming you survive Suriel Zol's might," Lucifer spoke, laying a hand on Anel's shoulder when she felt her daughter's anger rising.

"Hmm... good question," Allocen hummed as she dropped her chin into her hand. She knew she was no match for him now. Neither were the other six, so she knew they had to be crafty to lure Suriel Zol to Hell. Of course, they wouldn't keep him there forever, just long enough for them to all become pregnant at least twice.

"Yes, do go on." Ira's voice filled the sulfur-laced air as he appeared leaning against a pillar. Not enjoying how his grandmother was allowing Allocen to plot his kidnapping. While he might only stand twelve feet tall to their twenty feet. There was no mistaking the fear he saw in Allocen's eyes when she quickly turned around. "Do try," Ira growled, his power shimmered along his red burgundy eyes. Turning his head when Anael instantly appeared at his side. Stroking the back of her head when she wrapped her arms around him when she snuggled up to him. "Hello, Anael."

"Hello, Father," Anael sighed, her angelic half so very happy to see him.

"Are you behaving?" Ira asked, knowing how foolish that question was when, after all, she was the daughter of the Devil.

"Nah-uh," Anael uttered with a mischievous grin.

"Seems a spanking is in order then," Ira stated, reaching down and swatting Anael's ass.

"Another," Anael whimpered. It was a very strange sensation to her, yet she wanted more. "Thank you, Father," she whispered in want, feeling her body heating, her fingers curling around his shirt as she felt his hand on her body.

"Know this, Allocen," turning his attention back towards her, "you move against me; I will destroy you and any who join your little plan. Do I make myself clear?" Ira asked in a stern tone. His voice caused the very molecules of Hell to vibrate as his power flowed along it.

"Forgive me, your lordship?!" Allocen groveled as she dropped to a knee. Earning her an arched eyebrow from Ira, he was not expecting to be called a Lord, at least not from a Fallen angel. "It wasn't my intention for my words to sound sinister to you. Yet, my sisters' plight and our realm weigh heavily on me. You can understand that, can't you?" she spoke, lifting her chin. Trying not to wet herself as his demon's oppression pressed down on her shoulders. Feeling the vastness of his power dwelling within those eyes of his. Knowing he would have no trouble in fulfilling his promise.

Seeing the loving light in Anael's eyes as he brushed the back of his fingers down her cheek before moving past her. "Leave us; I'll deal with you later," Ira said, waving Allocen off.

"Yes, of course," Allocen said, instantly disappearing, eager to be as far away from his wrath as she could get.

"Rather devilish of you, Ira," Lucifer mused with a lustful smile on her lips as she reclined in her throne. "Tell me, what brings you to my domain, oh, Lord of Fourth Heaven?" she asked, loving how that just rolled off her tongue.

"Where have you been?" Ira demanded, walking up towards the edge of the lake.