Princess and Serving Woman

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Which has the better lovelife? I just wished..
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 03/24/2024
Created 07/23/2020
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I was lounging on the sofa when the serving woman brought my dinner. It smelled delicious, and the first taste confirmed it. But I knew it was important to keep the servants on their toes, so looked at her haughtily and turned away. I did not have to say anything, I knew she would bring me something else. If I ate it, I would leave at least a third as my mother had taught me. To clear a plate was not something a princess did, no matter how hungry she might be.

The serving woman looked disappointed, as she should. She was an ugly lumpy thing in coarse clothes, unlike me with my trim figure and beautiful costume. Yet I have to say she was very dutiful, and I rather liked her. It was just important to maintain the proper order in the palace.

Yes, I lived in a grand palace where I could wander where I pleased, and with a large garden. I had servants to look after my every need. But it was still a prison, with high walls to keep intruders out, but also to keep me in. How different from the life of my parents, free to roam their estate! I had imagined that I would join them, or at least have my own estate where I could wander and even go hunting.

From the upper windows I could see over the walls and down into the town. The servants went there to get supplies, yet I, the mistress of the house, their princess, could not. Last night I heard a love song in the distance -- some youth serenading his love. How sweet his voice was, and how much I wished I was that town girl!

As I lay on the bed that night, I could faintly hear the serenade again, and wondered if the town boy and girl would get together. When I came here, I hoped and even expected there would be some prince for me, but after all this time I had seen no-one. Why could I not go into the town and find my own lover? I did not know what lovemaking was like, but knew that I yearned for it. Somehow I knew it meant filling me up in a way different from food, no matter how delicious.

It seemed unfair that the servants could go out when I could not.

Just occasionally, very occasionally, I wished I wasn't a cat.


When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was what I didn't notice. I seemed to have lost my sense of smell. I must have a cold to add to my despair.

I yawned and stretched, then noticed with horror that something seemed to have happened to my paws! The fur had gone, and my claws seemed to have been snipped while I was sleeping!

Somehow I was under the quilt instead of curled up on it, and I struggled to get free. My body was not obeying me as usual, and I could not feel my tail at all!

The room seemed smaller, and the colours were different -- I had never seen anything so bright and garish.

With horror I realised that I seemed to have been turned into the serving woman!

Getting free of the quilt, I leapt down to the floor as I usually would and landed with a painful crash which jarred my forelegs. The manservant ran into the room, and asked "Darling, what's happened?"

I must have lost control, for I heard myself say "Nothing, Sweetheart. I had a strange dream about being a cat, then fell out of bed." Somehow I understood their words and discovered that the serving woman had a name, Darling. The manservant was called Sweetheart.

I noticed that the manservant had a stiff cock. He must have been pulling it in the bathroom, as I had often seen. Why he did this instead of mating, I did not know, but I realised it was my chance.

I took control of the body and crawled onto the bed, resting on my forepaws and hind legs. I raised my haunches toward the man, and wiggled my hindquarters. I tried to miaow that I was ready to mate, but what came out was servant words "Fuck me!"

I felt the cloth over my hindquarters being pulled down. Of course! I had these stupid bits of cloth over my ugly pink body. How inconvenient!

Then I felt his paws on my sides, and he pushed his cock in. Mummy had said it would hurt, but it did not, not at all. Then he was thrusting in and out and at last I was being mated!

It was so good I was trying to purr, but some other noises came out, which must have pleased the man, because he said "Oh Darling! You're so wonderful!" and started groaning. I could feel him putting something inside me which must be the stuff that Mummy had said caused kittens.

I was so happy! When he had finished mating he came round to me and I bit his forepaw in thanks, which seemed to surprise him.

"What's up with you Darling? Never mind, it was great! You were like a cat on heat!"

I just relaxed and enjoyed the feeling. So that was lovemaking! I liked it and I wanted more as soon as possible! He made that snarl that servants do to show they are happy. Mummy had told me that when they showed their teeth they were not actually threatening.

I sat up with my forepaws between my back ones, but it was not comfortable. My legs were the wrong shape and my knees were up high.

He closed his mouth, then opened it again, not showing his teeth.

"Oh I see! You're a cat!" he snarled again.

But I was uncomfortable so let Darling take control of the body.

"What the fuck?" she said, as she moved me to a more comfortable position, and I could feel her mixture of pleasure and surprise. So it had been good for both of us! I quite liked her, so was glad.

This body was too hard to control all the time so I relaxed and watched what she did. It was amusing as she went around with a plate of food calling "Princess, princess!"

"She'll be hiding somewhere," said the manservant. "Just put down the food and she'll find it. Bye, Darling." He made that snarl face again.

I was apprehensive as she went into the shower, but then she had no fur, poor thing. It actually felt quite nice as she stroked herself, including the strange wobbly bags at the front. I had noticed the bumps on her, but now I knew how they felt, which was mostly heavy and inconvenient. But it was nice to have them stroked.

I could feel she was cheerful. I had never really thought much about servants having feelings before.

I had the experience of putting dirt and grease on my face. I did not understand why the serving woman did this, even afterwards. She sprayed herself, and I smelled the smell I recognise her with, but much fainter. So servants did have a sense of smell after all, but a poor one.

She sat on the toilet, which I now understood as being some sort of litter tray. Of course, servants were not permitted to mark territory, so had to dispose of it this way. No cat would do it in water!

I felt an itch in my ear and automatically went to scratch it with my rear paw, and nearly fell over. After that I was careful to let Darling control her own body, though with the occasional mistake. I tried to lap coffee, but it was too hot, so I made it clear that I desired water, and drank it in that strange way the servants do.


I found that I, as Darling, was rather deaf. The world was very muffled, with no high notes, though this was good because travelling to what she called work was very noisy.

What happened when she got to the work place was just too confusing. I suppose I had imagined she would go hunting for food; instead she just sat in front of a screen, pressing with her paws on a thing we have which I like to lie on, and talking to other servants. Though I could understand the words people said to her and how she replied, I rarely understood what it meant.

That is until I was approached by a manservant, who had a rather unpleasant pine scent under his forelegs, but quite a lot of nice musk around his genitals, as I noticed when Darling bent down to pick up some paper. I could tell she rather liked him, and was thinking of mating with him. He put his paw on my hindquarters which felt strange, as they are huge and fat.

"Go on, Darling, you know you fancy me," he said, patting my fat haunch.

I didn't try to control the body, but just tried to bring my feelings forward to add to hers, thinking I was ready to mate again.

"All right," I heard myself say. "In the stationery room."

"What, really?" he said. "OK!"

We went into a crowded room and locked the door. He put his face on me, which I didn't like, and felt my front bags, which I found I did.

Let's do it quick, I thought.

"Let's do it quick," I said pulling up some of the cloth around me and pulling some other cloth down. These cloths are really so inconvenient!

Darling leant our body back with my hind legs apart, but that was no good -- I wanted to be mated! So I turned around. I could feel Darling was puzzled, but bent me over and held onto some cold metal object. The manservant knew what to do, and was soon thrusting in me. The second time I enjoyed it even more, along with Darling. It was actually nice to share the feelings with her. Being mated was really, really good! Finally he put his kitten juice into me. I resisted the urge to bite him, and let Darling deal with the cloths and the body.

I was now bored with what she called the "office" so dozed off. I didn't curl up as I usually do, but just tried to relax. When I woke up, she had obviously carried on. It was time to feed, which she did along with some other serving women. I could feel she was thinking about her matings and wanted to tell the others but thought it was better not to. Obviously there was no chance of mating, with only females. I noticed that I could tell them apart by their smells, but my sense of smell was not good enough to tell which of them had been mated recently or if any of them had kittens.

The afternoon was again baffling but not interesting until someone called Boss put his hand on my haunch and said something. I could tell that Darling most of all did not want to mate with him but was frightened of him. Well I was not! I turned and hissed at him with a strong stare, raising my paw ready to claw his nose.

He stepped back in alarm, and said "Sorry". I could see that some of the other serving women were looking and making that snarl to show they were pleased. The Boss manservant hurried away. I imagined his ears and tail would be down if he could.

Then it got boring and I fell asleep again.


Back at the palace she was looking for me and opened a door in the garden wall. I had never understood how this was done, but now I could see it was quite simple, just lifting something out of a groove. I thought very clearly "Princess is safe and nearby" and she seemed happy.

After she and the manservant had eaten, he said he was "going to the pub" as he often did and left.

It seemed to me that it worked best if I just made clear my desires and let Darling do what was necessary, rather than trying to control this clumsy body. So I just concentrated on thinking how much I wanted to mate again.

I could feel she felt the same, but I did not understand what she was doing. She changed the cloths for new ones, less than before. No cloth on my genitals this time, but quite a small cloth around the top of my hind legs and another small one over my front bags. She put some more dirt on my face, and strange things on my rear paws, which made it harder to walk. I was glad I was not trying to control this body. It was mad enough trying to balance on two legs, never mind making it harder. I did not understand it, but I sensed that these things were important for the males.

As we went into town, I began to realise how it worked. As I walked in the difficult things, I could feel that my haunches were raised and were being waved from side to side with every step. I was showing that I was ready to mate! It couldn't be clearer. Oh, I was so excited! I did want to mate and was sure that I would!

I did not understand most of what happened, but eventually we were in a noisy dark place. It seemed to me that I was nearly blind compared with what I was used to at night. I did not realise that Darling was so handicapped in her senses.

She shouted at some manservants and they gave me a drink which had a most peculiar taste and an effect a bit like catnip. After three of these I found myself walking (waving my haunches) into a room that smelled of litter tray. Perhaps this was the territory which had been marked by the manservants who followed me in.

Oh! It was what I had always wanted and better than I would have thought possible! Bending over and holding onto a sink with my forepaws, I was mounted properly and vigorously. It was so much easier without the cloth on my genitals. Once I felt the kitten juice coursing into me I heard his grunts of pleasure, mixing with mine. And another mounted me at once, thrusting into my happy cunt! I had to brace myself against his strength and lust until he added his juice. My cunt was dripping but eager as another cock plunged in and mated me hard as he could!

One was good, two was better, three was perfect! My body was shaking with more pleasure than I could have imagined. It seems the life of a serving woman was not so bad!

I could feel kitten juice running down my hind leg, but hoped enough had stayed to make Darling pregnant.

I was happy and Darling was happy as we went back to the palace. This time I quite enjoyed the shower, and rubbing my paws over my nearly furless body. Strangely, Darling had some fur by her genitals as well as some on her head. Perhaps they shaved their fur off, but why would anyone choose to do that? No wonder they had to cover themselves with cloths to keep warm!

The manservant came back from the pub also a bit unsteady on his legs, and smelled of the strange drink. Darling told him "Spare room".

For some reason Darling had to take a small bead washed down with water before going to sleep. I could feel she felt it was very important.

"Fucking hell! What a day!" I heard myself say. "But where's Princess?"

Darling was concerned for me, so I again carefully thought that I was safe and nearby. She went to sleep and I did too.


I was woken by the sound of an owl far away. I realised that my hearing had come back as I could hear so much else besides. I took a sniff and smelt servant sweat, kitten juice and the genital scent of Darling as well as my own perfume. I opened my eyes and I could see again! The room was larger, and I was lying curled up on the bed beside Darling.

I purred with delight. It was so good to be a cat again. I pawed her to say hello.

"Oh, there you are, Princess. Where have you been hiding?"

I just purred.

When she had fallen asleep, I went downstairs and out through the princess door into the garden.

I could hear there was a mouse at the end of the garden, and see two crows sleeping in a tree. The wind brought me the smell of a dog two gardens away. But I had something important to do.

I trotted to the door in the garden wall and examined the things I had moved when I was Darling. It took a while jumping up until I knocked the bit of metal free. Then with a paw under the door I was able to pull it open. I could get out! But could I get back in? I slowly moved the door open and examined the other side. There was another bit of metal. What had I done with this? Yes, I had pulled it down which lifted the thing on the other side.

It took me longer, but by jumping just right, I could use my weight to drop it and open from the other side.

At last I could hunt on my estate and find my own lovers! Just at night while the servants slept, to be back in time for breakfast.

Since then I have noticed that the manservant is pulling his cock less, and often mates with Darling. But she sometimes goes out in her short cloths when he is at the pub. I don't know how much she knows, but she is an even better servant to me, and often makes me purr. I sometimes eat up all of the food to thank her.

How did it happen, and will it happen again? I can only think that Darling and I had much the same desires: to be able to roam and mate freely. We could not do it for ourselves but somehow we could release each other. Perhaps it took both of us wishing to became true. Now I have had my own cat lovers and have had enough kitten juice, I am sure I prefer being a cat. But maybe one day it might be interesting to mate the servant way again.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Definitely one of the best!

A surprise at the end of Ch 1, followed by several giggles as the story progressed. I get the impression that the writer is very familiar with the characteristics of cats.

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