Portable Portal

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She finds a pocket portal and puts it down her pants.
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"Hey I've gotta go now!"

"See ya!"

I waved bye to my friend Alissa and shrugged my backpack on, jogging to the bus stop home from my college. My breasts bounced as I hopped down the stairs and I held them with my hands as I continued my jog. I didn't want to miss this bus and I had lost track of time...

I got to the stop with a couple minutes to spare and checked my phone to see if the bus was actually on schedule, only to see it was 20 minutes away... I'd missed it. I popped headphones in and sat on the mostly empty bench, pulling my long hair out of the way.

I was trying to avoid eye contact but a woman kept leaning into my perspective and I took a headphone out. I smiled and waited to see if she had something to say.

"Hello, young lady! Seems you just missed the bus here, hm? Now, where were you headed this afternoon," she asked cheerfully.

I grinned awkwardly, "Ah, my boyfriend's place..."

She laughed. "Bet you two have the house to yourself this time of day! Ah I remember those times, busy like bees, light as birds, if you know what I mean!"

She continued to chat with me, sometimes brushing on the subject of sex, asking lots about my relationship and generally being mildly creepy, until the bus finally came. I prayed I could find a single seat away from her on the bus, but she didn't get on. Instead she shook my hand, and pressed something into my palm. It felt like a business card, then she thanked me for the chat and wandering off. She must have been pretty lonely...

I got on the bus without checking it, floundering for my bus pass instead and forgetting it until I got to Alan's place.

His parents were indeed not home, and we began to strip, giggling. I shuffled through my purse looking for a spare condom but found the card instead, and unfolded it. It was a thin wrapper, and not a business card, and it had been folded. I unfolded and unwrapped it. Inside was two small thin rings, like the rim of an unrolled condom but bigger, about the size of a palm. My boyfriend took one and I took the other, and we began to fiddle with them. I turned it over in my hands and it seemed to change... and I couldn't see through the middle anymore. Alan flipped his as I stared agog at mine, and suddenly I saw his eyes widen. In my palm. Through the ring.

"HOLY SHIT" we both exclaimed. I touched the centre of my palm, or where my palm should be, and my finger shot through Alan's palm. He dropped the ring, and my finger hit the ground.

"Ow, woah, I felt that!"

For a minute we were silent, then we continued our experiments until, inevitably, it had his dick though it. I held my ring in my hand and it looked like I had a penis growing from my palm. From this spot, a blowjob would be pretty simple from me. I began to suck at it, and quickly graduated to facefucking. I could maneuver his cock conveniently, avoiding jaw pain and still get it deep. He came near instantly, but stayed hard. I swallowed his cum, then told him to stay where he was.

I dashed to the bathroom with my ring, then began to lick it again.

"Fuck! Oh my god what's going on? Ohhh..."

I stopped licking for a moment while I had an idea. A moment later I'd used some bandaids to stick the ring onto my pelvis where cocks grow, and began to jerk off.

I could hear Alan continue to moan from the other room, but after some time I was too horny to resist, and, like a dildo, I shoved his cock in my pussy and rode it. Our moans grew together as we came, and I realized I had skipped the condom in my excitement. Pulling the cock-dildo out, I dripped a mixture of our juices on his bathroom floor. His cock vanished from the ring and I heard him sigh.

Soon we had cleaned up and made some arrangements. The evening was spent touching each other in different ways, pretending we had each other's genitals, and passing random objects to each other. There was also some discussion of what the limits could be.

"This is a scientific marvel!"

"We should let scientists study it, shouldn't we?" I asked.

We both paused for a moment.

"Then we wouldn't have it for ourselves..." Alan eventually replied.

I agreed, with only a minor pang of guilt. Maybe science could get one of it's own from weird old bus stop ladies. Hell, it's weird old bus stop lady's fault science doesn't have one of it's own, not mine.

Soon enough Alan's parents came home and I got to studying, and the night passed uneventfully as we silently made plans for the future with our brand new sex toy. At the end of the evening his parents drove me home. Getting ready for bed, I got a text from Alan that read "put ring somewhere fun tonight". I knew what he meant but decided to be silly, and taped it to my mouth. Looking in the mirror I looked like I had just a greyish disc taped over my mouth for some reason. The "back" of the portals looked pretty normal, almost like a simple coaster for a drink.

I went to bed and in a moment was surprised with a kiss from a mystery person. How sweet! The romance didn't last particularly long though as he started to poke his dick at my lips. It was weird to be in bed alone and at the same time have a cock in my mouth, and it made me wet and horny. I touched myself as he thrust in my mouth, thrilled by the lack of control, by the disembodied feeling. I realized that without seeing or feeling anything, I couldn't actually be sure it was Alan, and I came to the thought. Alan must have gotten something from it too because his cum shot down my throat a moment later. I imagined my mouth in his hand like a fleshlight, and was thrilled by this thought too. I knew this thing would keep me happy and horny for a long time, and with that thought the exhaustion from all the sex overtook me and I passed out.

My alarm blared at 7am the next morning, awaking me with a start and an unpleasant taste in my mouth. I remembered what happened last night and pulled the tape off my mouth. I saw a blank white through the ring, and poked a finger through. It seemed that the ring was sitting on something, facing the ceiling. I tapped my fingers around on the surface but there was no reaction from Alan. As i dressed, I kept checking on the ring, seeing if he'd move it soon. His classes weren't until later, however, and I didn't really want to disturb him. Just before I left my apartment, I slyly tucked the disc into my underwear, facing my vulva. It already had an effect on me, as I could no longer feel the warmth of protection of comfort. It gave me a feeling of being nude, while appearing fully dressed. This made me flush, and I imagined my pussy getting slick, sitting in plain sight on Alan's desk. What a view that would be.

My first class was uneventful, though the difference in pressure from sitting vs. my pussy open to the air was a bit odd at first. I couldn't feel myself shifting, and gravity was working backwards on any juices that may have leaked as I imagined all the sexy scenarios I could be getting into today. However, I was growing used to the feeling by noon. I wondered if Alan would ever be waking up, and my answer came as I ate lunch. A sudden probing at my genitals made me jump, fearing a molester at my table for just a moment before I remembered that I wasn't even attached to my own crotch. It must be Alan, finally waking up in the early afternoon. FIrst a finger poked around my labia, making me blush. Then he rubbed at my clit, and I bit my lip, trying to concentrate on my sandwich and not give away that something was happening. He knew how to get me going, and he moved just the way I liked. Then the feeling stopped, and I took a deep breath. I had barely started on my sandwich, and had been clenching one fist hard at the table. I'd never make it through lunch like this. Quickly I packed my things, but as I moved about my knees went soft. Alan was pulling apart my labia and exploring inside with his fingers. I needed to get somewhere else, ASAP.

Jamming my uneaten food into my bag, I rushed off, trying not to give in to the feeling in my pussy. Panting, I found a hallway with nobody in it and headed towards a bathroom, preferably one of the smaller, dimmer ones that people only used in emergency. Alan's fingers explored deep in my pussy, and I pushed my knees together, as if that would help. He began rubbing at my g-spot, and the sensations were too strong to keep standing. I keeled over in the hall, red in the face and breathing heavily. Hopefully nobody would come by and think I was sick and try to help... I really didn't want anyone to see me. Alan suddenly pulled his fingers out, and I attempted to regain composure and head to the bathroom. I imagined this wasn't the end, and I really had to get out of here right away. I hurried down the hall but shortly i felt a nudge of what I could only assume was Alan's penis. I was so wet that it slid right in, and I had to try my best not to let my knees give out under me with the sudden fullness inside me. He began fucking me, right there in the hallway and I had to resist trying to move with it, despite that not having any effect on the sex since I wasn't in control of my pussy. I bit my lip and leaned against the wall, pressing my forehead to the cool stone. It felt so good, and the knowledge I was being fucked right in the hallway had me already on the edge of cumming. People could walk by at any moment and see me getting fucked, without even knowing it. I reached down to rub my clit while Alan thrusted and came across the blank back of the disc, and moaned out loud with my need. I had to rely completely on Alan, and that too brought me closer to the edge. This loss of control, this exhibition... I didn't know how much it could do for me, but after this I wasn't sure anything could be the same again.

I realized I couldn't make it to the bathroom this way, and pressed my hand over my mouth to stifle my moans. My hips wiggled back and forth and my knees squeezed together. My muscles were tense and my hands were tight on my bag and mouth. Alan's pace suddenly changed, and from experience I knew he was going to cum. The change of pace, wild and hard now, was enough to thrust me over the edge, and I came with a long shuddering groan against the wall. My legs trembled and gave out underneath me and I slid to the floor. My fingers and toes felt numb and my head was spinning with pleasure. My breath was heavy as I leaned into the wall, letting myself relax. A small shudder overtook me as my pussy released it's grip on Alan's cock and he slipped it out.

After a moment or several sitting in the middle of a hallway, i managed to stumble to my feet and into the nearest bathroom. I sat on the toilet with my head in my hands, still trying to regain composure, then reached into my panties and slid the disc out. Gravity righted itself on my sloppy pussy and I discovered Alan had once again failed to use a condom, as his cum sloshed out into my underwear along with my own wetness. This also excited me, knowing my underwear was full of hot cum, and that it would cool and dry on my slutty cunt. I thought about masturbating here while the sensation was still strong, but decided against it. I should eat my lunch if I had time, then get to my next class, like a responsible adult. Looking through the hole, I saw my boyfriend and we kissed and chatted before I had to be on my way.

The rest of the day was uneventful, aside from the uncomfortable but arousing sticky patch in my underwear keeping my mind towards sex. I had tucked the portal hole into my pocket and Alan had gone to his own classes. We had other things to focus on, even when we really only wanted one thing. After my classes were finished I headed home to work on some assignments, and decided to shower off the sticky mess that had kept me horny all day. I peeked through the hole and didn't see anything, so i poked my finger in lightly. It felt like it might be a pocket. As I showered, I did a little experiment, dipping the ring into the spray. The water passed through, and I giggled, wondering where it was coming out. I imagined nowhere that wasn't embarrassing! I'd have to experiment with water drainage and displacement sometime too, but I didn't want to send a tub full of water gushing out of my boyfriend's buttcheek in class by accident. Even if it would be pretty hilarious, it would definitely be hard to explain.

When Alan arrived home from his own classes, I got a call from him.

"What did you do," he demanded.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You made me look like I pissed myself! Why did you do that!"

I began laughing. "I just wanted to test out water! I didn't think that would happen though!"

Alan sighed. "Well it was in my front pocket so it looked like I pissed my pants in class. It was humiliating!"

"Hmph! That was humiliating? But fucking me in public wasn't?"

"Hey! You're the one who put it on your pussy! What else did you expect! You're such a little slut, you loved it!"

I blushed. He was right. "Well..." I stammered, "I just thought it might be fun..."

"Was it?"

I hid my face, not that he could see it over the phone. "... Yes."

"You're into the humiliation aren't you?"

"Yes," I muttered.

"You're my little fuck hole now aren't you?"

I moaned and agreed again.

"I'm going to tell you where to put that ring from now on and you're to put it where I say and leave it there until I say you can remove it. Understood?"

"Ok." I was already getting wet from this talk, finding myself submissive and horny for my extra dominant boyfriend. Something must have clicked in the both of us, and we took to these new roles like ducks to water. I wanted to be controlled and he wanted me wherever he said. He took my cues, my little moans, and he ran with it.

"Well, you've humiliated me haven't you? I think that deserves a punishment."

I made another little moan of pleasure and need. There was a pause while he seemed to consider how to punish me. I closed my eyes and touched myself through my clothing, imagining all the ways he might punish and use me. Finally he decided on something.

"Until I tell you you may move it, you're to tape the ring to your mouth. I'll be the one giving you food, water, and, when I choose, my cock."

I taped the ring to my mouth with a firm piece of duct tape, making it look like I was a kidnapping victim in a movie. I decided to try speaking, now that my mouth was in another location. Very very faintly, I heard my voice, but I could only hear it by straining my ears and listening in silence. The sound waves must come out the other side of the ring, so the only way for it to come back is via bouncing and returning to the ring, which was taped close to my mouth, nearly blocking all noise. This, too, made it seem like I was a kidnapping victim, unable to call for help. I was effectively silenced.

Unsurprisingly, the first thing to happen was a facefucking. My lips were parted and I took his cock in my mouth. It slid in and out at his pace, as my head movements would have no effect. He shoved it deeper and deeper, until I was gagging on his cock. Soon he was fucking my throat while I spluttered and tried to gasp for air when I could. My throat hurt from the force and size of his cock, and I began feeling like this was indeed a punishment. At the same time, my hands were on my pussy, pushing my underwear out of the way to finger myself and rub my clit. I was hurting and choking, but still loving it. As his cock lodged itself in the back of my throat, starting to cum, I started to rub harder and attain orgasm myself. I had a hard time catching my breath, and started to get dizzy as I came. The experience was incredible, and I was ready to pass out with a combination of pleasure and oxygen deprivation. I felt his semen splatter through my throat, hot and a little bit of the salty flavour left on my tongue as he pulled out. There was nothing to swallow, as he;d already shot his load straight into my stomach.

He left my mouth alone for some time before tilting a water bottle to my lips. With a little difficulty, I managed to drink without aspirating too much. It was hard to drink with no control over the direction of both your mouth and the water. I decided to get to work on my school work. At random intervals he would give me a sip of water, and then around dinner he began to feed me. This didn't seem like much of a punishment... I didn't have to cook or clean up, or even hold a fork or look at what I was doing! It was quite pleasant, really. He fed me chicken and potatoes and green beans. Then a bottle was put to my lips and poured in. It was vodka. I began to drink, but it kept pouring. I started to feel sick. I tried closing my mouth but he just opened my lips and began pouring through my teeth. My mouth must be flat, because gravity forced the hard beverage into my mouth, where I had to swallow or choke. It wasn't long before I was unpleasantly drunk. I had been watching TV, but now it was blurry and hard to pay attention to. I decided to go lay down. I knew I'd have a hangover in the morning, and I was ready to get a head start on sleeping it off... This was obviously also part of my punishment.

It didn't take me long to fall asleep, but Alan kept waking me up trying to give me water. "Stop that, I'm soo sleeeepy, let me go sleep," I slurred, but couldn't hear it myself. He gave me some pill, maybe ibuprofen, but then stopped giving me water after that, and I slept all night.

Come morning, I was woken again my something at my mouth. My headache was bad but I didn't feel to queasy. I sat up to check the time, and it was only about 6 am. Then I realised that the something was his dick again, hard and ready. He again fucked my throat, cumming. He also gave me another pill and some more water. I dozed off for a few minutes, not having any early classes today, but Alan wasn't finished. He slipped his dick deep in my mouth again, now mostly soft, and liquid poured into my mouth. It was piss! He was pissing in my mouth! I pulled back instinctively but it did nothing, my mouth wasn't even here. I began pulling at the duct tape, but it held fast. I again was forced to swallow or risk choking. He pissed hard and fast into the back of my throat, and I could do nothing about it. He finished pissing and put his hand over my mouth as he pulled his cock free, forcing me to swallow what was still in my mouth. I went to the bathroom, sickened, and used some baby oil to free my mouth from the grip of the duct tape. Angrily, I whipped the ring away from me and tossed it onto the sink. "Bastard!" I yelled. I imagine he heard it through the ring, too.

I felt sick still from the vodka, and my mouth tasted like five kinds of bad. I was struggling to keep my stomach, and I brushed my teeth to escape the taste of piss, cum, and vodka. Then I phoned Alan.

"You shithead! Why would you do that!"

"You were being punished! You're not supposed to like it."

"Well I certainly fucking didn't! Never do that again!" My temper was up and I was yelling at him, probably waking the other apartments with my rage.

"Well good! Because I guess it has to act as two punishments since you took off the ring before I said you could," he stated cooly.

I hung up on him. If he wanted to dominate me, fine. But right now I was anything but horny, I was angry, sleepy, sick to my stomach, and hungover. I flopped on my bed with a grunt, and went back to sleep. I'd have to deal with this later.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Everything was good until the pills and piss.

gkrishnagkrishna10 months ago

Really enjoyed this story except for the ending, but I hope you continue this in some form.

inno0cent_bystanderinno0cent_bystander12 months ago

And another one and done

VictorDoUrdenVictorDoUrdenover 2 years ago

Well had me in the first half

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

can someone visualize this please😅

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