Porn Star Family Pt. 19


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"I know," Ba'al stated, spinning on her left heel, looping her arm around Cora's right, and leading the way. "You know, you're the only one of my immediate bloodline that didn't succumb to dirtying yourself with that taint of theirs. I'm pleased to know that my light still shines in one so radiant as yourself," she praised, laying her hand on Cora's forearm. "Since the two of us serve he who is Suriel Zol, master of this domain, I think it wise for you to become my handmaiden, with it my protection even outside this paradise. I know my husband; he will send his angels after you, no matter how powerful you are to many of them, even you will fall to their blades. Suriel Zol, while powerful, he isn't a god, technically. He can't be everywhere at once like we can," Ba'al clarified as Cora shot her a questioning look.

"Were you there when Ira fought, you know who?" Cora whispered.

"No, while I wished to lend my aid to the fight, yet it wasn't worth the risk of revealing myself to my husband," Ba'al said matter-of-factly with no remorse for not aiding in saving reality.

"Is God that strong?" Cora inquired.

"Not without aid, he isn't; otherwise, he'd be like all the other gods out there, like I am," Ba'al stated in an roundabout way, informing Ira she knew about his plan. "Now, this is the daughter of my little thinker, hmm?" she mused, staring up at Nanael as her golden eyes ran over her body. "I can see that mind of yours, Nanael; your mother taught you well," Ba'al mused, seeing through her innocence at the vast mind beneath it. "And I thought I told you to remain on the stone," Ba'al uttered as she spun around. Ira just stood there with an aloof look on his face.

"Don't make me get the duct tape again, Gran," Ira spoke in an athortative voice, recounting how she looked strapped to the ceiling of his temple as he sat on his throne. The looks of death she hurled at him from her eyes as he just enjoyed the sight.

"You dare..."

"Gran, before you start, would it be fair to see what dancing is like with father?" Anael asked, stepping up and taking charge for her sisters' and her pleasure.

"Dancing?! What is this dancing you speak of? Ba'al asked, confused.

"If you step out of the way, you will see," Cora offered; she was a little startled when Ba'al took hold of Nanael's hand, not in a forceful way but in a nurturing motherly touch when she asked Nanael to stay with her. A smirk rose on the corner of her lip as Tracy Chapman's 'Give Me One Reason' began to play all around them, copying the dance style of Liana Blackburn as she danced to entice her son with the body she had in her youth. She ensured Ira's eyes were exactly where she wanted them on her hips and womanly curves as she poured all her sexual experience into that dance to show him that not even his father earned this right. However, she wasn't expecting Rikbiel to join in when the song got to a slow transition part, nor was she expecting how sensuous her moves were as she rubbed up against her son. She knew what effect it was having on Ira when she ran her breasts up his chest. For a second, Cora thought Rikbiel would kiss Ira, given how she was looking at her son; then, out of nowhere, she disappeared. Cora thought that was a strange thing to do, yet said nothing, getting back into the grove; she wasn't about to waste what little time she had with her son. She knew his fight was far from over. However, she did hope she could at least take his mind off things for a short time as she danced her seduction of the being who is Suriel Zol.

"You must teach me this... dancing, as you call it, it seems to have an immediate effect on Suriel Zol; I think I shall try it," Ba'al said, peering up at Cora as she still held Nanael's hand to help with transitioning to the new phase of her life. All her other daughters were just the same when they were created. "Suriel Zol, walk with me for a minute," she said, waving her arm for Ira to join her side like she owned the place.

"Girls, you do what you need to do; I'll be back," Ira called out to his children as Ba'al led him down the steps. Smiling back at his mother when his daughters surrounded his mother, "So, what's this about Gran?" he asked as they ambled towards the cliff of New Atlantis that overlooked the pyramids that rose in the distance.

"I know what you and that demigod have planned," Ba'al said bluntly, feeling Ira's gaze on her for her to continue. "I don't say that to stop you, far from it," she spoke, reaching up and taking hold of his hand as she turned her gaze to Ira's face. "I wish to help my new Lord in this task, for I know where Nu is and where it's rested ever since we reshaped the cosmos with it."

"Okay, and why are you telling me this, Ba'al? What's your interest in this matter?" Ira asked, wiry of her motives.

"I have something to gain if Nu is taken from the Heavens, a return to an equal balance of power, without Nu maintaining his grip on of all reality lessons greatly. Even without Nu, Yahweh is a power not to be trifled with, given the eons of basking in its waters. So, why shouldn't I aid in this adventure of yours?" Ba'al stated, returning his question.

"Okay, and how do we breach Heaven in the first place?" Ira asked, playing along.

"Oh... that..." Waving off his question as she balanced along the cliff's edge, "the answer is staring right at you," Ba'al said offhandedly. "But he needs time to build that large of a power surge to breach the walls of Heaven. So don't go running off just yet, say three months that will be the time for this excursion of yours," she offered.

"And why are you helping... him of all people?" Ira asked, referring to Andrew and their dislike for one another.

"Bah, so his god's return to power is not a big deal. It just restarts everything; maybe this time, it won't turn out like the last. We'll just have to wait and see who comes to test Yahweh's hold on reality," Ba'al said, like Titans clashing wasn't something to be taken lightly. "Plus, with Nu, you and that demigod can clean up another of my husband's mistakes that has seemed to have gotten out of its cage," she said ominously.

"Care to explain?"

"No, you already know what I mean," Ba'al stated coldly in a stern tone, telling him she was not pleased with his need to make her appear slow.

"The Djnn, I take it that's what you're referring to?" Ira replied with a pointed look.

"Yes, who do you think released the Sisters in the first place? As my daughter has stated to you, it was too heavily warded against Heaven and Hell, not so much when that Pharoah stole it from Solomon's temple. If it had stayed in the temple, the Djinn wouldn't have mustered the courage to step foot in it. Yet once it was carted off, it was just a matter of waiting to free them. The Sisters are a distraction; the Djinn are who you must focus on. Given how their only goal is to bring everything into nothingness from which they were formed by Yahweh. You have grown strong, Ira," flashing him a motherly smile as the sun haloed her head as she peered at him, "you are not strong enough to handle nothingness. You will need help, for your vampire friend knows that being very well. With Nu, the three of you might just be strong enough to reforge the seal that once bound them. I told you, Suriel Zol, I seek to aid my new Lord, that's granted me, my fine temple, in this paradise," she said, the base of her temple hovered below it when she gestured towards it. "I seek to benefit you in my wisdom as I once did for Yahweh. If you're strong, then I know I needn't fear Yahweh's wrath. But worry not once this mess is dealt with; I don't see too many hardships for you and this realm."

"Thanks," Ira said with hopeful wishing.

Chapter Three

Ira reclined against the back of his desk seat as Ms. Nunes went over something he had already stopped listening to as his doppelgangers searched for the Sisters. So he might be cheating when he acted like he already knew the answer to her question as the little imp on his shoulder whispered it to him. Starting to notice the looks he was getting when he was starting to get too much attention directed at him. Then, his mind wandered off to how the mortals in his school would take the news that a new god walked amongst them. A guileful smirk rose on the corner of his lips as he leaned on the nook of his hand, picturing the horrors and amusement if that ever happened.

"What's got you all murdery?" Beth asked, poking Ira in the arm. A sudden wave of fear washed over her; in that blink of a second, she saw his demon as he peered at her.

"Oh, just things, you know," Ira said vaguely, rolling his hand.

"Mr. Roderick," her book slapped the desk of the student she was standing next to, "you do not disrupt my class," Ms. Nunes said, looking away from his sinful gaze, feeling her cheeks heat. Clearing her throat as she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "If it happens again, I'll have you stay after class." She glanced out of the corner of her left eye, pleading with him to do that very thing so she could get her fix as she went about her lesson.

"Hey, can we talk for a bit? Please?" Beth asked; she didn't need to ask. She already knew he had just gotten done fucking Ms. Nunes.

"Okay, what about?" Ira inquired since he didn't taste a lie in her words. He hasn't gotten used to that; he didn't think he'd ever get used to that.

"Our baby," Beth said, placing her hands on her stomach. "Will you come around more often when she's born? Yes, I know the sex; you probably do, too. Mom was the one that told me since I'm not that strong. Anyway, I know I royally fucked up those months ago. I should have told you upfront, but how do you tell someone you actually liked you're a succubus?! So I did what I did to make you hate me so you wouldn't feel the pain, or try to, of what I had to do to survive. I know you might not want to be friends or even talk to me after all that, but please put all aside for our baby. Hate me all you want, Ira, but please don't take it out on her."

"I wasn't planning on it; what you did is on you, not her," Ira said, pointing at her stomach.

"Good, I was worried," Beth exhaled loudly as she walked with Ira to his next class. "I would apologize to you, but that's not in our nature; I know you know that," she uttered, seeing his reluctant shrug and a nod. "So I can't imagine what you're going through, and I assume the reason you're here and not off doing what gods do," noticing his cocky grin as she continued on, "is because this is like the only place you can have some normalcy in your life. I get it; I went through the same thing when I first came into my powers, weak as they were at the time. And... and dude, you were like a normal teenager... What? A few months ago? And wham! You got all this?" she stated, waving up and down Ira's body. "I would want something normal, too. So I don't even want to know what it's like up there; allow me to help comfort you, even if it's only with my body."

"And you've adhered to my command?" Ira asked; the power of his station reverberated across the cosmos.

"Of course, we always heed our Prince's command," Beth answered with a slight curtsey.

"We'll see how it goes then."

"Yes, Ira," Beth said, smiling as she now had a way in. Not that she was going to use it. Of course, she was; she is, after all, a demon; she just won't use it for personal gain like she did the last time at Ira's expense.


Ira's roar thundered throughout the sky as he did battle with Jealousy and Power as the Sisters thought to team up to take him on and to keep the city from suffering from the battle that was taking place. He had hoped to have a quiet day just to hang out with his friends. He was not expecting to be facing off with two Titans, as he's come to learn, that afternoon. Recounting why Five Finger Death Punch's 'Wrong Side of Heaven' was playing in his head as his image played along the surface of an asteroid-sized ball made of the void between realms, he was about to hurl at the Sisters.


"You sure there isn't a way for you to kill them?" Ira asked once again as he and Samuel stood in front of Alyda's office door.

"Nope, can't, but you can," Samuel retorted with a sneaky smile and to keep himself off the front line in a manner of speaking.

"Alright, it's better than what I've been doing," Ira relented with a sigh. "Need to speak to you about something, something big," he whispered to Samuel, patting his friend's shoulder at the silent sigh Samuel always did in such situations.

"Guess it must be big if you're telling me about it," Samuel answered, which Ira nodded as Alyda's office door opened.

"Well, now Vikki, you didn't tell me you were bringing two interesting men to my office," Alyda cooed as her ruby eyes ran down both Ira's and Samuel's bodies, something she would give anything to experience. She knew she would be in Heaven for a demon.

"Sorry, Alyda, no time for the finer things in life," Ira flirted as he returned her ogling. "But this isn't a social call; something important is going on, and Samuel here was wondering if you could translate some ancient Hebrew for him?"

"Of course, Ira, you knew I could, given my field of study," Alyda replied in a professional tone as she slid her glasses on, for show, to play into some of her student's fantasies they had about her. "Please, come in; no need to conduct this out in the open," she said, welcoming them into her office. "Now, what is it that you need to be translated?" Alyda inquired as she strolled back to her seat behind her desk. Shooting Samuel a smirk when she teased his sexual energies with her own as her finger briefly brushed along his as she took the papers from him.

"Well... from skimming it, it does date to the early Iron Age, say maybe 600 BC or so; this shouldn't be a problem for me. If you give me a week, I can have this translated by then," Alyda said, looking up at Ira and Samuel as she had a vague sense of what it was about. "If this says what it says it does, I need to do some cross-references before I give a detailed translation if this thing is powerful. I know you're in a hurry, but something like this can't be rushed."

"A week, you say?" Ira asked, to which Alyda nodded along. "How about three minutes," he mused as he brought his fingers up and snapped, sending them into a time bubble the same one his grandmother taught him in.

"Remind me to use that the next time," Alyda said lustfully, licking the corner of her lip when they reappeared within her office. "Here you are, Samuel, a full translation to a language you might know. I hope whatever it is helps," she spoke with a friendly smile on her face. "Ira, I expect to see you whenever this is finished?"

"Oh, that's definitely going to happen; I'm going to take Sam home," Ira said, looking over at his sister. "I'll see you at home," he uttered as he and Samuel walked out of the room.


"Okay, what does this mean?" Ira asked, staring down at the map. Three red orbs hovered over and moved in ways even he thought were impossible.

"Can't say, Ira, but seems they don't want to be found as much as you want to find them, or they're constantly on the move so as not to be caught by you," Samuel offered with a shrug after Ira shot him a look. Lightly patting Ira's back when, he groaned as he hung his head. "So what's this 'something big' you need to tell me," he said, rolling his hand.

"Well, what do you think of him?" Ira asked, pushing himself off the table, referring to Andrew, who they had just returned from seeing.

"I don't know, first demigod I've ever seen," Samuel said offhandedly. "Why are you bringing him up?"

"Well," ruffling his hair with his right hand, pondering on how he would tell his friend he needed his help to save the world again, "you know about Ba'al, right?" Ira asked, getting a nod out of him.

"The strange impish creature that's flying around your place, yeah, what about her?" Samuel inquired, noting how Ira pressed his lips together, trying not to laugh.

"She told me something; you remember when I left you that day to see who might have let the Sisters out?"

"Go on," Samuel uttered with a roll of his hand.

"Well, I did learn who were the ones that freed them in the first place..." Pausing for dramatic effect, "It was the Djinn."

"Okay, why are you telling me this?" Samuel intoned; he had a feeling he wouldn't like where this was going.

"She told me you, me, and Andrew are going to be needed to reseal them in the prison Yahweh threw them into after he had created them," Ira answered. "And it will need the three of us to do so since, by then, he will have Nu back. Let me ask you, Sam, what does nothingness mean to you?" he asked, studying his friend's face, looking for any signs of recognition on it. He wasn't worried if Samuel couldn't handle the stress of what he was saying; he knew he could. It was his worry Samuel would say no. Ira didn't miss how that question seemed to pique his interest.

"Depends on how you define this 'nothingness,'" Samuel uttered, throwing up air quotes.

"Just off the top of your head," Ira threw out.

"Nyx," Samuel uttered without a thought.

"Wasn't she the one that gave you that ring?" Ira asked, referring to their battle with Onoskelis.

"Yeah, okay, so it seems something major is going on if it involves her; I'll contact Hekatê and see if she has any words on this matter. What else?" Samuel said, rolling his hand, knowing there was always more.

"Just that you would know what nothingness was or is in this case," Ira said, going over everything he and Ba'al spoke about.

"Hmm...?" Samuel hummed as he stroked his chin, deep in thought. "Sounds like Tartarus if they were created out of nothingness."

"Wait, wait, wasn't that the place Zeus threw the Titans, as in one of the primal forces?" Ira stated what limited knowledge of Greek mythology he had.

"The very same," Samuel nodded, "but Tartarus isn't just a place. It's a primal being like the other four; Gaia laid with it to create the Giants to have her revenge on the Olympians for Zeus's audacity in killing her son Kronos," he clarified when Ira had a blank look on his face.

"Okay, so we're talking something on par with those beings, and Yahweh... slept..."

"Not necessarily," Samuel countered.


"If they were made from Tartarus's flesh, then he wouldn't have to sleep with it to create these Djinn," Samuel informed him.

"Why does everything have to be so damn convoluted and difficult?!" Ira groaned, getting a chuckle out of his friend as they stood in Samuel's study. "Did I say something funny?"

"Yeah, your sister said pretty much the same thing."

"Don't you get used to hanging out with her; you're my friend," Ira teased, trying to bring some levity to the dire situation they were facing.

"You know it's good to share, right?" Samuel joked.

"Sure, you say that now," Ira said, gesturing to the other side of the house where his family members were gathering.

"What?" Samuel uttered amusingly at Ira's gesture. "I've already told you, you could if they wanted to, that is. If they haven't, I wonder if you can't get it up around them."

"That's just cold, man, so cold; no wonder you're my sidekick," Ira grinned like a fool at the snort it got out of Samuel. "Anyway," bringing their attention back to the forefront, "we can't move against the Djinn for another three months. That's what Ba'al told me, said it would take that much time for Andrew to build that kind of power to breach Heaven. How Yahweh won't see or sense that happening is beyond me," he said with a shrug. "But let's use this time to build what power we can so we won't be constantly a step behind them if it comes to blows, which I believe it will. Plus, Kelly and Charlotte aren't going to let you go wandering off again on another world-saving adventure..."
