Possession is 9/10ths the Law Ch. 03


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"One wild night of passionate sex with two brothers," mom said from behind me. "I convinced them to cut loose one night and do whatever they wanted to me, man what a night!"

"How did you know I was Drake's son," I asked.

"We didn't know at first, it wasn't until your eyes changed from blue to gray. That's when we knew you were his child. But he didn't have time for a child and we wanted you so badly it didn't matter did it?"

"Your mother is right," dad said. "We wanted you more than anything and my dear bother was buried in his research. Three years later he had his first professional show and his career was off. His illusions were the envy of the magical community. I had letters from all over the state at first and then they were from all over the country. Eventually he was the envy of some of the most revered illusionists anywhere. None of them could figure out how he performed his tricks. Then you showed interest in magic and he took you under his wing. I knew it had something to do with Innsmouth but we weren't talking by then. He was far too famous to spare time for friends or family."

"What do you think he discovered," I asked.

"I don't know, but it lead to his early demise of that I have no doubt," he said and I didn't tell him of my plan to acquire Drake's diary. I knew he wouldn't understand and a little fear wasn't going to stop me now. He was looking up now and his brow was furrowed. But some thought or another crossed his mind and his features relaxed. Maybe my promise to stay away from Innsmouth was enough for him.

The Book of Secrets:

My sister Karen showed up Thursday night with a smile on her delicate features. She had her tablet computer tucked under her arm. We all sat around the table for dinner and Karen seemed quite pleased with herself. There was nothing but small talk around the table and dad seemed to be pleased to have all of his children under one roof for a change. Even though Karen was a year younger than me she was already on her way towards her career. While I was still in college working towards my degree so I could follow my dream. After dinner the group broke up, Alexis went upstairs to do her homework, Dad to the living room to watch some television and the rest of us stayed in the kitchen to clean up. That's when sis handed me the tablet with the pictures of the four girls who were going to pay off her debt. I had to admit it they were all lovely, exotic in their own ways and eager to meet me. Her ploy was to set up her younger brother on a date with the lovely girls. So which one would I take on first?

'Why not all of them at once Master,' the demon offered. 'Save yourself some time and garner more power economically.'

'So what are you saying, I should just invite them to an orgy?'

'No, go with your sister to work and meet them all in one day. Then you can decide which one to take afterwards.'

'Who knows, maybe there will be others worth adding to my collection,' I said.

'Exactly, Master is wise,' she said.

"So what do you think," Karen asked bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Your ass is safe," I said and she looked relieved. "But I can't say the same about your friends here."

"They aren't my friends, just coworkers," she said.

"I can't wait to meet them, how about Monday does that work for you," I asked.

"You want to meet them at work," she said stunned. "Well, okay but you have to behave yourself."

"I promise I won't fuck any of them there I will wait for after our dates to do that."

"Okay, I really like my job," she said.

"I would never do anything to jeopardize that," I reassured her.

Sis left after that happy that her anal cherry would remain intact, for now. I went up to my room, closed the door and locked it. I kicked off my shoes and lay on my bed. I closed my eyes and let the flood of emotions come bursting open, Drake was my dad and he didn't want me! It was so unlike the man I had gotten to know. He was kind and generous with his help with my pursuit of magic. He had given me my first deck of cards, taught me how to distract and amaze people with hand magic. I had spent hundreds of hours until I had mastered every trick he had taught me. I wanted so bad to be like him and make him proud of him. I was torn up inside and couldn't break the conflict I had.

'Master,' the demon moaned. 'Your father is downstairs. The man you knew as Drake was a selfish arrogant person who cared only about his own needs. I think he mentored you to make himself feel better. I am sorry Master.'

'You are right,' I said. 'But that doesn't change my desire to become a world class magician.'

'I would be disappointed if you did. Look at the bright side; you have a date with that lovely professor tomorrow night.'

'There is that,' I said.

I rolled over and there was something very wrong about my pillow. I sat up and lifted up the pillow to see a large leather bound book. I opened it slowly and loose papers fell out. Both the book and the loose papers were hand written. I looked the book over first and found it an inexplicable series of drawings of weird occult symbols with strange text surrounding the symbols. That was the entirety of the tome for that is what it was, a book of eldritch magic. Was this Drake's diary? Was this what made him a master magician? Then I turned my attention on the loose sheets and they were letters Drake had written. One talked about the power of the ancients and the truth behind reality. Another spoke of the power of the spoken word and the elegance of the human gesture. Did he think that the book held secrets to real magic? That was insane says the guy with the demon in his head. Mom had kept her promise and gotten me what I desired most and I would reward her for that. I put the papers back in the book and returned the book to its hiding place under my pillow. After the day I had I needed a good night's sleep.

Friday morning broke early and bright, I got up and took a nice long shower. I got dressed and ate a light breakfast. Alexis came down just as I was heading out the door. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and left. I had a busy day and a lot on my mind. As I drove to school I tried to remember the crazy ass dreams I had the night before. It was like I was conducting some sort of surreal symphony. But instead of people playing musical instruments there were crystals of all shapes and sizes. As I moved my hands and gestured the crystals emitted various tones and vibrations. As the concert continued the crystals began to glow and pulsate with light and sound. My hands moved in intricate patterns as well as forming obscure arcane gestures and I could feel the power welling up inside of me. Unlike most of my dreams I remembered each and every nuance of it. Was this how Drake had solved the book? Had he managed to tap into it while he slept?

'No Master,' the demon whispered. 'That was all you. You attuned yourself to the book somehow.'

'How could you know for sure,' I asked.

'I was there all those years locked in that damnable coin. I could see and hear everything that happened in that workshop. I watched him spend hour upon hour decoding the book. He took the long way around but nature seems to have given you an inside track.'

I drove on in silence both inside and out. I kept my thoughts clear of that subject and everything else. Yet another bomb dropped in my lap. What was I supposed to do with this new predicament? Should I pursue it or leave it be for now? I reached the parking lot of the university and made my decision. I would be foolish not to follow up on this. So when I had some alone time I would give the gestures and tones a try. It would take some time to figure it all out but it would be worth it I hoped. I hung out in the cafeteria until it was time for my first class. It gave me the time I needed to get my head back in the scholastic game.

My psych teacher was already in the classroom when I arrived. She was wearing a skirt that hit right around her knees and a cute blouse that clung to her nicely. I took my seat and pulled out my book and laptop. Amanda looked over her shoulder and gave me a quick smile. Then she went to the chalkboard and began writing out part of the lesson for today. I watched her ass as she moved along the front of the classroom. Suddenly I was overwhelmed with an urge to try out one of the mystical gestures. No one was looking my way so my fingers shifted into the proper shape and I hummed to myself what I believed was the corresponding tune. I imagined her skirt flittering up to reveal her ass and panties. What happened was purely Marilyn Monroe, Amanda's skirt didn't just flip up it was blown upward with enough force to keep it aloft for a count of five. I was so shocked I stopped what I was doing to stare at her black t-bar and curvaceous ass cheeks. She squealed and tried to hold down her skirt until the event was over with. But everyone in the room got more than an eyeful of her underwear and ass cheeks. She turned to face me and glared.

"I didn't do it," I said. "I am way over here and there is a desk between us."

"So says the magician's apprentice," she said with a wicked smile. "Just behave."

"Won't happen again, but that is not an admittance of guilt mind you."

"Alright, let's get started."

Class went off without any other hitches but the image of her ass was burned into my brain. The bell rang and I was barely out the door when my phone went off. I had a text and it read 'Did you like what you saw?' I replied with a resounding yes. The next text was a location and a time, our date was on. I warned the demon not to do anything I wanted to move things along at a normal pace. She reluctantly agreed, pouted would have been closer to the reality. Then in another thought she was praising me for my first attempt at telekinesis or moving things with my mind alone. I wonder what if anything the other gestures did. Did Drake weave these magics into his illusions? Was that why the others couldn't figure out how he did his tricks because they weren't really illusions? He was performing real magic. The only reason I even believed was because of my demon.

'Your demon eh,' the succubus purred. 'I like the sound of that.'

'Have you ever been bound to a real magician before,' I asked.

'No, the only true sorcerer I ever knew was Solomon the Great,' she said. 'And his like will never be seen upon this world ever again.'

'What about the Atlanteans, what were they like,' I asked.

'They were twenty thousand years of selective breeding and power that humanity may never reach in their wildest dreams.'

'Wow, they sound amazing,' I said. 'I wish I could meet one and pick their brain.'

'Be careful of what you wish for,' she said. 'You never know what fate has in store for you.'

The rest of my school day was quiet. I hit the library to finish off my homework so that I had it over and done with. That way the rest of my weekend belonged to me. I wanted to have as much time with Amanda as possible. I was eager to get to know her better.

I got home around three in the afternoon to find mom working on dinner. She was wearing only an apron and a smile.

"Well look at you," I said and she smile all the more.

"Yes, it has been an interesting day," she said. "Your dad took half a day off of work."

"Yeah you," I said happy to see her in such a good mood. "Should I disappear and let you finish?"

"Nah, he's sleeping, I think I wore him out," she said giggling. "But I dressed like this in case he wakes up hungry."

"Speaking of hungry, I have a date tonight so I won't be here for dinner."

"Anyone I know," mom asked.

"One of my teachers at school," I said. "Looks like dinner and a movie."

"Good for you, older women make for better lovers," she said.

"Don't I know it," I said and gave her ass a healthy swat.

"Hey now don't start something you can't finish," she moaned.

"Speaking of," I said as I pushed her over the sink and freed my cock.

"What are you doing," she asked as I pressed the head between her pussy lips.

"Whatever I want," I said as I slid the entire length inside of her. "Besides I never had the chance to thank you for Drake's diary."

"UNNNNNN, oh good you found it," she groaned as I began to thrust into her. "Be careful your father might walk in... stop this!"

"Your mouth says no, but your pussy is screaming yes," I said as I pounded her hard and fast. "I don't have forever so this is going to be quick and dirty."

"Just the way I like it," she moaned as my cock pummeled her cunt.

I didn't hold anything back as I took my pleasure from her. Mom clamped a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming. I dug my fingers into her ass flesh as my cock jackhammered in and out of her. This wasn't about love this was lust pure and clear. I knew that if I didn't come soon either my dad or Alexis could walk in and catch us. Mom was looking around constantly as I pounded her from behind. The excitement of getting caught elevated our excitement to the next level. Now the dirty slut was ramming her hips backward pushing me faster towards my inevitable conclusion.

"Come on you bastard, shoot your fucking load into my pussy already," she snarled. "I don't want to get caught with that fat cock of yours inside of me." I fucked her harder than ever, so hard in fact that her feet began to leave the floor. "God I am so fucking close... come with me."

"I am almost there," I whispered in her ear. "Just a little longer... just a little..." A moment later I was on the edge so I pulled back and jabbed her cunt and ground against her as I came.

"Thank you lover, I needed that so much," she whimpered.

"Glad to help and thanks for the book," I said as I pulled my cock free.

"God I hate that part," she said as she stood up.

"Go take a shower; I'll watch the kitchen until you get back." I cleaned my cock and zipped up.

She planted a kiss on my cheek and headed upstairs. I watched the pots and pans while mom showered. I may have to try public sex at some point because that little moment was fucking amazing. It was like racing for a finish line not sure if the race would be interrupted or not. I wonder if Amanda would do it. That would be a great first date. I thought about bending her over a park bench or maybe up against a tree or abandoned building. While I was daydreaming Alexis walked in from school and saw me with that stupid grin on my face.

"Somebody got lucky," she said as she walked in.

"Maybe," I said. "So how was school?"

"It was okay," she said. "So when did you take up cooking?"

"I am watching things while mom gets a shower in," I said and that's when she smiled brilliantly.

"She must have gotten all sweaty here in the kitchen huh," Alexis said giggling.

"Something like that," I said and shook my head. Just then dad walked in wearing only a towel and a smile.

"Hey you two," he said. "I thought I smelled something cooking." Alexis and I both busted out laughing. "What's so damn funny?"

"Nothing," I said. "I was just watching things while mom got a shower in."

"I guess that was my bad," dad said grinning from ear to ear.

"Ew," Alexis said making a face.

"I agree that was over sharing," I said.

Dinner and a Blowjob:

I met Amanda at the restaurant. It was a two story affair with a heavy influence of Welsh architecture. There were lots of dark wood, heavy beams and windows everywhere. She was waiting for me outside and when I saw her I stopped dead in my tracks. The short skirt she was wearing hit right about mid-thigh and showed lots of leg. The loose fitting top was of matching material to the skirt and hung off her shoulders from thin spaghetti straps. Her hair was done in an up do and she was wearing glasses to set off the whole naughty teacher theme. She just smiled and walked over to me.

"I take it you like what you see," she said leaning forward to kiss me.

"That would be an understatement," I told her.

"Shall we," she asked.

I walked side by side with her into the building. The atmosphere inside was nice and romantic. We sat opposite each other and the conversation was all about getting to know each other. She asked me more about Drake and his mentorship. I asked her why she wanted to be a teacher. It was a nice relaxed meal.

'Remember to be good,' I said to the demon.

'...uh yes Master,' she said distractedly.

'Is the conversation too dull for you or do you have something else on your mind,' I asked.

'You caught me deep in thought Master,' she said.

'Sorry to have disturbed you, carry on,' I said.

We finished our meal and paid our check. She led me outside and down the street to a theatre. She produced tickets she had purchased earlier. We walked in and she led me to theatre five. It became quite clear that she had everything planned out. She even had the seats picked out. We sat silently through the commercials and the sexual tension built by the second. By the time the house lights came down I was rock hard. Amanda took my hand and placed it on her upper thigh. I looked over and down and saw that her skirt was pulled up revealing her freshly shaved pussy. Then I looked her in the eyes and she nodded. I ran my hand over her smooth skin and watched her shiver. She placed the skirt over my hand to hide what I was doing. My index finger found her clit and I began teasing her nice and slow. Then suddenly a woman plopped down next to me. She was gorgeous and was dressed identical to Amanda, even down to the hairdo and glasses. The newcomer took my left hand and placed it under her skirt. The pair eased back and enjoyed the pleasure my fingers were going to be giving them.

"Surprise," Amanda said eventually. "Is my pussy tight enough for you?"

"I'm not sure I can fit without hurting you," I whispered.

"I'll take the chance," she moaned as I finger fucked her nice and slow.

"What about mine, does it pass your finger test," the other woman asked. "UNNNN..."

"They could be twins," I said meaning their cunts, they were equally snug.

'Oh hell do it,' I said to the demon.

'Both of them,' the succubus asked.

'Yeah, they brought it on themselves,' I said a little disappointed. '...So much for romance.'

'Romance is way overrated,' the demon said.

I watched the girl's eyes turn white and then return to normal. I felt the demon's power flow into me as she enslaved the pair. I fingered the pair of pussies nice and slow even as they begged me to thrust harder and faster. I told them to hush and enjoy the show. I wondered which one would blow first. But just as they had dressed identical their bodies also seemed to be in sync. Ten minutes after I had started I had both of them squirming in their seats as they came simultaneously. I eased my cramped fingers from them and let them lick my fingers clean.

"That was a nice start to the festivities," Amanda said. "How about we go someplace more private?"

"I know just the place," the other said.

"I'll drive, that way one of you can give me some road head along the way," I said as we all got up to leave.

"I didn't plan on that, but since you've been so nice to us," Amanda purred.

"So you are the mastermind," I said and she nodded.

Five minutes later the three of us were climbing into a Mercedes S Class. I was driving, Amanda was in the passenger seat and the mystery woman was in the back seat. She was going to be giving me directions while Amanda went down on me. We pulled out and once we were moving Amanda wasted no time leaning over, unzipping me and lowering her lips down to my raging erection. It was difficult keeping my attention on the road while she made love to my dick with her tongue, lips and hand. Just as I had done she moved painfully slow. She was going to milk me for everything I was worth. I had to fight the urge to grab her by the hair and fuck her throat, for now she was in charge. While Alexis' technique was different they were both world class cock suckers. Amanda knew what she was doing and wasn't afraid of showing how bad she wanted me inside of her. It was all there, every time her lips wrapped around the base of my cock she was telling me she wished it was her pussy instead. When she swirled her tongue around the head and stroked she shaft it was saying don't you wish we were already at our destination. The drive was lasting longer than I wanted it to, I wanted to bend Amanda over and fuck her fast and hard until she screamed at the top of her lungs. Then my cock betrayed me and began to swell inside of her throat. Where did that come from? Suddenly I was on the verge of coming and it surprised the hell out of me.