Porn Star's Daughter Ch. 08


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Now that she was behind me, I felt her bare breasts pushing into my back. She felt even warmer than before, and her nipples seemed to push into my skin as she wrapped her arms around me again.

"That felt nice," she continued. "You've obviously done that before."

I swallowed, only to find that my throat was dry. "No," I said. "I mean, not with anyone else."

"Really?" she sounded surprised. "You're already a natural. I can't wait for you to do it again."

I blushed, the heat of my cheeks flowering across my face with pride. I started to turn around, but she kept me in place with her body. "Not yet," she said, firmly. "I'll let you do it again, soon, but first I need to finish what I started."

Her hands ran across my torso again, and I became acutely aware of the uselessness of my hands and arms. I didn't know what to do with them. Normally when I felt like that, I crossed them across my body in a protective pose, but she was completely inside my personal space, and they didn't seem to have anywhere to go.

Her hands came around and over my shoulders, and went straight for my nipples. "Here we are," she whispered, her voice throaty. "Just like this afternoon."

I swallowed. I felt her hands pulling me back against her chest, and I found her shoulder with the back of my head. I allowed myself to sink into her, feel the soft cushions of her breasts compress against my slight weight. She had full access to my chest, now, and like everything she did, I didn't want her to stop.

Blissfully, she stayed there, paying the utmost attention to my eager nipples. Electric charges went off in my chest, connected directly to my pussy. Instinctively, I moved a hand towards the open "V" of the jeans fly.

"Don't touch yourself," she ordered, and I froze once more. "Not yet, anyway. I want you ready for me."

I didn't know what she meant, but I nodded against her shoulder. "Okay," I croaked. I definitely felt ready.

She sucked on my earlobe while she played with my chest, and I felt like I was about to short-circuit. In a mere matter of moments, my body felt like it was all connected, and every sensitive part was talking to every other part.

"I have a confession to make," she whispered in my ear. "When we were in the bathroom earlier, I really liked your nipples when I saw them."

I couldn't help but smile a little. I knew it!

"And when I warmed up my hands to touch you, I didn't want them to go down," she continued. "I'd been staring at your nipples all day, and needed to feel them."

Embarrassment flooded over me for my involuntary exhibitionism, but it was quickly replaced with a novel feeling of sexiness. I had made this gorgeous woman lust after me, without even trying!

"I think you like it when I touched you," she stated as a matter of fact, rather than as a question.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Did you want me to keep going?" She flattened her palms against my chest and I felt her squeeze.

My words choked. "Oh god, yes," I stuttered.

"If I had, what would you have wanted me to do?" she asked.

Fuck me, I didn't know there was going to be a quiz! "I don't know," I said, truthfully. I hadn't exactly played out the scenario in my head to its conclusion.

"Would you have let me suck on them?" she asked, pinching them slightly with her fingers, and then pulling on my earlobe with her lips.

I swear I thought I heard my pussy squish in excitement. "I don't know," I said again, and then instantly regretted the words. "I mean, yes, oh god, yes!"

Her fingers played with my nipples, caressing them. I had never felt them so alive, which is really saying something. Her touch was pure magic, and she seemed to read my mind about what I wanted without ever allowing myself to anticipate what she was going to do next.

She leaned in even closer, and whispered in my ear. "I would have, you know," she said. "If you had asked me, I would have sucked your nipples until you came right there. I bet you can come just by having your nipples sucked."

"I wouldn't know," I said, before I even thought about it. It was only after the words came out of my mouth that I understood that I had just issued her a challenge - a challenge that she was more than willing to accept.

I felt a hand slide down my stomach slowly, and I knew where it was headed. Her palm seemed to linger just on my navel, her fingernails tracing the area right around where the button would have been if it had been zipped up.

"You tummy is so flat," she said. It was a statement of fact, and yet she seemed to inject an amount of wonder into it. "It is so sexy."

My stomach had always been one of the reasons why I hated my body, in fact. I had always been skinny, no matter what. On the rare occasions that I allowed myself to really gaze at myself in the mirror, I thought that my flat stomach seemed to emphasize my lack of breasts.

It was silly (not to mention wrong, as I think I would have looked much worse if I had a belly and still had no tits to speak of), but it was one of the reasons why I felt I could never be sexy. All the porn girls seemed to have at least some softness around the middle.

When I didn't say anything, her hand continued down into my jeans and I felt her fingers probing at the top of my slit. I inhaled sharply as I felt my clit brushed by her touch, and she pulled me against her tightly with her free hand on my chest.

"Shhh," she said. "Quietly! Your father is a heavy sleeper, but he does wake up in the middle of the night from time to time."

At that, Team Morality woke up. My eyes flew open, and I got a mental picture of my situation. My father's girlfriend, a woman the same age (I think) as my mother, had her hands down my pants and my nipple between her fingers. Hell, I had felt her pussy as well!

I tried to straighten up, but I had apparently leaned too far back against Tracy, and didn't have the leverage that I thought that I had. I think Tracy thought that I was trying to get more comfortable, though, as she shifted her weight a little to allow me to fall back even farther against her. Of course, that was the opposite direction that I had intended to go.

Her fingers, though, now had better access to my cunt. My jeans opened up as part of the change in position so that she could cup my mound with all four fingers, and her index finger hit its mark. In the salvo between Team Morality and Team Shutupandfuckme, Tracy's finger just dropped a huge bomb in favor of the latter.

I wasn't prepared for how good it was going to feel. I had touched myself zillions of times, had masturbated to orgasm and thought that I knew my body as good as was possible. I had no way of knowing just how wrong I was.

My pussy sucked her finger, trying to clench the tip with the ringed opening, grabbing at it the way that a baby calf may grab at its mother's teat. Team Morality took a massive blow to morale, and beat a hasty retreat as I felt my body probed by Tracy's wonderful administrations.

Of course, I thought weakly. She's been in porn. She knows all of this stuff.

At the same time, her hand started playing with my nipple in the same rhythm. I couldn't understand what she was doing, but it felt like she was sending messages back and forth between her two hands, using my pussy and my nipple to communicate. It was a masterful ping-pong effect, and I felt myself rising higher and higher very quickly.

"Yes," she said, sensing my body's reactions with complete accuracy. "This is what I wanted to do all afternoon. I wanted to make you come so much."

Without realizing it, I had passed a point of no return. I felt like a wine glass beginning to resonate, her finger circling around the rim emitting a louder and louder note in my ears. I felt that she was going to shatter me into a million pieces.

"Come for me," she ordered. It was a flat command, no emotion or inflection. A simple, clear, pointed directive. She told me to come, and I did.

My legs seemed to give out, and I couldn't stand any more. I couldn't fall down, either, because she was holding me up with her finger inside me. Dear god she's holding me up by my pussy!

Her other arm held me up by keeping me pressed against her, as I simply rode out my orgasm. I stuffed the meat of my hand into my mouth (well, I guess I found a use for it after all), and whimpered uncontrollably. Somewhere in the back of my mind I became aware of the fact that I had just had my first orgasm, administered to me by someone else. The thought was, however, buried deep underneath all the crashing waves that were sending my body into convulsions.

Jesus Christ, was this what sex was all about? If so, more please!

In my head, Team Morality lifted its dejected head in anticipation of finally being able to take over, but Team Shutupandfuckme violently pushed it back down. I felt as if I had been repressing something for far too long, and it was time to unleash that beast.

My body hadn't even finished coming down from its incredible high when I felt Tracy guiding me over to the bed, her hand still in my pants and her fingers still moving across my pussy lips. She placed me on the edge of the bed, and then lay me down. I finally got a chance to look at her face, and another aftershock hit me. My eyes involuntarily closed as I tried to cope with it, but not before I caught a strange look. Or thought I did. When I opened my eyes, bleary from exertion, I couldn't see her very well.

I blinked a few times and saw that she was smiling at me with a very pleased look on her face. What was that other look? I tried to place it, but couldn't. She had looked... I don't know. It was a flat look, I think. As in, it read absolutely no emotion at all. But that's not how she looked now, and she still had a look of uninterrupted lust.

Oh god, my guilty imagination is running away from me.

Team Morality agreed. Just you wait, it warned. You'll regret this.

Team SUAFM didn't care. I was in the middle of sexual liberation, and even if I had wanted to stop things, it was far, far too late. If I was going to be damned for this, I might as well make it worthwhile.

She started pulling at my jeans, and I heard her say something. "What?" I asked, only now realizing that she was no longer fingering me, both hands tugging at pulling the denim around my ass and hips.

"Take your jeans off," she said, gently repeating herself. Once more, it was a simple declarative statement. I raised my hips and she helped me remove them as I wiggled my hips awkwardly back and forth.

And there I was, completely naked. She had already had her fingers inside me, already made me come, already taken my virginity (or did she? I mean, she penetrated me with her fingers and I came, so that counts, right? This is so confusing!), but I still felt extremely self-conscious. My skinny body lay out before her, waiting for her approval.

She stepped over to me while throwing my jeans to the floor, and leaned over to kiss me on the lips again. I reached for her, a sudden desperation for her acceptance. I wanted her to touch me, wanted her to tell me I was sexy again. Now that she could see me - all of me - I needed to hear it.

"I'm so proud of you," she said, and I felt her hand rest on my stomach again. Her fingernails began tracing little circles around my navel, and it felt a different kind of ticklish. "It's difficult to get comfortable enough to come like that."

"You mean, for my first time?"

Her eyes widened a little. "Actually," she clarified, "I meant standing up. That was your first time?"

I blushed, and slowly nodded.

A broad smile crossed her expression. "Well, then," she said. "I'm even more proud of you."

I looked down between us, and saw her breasts hanging just a bit lower than I had seen before. Her nipples were taut, but not as elongated as mine. I lifted my hand so that I could feel the weight of her breast, and she looked down to watch me. It felt soft, but heavy. It had weight in my hand, and I rubbed my thumb over her nipple just like I liked to do with my own chest.

I didn't get the reaction I was expecting, however. She just sort of watched me play with her, a bemused smile on her lips. I frowned, feeling that I must have been doing something wrong. I tried redoubling my efforts, and she gently pulled my hand away from her. I looked up at her face in a panic.

"Don't worry, sweetie," she said. "Not every woman's nipples are as sensitive as yours. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever met anyone whose tits are as sensitive as yours. You're very, very lucky."

"But," I started, and then lost my nerve. She looked at me, waiting for me to finish. "Can I suck on them, at least?"

She didn't answer, but instead leaned over the bed far enough for one of her dangling tits to fall into my lips. I felt the crinkly flesh brush my face, a new texture that I was completely unfamiliar with. My own nipples didn't harden the same way, and I found myself sucking them as much out of fascination as arousal.

I felt them harden in my mouth, but they didn't seem to jump like mine did when touched. I was thoroughly enjoying playing with her breasts, and wanted to keep going, but I was beginning to get the distinct impression that what I was doing really wasn't having much of an effect on her.

She stood up, then, and looked at me again. Once again, she had a strange look that flashed across her face as she looked at me. I started to wonder what was going through her head.

"Did I do it wrong?" I asked, worried. "I mean, I can try again, if -"

She looked back at me, and shook her head with a smile. "Oh, no, baby," she cooed. I felt a little better as she ran her hands up my thigh. "Don't you worry. You'll make me come, believe me."

She climbed on top of me, and ran her hands across my torso again. Her weight on my hips felt nice, but the skin-on-skin contact was distracting since it was so unusual. I had a naked woman lying on top of me, and wherever we touched I felt hypersensitive. It was all overwhelming, and yet I still wanted more. She traced her hands up and down my body, and once again pure lust covered her features. There was no doubt about it - she was extremely turned on.

All of this was confusing to me, because I thought my own sexual emotions were quite rational and reasonable. I guess I had thought that whenever I had a sexual partner, I'd be able to read him just as easily as he would read me. But this was a woman, not a man - were the rules supposed to be all that different?

It's a woman's prerogative to keep her lovers guessing, I heard my mother's voice echo back to me from some past conversation. Was Tracy keeping me guessing? Using her "woman's prerogative" to her advantage?

"I'm going to lick you until you come all over my face," she said.

So much for keeping me guessing.

The way that she said it wasn't exactly like a business transaction, but it did seem a bit more straightforward than what I had been expecting. Then again, what had I been expecting? Romance? Love? This was a one-night stand, wasn't it? Just what kind of conversation did I think was going to happen, precisely?

"Okay," I said, unsure of how else to respond.

I suppose she had only been waiting for my acknowledgement, rather than my permission. She began to scoot herself down the bed, and I felt her breasts tracing down my torso as she came down to kiss me.

Normally, after an orgasm, I find myself with clarity of thought. The cloud of sexual tension passes, and I'm able to let my mind get back to work. With Tracy kissing me, though, my body was still set to "high simmer," and once again I was suffering from the strange "yes/no" conundrum about what I wanted her to do.

Her fingers came to play with my nipples, hard and erect as they always were. Feeling her mouth on mine, her tongue slip across my tongue, while feeling the strong buzzing of my chest at the same time - it made it very difficult to think. Now that there was no question about what it was that she was doing, my mind fought for just a moment when it could prepare me.

I never thought that my first time was going to be with a woman. I had never felt attracted to women before that dream I had only a few days before. And that had been Tracy, too. Did this mean anything?

Tracy moved her mouth down my neck, her hot breath flushing against my skin. I whimpered, encouraging her to go on. I knew where she was going, and my nipples were begging for it. In a few seconds one of those lucky little bastards was going to be in her mouth, an experience I had been desperate for. Finally, they seemed to scream. Don't you dare fuck this up for us, Shannon!

I was surprised at my own acquiescence, my own willingness. I was the shy girl, dammit! Who was this person that I had become?

Tracy's hand rested on my inner thigh, just inches away from my pussy, and my attention zeroed in on the sensation. She shifted her weight and, instinctively, I opened my other thigh to give her straight access to my pussy (pun intended). To my surprise, she didn't take the opportunity.

Come on... I'm wide open for you!

Tracy flicked her tongue at my nipple, teasing taps with the tip that barely whetted the appetite. At the same time, I felt her squeeze my thigh with her hand, the movement having a chain reaction and forcing my pussy lips to move against each other. It was enough to ratchet up my arousal, but nowhere near enough to give me satisfaction.

Her teasing grew more playful, but I really was more in the mood to feel the same kind of sexual intensity as I did with her fingers earlier. I felt impatient, and pulled her head to my chest.

"One day you'll have to learn how to appreciate the foreplay," she said. She chuckled, but nevertheless finally gave me what I wanted.

Her lips and tongue encircled my nipple, and I finally felt the anticipation meet its satisfaction. In truth, it was better than I ever imagined. As much as I had fantasized and wanted this to happen, my expectations had fallen far short of the glory that I was experiencing under her expert attention.

All my life, my sensitive nipples had been a source of embarrassment to me, demanding attention at the worst possible moments, but always promising great rewards if I only gave them the proper due. My masturbation sessions always included them, of course. I knew that if I ever took a lover he would let me finally release years of stress and tension those damn nipples had been under.

So I never thought the "he" would be a "she," but it didn't change the fact that my nipples were in heaven.

That's when it hit me. I didn't just want this, I needed this. I had been waiting for too long, holding back because I was convinced that I wasn't sexy, that no one would want me. I had been patient, I had been a good girl, and what had it gotten me? It got me bullied, that's what. It got me humiliated. With everything Simone had done over the past week or so, she had me convinced that I was a pervert and that the only person who would ever want to touch me, was me.

She will own you.

Right now, though, it was Tracy who "owned" me, and I wanted to give every piece of myself to her.

Looks like you've been out-bid, Simone, a sarcastic inner voice spat in triumph.

Tracy's mouth continued to work its magic, and I felt her hand slide up to my pussy. As her fingers ran across my lips and clit, bringing me to a shudder, my mind short circuited for a few moments. Instinctively, I began rocking my hips against her hand, encouraging her to enter me once more.