Porn Town: First Day On The Job

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It's nothing like he had expected.
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Author's Notes: As is usual to state on Literotica, in case it is not clear enough from the story itself, all characters participating in sexual acts occurring in this story are at least 18 years of age.

This story takes place in the setting first shown in "Porn Town: Introduction". A lot of exposition is repeated in here, so it's not at all necessary to read that story to enjoy this one, but it wouldn't hurt either. Overall, those stories are meant to be an anthology, sharing a setting and premise, though not necessarily individual characters.

Just like that story, this one also includes themes of body/orgasm control and people living in semi-slavery conditions.

If you like stuff like this, be my guest. If you don't, you've been warned.

Please, don't forget to comment, rate and if you like it, favorite the story. Constructive critique and feedback are always welcomed.


Anthony was, for a few years by now, fascinated by the stories of people who, in just a few days, if not less, saw their entire lives completely turn upside down. As he was a fresh college graduate still in his early-20s, this fascination wasn't hard to understand. He was preparing to fully figure out his place in the world and make his mark on it, and those stories provided him with a sort of guide as to how not to do so.

Those stories were doubly surprising to him when they weren't being told by simple drug addicts, as the vast majority of them were. It was, probably, this fact that was the reason why, after reading dozens upon dozens of those stories, he nevertheless now found himself starring in his own such a story, one that surprised him dozens of times more than if he was simply reading it.

He still couldn't believe how quickly it got completely crazy, pulling him from the normal world into one he hadn't even imagined existing just a week ago.

First, after trawling on one of the dating sites reserved for high-net-worth people he had managed to get registered on thanks to a better-off friend, he managed to match with an attractive German woman named Annika. Now, he loved to tell himself that he was using that site because he wanted a girlfriend with "class", but, everyone, him included, knew that he was simply a bit of a gold digger. And, as other gold diggers likewise did, he never had much of an expectation when it came to the visage of the women he had expected to find on the site, preparing to simply have to concentrate on her wealth and income to force himself to pursue and stay with her.

That was why, when he first saw Annika's profile, he was ecstatic. Far from the youth-hungry, borderline sexual offenders he was expecting to contact him, the German was very easy on the eyes, with her bank account even more so. The only obvious clue as to what their prospective relationship would be was the fact that she was about a decade older than him, being in her early-30s, though as far as he was concerned, this simply made her even more attractive to him and was nothing else than a plus.

After that first contact, things went from 0 to 100 in what seemed to be a blink of an eye.

That very day, they first spoke with and saw each other through video chat. The day after, they presented their naked bodies to each other and had their first cyber sex session. The day after that, they were talking about what their life together might look like, and she informed him that she was talking with her colleagues and superiors about him possibly joining their weirdly mysterious, but still quite obviously very successful company.

Yesterday, they finally met each other in the flesh when she greeted him after he had gotten off of a plane from the U.S., before phoning his euphoric parents to explain to them what an incredible job their only son had just landed right out of uni.

And now, here he was, deep in Eastern Europe, standing in the middle of a street with cameras on every corner and even more in between them. Those cameras were tirelessly capturing any and all movements of the town's inhabitants, men and women with artificially-enhanced dicks and breasts, respectively, all naked except for earpieces to communicate with the town's, their, corporate owners, and electric collars around their necks. Those could do to them everything from dealing minor shocks to completely overwriting their control of their own bodies, and there, in his hands, was one of the joystick-like controllers which FUVE's other employees used to control the quaint town's surgically-enhanced inhabitants.

"C'mon pretty stud," Annika cooed into his ear through the earpiece, the tone of her voice as nice, and her accent as cute, as always. "No one expects anything difficult from you, nothing you do will be critically judged, nothing serious depends on you. We just need you to try out the controller a bit, so we'll know that you are starting to understand how to use it."

"What even is going on in here..." he breathed out, flabbergasted, seemingly just to himself but knowing that there will be much more people who'll hear it than he'd like while turning around and looking at the bizarre environment he was now in.

"Well, this tech had been here for decades. Google ´Rodríguez Delgado´ and ´human puppets´ together when you'll have time, you might be surprised. Just because everyone else seems to be content ignoring this type of tech, doesn't mean we can't play with it for a bit," she explained. "Especially since we live in a world where a surprising number of countries have incest being legal, and a lot of them are poor shitholes where companies, including porn-producing ones, can get a bit exploitative. It was all just a question of time till all of those elements came together thanks to someone brave enough to dare break the norms," she added, in what he couldn't see as anything else than trying to sanitize her employer's actions.

Still, he couldn't deny that this was a titillating situation to be in.

"Yeah, but still, wow," he blurted out.

He was still frantically looking around, trying to take in all the details of everything he saw, still trying to understand what was going on. The one thing that shocked him the most was how clean and fresh Zelenkava Krainka looked. Sure, it only made sense that FUVE would've had to build some modern, extra infrastructure just for their little project, to properly run and oversee it, but what he saw went well above and beyond. It seemed that the company went all out in making the isolated, dying Eastern town look as modern and slick as its counterparts in the U.S. or Germany might look.

Everywhere he looked, there was new, modern, quality infrastructure. It honestly seemed like a place it would be a delight to live in. This, if he had to make a guess right here, right now, seemed to him to be the real reason why the inhabitants acquiesced to being in this situation, explaining it even more than the generous salaries they were receiving every month for doing what, most likely, a good number of them already wanted to do before that anyway.

"Yes, it's fun," his raven-haired girlfriend answered. "We want only the best for our technicians. So, have it!"

Well, he was a young guy surrounded by hot, young women with giant tits, all of whom he had effectively unlimited control over. Whatever he said, he was sure to be obeyed. Hell, he didn't even have to say it. Simply clicking on the device in his hands could make any of the hot, buxom bodies around him fully dance to his tune, fulfilling his every whim.

She really didn't have to openly tell him to enjoy himself.

Right now, the only real problem for him was choosing who to play and enjoy himself with.

Looking at all of the naked bodies on display around him, he felt like a kid in an all-you-can-eat candy shop. It wasn't just the women, but men too. Sure, he considered himself completely straight, and the way he was looking at the surgically-enhanced tits versus the similarly-upgraded dicks only strengthened that, but with the power rush quickly seeping into his brain, even the idea of making couples, and other combinations, satisfy his desires while he watched, was getting interesting.

Now that he thought about it, that was probably how FUVE's paying clients, for whose pleasure this entire project was created, felt the entire time. Now, he understood them.

His earpiece was now silent.

That was predictable. They probably disconnected him.

With the certainty of no new words addressed to him from his newest and most interesting catch, he rather instinctively looked at the device that was starting to feel heavy in his hands.

It mostly resembled one of those PlayStation controllers with a screen added to them, though it was easy to see that the similarities were mostly just cosmetic. Too many extra buttons on this device, for example.

On the screen itself, he could see what seemed to be a digitized, mostly black and grey map of the town as seen from above looking straight down. The only sprinklings of any actual color were various yellow dots moving around, and a red dot straight in the middle, the entire map centered around it. If he had to take a wild, though rather obvious, guess, the red dot was him, and the yellow dots were the various Zelenkava locals. Specifically, the red was the controller, and the yellow ones were the collars.

Somewhat absentmindedly, but feeling his blood boiling throughout his entire body from the arousal he was feeling, he double-clicked on one of the yellow dots closest to the red one, which was clustered with two other ones. Right after he did that, the digitized map minimalized and moved into the top left corner, though it was still easily decipherable, while an image of an unbelievably fuckable woman, incredibly busty and completely naked except for a shock collar on her neck and an earpiece in her ear, of course, filled the screen, showing her standing against a bland white backdrop.

He immediately remembered that he had seen her before and, after shaking his head to the sides a bit, he turned around and there she was, standing about forty feet away from him, conversing and laughing with a man and a woman roughly her age.

She wasn't in front of a white backdrop though, nor was she standing in a neutral position as she was on the screen. That was interesting, but he would've likely clicked on the image of her right away, horny as he was, were his attention not captured at the last second by two blinking lights in the minimap. Rather instinctively, having been trained over the years by videogames where he had encountered a lot of items meant to capture his attention by flickering at him, he clicked on one of them, and nearly shook in surprise. The main image on the screen changed into a real-time feed of the street they were all at, as seen from a point suspended a couple of feet in the air, with the hot woman and her companions pretty much right in front of it, while his clothed frame stuck out like a sore thumb even though he was pretty far in the background.

Clicking at a point near him, the scene disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, and he was once again looking at the image of the woman in a neutral pose in front of the white background. He either hadn't noticed it before somehow, or it actually wasn't there before, but now the screen was filled with information about her.

Some of it was obvious, such as her being 5-feet-1 and a light blonde with blue eyes. Some of it could probably be guessed, such as her being 21 years old and her current breast size being 30GG. Some of it was unguessable and very much important, such as her name being Saskia. And the rest, well, he didn't care about.

At this point, his cock felt like it was about to rip his jeans apart.

!Why not," he sighed, reminding himself that he was surrounded by naked strangers, before taking his jeans and underwear off to give his big guy some room to breathe. He couldn't compete with the artificially-enhanced male locals here, but he knew that his cock was nothing to be ashamed about. After all, if it weren't, he wouldn't even be there, as he wouldn't have even dared to try catfishing women several tax brackets above him.

Once again clicking at the flickering dot he had previously clicked on, this time doing so while staring right at the camera nearest to the woman and her companions, he chuckled to himself when he saw his face staring out of the screen, just as he had expected.

Clicking out of the real-time camera feed, he tapped on the mouth of the woman image, his heart almost stopping when he saw that the first of the many options that suddenly replaced the lines of information about her was, "Give oral to." Then, after choosing that option, he saw several profiles appear, and if his heart hadn't skipped a beat before, it did now when he saw his profile among them, the third in line right after those of the two people she was talking with.

Funnily enough, the photo on his profile was the same one he had on that dating site. He didn't know whether Annika or someone just didn't have the time to find one of his many public ones, or whether they started counting on him joining them even sooner than he had thought, but it was an amusing touch nonetheless, reminding him of how he had gotten there.

According to the information next to their photos, the man and a woman Saskia was talking with were named Danylo and Olena. She was her sister, he was their friend, and Anthony had no idea which of those two facts made him hornier. The possibility of her being randomly made to suck a man whose relationship with her was probably especially precious to her specifically because of it not being romantic or erotic in nature, or her being equally randomly made to engage in incest with her own, equally-attractive sister.

He was just about to click on that option, feeling hornier than he could remember in months, his heart beating down in his erect cock which could already feel the phantom pangs of the pleasure her mouth could give to it, before once again stopping at the last moment. Looking quickly behind him as if he was still afraid of someone catching him doing something nefarious, which everything about his and those people's situation very much was by most moral standards, he froze as his eyes fixed on yet another gorgeous woman.

Sure, this town was filled with eye-catchingly beautiful women, but this particular one seemed like she came right from his wet dreams and erotic fantasies he had after finding out what was happening here. A long-haired, tall, slender brunette with an angelic face, she reminded him of Annika, or maybe an idealized idea of her. When that face of hers turned away and her body revealed her perfectly round, very well-developed buttocks to him, however, he didn't complain.

From what he could already tell, large, round asses were endemic among the town's female population, for obvious reasons, but hers stood out even among this stiff competition. Well, that was just the other women on the street with them, but it was still something.

It was enough of a something, after all, to make him completely forget about Saskia and her 30GGs. The same 30GGs which, if he had only tapped on the option that was still shining at him at the top of his body controller's screen, would jiggle and sway while her sweet little mouth gave its all to his thick, hard cock.

After tapping a few times to make this unknown stranger the focus of his controller's attention as well, he found, first, that her name was Tanya. More importantly, he also found that her bust size was 34HH, a figure that made his cock twitch and sent pre-cum to coat its head. He needed to see more of those tits, but, amazingly, he still found enough self-control in himself to savor the rest of her body before going for the main dish. As she was still turned with her back facing him, he chose to get a better view of that first-class ass of hers. Turning her image around just by holding his finger on the screen for a bit and sliding it around, he tapped on her avatar's ass, smiling to himself when one of the very first options shown was, "Spread cheeks."

Anthony clicked on it.

He couldn't see it from where he was standing, but her shock collar just started shining with deep blue light, informing both her and everyone around her that she was about to lose control of her body. Then, carrying out the command just like a video game character would if an actual controller were used on it, she bent forwards, her humongous tits leading the way, before putting her hands on her butt and spreading her round buttcheeks apart, revealing even more of her curvy ass to him.

Of the four people she was around, none of them seemed particularly surprised or interested in what was happening to her. None of the two guys and a girl her age, that is, though an older woman, with a face similar enough to Tanya's for him to be able to tell that she was her mother even without the controller revealing it to him, did look in his direction with a somewhat annoyed expression. Stuff like this had become so routine in the town by now, that this was the most that he could expect.

Whatever. He had other things on his mind by now.

After a few more clicks on her legs and an arrow pointing in his direction, her body resumed moving under his command, turning around and once again revealing her giant tits and smiling, beautiful face to him. The controller had an incredibly intuitive interface, he had to give its designers props for that. It made sense as well. After all, it was meant for people who wouldn't be using it with much of their brainpower available for the task.

"Hi!" Tanya enthusiastically greeted him as her body finished closing the distance between the two of them, her high-pitched voice breaking him out of the short-lived trance he was put into the moment her hands had spread those juicy cheeks of hers apart. "You're the new guy here right? They told us about you. You want a handy or a blowie?" she asked, in a surprisingly cute accent.

"Uuh, aah!" he stammered, after realizing that her hand was now suddenly on his cock, shaking it off in the process. "I-I ah, just wanted to test how this works, really."

"Yes, by having sex with me, right?" she asked, seemingly not realizing what he was saying. Or, maybe, understanding it even more than he did. "That's how it works in here."

"Well, maybe kinda," he awkwardly confessed, before quickly adding, in a voice that made it clear that he was forcing himself to even believe those words in the first place, "But, I have a girlfriend."

"Annika won't care," Tanya assured him. "She knows how this town works more than almost anyone," she added with a laugh and shook her tits as if prodding him to make her do more. Had he had a bit more blood in his brain, he might've wondered why she was so eager for him to play with her. And were his eyes able to look from her firm tits at her moist pussy, he would've gotten the answer.

For a brief while, it seemed to him as if he had heard frantic, angry shuffling in his earpiece, but whatever it was, it quickly dissipated.

"Right," he replied dully, before looking back at the controller. "I just wanna see how flexible you are," he added, in what was dangerously close to being a non sequitur.

Holding his finger on her avatar's arms for a few seconds, the pre-selected options which normally appeared were replaced by a "bubble" of sorts, filled with an arrow like a clock might be filled with its hands, letting him freely choose how to move it. Once again, the sweetly-intuitive interface didn't let him down.

He didn't hold back much. After all, there was too much to enjoy for him to do that.

As the sleek, black collar on her neck once again started shining with a deep, dark blue light, first, he made her stretch herself. Nothing major, just a simple stretch like one at the beginning of any ordinary exercise, with her hands being clasped together and stretched upwards and behind her head along with her slender arms, her spine curving backward in a beautifully cat-like manner along with her torso. With her arms and shoulders mostly out of his sight and her torso lifted, her tits now somehow managed to proportionally look even bigger as they proudly stood in the air and right in front of his face.