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She lowered my hand down to her chest, resting between her breasts, and I felt the slow rhythm of her heartbeat. My fingers drifted over the swell of her breast and settled over her areola. Lightly, gently, softly, I ran my index finger around her nipple, raising her little bumps and hardening her nub. As I palmed her breast, she pushed my shoulder, and then tried pushing again.

"Roll over, you lummox."

I leaned forward to kiss her and then did as she asked, lying on my back. She threw back the sheet, scrunched down a bit and took me in her mouth. Closing my eyes, I reveled in the exquisite wet heat and the action of her tongue. When I reached my full length, she pulled her mouth from me, stroked my member a few times and swung her hips up and over me.

On her knees, she angled herself and slowly pushed down on me, sinking lower bit by bit. She had her lower lip between her teeth as she stretched herself on me. Once she was comfortable, she controlled our movements. Up while leaning slightly forward, down as far as she could go. Up and back slightly faster. Up, her hips rotating and thrusting forward.

Her hair surrounded her face and as strands moved, I could see her eyes were closed. Amber leaned back, her hands on my thighs as she continued her movements. I began to thrust up to meet her. When she leaned forward again, I took her breasts in my calloused hands, my palms shifting over her pebble-like nipples.

She was moaning. I was breathing hard. I wanted to roll her over and take control, but this is what she wanted, and I was happy to be the more passive participant. Her moaning grew louder and I started to get concerned about the volume and who might be able to hear us.

Amber's unintelligible moaning clarified into a loud "Yes!" She collapsed on me and stayed there for a minute before she pushed up off my chest with her hands and started that circular motion with her hips again. Moments later, I erupted into her.

My wife disappeared into the bathroom for a few minutes and returned with a damp washcloth. She cleaned me, pulled up the sheets and we fell asleep.


The next day was Haley's last before she headed back to Cincinnati to stay with her mother. Mom came over to watch Sammy. It wasn't the first time that I had sat on the couch waiting for my wife to get dressed and join me. I guess it can't be a truism without some truth. I could be dressed and ready before my wife started to narrow down her decisions.

Amber came down the stairs and time seemed to slow. She was wearing a black dress that reached mid-thigh and appeared to flow as she walked. Haley followed, and Amber seemed amused at my staring. "Close your mouth, Sam." She brushed against me and I felt how soft her dress was as I appreciated the plunging neckline that ended in a triangle tastefully displaying her cleavage. I thought of trap plays, two-a-day practices and the ugliest coaches I could remember and hoped against hope that my growing reaction wasn't visible as I escorted the women to the car.

Every eye was on us as I had a stunning woman on each arm when we entered The Refectory. We enjoyed our meal and each other before heading to Spain Night Club. The DJ was Dusky Lovevolcano, an Ohio legend. Both Amber and Haley spoke Spanish and I was pretty good at Spanglish. We drank and danced for hours.

It felt like we were the center of attention. I knew people looked at me because they thought I should be working the door, not dancing with guests. Everyone else watched Haley and Amber because they had no choice. Their beauty was hypnotic. Haley would dance two songs with the stream of men who asked, but kept working her way back, dancing with Amber and me.

We were at least a decade older than most everyone else, but we had a great time. They had an eclectic mix of songs, some EDM, some Latin dance, some pop. After the three of us danced to Chet Faker's "Gold", I went to the bar to get us another round. Precariously carrying the three drinks, I made my way back to the dance floor and stopped on the outskirts.

Amber and Haley were standing in the middle of the floor, dancing together. It was pure sex. For an overly large oaf, I can move pretty well. Their moves were liquid. Amazingly, they looked at nothing other than the other's eyes. They just seemed to have some spatial awareness that didn't require looking around.

Haley's hands were on Amber's ass and she'd move in, resting her head on my wife's neck as they moved together. She'd turn, melding her body into Amber's as my wife raised her hands in the air, her body shimmering.

I knew my wife. Her every look, every nuance, every reaction. She was incredibly turned on.

I stood watching for another few minutes and realized I couldn't go back out there. I couldn't remember ever being this hard. I made my way to the VIP section, slipped the guy $300 and got us a table. Keeping my reaction below the table line, I felt a little less obvious. I kept watching them until I had myself under control.

I gave the guy another hundo to keep our table for us and handed the waitress doing table service a fifty to keep the drinks fresh. She mumbled something like "Yeet!" as I walked out to the dance floor. They started Alice Merton's "No Roots," and I moved in front of Haley, as Amber danced behind her. Haley reached up and put her arms around my neck as she alternated between swaying and rubbing herself against me.

Amber worked around behind me and I felt her hands on my shoulders, back and ass. Haley brushed her hip into my dick and I was back to being erect. Some part of her body was in constant contact with my groin from that point forward.

We stayed on the floor for another hour or so, never making our way back to the table. Climbing into the backseat of the Mercedes, Amber pushed Haley into the front seat, giggling. She slid behind me and let her fingers feather along the back of my neck. I had stopped drinking alcohol hours ago, but the girls were plastered. Haley kept running her palm up and down my thigh and whispered half intelligible thoughts of how she missed me in my ear as I drove.

We walked Haley around the back to the guest house. Grabbing my lapels, she pulled me down and kissed me. I was stiff and unresponsive. Amber pushed my back and giggled again. Haley let go, stepped to the side and kissed Amber. And continued to kiss Amber. Tilting her head to the side, mouth open, I could imagine her tongue on my wife's lips. Amber's eyes were wide and flicked from me to Haley.

Haley finally stepped back, opened the door and stepped in. She looked back at us, eyes moist, before closing the door.

We didn't discuss that night, but for the next few days I'd see Amber looking at me. There was fear in her eyes, and maybe some uncertainty.

More than a week had passed, and Amber sat next to me on the couch. "Honey, I was thinking that Haley could stay with us for a few days before she leaves. She could see Sammy again, we could hang out, maybe take her to the airport."

She had that look again: questioning, with a bit of trepidation mixed in.

"Sounds great. You wanna call her?"

"You're okay with it? Maybe just a few days?"

"Of course. Give her a yell. She might want to spend the time with her mom, but if she's free, absolutely."

"It's, you don't..."

"Amber, I'm fine with it. With all of it. I'm fine."

I pulled her onto my lap and kissed her qualms into submission.


Haley was back the day after Thanksgiving. Her flight was on Monday. Being the only guest, we set her up in one of the extra bedrooms in the house. She lugged a huge oversized gorilla to the dinner table for Sammy. He had been enthralled with them at the zoo and Aunt Haley remembered. Their bonding touched me, reminding me so much of how we had been at that age. She obviously adored him, and he did his best to monopolize her time.

Amber and Haley went shopping on Saturday. When Sammy went to bed, they dragged me downstairs to the pool. We put on the speaker so we could hear our son if there were any problems. Amber and Haley went into the changing room and came back wearing what they had purchased that day.

Haley's body that had held mysteries and hidden dreams revealed its treasures. She was four inches shorter and much slighter than Amber. Haley was toned and built for seduction. Her B cups fit perfectly on her sublime body and her long black hair framed her beautiful face. My eyes scanned down as she walked towards me. Her bikini bottom was barely there, and I could tell she was fully shaved.

She held out a hand, and rising, I took it. We walked into the water and she put her arms around my waist as Amber walked out. She wasn't wearing a top and her bottom was as scant as Haley's. Her tits swayed as she walked down the steps and into the water. My eyes stayed on my wife as I felt Haley's hands lightly brush my cock on the outside of my suit.

Amber approached us. "Mine." As Haley's hand pulled back, Amber's reached into my bathing suit and tried to encircle my dick. Grasping her breast, I leaned down and kissed her. I ran my tongue across some of her teeth and took her lower lip in mine. She pulled away, increasing the pressure of her hand on my hardening member.

Leaning to her left, she put her other hand behind Haley's head and pulled her in. As they kissed, my hand slid down her breast to her nipple, pulling, tugging and slightly twisting. Haley pushed against Amber, her breast rubbing against the back of my hand.

I wasn't the excitable young man I was in high school or college and managed to slow my breathing and maintain the status quo. Staying over the suit, Haley's hand joined Amber's as she explored my growing hardening ardor. Haley's arm snaked around my neck and pulled me down. Turning to me, she moved her lips to mine. Her tongue entered my mouth as her hand grew more insistent, cupping and gently massaging my balls.

Amber reached over and cupped Haley's cheek in her hand, pulling her face towards her own, Amber began kissing Haley again. My wife used her forearm to push down slightly on my suit as her hand continued its manipulation. Seeing Haley's fingers on Amber's other nipple finally pushed me over.

"Now, Amber. Now."

She let go of Haley completely, stepped into me and pulled my face to hers. Her hand picked up it's pace as it alternated stroking with a slow, gentle twisting. Her tongue played with mine as her thumbnail ran up the vein on the bottom of my cock.

My body stiffened, and muscles strained as she urged stream after stream of hot cum out from deep within my essence. Letting out a guttural cry, I squeezed her breasts and stumbled forward, holding myself up at the pool's edge.

I stood there panting, looking at the women. Amber had her hand in her bikini bottom, fingers exploring. Haley stood behind her, eyes alternating between my crotch and my face, her lips kissing Amber's shoulder, her hands on my wife's breast.

We stayed in the pool for another hour, Amber and Haley fooling around, but not progressing any further than we already had.

The next morning was awkward and uncomfortable until Sammy woke up and joined us. We focused all our attention on him and things shifted back into a semblance of normalcy.

We spent the afternoon shopping for last minute items for Haley. We packaged up a bunch of boxes that we would ship to her university, which would hold onto it for her. The three of us went to The Melting Pot for dinner. Sammy loved what we called participatory dinners. If he could be a part of what he was eating, he was all for it.

When we got home I found her in Sammy's room again, reading to him. "Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting." I heard J.M. Barrie's words and slipped away to my bed.

It was still early, but I wanted to be alone. I lay there for ninety minutes before Amber joined me. She read as I stared at the ceiling, my arm beneath my head. Another hour passed before she looked over at me.

"Go get her."

Rolling over, I kissed my wife. I got out of the bed and walked to the guest room dressed in my boxers. Pushing the door open, I saw her lying there, hand between her legs, eyes closed. She heard me approach and looked up. Seeing her expression, I felt strong, powerful, virile. I felt like things were in balance and everything that was wrong was set to right.

Hands under her shoulder and beneath her knees, I lifted her with ease. I carried Haley to the bed where my wife waited. She had her arms tightly around my neck as she gently cried on my shoulder. I carefully laid her down.

Amber cuddled up next to Haley, brushed her black hair to the side and kissed her forehead. "Shhhhh, Haley. It's fine. We love you. Everything is fine."

Haley's eyes were closed, and tears were forcing their way out from the sides. I took her hand and brought it to my lips. I kissed it and then gently ran my hand back and forth along her forearm. "Haley, you know that I love you, right? I always have. You're safe with us. Do you want to be here? Whatever you want to happen is what will happen. Are you okay with this?"

She clutched my hand and pulled herself up, propelling herself into my arms. With her face tucked beneath my chin in the crook of my neck. I kissed the top of her head as Amber scooted over and gently massaged the back of her neck. Moving lower, I kissed Haley's temple and then her ear.

Amber spoke softly. "Haley, are you okay with this. Is this what you want?"

She pulled her face from my skin and took a deep, ragged breath. "Yes. Every day for twenty years, yes."

I turned her face to mine and gently lowered my lips to hers. It was a tentative, gentle gesture that she immediately followed with another, lips slightly parted, her tongue lightly dancing along my lips. As I opened my mouth, her tongue found entry. Haley moaned slightly as her hand went around to the back of my head, pulling me in closer.

Occasionally Ambers hands would brush against my torso as she seemed to caress Haley everywhere. As Haley and I continued to explore one another, memories rushed forward. She smelled like... Haley. I laughed lightly as I recognized the scent of Chanel No. 5, the first gift I had to work odd jobs to be able to afford to give her. She still wore the perfume. Haley was a mix of the classic Coco Chanel scent, soap and clean woman.

Her hand brushed my hard cock and as I stood to remove the pajama bottoms, Amber helped pull Haley's top off. By the time my pants were on the floor, her shirt was on the side of the bed and the women were kissing. I kneeled on the bed and unhooked her bra. My wife reached behind herself and unhooked her own. They continued kissing while I gently massaged Haley's shoulder and arms, eventually reaching around to her breasts, I could feel her shiver as I tugged lightly on her hard nipples.

Much like she had done to me, Amber pushed Haley onto her back. She made her way down to Haley's waist and started to remove her dark-red panties. I kept Haley's tongue busy wrestling with my own, her arms entwined around my neck. When my wife made her way back up to Haley's center, she began to dip her tongue into Haley's nectar.

Moaning and squirming, Haley's kissing grew fiercer. My large hand grasped her breast and gripped it firmly before sliding to its peak, tweaking and pulling her nipple, harder than before. Within minutes, Haley thrust her hips towards Amber's head and reached her pinnacle. As she fell back, my wife pulled at my shoulder.

"She's ready, Sam."

Looking at Amber, I had an epiphany. She wasn't new to this. I had suspicions before, but everything was suddenly cemented. I knew why her college roommate hated me. I had stolen Amber from her.

"Sam, go slow. She's not a large girl."

I kissed Amber, tasting Haley on her tongue. I moved between Haley's legs as my wife moved to the head of the bed, whispered something in her ear and cradled her. Haley was very wet and very tight. I moved slowly but persistently. I stopped every time she shied back or grimaced, waited until she pushed forward a bit and began again.

Eventually, she started moaning again and shifted up to meet me with every thrust. It was like an out of body experience. I was with the girl I dreamt of as a teen while also with the woman who meant everything to me. Part of me was enflamed with lust going on and on as Haley moaned and cried out and came again while another part of me was at peace and was whole again.

We spent the rest of the night playing and experimenting. Haley would have plenty of time to sleep on the tremendously long flight to New Zealand. We finally woke up at 9:30 to a banging on our door. Little Sam was hungry and wasn't to be denied breakfast with Aunt Haley.


Both hands were full with her luggage as we walked to the SUV. "Okay, so we're gonna send you some care packages every week. Lots of American food. We don't want you subsisting on vegemite or koala bears or whatever New Zealanders eat. You have everything you need? Did you get a line on a new therapist?"

Haley smiled and gently ran her hand across my back as we walked. "I think I'm done with that. My prince finally found me. I'm going to be okay."

I looked away and swallowed down my emotions.

She stared off to the side as we loaded up her belongings. I opened her door, but she paused, hand on the car, turned and ran up to the porch where my mom stood with her grandson. Haley lifted Sammy up, clutched him tightly, whispered in his ear, kissed his cheek and gently put him down.

Her eyes were moist as we headed towards the airport.

I pulled every string I could and got us in via the security entrance used for celebrities and politicians. Amber and I walked Haley to her gate, my stride slowing as we grew closer. I couldn't look at her as we sat, waiting for her flight to board.

When the fateful announcement was made, I stepped to her. As I leaned down, Haley reached up.

She placed a hand on each of my cheeks and looked into my eyes. "Be strong, my giant. I'm flying Qantas, not Charon Express. I'll be deplaning in Auckland, not the underworld. We can write, and Facetime and I'll be back for Christmas. Show little SammyThe Hobbit so he knows where I am."

Without looking back, she boarded her plane. Amber stepped up, stood next to me and leaning into my side, put her hand in my back pocket. I wrapped my arm around her and we left the airport. We were on I 275 when I reached over and took her hand in mine.

I gently squeezed her hand. "Do you know how much I love you?"

"Yes, just a smidge less than I love you."


I'd like to extend my thanks to GirlintheMoon, Steve M., Anomic and Randi for their help and input. As always, I greatly appreciate the help and support of the fine people at Sports Illustrated. I am very lucky to have a number of people beta-read my ramblings. You know who you are, and your help is invaluable. Thank you.

This story is dedicated to Pauline French. I hope you found what you were looking for.

The Barrie quote isn't actually from Peter Pan. It's often attributed to the book, but it's not found in the text. It should be; it's a great line.

Looking for something else to read? Check out "Litter Bug Boogie". It's a fun, silly story that was well written. HERE.

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman2 months ago

Very good. assume Haley moves back after 1 year in NZ and into their guest house.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Thank you that was one of the most touching storries I have ever read on Literotica.


Btrying2Btrying29 months ago

Super story. Well developed plot and characters. Very much a feel good story with underlying social awareness points. I wanted to know more about the life of these very interesting characters as I realized the story was drawing to a close. Thanks for sharing. John.

Tarloso2Tarloso2over 1 year ago

Wish there was a part2

kameljockeykameljockeyover 1 year ago

Ring the BELL! We have a winner.....

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