Princess Ch. 02 Interlude


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"Thanks bro!" I told him, and then on the spur of the moment I leaned across and kissed him on the cheek. It was hard not to laugh at his expression of wonderment. I went up the walk and into Charlotte's house. I didn't hear him leave, so I have no idea how long he sat there.

Shelby and Amanda showed up about ten minutes after I got there. Charlotte told us, "My brother's girlfriend Michelle is having a party tonight. He said it's cool if we come. So what do you guys think?"

We all said we thought it was a good idea and got in Charlotte's car and went to the party. There were about 100 people there when we got there, some I knew, some I had never met. We had been there about an hour when I saw Stevie and his friends hanging out with some of the younger people there. I saw him paying attention to a really attractive Asian girl. I felt an instant surge of jealousy, and Shelby started commenting about what a little whore she was and how Stevie shouldn't show interest in a skank like her. I knew Shelby liked him but I never knew she would act this way.

After a little while of watching her and my brother make out, we saw her go toward the bathroom. Charlotte and Amanda and I caught up with her outside of the bathroom. Charlotte walked up and told her that our friend had heard that she had been trying to hook up with her boyfriend while she was at college and if she wanted to not get her ass kicked she should leave before our friend got there. It must have worked, because we saw her make a bee line for the door and leave.

We walked around the party for a while longer talking to old friends and drinking. I looked and found my brother's crowd but he wasn't with them. For a moment I was afraid he had gone with the girl Charlotte had frightened off.

Around midnight we left the party and Charlotte drove me home. Stevie's car was not in the driveway so I hatched a plan. I went in and upstairs. I locked his bedroom door so that he would have to go through my bedroom and the bathroom to get to his room, then I went into my room and waited. A little after two in the morning I heard his car pull up the drive. I went into his room and waited just past the bathroom door.

As he came into the room I grabbed him from behind, around his neck and clamped a hand over his mouth to muffle the inevitable, albeit girlish scream. I drug him to the bed where I pull him to a sitting position and wrap my legs around him to hold him. I told him not to make a sound and removed my hand.

"I know mom and dad have rarely done right by you. I haven't done much better. But I need you to give me a chance." I told him, he began to answer, a loud profane answer I figured so I clamped my hand over his mouth again.

"I expect you to come to dinner with mom, dad, grandma and grandpa and myself tomorrow. I expect you to trust me for once in your life. Nod if you understand."

I felt his head nod. I released him and told him to go to bed, and went to my own room. I thought during dinner, I would stand up, hug Stevie, and tell the family that if they didn't start treating him better I would take him with me, far away from all of them.

I was up early the next morning helping mom and grandma to prepare the dinner. Mom told me that she worried about me drinking because alcoholism ran rampant through her family. I was shocked that her worry was for me and not her son.

"Why are you worried for me? I rarely drink and when I do I never get fully drunk." I said.

"Well I worry dear. It runs in our blood and you have to be careful. And your father just found out that his father has liver disease from drinking. That can be hereditary"

"That's right hon." Said my grandmother, "Your grandpa has battled it his whole life."

"What about Stevie?" I asked lowering my voice, "He has a right to know this too."

"I'm not concerned with him. I have a dinner to cook."

"He puked blood the other morning after a night of drinking! He deserves to know!" This got me a dirty look from my mother and grandmother. I couldn't believe they could have no feelings at all for Steve's well being.

"We'll tell him when the time is right dear, now stop worrying about it will you please?"

"You'll tell him soon or I will." I said, and then we heard him cough as he descended the stairs. I left the room so that I could get my emotions under control. I heard some sort of rudeness come from my grandmother then I heard the door to the garage close. Something told me he wasn't going out there to get a soda from the fridge. I heard his car start and went to the dining room window to see him backing down the driveway.

It didn't take me long to figure out where he went. A quick glance in his e-mail account and order history from a race car parts dealer I added up that he would be making his car faster today at Mike's father's garage.

As I was about to shut his computer down I found a folder of pictures. Bracing to see porn, although porn style would give me some insight to my brother, and his desires, I opened the folder. I found pictures of his car in various stages of repair, photos of his guitars and friends. But mostly there were pictures of his students and of him posed with them. I teared up when I found photos of him at age 13 or so with Charley and Helen at a contest. He was posed with medals he won and several stage shot of him playing piano. I had no idea these things had ever taken place. Charley and Helen, two of the gruffest people I know of, had the sentiment to keep these photos that I never knew existed. I never knew he played in contests, much less medaled in them. I loaded a few of the best pictures onto my jump drive so I could print them on my computer in my room.

I got dressed and told my mom I was going to wish Shelby and Charlotte a happy Thanksgiving and headed for the garage to confront my weasel brother.

I went into the garage and walked to the back of his car. I tapped his foot with mine and he rolled out from under the car in an obvious attempt to look up my skirt.

"We're closed today, I can take your keys and information though." He stopped when he realized it was me, although he seemed to enjoy looking up my skirt.

"I thought you were staying for dinner,"

"Why would I want to do that? Why would I want to spend a day with Herb, Dianne and the fucking Murphys and feel more alone in their company instead of being here with at least one person who has never made me feel as if I'm not worthy or that I don't exist? Mike's dad might be a drunk and an abuser, but Mike knows in the end his dad will back him. I can't say that. I can't say that if I were to disappear, anyone would ever think to call the police to find me. Go back and enjoy, bask in their glory! I don't want them pissed at me because they missed an hour of your company."

I left with tears in my eyes. Have we really treated him so badly? I knew the answer as soon as I asked myself the question. I can't blame him for not wanting to be around our family. His hostility was made clear referring to our folks and grandparents by their given names. I drove around think of how I could convince him that I wanted things to change.

I'm sure my family noticed my coldness during dinner, although I'm sure they wrote it off as a tantrum. I couldn't understand now how they could have shut Stevie out of their lives so completely? How could I have been so blind and turned my back on the one person whom I was supposed to protect?

Later on, Tommy and Shelby stopped by for pie. Mom and dad always welcomed them and spoke kindly with them for a couple hours, although Shelby seemed to be perturbed and distracted. She kept looking intently at the photographs hung around the room with a queer look on her face. We were getting ready to go when I noticed light in Steve's room. Shelby wanted to go wish him a happy thanksgiving. I massaged his shoulders while Shelby asked him about the things he was doing. I was too lost in my thoughts of him to hear much of what was being said. Then we left for the evening. I planned on talking to him when I got home.

I awoke Friday morning around five o'clock in Stevie's bed. He was sleeping peacefully, and I had my head on his chest and an arm across his tummy. I felt warm inside when I thought back a few hours.

I had him pinned to his bed. I was able to speak my piece to him. While talking to him I was over run by emotion. I pictured many times when we'd all go somewhere as a family and everyone wore a smile. My mom and dad would love on Steve as much as they would on me. But once we were in the car and away from people they'd go back to ignoring him. I saw him get crushed so many times. I can't even recall when I got into that game. I just know I was driven to keep from being treated like he was treated. I broke down and cried as hard as I have cried in a long time. I expected him to tell me to leave him alone, or be rude as per his usual. He hugged me tight to him.

At that moment I felt loved. As funny as it seems in all of my time of being a spoiled princess, I had never felt loved. I was so confused though. This was my brother, my blood, according to the actions of my family, someone to be treated with disdain. But I felt an attraction deep in my soul. My loins reacted as to a lover and I knew I had to make him mine. Before I knew what was happening I kissed his neck and collarbone. He started to protest but I gave him a soul kiss like none other.

I have had three steady boyfriends over the past five years since I lost my virginity. Giving blow jobs had not been my top activity with any of them, but I knew as soon as I kissed him I was going to make this as special as I could.

As I was sucking his cock, he reached down and put his hands in my hair. I had heard horror stories of guys using a girl's hair to face fuck her or steer her for his benefit. Stevie just rubbed my head. I felt so special. He had me hooked.

I had read a tip on Literotica for deep throating, but had never tried it. The tip was to swallow as the cock head entered your throat. It worked to a tee and soon I had him squirming. He asked to reciprocate by eating me, but I wanted this to be all about him. But I did push two fingers into myself and let him lick them off.

After I made him cum in my mouth, I cuddled up to him and fell into a peaceful sleep. I awoke to go shopping with my mom. Before we left I asked daddy for some money. He gave me about $200. I took $50 of it and wrote a note to Stevie;

"Have lunch on me today lover! I am looking forward to talking more to you this evening. I love you...M."

Mom and I dined at a coffee shop in the Birchwood mall before driving north 45 miles to shop at some outlet shops. We were almost there when mom asked me, "So, who's the new fella?"

"New fella? What are you talking about mom?"

"The look on your face today. You get that look when you have some new beau in your life."

I light-heartedly chastised her for using such archaic language, and deflected the conversation. I also tried to get my mind off of last night. Mom told me in my younger days that she could read my mind. I wasn't taking a chance that it was a tall tale.

We got home about five and dad had dinner already on the table. He had gotten Chinese take-out, but it was still on the table. After we ate mom and dad left to go play cards at the Miller's. I waited for them to leave, and then I went to Nice and Naughty, an adult toy store a few blocks away from where Stevie works. I then went home and made my preparations.

I finally see the exit from the interstate that I have been waiting for, the highway that will take me home. Ten miles after the exit I stop at the same truck stop I have stopped at for the past 4 years for a quick dinner and my anti biotic. I call Mark, the guy I've been seeing since early September, to let him know I was almost home. He had been home for a couple days now, since he flew home. Daddy had offered to fly me home, but I had planned to drive so that I could be home a couple days before they expected me to have some uninterrupted time with Steve.

The past few weeks have been straining for my relationship with Mark. I have only slept with him twice and both times have made him wear condoms. When he asks why he suddenly has to wear them I tell him that bare skin on skin was chaffing me and condoms alleviated that. Steve and I agreed not to "go exclusive" with anyone. I was already steady with Mark and felt condoms took the intimacy away so that I was saving the bareback love for Stevie.

Mark had a favor to ask of me before I hung up, "Maddie, will you call me Christmas day and have phone sex?"

I told him I would. I'd just have to figure out a way to get time away from everyone to do that. I was already thinking of excuses to have time away to be with Stevie. I get back on the highway and start the last 200 mile drive home.

As I think back to my last night at home for Thanksgiving break, I reach down and start caressing my pussy. I wish my brother was here to do this for me. I hope that he is as excited to know I am coming home as I am to see him. I know it's wrong to have these feelings but I can't help it. Maybe after years of acting as if he wasn't family, my heart decided he wasn't and that made him lover material.

I took his virginity in my bath tub. I had no clue that he was a virgin, maybe he saved it for Wendy. My own cherry had been gone for a few years, but I was able too offer him my anal cherry. I have never had a more thorough or powerful lover than Stevie. He left me a quivering mess that night.

I left early the next morning so that I wouldn't have to see him. I was afraid if I saw him I wouldn't want to leave him. I want to discuss him moving with me when I graduate this spring. We can live together in a place where no one knows us. I just hope that Shelby hasn't been home for too long. I am afraid she might get her hook into him and take him from me.

Finally I hit the city limit. Two miles later I turn onto Stripling Boulevard and head towards home. It's just past 9 p.m. and a few cars are at Johnny's, but I don't see Stevie's Nova. I keep heading toward home but never see him out and about, but the night is still young.

I pull into the drive way and into the garage. Mom and dad come out to greet me and hugs are exchanged. When I get inside I notice a few suitcases stacked in the doorway and I ask about them. Mom and dad inform me they will be flying to California to see my grandma and grandpa Sheppard. They were going to let bygones be bygones and bury the hatchet with my grandparents. I almost asked them why they couldn't try that hard with their own son, but let it go. They were going to leave at five in the morning and wouldn't be back until New Year's Day. I was happy and sad at the same time. I knew with them gone I could spend more time with Steve, but for the first time ever, I would not be spending Christmas with my mom and dad.

I took my things upstairs to my room. I walked through the bathroom to Steve's room. All of his furniture was still here. But his guitars, keyboards and computer were all gone. I thought back to the night we spent in his bed. After he came in my ass we collapsed together and fell asleep. Around 2:15 he got up to pee.

I rolled over so he would have to either cuddle me from the front or he would have to back in putting his ass against me. Either way would fit my plan. I pretended to be asleep when he came back. He climbed back into bed and lay flat on his back and slid into me. I laid my head on his chest, and my arm across his middle. He in turn slid his arm under me and wrapped it around my back. I snuggled into him and kissed his neck.

"I love you Stevie. I hope you realize just how much I do babe."

His reply seemed thoughtful and forlorn, "I love you too. It sucks I find this out now when you have leave."

I turned my head to kiss him just as he was doing the same. Our lips met, and our tongues dueled in each others mouth. His hand found my nipple and began rubbing and tugging it sending electric shocks through my chest to my pussy. I lightly traced circles around his chest, every so often tracing around his nipples.

I could smell the musk on him from our earlier love session. That got me wetter. I could feel my juices pooling below my pussy. His other hand was trailing down my back and playing at the top of my ass crack. Soon both hands were caressing my ass, spreading my ass cheeks and teasing my no longer virgin rosebud with his fingers.

I reached down and grabbed his thick beautiful cock and stated rubbing it up and down. Steve groaned and I felt it thicken in my hand. I stroked it a few more times and then pushed Stevie over on his back and straddled his magnificent cock. I slowly lowered my self until I felt the tip push my lips apart. "Oh baby, your sweet cock feels so awesome. Oh god I wish I could ride you every day."

I started pumping up and down on Stevie's rock hard penis. He grabbed my nipples and worked them expertly with his talented fingers. I knew I was on the verge of an epic orgasm. I slammed up and down at a furious pace, sweat starting to pour off of my body. My cunt juices were making Stevie's crotch into a swamp.

My orgasm tore through me like a tornado. I could feel my cunt spasming around Steve's glorious cock. I thought I was going to pass out. Then Stevie started grunting and grabbed my hips. He kept my slamming up and down as his big dick continued pistoning in and out of my cunt.

"Oh fuck Maddie. You are so fucking incredible. Oh fuck I'm gonna..Uh Uh ANGGG uhhh!"

With that he fires his red hot sperm deep into the recesses of my womanhood. We collapsed together and I slept until six when I got up and showered, and got ready for my ten hour drive back to school.

I told mom and dad that I was going out to see if any of my friends were back yet. I had to find and fuck Stevie. My box was on fire with the need to feel his rock hard dick jammed up deep inside it. I was getting wet just thinking about it. I drove around for a while to see if I could see any of my friends out. Stevie and his buddies all hang out on the southeastern outskirts of town. My crowd usually cruises in the downtown area.

When I had been around the cruise circuit a couple of times and had seen no one I knew, I called Shelby. I got her voice mail both times I tried. She had to either be talking to someone or with a special guy. She always shuts her phone off when she's with a guy.

Next I tried Charlotte. She answered and I asked where she was.'

"Just kickin it with my bro and Michelle. We're watching some DVDs and chillin'."

"Where are Shelby and Amanda?" I asked.

"Amanda is pissed off at Shelby right now. Says she won't talk to her again. You know how she gets when Shelby hooks up with a guy she's interested in,"

"Shelby has a new guy? Who is it? What happened to Eric?"

"I have no idea who he is. She has only told me that she broke her engagement off with Eric 'cause she found a guy she wants to be with more than anyone she has ever dated. Of course Amanda is just jealous ya know. Oh! And speaking of bridal shit, congrats on your own pending nuptials baby." She added sarcastically, "Thanks for telling your friends first hand."

"What?!" I asked in shock, "I have no clue what you are talking about woman. I am definitely NOT getting married."

"Well half the town seems to think you are. I heard from Shelby, who heard it from her new source of cock, and from Diesel."

"I am far from nuptial Ville darling. I wonder how long Shelby's going to keep her new guy a secret."

"Who knows? Hey, I'm going to get back to the movie here. I'll holla at ya manyana!"

"Ciao!" I hung up. Someone had started a rumor that I was getting hitched. That could be why Stevie had grown distant over the past couple of weeks. I was pissed that anyone had said such a thing.