Possessing Bella Ch. 24


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"I've been away from the kitchen too long, and I am thinking you two might need to talk this one through without me," he grinned. "Just leave the plates in the kitchen I will get the girls to come and get them later," he suggested.

"Thanks," Stephen said he eyes never leaving Bella.

"Yes, Thank you so much for breakfast, Sir Jake. It was just what I needed," Bella said quietly. "I am sorry about the date. It just isn't a good idea right now."

"Don't worry about it, you obviously have a lot on your mind," Jake said easily and left them to talk.

"Nobody expects you to live like a nun while you are uncollared," Stephen said, shocked by what Bella had said more because of the cold, hard tone in which she said it rather than the words themselves.

"I imagine you are right," Bella smiled trying to take the coldness out of her voice. "I also think that to be seen to be dating a kaleidoscope of masters would be frowned upon. So you see, the choice is mine to make, if I date Jake, and not Arek, both men I know and love in some way, how can I justify getting to know one and not the other better. Where does that sort of thinking stop when I have met so many good men and women," she said without emotion despite the smile on her face.

Stephen said nothing as she spoke. In truth he was quite pleased with her choice for his own reasons but keeping her at arm's length for another month to six weeks would just about drive him crazy.

"It took Master Rob only a few weeks to work out that a sub with a demanding career was an unappealing proposition. He uncollared me last week rather than put up with the lack of time and control he likes. He seeing Belinda again," Bella admitted not realising how much this had upset her until she saw them together last night as he walked them both up to bed. She to his bed.

"I see now why you were so quick to refuse Jake's invitation," Stephen nodded. Believing that while she was being so honest about what she was thinking, it was the best time to talk to her about his concerns.

"Yes," she said quietly. "He keeps the same odd hours as Master Rob. It could never work even if we wanted it to." She looked up at him then, and he saw the flicker of doubt cross her mind as she regarded him.

"You think the same about me now too?" he asked. "This is why you have told Rob and Kurt I will try and cage you?"

"I didn't mean..." she gasped and stopped talking to take a breath and steady herself. She knew this conversation would come sooner or later. Sooner it was, she decided and framed her thoughts as he gazed her giving her time to think. "That isn't what I mean at the time, no," she said slowly.

"You have always made time for me, and I can see now how hard that must have been at times to manage, and I am grateful to you for it, more than you possibly know. I have been a spoilt brat over the last six months, and I have only realised in the last week or two how awful I have been to everyone especially, those I love." She blushed and looked up at him from beneath her lashes.

"That didn't answer my question," Stephen said stunned by her confession and thinking it was not true, but he stayed silent waiting as she gathered her thoughts again.

"On the last night at the ranch and a few previous occasions you said once I was yours, took your collar I mean, that you wouldn't share me," she said. "It made everything seem so final. That once I wore your collar that I would have no more choices or exploring or work even, I would just be your submissive. Then as work became so busy and with Kurt and Rob stepping in and I saw you less and less I thought that maybe you had moved on too," she admitted. "Until last weekend when you spoke about that complete commitment and refusal to share with anyone or anything."

"Firstly, collar or no collar I would never seek to stop you from furthering your career. I have only ever tried to help you there, with introducing you to Louise and showing you Pete's creations," Stephen said clearing up each misapprehension as he went. "Secondly collar or no collar, everything you do is your choice, taking a collar merely means that I have a strong influence on those choices and that there would be consequences for not heeding my wishes. The choice though as always remains with you. I would not stop you exploring the lifestyle if you so wished but if you wore my collar, it would be my choice with whom and when you may do that exploring confident in the fact that you would be safe, and they would honour the collar you wear." It was his turn to take a breath.

"I will not share your collar, though, nor will I share the power to influence your choices that having you wear my collar would give me. I will not be second to Rob and have him continue to countermand my instructions nor will I be second to Kurt, though I will bend to his expertise when it comes to your career." Stephen's voice has darkened into a low rumble. "Furthermore, I have been building my own business and spending less time at the club, so your concerns about managing a submissive with a career are forfeited."

Bella chewed her lip taking in his words and thinking that they all made perfect sense but unable to find the words she needed to say so as his voice grew to more of an angry rumble with each sentence. His last point made her eyes well with tears as he explained that he had rearranged his life around her choices. The fact that he was handing over much of the responsibility he had at the club to Theo for a while now was not lost on her and had begun as a result of his time supervising her training schedule. Still he seemed content to be working more on his own business now, and she was glad about that because of it's charitable arm and the good work they did as well as the business venture itself which was taking off.

He came around the table then and picked her up from her chair wrapping his arms around her and kissing her deeply, passionately and walking with her to the living room. He sat in the large armchair and pulled hr down into his lap kissing her again.

"I will not push you as I once did. I heard what you said about Mel's birthday, and memorial, and I agree that it is a time to remember him. I have an alternative for you to think about though if you are willing," Stephen said.

Bella leaned into his chest enjoying the thrill his kisses gave her once again and enjoying the intimacy of their closeness. She had missed this all because she had misunderstood his words. Still she knew that the time spent with Rob and Kurt had been a necessary part of her development both here and at work. While she had been toying with the knowledge that she might beg his collar he had voiced her concerns about the memorial.

"Bella do you love me as you once did?" Stephen asked in a soft, tentative voice as if unsure if he wanted to hear the answer.

"I feel like I have loved you for the longest time, Sir Stephen," she smiled. "That hasn't changed." She reached up and stroked his cheek and was rewarded with a tender kiss.

"Now that you know I had no intention of caging you I would like for us to give our relationship some proper consideration. I will not push you to beg my collar before the memorial, but unofficially I would like us to be together, here during the week and at the cove on weekends," he said surprising her. "As you said it took you and Rob several weeks to realise just how difficult sharing a life could be. It is only fair that we give the same time to our relationship before you start looking for another by dating."

"Unofficially?" she asked a little confused as to what that would mean exactly.

"I will give you no collar not even a temporary one. I will trust you to honour an agreement made between us without the physical reminders until after the memorial," he said evenly. "No one has to know but us what we are doing and in this way, we invite no commentary from the people who care about us. You can, of course, tell them if you wish but that choice is yours, and the consequences will be to invite them to comment or criticise your choices."

"No one will fault us for spending time together, we always have," Bella said thoughtfully. "If questions come up about a collar I will answer truthfully that I am waiting until after the memorial to make any decisions."

"You agree to this arrangement then?" Stephen asked making sure he had her full consent before saying or doing anything else.

"I do, Sir Stephen," Bella smiled feeling good about the choice he had given her. Within the next six weeks, she would find out how true he was to his words today or whether his jealous streak ran deeper than just not wanting to share her collar.

"Thank you," he said in a low murmur and kissed her passionately the hunger of his kisses returning and making her tingle. "It's Sunday, and we will go to the cove, go and get your phone and shoes," he instructed smacking her ass as she got to her feet making her squeal delightfully.


Bella was happy despite her misgivings about his jealousy when she was at the ranch. His explanation about not wanting to share her had seemed reasonable when the spoke to her about it and while the agreement they had now seemed duplicitous, it would, at least, allow her to find the answers to any unresolved questions she had about their relationship without having to commit to his collar immediately. His hand rested on her thigh as they drove and she smiled at the intimacy of his touch that she had missed over the last month.

"I feel like I haven't been here for such a long time," Bella said softly into the silence of the car as the abbey came into view looking more like a castle than ever.

""Just over a month I guess," Stephen acknowledged her thought. "There have been quite a few changes in that time," He added as the car crunched down the gravel drive and pulled up in a new flagstone forecourt. "Let me show you around," he said eager to show her how his business had begun to grow.

The door she noted had been newly stained and polished to perfection, and as he opened half of it, she realised it was split at the centre to allow a wider procession of people to enter. The entrance room had also been split, and she stood in a large foyer now rather than the huge hall that once greeted her when she arrived.

"The front part of the Abbey is being restored back further than its original stonework to mimic medieval times. It turns out there is a big market for this type of a venue beyond the Brotherhood of the Cove and their re-enactments. One of the women who came to the last battle is an event coordinator. She said there would be a great deal of interest in having a venue like this so close to the city," Stephen said as she looked about in amazement, it seemed like a construction site when she had thought the great room was complete.

"I looked into it a bit more with her help and hired an engineering and architectural firm to draw up some new plans for the interior. I'd only ever concentrated on the living space while we were getting the exterior finished and waterproofed. It's a work in progress, but we are getting there," he said proudly.

"Is the great room is still behind there?" Bella asked pointing at the wall that now stood in front of her.

"It's a temporary wall," he admitted, "Have a look but you will need to have a bit of imagination still." He placed his hand on the back of her neck and guided her through a makeshift door beyond the temporary wall. The enormous room was still intact but at the end of it now lay a partially built grand staircase leading up to the second level.

"It will be breath-taking when it's complete," Bella said almost reverently looking up to the great cathedral ceilings in this part of the Abbey. Still looking at everything despite the dust and grime of construction Bella was impressed with how much work had been accomplished in such a short space of time.

"We're going to restore the smaller chapel, through there and on that side create a banquet hall and professional kitchen," He said guiding her carefully toward the back of the abbey where his residence lay. "It will take the rest of this year I expect to get most of the plans done but with some steady donations into the Rehousing and Retraining Foundation work we have going on here we have quite a lot of semi-skilled labour at our fingertips for the builders to work with. It's a win-win for the men and women the foundation assists. They get the helping hand to get back on their feet, and I get the labour I need to complete the project faster."

"What will they do when the Abbey is fully restored?" Bella asked curiously.

"There are years of work on the grounds and then we will always need staff for events that are held here," he said as if he had answered the question many times.

"It's amazing," Bella said as the entered the kitchen at the rear of the house.

"Hello again," a strangely family female voice said making Bella turn quickly to find the source.

"Bella you remember Anissa, you met her at Master Kolton's home during the gathering," Stephen smiled at the woman.

"Anissa! Yes, gosh how are you?" Bella grinned and went to greet the woman who held her arms out to her. "I'm so surprised to see you here."

"Anisa and her Master are here as the caretakers while Jared and Sophie tour the world with Pete," Stephen said conversationally. "Where is Thomas?" Stephen looked round.

"Where do you think? Talking someone's ear of about the builder caste of Gor," she rolled her eyes heavenward.

"He's a good man that tells a good tale," Stephen said with a smirk.

"I have your basket ready, and I believe most of your men have arrived and are down at the new battleground looking for a reason to draw their swords and play war," she said with a grin. "Thomas couldn't wait to show them all the plans for the land."

"You're a bit cheeky when not under the Gorean rule, I might have to talk to Thomas about that," Stephen's voice lowered.

"Thomas would be more than happy to enact that rule here but I am not sure your workers would enjoy it, or the sight of me in a casmisk," she chortled."

"True," he agreed, "but make no mistake about who is Master of this Home," he said rumbling his deep bass voice at her and she quickly lowered her eyes and placed her hands behind her back. "I do not expect the protocols of Gor to be observed here, and we are friends Anissa but do not mistake that informality for a lack of concern for the respect due to a Master."

"Yes Master," she answered demurely, and Stephen guided Bella into his tower.

They walked down through the dungeon and Bella breathed in all the scents she associated with sex, leather and furniture polish and something undefinable but present in the air that made a small shiver run up her spine. They passed through the space however and exited into the walled garden. A month had given the new plants time to settle into their new beds, and they thrived here. Even at this time of year, they seemed to be lush and green with several smaller shrubs still flowering in the warm days.

Stephen spread out a blanket and invited her to sit with him. Unpacking the basket slowly he commented on the food. Neither of them was particularly hungry after the late breakfast, so the nibbled at the delicious lunch Anissa had packed for them, and Stephen spoke about his expectations of their new agreement.

"I have no wish to interfere with your career or work at the company," he reassured her. "As always Kurt is the best man to guide you there and have no issue with him maintaining that role in your life. Likewise, you should maintain a presence in the club and know the members, so working with Rob two nights a week should not be too onerous and allow you to maintain the close relationship you have with him." Stephen was very business-like as he detailed his thoughts and expectations. "I've noticed that you tend not to use the office space in your apartment much," he said in an inquiring voice.

"I prefer my laptop, and I like sitting in either the living room or dining room when I have time, not that I have had much time to do any work from home recently," she explained.

"I would like to use that space then when we are there during the week, my office in the club is not always conducive to concentrating on other business matters," Stephen said.

"Of course," Bella agreed easily, "I may have to purchase a different chair for you, but the desk is large."

"I'm sure I can manage any changes I need, thank you," he smiled widely. "I will keep any changes to your apartment to a minimum until such a time as we formalise as we formalise our relationship." He knew he had said he would not press her to beg his collar, but he could not help but mention it at moments like this, he did not entertain the idea that it would not continue beyond the memorial.

"You will move into my apartment?" she asked trying to work through all he had said in her mind.

"Not entirely just yet, my belongings can stay in the small apartment next to yours for the time being, aside of a few items, like a toothbrush perhaps," he chuckled easing her concerns. "I don't want you to feel trapped or caged by this. I want you to have the freedom to make choices while exploring how good we could be together. What I want more than anything else is for your consideration and at times, consultation in making those choices."

"If I had accepted Jakes offer of a movie date?" Bella asked carefully.

"I imagine there will be many offers for you to choose from," Stephen chuckled. "I would like you to ask my opinion about them, but I would not stop you from accepting because of our informal agreement. There are others I can enjoy the company of if you choose to go out on a date." He continued to chuckle as a surprised expression briefly fluttered over her face. "I am not saying I would be pleased if you chose to date only that I allow you that freedom of choice as you would understand that I would be free to enjoy similar diversions."

"That would only be fair," she finally said quietly. The thought of Stephen considering other girls and dating them unsettled her, but she could see his point, and it would be truly selfish of her to expect otherwise. She had just never considered that side of it before, and his response came as a surprise.

"I will compromise on many things for you Bella, but as I said to Anissa earlier, do not mistake that for weakness or lack of concern on my behalf. I will be your Master in every sense of the word though you will still address me as Sir until things are more formalised," Stephen's voice had deepened taking on a very serious tone.

"Yes Sir Stephen," she whispered quietly his words rolling over in her mind.

"Do you still agree to this arrangement, at least until the memorial?" Stephen asked tilting her face up to his in the hopes of reading her expressive eyes.

"I do, Sir Stephen," Bella said quietly but confidently. Everything he had said since breakfast had made her realise that the cage she thought he offered her was of her own making. He leaned over and kissed her deeply pulling her to him and holding the kiss for a long time. She felt the familiar thrills run up her spine as his passion for her came through the kiss.

Stephen groaned and pulled Bella to her feet pushing her back toward the dungeon door. He guided her down the steep steps carefully before flinging open the dungeon door and pushing her roughly through. The door slammed, and Bella turned quickly to find him advancing on her, the smile he wore did not match the growl of his voice as he ordered her to display.

"You will stand perfectly still," he commanded as she laced her hands behind her neck.

Yes, Sir," she said softly watching him warily unsure of the rapid change in his demeanour.