Pressed Violet Ch. 02

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Aedwen struggles with conflicting feelings as Riona prepares.
11.4k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/21/2021
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Love and Lust

There was fear among the villagers and old anger beneath the surface as they worked. Through the morning, and into the afternoon, they carved stakes to plant into the ground, prepared barricades within the village. They trained in axes, spears, bows, and whatever other weapons they could get their hands on under the supervision of the village's warriors. Not one of them was willing to sit this fight out. A fight they all knew was coming.

Through it all Aedwen moved about the village offering water alongside the children, tending to blisters, slivers, and small cuts from their work. They all had difficulty meeting her eyes, and Aedwen knew they were remembering that day. Seeing her bound and naked and on her knees as her lover burned. And now that she'd shouted out the truth, they all knew that their healer was indeed a sinner.

At least, in the eyes of the Church if not God.

But at least they were speaking to her now, outside of asking for remedies and healing. Small steps, and Aedwen couldn't help but grin as she watched the work being put into this place. Readying to defend themselves against a band of murdering bastards that dared claim they fought for God.

And through it all, Riona was among them. Using an axe to sharpen stakes, showing hunters and other bowmen what she knew of the bow, showing the warriors tricks with the blade. They were hesitant of her, especially after she'd openly told them all who and what she was that morning, but even against their own faith they warmed to her. Even Father Leavold, who claimed that "fighting evil men who bore false witness was the justly thing to do".

When night began to fall, everyone flocked to the wooden church in the centre of the village. When invited, Riona politely declined and wandered down to the river. Gathered among everyone else, Aedwen listened to Leavold lead a prayer for salvation, for the coming peace of the soul and the mind, and for an end to darkness.

When everyone else began to file out to go home and rest before another long day, Leavold called for her to stay.

Despite the glances thrown her way, Aedwen made her way to the front of the church. She listened to the chatter among her neighbours as they filed out into the night, and looked up upon the exquisitely carved crucifix settled behind the altar.

When the door closed, it shut off the voices outside and left only the peaceful quiet of the church. Aedwen crossed herself and turned to face Father Leavold. The only one who'd been by her side this past year. The one who'd comforted her through countless breakdowns, the one who'd known exactly what lay between Mildreth and herself.

"Are you alright?" he started, and Aedwen gave him a sad smile. He simply nodded and moved to the first set of pews and sat down. He patted the seat next to him, and like so many other times, Aedwen sat beside him.

Leaning forward she entwined her fingers and set her elbows upon her thighs. She said nothing for awhile, but Leavold didn't push. As always, he sat and waited for her to speak.

"I'm afraid father, if I might be honest. I helped Riona, though she is a Pagan. Though she is a self-admitted witch. Everything the church says, says that what I'm doing is wrong. But they say the same of how I felt about Mildreth. And now, I've managed to pull everyone into a fight that will get people killed. I never wanted anyone to die," she said as one foot shook.

"Those who live by the sword, die by the sword Aedwen. These men that come for us, they have forgotten what justice is. They have left the grace of God. As to what you held for Mildreth, that was true. I witnessed every moment, and I'm not sure I've seen more pure a love in all my time here. For the church to speak against it... sometimes I fear his holiness the Pope is too separate from the people. So too then, are those that preach on his whim," Leavold said, then laughed and leaned back.

"You think what we do then is just? That this fight will not deny anyone access to heaven?" Aedwen asked, and Leavold put a comforting hand on her shoulder before she started to rock. She looked over to him, at the graying hairs swept back from his temple. At the white starting to creep into the beard covering his jaw.

"I think that if we are too concerned with whether we deserve to get to heaven, that we lose sight of why we would. Our will is free, and God wants us to use this..." Leavold tapped his head, and then his chest.

"And this, and to decide every day whether to be a good person. We have become too interested in the sins of others, forgetting that Jesus himself said 'let him without sin cast the first stone.' We will do what we must here on Earth Aedwen, and hope we will be forgiven. But in this instance... in this instance I know he would grant it."

Aedwin nodded at his words, taking comfort from them. She glanced again to the crucifix, to the carved expression of the saviour as he was pinned to the cross. The pain there, as he suffered.

"I think I'm starting to fall for her," Aedwen said, and Leavold nodded.

"The witch."

"Yes. I'm afraid it's only lust. Or if it becomes anything more, that I'd be betraying Mildreth," Aedwen said and lowered her eyes as she felt the comforting squeeze on her shoulder.

"Lust is unavoidable. Anyone that says they are free of it is a liar, and that may well be worse. Many great loves have been founded on lust first. More than have been destroyed by it. But, Mildreth watches from where she is, and I know she wants you to be happy Aedwen. You do not need to forget her, or even move on, but she waits for you, and in the meantime, you have a life to live. You might as well find happiness for yourself while you're here," Leavold said.

"Even if I don't deserve it? I let her die after all, why would she wait for me?" Aedwen asked bitterly.

"She saved you. She sacrificed herself that you might live. She wouldn't want misery for you, she'd want you to be happy. Or else she would not have done what she did. Now you just have to believe that. Her death wasn't God's plan, it was hers at the fault of evil men, to save you," Leavold said.

Aedwen hesitated, then nodded.

"Follow your heart child. In the next few days we will all be tested, and it's possible that things may be too late then," Leavold said, and Aedwen slowly got to her feet.

"Thank you father. For everything," she said and started to walk towards the church's exit.

"You can thank me by doing one thing for me," Leavold said, and Aedwen turned to find him standing, hands slipped into the opposite sleeves of his robes. He had his friendly smile on as he stood before the altar watched her.

"What's that?" she asked.

"Do not let your grief consume you. Live, search for the happiness," he said, and Aedwen gave a soft smile.

"I'll certainly try father," she said and left the church. As the doors closed behind her, cutting off the warm glow of the church's candlelit interior. Instead, the moon above guided her, for there was scarce a home with a light still on.

She walked down the path to her home, and pushed open the door. Her eyes immediately went to the bed that Riona had been using, but found it empty. Gaze flicking to the other two, then to her own, she sighed; no sign of the woman. She stood there in her open doorway, before she remembered that Riona had gone down to the river.

She almost took a step inside to crawl into her bed, but she heard a familiar little bark. Turning, she saw a fox; the same fox, she was sure, from before. It looked at her with a tilted head, and Aedwen sank to her knees.

"Mildreth, I'm sorry. I want to be happy, I want her. To feel her lips, to feel her arms wrapped around me. Oh God, I'm so sorry," she said, and leaned forward until her forehead nearly touched the ground, her hair trailed in the dirt of the path. She wrapped her arms around herself, and cried.

A wet nose pressed against her cheek, before a soft tongue licked at her. Blinking, Aedwen turned her head to find the fox sitting right beside her, staring at her. It tilted its head, and watched.

"How can I betray you?" Aedwen said, not truly sure if she actually believed the fox was her love, but unable to voice it any other way.

The fox nudged her again, its nose cool against the heat of her skin. Then it leapt away. Aedwen stayed as she was; leaned forward, hugging herself, as she watched the animal. It started to trot down towards the river.

It stopped, looked back, and sat.

Slowly, Aedwen got to her feet. The fox let out a happy bark, and spun before it trotted down towards the river again. Aedwen followed it. The fox continually checked behind as it travelled down to the water, between the homes of the village and across the grass. Then it stopped and stared ahead.

Aedwen stepped up beside it and looked down the rest of the hill to the river. She watched the gentle ripples from the breeze, the moonlight glinting off its surface. It was beautiful, and she'd come here often to watch it those times she didn't make it to the lake.

Kneeling only a few paces from the edge of the river bank, Riona had her naked blade resting in front of her as she stared upwards at the brilliant cascade of stars in the sky. Was she praying? Aedwen almost turned around, until she felt the fox nudge her calf. She glanced down, to see the fox staring up at her. It turned its snout towards Riona kneeling alone beside the river, her hair blowing in the wind.

Eyes closing a moment, Aedwen smiled.

"Thank you," she whispered before she started down to where Riona knelt. When she was nearly there she glanced back over her shoulder, but the fox was gone. She continued until she stood beside Riona. The witch flicked her gaze over.

"Mind if I join you?" Aedwen asked. Riona smiled and patted the ground.

Aedwen carefully got down onto her knees and looked over at her companion. Watched her hair dance across her shoulders in the wind, studied the rose tattoo on her neck and the sharp cut of her jawline.

"Are you praying?" she asked, and Riona smiled, looking over at the healer. Her skin seemed paler under the moonlight, the freckles dusted across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose stood out starkly.

"I was, before. Now I'm just enjoying the view. I've seen it near every night for months now, but I never get tired of it," Riona said, and Aedwen nodded.

"Good, I didn't want to interrupt," Aedwen said, and Riona reached out, taking Aedwen's hand in her own. Her fingertips were callused, weathered, but they were warm and gentle.

"You wouldn't have. I'm happy for the company," Riona said, and Aedwen found her eyes dropped to the woman's lips. To the faint glisten in the moonlight. To the way they moved as she spoke.

"I never thanked you for saving me," Riona said, but Aedwen couldn't pull her gaze from those lips.

"You don't need to. I couldn't in good conscience leave you there," Aedwen said.

"A shame that mindset is so rare in the world," Riona said as her thumb ran along the back of Aedwen's knuckles. The healer looked down to watch the motion. Riona didn't move, save for the gentle sway of her thumb.

Aedwen met Riona's starkly green gaze. Leaning in, she felt the warm breath across her lips, across her cheeks. She pressed her lips to Riona's, and was both surprised and thankful the other woman didn't pull away. Their eyes fluttered closed, and Aedwen let her free hand lift, until fingertips ran along Riona's cheek as their kiss broke apart.

As their foreheads touched, Riona let both her hands settle on Aedwen's shoulders. They leaned against one another, while the breeze caressed their skin as they stayed together a few moments. Aedwen watched the woman whose lips glistened from their kiss, and wondered why she didn't do anything. She just watched with those gorgeous eyes of hers.

"I don't want to be alone," Aedwen finally said, and Riona leaned in to kiss her again.

Powerful arms curled around her, pulled her close, as the witch laid her back. She struggled to get her feet out from under her while those soft lips caressed her own. Back laying across the grass, Aedwen let her eyes close, her hands glided along Riona's sides. Fingertips and palms pushed against the roughspun tunic, gliding it along Riona's skin as the witch leaned over her. Chest against her own, one elbow beside her head, Aedwen groaned softly.

Fingers slid back downwards, she was careful not to pull the tunic with them. Soon she felt the skin of the woman above her. The woman whose lips parted and whose tongue flickered into their kiss. Aedwen found herself groaning again, lifting the witch's tunic higher as her mouth opened. Her own tongue invited Riona in. Riona's heat soaked into her through their garb, and Aedwen longed to feel the breeze on her skin, to feel the press of the woman who was becoming more her lover with each hard brush of lips, each caress of tongue.

Riona straddled the healer, not daring to break the touch of their lips. Sitting up, her hands explored Riona's back beneath the fabric of her tunic, Aedwen kept her body pressed tight to the witch's. Then she grabbed the hem of that pesky garment and lifted it upwards. Riona broke the kiss, her tongue dragged along Aedwen's lips, as she leaned back.

Those green eyes were aflame as Riona stared down at Aedwen before Riona's arms lifted to let her tunic slide off. Tossing it into the grass, Riona's fingers slid through Aedwen's hair, down to her shoulders. The healer ran her gaze along the ridges of her stomach, to the bandage wrapped around. Aedwen paused before she grazed her fingers over the bandages and to the edge of the bindings around Riona's chest.

"It's okay," Riona said, her voice husky as her thumbs gently ran over Aedwen's neck.

Tongue running down her upper lip, Aedwen unwrapped those bindings. The dark linen gave way to pale skin. As the wraps fell from her fingertips, caught by the breeze and dragged along the grass, Aedwen stared at the bared flesh before her. The dusting of freckles across Riona's chest. The slope of her breasts, peaked with light pink nipples.

Aedwen leaned in, her eyes closed as her lips parted. She led with her tongue,ran the pink muscle along the under curve of Riona's breast. A low breath slipped from the witch's lips, her fingertips ran through Aedwen's long hair. As long locks glided between her fingers, Riona closed her eyes and tilted her gaze up to the sky. Lips made their way upwards before pulling a nipple between them. A sharp gasp spilled from Riona and Aedwen let her tongue slowly drag along the peak of her lover's breast.

As she gently pulled Aedwen closer, Riona groaned at the kisses and licks to her bosom. Aedwen ran fingertips along the witch's back, traced along her spine and spread along the ridges of her shoulder blades. Hips starting to grind downwards, Riona dragged her fingers slowly up the back of Aedwen's neck. The healer released the nipple between her lips, starting to kiss upwards, tasting Riona's throat, beneath her chin, before she found her lips. Her nails ran across the other woman's back, while the witch pushed her tongue into the kiss, drawing a muffled groan.

Riona's fingers slid downwards, brushing linen against Aedwen's skin. Down her back until those fingers reached her hips. Their lips still pressed hungrily together, Aedwen let her hands drop to the grass. It was cool against her palms, soft. She lifted her hips, and Riona pulled up on her dress, her shift with it, to reveal the linen stockings beneath. Those fingers gripped at her rump, pulling Aedwen tighter between Riona's legs. Her dress bunched up over her hips, and Aedwen let herself fall back again.

The kiss broke, and Aedwen eagerly lifted her arms. Riona watched her, the glisten of her lips, the heavy rise and fall of her chest, the hunger in her normally soft brown eyes. Then the dress and shift was pulled upwards and blocked both their views for a moment. The breeze was cool against Aedwen's bared skin, and she longed for touch again. When the touch of linen slipped from her fingers, Aedwen had already forgotten it. She lunged upwards and found those soft lips again, pushing her tongue between them. Her hands ran across Riona's back, the feel of skin broken only briefly by the wrapped bandages. The motions pulled their forms close, skin against skin, breasts pressed tight together.

Hands flowed over Riona's sides, feeling the tight muscle beneath the skin, Aedwen pushed between the pair of them. Her knuckles dragged across Riona's stomach, until her fingers found her belt. Eagerly she untied the loop, the soft leather pleasant against her fingertips. Once freed, Aedwen nearly threw the belt to the side, the heavy thump of the attached sword striking the ground sounding in her ears. Almost immediately she was untying the laces of Riona's trousers, and started to push them down off the witch's hips.

Riona lifted her hips this time, helping Aedwen get her clothes down her legs, before they got caught on her boots. A laugh sounded between their caressing lips and the two women broke away. The witch rolled off her lover, an amused smirk curled her lips as she pulled her knees towards her chest with a pained grunt to struggle with her trousers. Aedwen couldn't hold in the giggle that bubbled up as she watched as she propped herself on an elbow as Rionna got one leg free, showing the curve of her rump and her surprisingly hairless sex.

"Enjoying the show?" Riona said, laughter in her voice as she managed to get her trousers off the second leg, leaving herself clad in only her boots. Aedwen managed a soft hum of a response as her eyes trailed along the smooth toned legs of the witch stripped bare.

Glancing downwards Aedwen took note of her own shoes, before Riona took her one leg in hand. Gently running her palm along the white linen clad calf, she soon undid the simple lacing of one shoe and pulled it off, letting it tumble down the hill a few paces. As she pulled off the second one, her eyes slid upwards along Aedwen's body, drank in the vision before her bathed in moonlight.

It had been so long since someone had looked at her like that. She laid back enjoyed those eyes upon her, and held her arms above her head. Riona smiled then started to crawl forward, lips peeled back to show her teeth. To Aedwen she looked like a wolf above its prey, and the healer pulled her lower lip between her teeth. The witch's hand planted in the grass by Aedwen's hip. The witch moved upwards, a knee rested now between her lover's thighs.

Head lowered, Riona's hair trailed over Aedwen's stomach. With lips pressed to her skin, Riona's tongue dipped into her navel. Aedwen watched, feeling those lips starting to journey downward. Then Riona's tongue slowly ran over her clitoris, and Aedwen tilted her head back with a soft moan, eyes closed.

The witch's tongue lowered still, spreading the lips of her womanhood, tasting the tart flavour of her arousal, nose trailing through trimmed hair. Gently the slick muscle pushed inwards, and Aedwen let out a louder moan. She clamped a hand over her mouth, remembering only then that they were near naked on the bank of the river. In full view if anyone went for a piss in the night.

Riona's tongue began to drag inside her, before she moved back up to flick over her clit. Another moan spilled into her hand as those beautiful lips and tongue began to work in perfect concert. Her hips bucked, and her thighs opened wide for the woman between them.

One hand slithered along her body, and ran downwards until her fingers slid through those beautiful locks draped across her stomach and thighs. That delectable tongue was unceasing in its pleasures while Riona's warm breath cascaded across the slickness from her desire. Aedwen had to bite down on the side of her hand to muffle her moans as Riona's tongue continued to pleasure her clit. Her hips bucking up with each flick, with each pressing roll.