Private Practice Ch. 04


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"So who do you want to put into the MCD leader position, Crowbar?" growled Griswold. "And don't say yourself."

"I was thinking of... myself." I said. Then I grinned and said "Just kidding, Sheriff. But I need to talk to two people. And then I need to run a few restructuring ideas by you... by all of you... and see what you think..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Detective-1 George Newman was ushered into my office. I had him sit down in the near-side hot chair. Teresa was sitting on the sofa behind us.

After small-talk about his family, I said "I understand you would like to go back to Vice? Why?"

"Yes sir." said Newman. "I appreciate the opportunity to work in MCD, sir, but I liked what we did in Vice... developing C.I.s, working up leads, making busts. That's just where I think I'm supposed to be."

I looked at Teresa, who was a former Vice Lieutenant. She said somewhat diplomatically "George is doing well in MCD, but I agree he was even better in Vice. And if he loves it more, that's probably where he should be."

"I agree." I said. "But I want to make sure you're doing it for positive reasons, and not negative ones. You're not trying to get away from Coleman or others in MCD, are you?"

"Oh no, no sir.' said Newman. "Roark is a good guy. He has my back. He's a good Detective, too; he's where he ought to be, in MCD..."

"Bu-ut?" I said as he hesitated. "Speak freely and frankly, George."

Newman said "I don't want to talk bad about superior Officers, sir. But I think Lieutenant Warner is wrong about Roark, and she was wrong to make that complaint about him. And he's a better Detective than she is. But I can't say anything, because she's a Lieutenant, Lieutenant Washington is a Lieutenant and her partner, and takes her side even if it's the wrong side." Then he hastened to add "But that's not why I'm asking to transfer back to Vice, sir. I won't be unhappy if you left me in MCD."

I said "I've been having some ideas about the structure of Vice, as well as MCD, and your desire to transfer fits well into those plans..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After Newman left, Detective-2 Lisa Monroe was ushered in. I had recruited her into the TCPD after meeting her a while back (Author's note: 'Iscariot', Ch. 01), but I had not had a lot of professional interaction with her, nor the others in Vice. And that was my fault, I told myself.

Lisa was white with dark brown hair, taller than Cindy but not by much, slender going on 'lanky'. When I'd first met her, her attractive face had shown the wear and tear of some tough duty with the City Police. Now, she looked a lot more relaxed, and happier.

I said "Thanks for coming in. You've done very well since you've gotten here, and I want to talk to you about what you'd like to do in the future, and where you want your career to go."

"I really appreciate the opportunity to come here, sir." Lisa replied. "The TCPD is the best place to be."

Teresa said "The Sheriff will love her for that."

"True." I said with a grin. "Okay, Detective, I need your very serious and honest answers, speaking frankly and freely. You did several jobs with the City P.D., including Robbery and Homicide. When you came here, we stuck you in Vice, mostly working drugs and stakeouts. My question is... which do you prefer? What our Vice does, or what our MCD does?"

"I'm good, and happy, wherever I am, sir." Lisa said.

"Yes," I replied, "but where would you be happiest? Where do you really want to be?"

"There is no wrong answer." Teresa added. "Tell us how you really feel, not what you think we want to hear."

Lisa said "I took the Vice job just to get a shot to be in the TCPD. I wasn't joking when I said it's good to be here. It's really night-and-day compared to the corruption that runs all through the City Police. And I've learned a lot in Vice, and I'd be fine there. But truthfully, sir, I was a good Homicide Detective in the CPD, and I'd love the chance to do that here, and learn from you."

"And you're going to get that chance." I replied. "It's not official yet, but we're going to shuffle some people around, and I'm slotting you into MCD."

Lisa tried but failed to hide her inner excitement at hearing that news. Then she said "Sir, if I may take this opportunity to suggest someone to you to hire? Her name is Kerri Ambrose. She's a CPD Narcotics Detective, and a really good one, and she's looking to get away from the corruption in the CPD..."

Part 26 - The Wrap

3:10pm, Friday, September 3rd. Teresa came into my office. As she sat down in the far-side hot chair, she said "Our standard plan for tomorrow's football game is in place. It's an FCS School we're playing so we're not expecting anything like 'Wildcats Weekend'. And since it's Labor Day weekend, we're on holiday shifts at shift change."

"Good." I said as I stared at my computer monitor. "Good work."

"What's got your attention?" Teresa asked, having seen me like this in the past.

I said "I've been studying the late Joey Mendon. And I'm doing so with two things in mind. First is Michael Bertram and Gale Gaston. They just got kicked out of Lowe, Ball & Lynch and formed their own firm. I'm casting my nets, and I expect to hear that they're some nasty slugs that will freely cross the line."

Me: "And the other possible connection is Judge Patrick R. Folsom himself. The way that man protected the Frost files, and to the point that he apparently didn't care if it cost Stanley Locklear his life... that's got my hackles up."

Teresa was shocked. "You think Judge Folsom had 'Big Boy' try to kill Father Romano?" she gasped.

"Not necessarily." I said. "But I just wonder if he, Folsom, has a link to someone who would be willing to pay for that hired hit---"


It was my assistant Helena, telling me that Chaplain Romano was in the anteroom to my office. I had her send him in.

"Your ears must be burning, Father." I said as he came inside and sat down as I pointed at the near-side hot chair. "We were just talking about you."

"Yes." said Teresa. "Father, you need to continue to watch your back. Whoever hired 'Big Boy' Mendon is still out there, and may still think you've seen too much."

Romano said "I just wish I knew what I had seen that would have me targeted. But the trial is over, so maybe they no longer have reason to pursue me."

"We can only hope." Teresa said. "I'd like to put a small protection on you. Just a couple of guys, shadowing you."

"Please don't." Father Romano said. "They'd be bored to tears. I'll be fine." Then he changed the subject by saying: "I came by to tell you that all of the files and data have been taken to the Courthouse and put in storage. Judge Folsom added his judicial seal to it, so it will take his personal authorization to remove that seal, or his successors's once he is no longer on the Bench."

Teresa said cattily "How long before that evidence disappears? Or there is a fire down there?"

I said "The fire alarm and sprinkler system is very good, so I'm not worried about that. Anyhoo, it's over. I appreciate your work helping us by being the Special Master, Father."

"I have to admit." Romano said. "It was fun doing Police work like that again. Of course, some of what is on those videos is not what we show on Video Night in the Fellowship Hall." We all broke out laughing at that...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Get your referrals while they're hot." said Paulina Patterson as she came into my office some minutes later. "Savannah Fineman and Michael McGill referred each other to the State Bar for disbarment over the Locklear trial, each accusing the other of malfeasance."

"What did McGill do?" I asked

Paulina said "Savannah is claiming that Michael sprang Denise as a surprise witness without notifying the Prosecution. He notified them by proper channels the minute the ink was dry on her plea deal, but she's saying he didn't."

"Then she should've asked for a continuance the moment he called her to the stand." I said. "What's his beef against her?:"

Paulina said "He's claiming that she misrepresented State Law by asserting Locklear had a 'duty to retreat' in spite of the 'stand your ground' law that's on the books. He's claiming she was trying to use the trial and the judicial process to bypass the Legislature and nullify that law. And he's continuing to make the claim that she was going to put Peter Frost on the stand without putting him on the witness list."

"Ah, the ol' 'Separation of Powers' issue." I said. "Will any of it amount to anything?"

Paulina said "I'm worried about Michael. He's on the NRA-approved list, he loves taking on gun rights cases like the Locklear case, and he's Conservative; he may run for office one day. And the State Bar in general loathes Conservatives. They may use this as a chance to harm him, like what the State Medical Board did to Dr. Cordell--- what?"

I was looking at her with my head cocked a little to one side, not unlike how my dog Buddy looks at something that sparks his curiosity. I said "You're (air quotes) 'worried' about him? And using his first name in a familiar way. So! When are you going to tell me what I already know... that you and Michael McGill are dating?"

Paulina said "Dating is a pretty strong term. We've gone to dinner a couple of times, and those were more business than anything else. You were right in the Courtroom... I talked to him about possibly joining Madison & Ives if Miriam fires me, but you know I'd rather be a prosecutor."

"I'm fine with it." I said. "And if you're dating him, I'm fine with that, too. It's only my business in any way where Tasha is concerned."

"Don't worry." Paulina said. "I'd never take Tasha away from you. She loves her daddy very, very much."

I said "I know. But it's not me you'd have to worry about. Hell hath no fury like a Junior Crowbar that misses her sisters. You heard what she did about her sister Greta?"

Paulina shook her head and I continued: "As you know, I'm not allowed to have contact with Greta until she's 18 years old. I got a call a couple of weeks ago, from the Judge that oversaw that custody order; he's a flaming, far-Left activist judge, typical of the growing Leftist hell-hole that is New York City."

Me: "August 16th was Greta's fourth birthday. The Judge demanded to know why I contacted Greta and sent her a birthday card, and I replied that I didn't. I think he didn't want to believe me, and wanted to press the issue, so I told him we should jointly contact the FBI and have them investigate, and that EAD Owen Lange and SAC Jack Muscone would be my two investigators."

Me: "He shut up after that, but EAD Owen Lange called me later and said there was a photo of Carole, Tasha, Bowser, and Buddy in the card. They still don't know how she did it, but Carole apparently got that card to Greta... past her mom, who was on the lookout for it. Moral of the story: Carole loves her sisters, and she is not afraid to make trouble over them."

"I'll take that under advisement." Paulina said as she got up. "In the meantime, I didn't say anything about Michael because there's nothing to tell."

"Future bulletins as events warrant." I replied, giving her a 'look'... and getting one back.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"And they still don't know how she did it." Jack Muscone said to me as he, Tanya, Teresa, Todd, Cindy, Callie, the Sheriff, and myself had beef nachos and liquid refreshments on the outdoor deck of the Cop Bar. "The sitters at the FBI's child care center in New York said a female NYPD Officer came in and gave them the card, and said it was for Greta. They're looking for that Officer now, but EAD Owen Lange says Sandra Speer is furious because Greta keeps asking about her sisters."

"It's a shame she won't let you and her sisters have contact with you." Tanya said.

"Yeah, I know." I said sadly.

"Speaking of your children," Cindy said, "is there anything to this thing between Paulina and Michael McGill, especially concerning Tasha?"

I said "Back when the Press was outing me as Tasha's father, Paulina and I made an agreement of full joint custody as well as the trust fund I created So Tasha is going nowhere." (Author's note: 'Media Matters', Ch. 01)

Me: "As to Paulina and who she is dating? That's between them, and as long as he treats her well, it's not my issue--- my God, would you look at that."

Two men in suits were approaching the outside deck from the parking lot. They were Gale Gaston and Michael Bertram. Everyone tensed up as they approached with fierce looks on their faces, and climbed the stairs onto the deck. Teresa was already standing, and had her service weapon out and a round in the chamber.

"What the hell do you two want?" she said in a challenging voice, accompanied by her 'Teresa Cunt' look.

"We want you to listen to some news." Michael Bertram said. He put his hand into his suit jacket inner pocket, and a number of Police service weapons joined Teresa's in the outside air, pointed towards them. Undaunted, Bertram drew a folded document out of his jacket, and threw it on the table in front of me.

"That's an order from Judge Folsom," Gale Gaston said, "for you, Commander Troy, to affirm in a sworn affidavit that all copies of the digital files from Peter Frost's servers were turned in today."

"Sheriff," I said as I examined the document, "what is that you always like to say about paranoia?"

"Har." the Sheriff barked.

"Don't fuck with us, Troy." Bertram warned, his voice threatening. "Judge Folsom had our experts look at the files. They were copied. If you have so much as one byte of data still in your possession, we will make damn sure you don't see the outside of a prison for the rest of your miserable life."

"What are you so scared of?" I asked, halfway amusedly but halfway very seriously as I looked them in the eyes.

"Listen, you fucking punk! I'll snap you in two---" Bertram snarled as he made a move towards me. Despite the pain to my back, I was up on my feet in a flash, confronting him, the red crowbar ready to inflict severe damage to him. I was taller than him, and he began realizing he wasn't dealing with some young female paralegal...

"Go for it!" I growled back. "Bring. It. On. When I'm done with you... with both of you at the same time, if you're that stupid..." I said as I noticed Gaston squaring to me also, "it won't just be your knee that will be needing surgery. I won't leave a bone unbroken in either of your bodies!"

"I'd listen to him, if I were you, guys." the Sheriff mused.

"You've been warned, asshole." Bertram said, his voice ugly. "The Judge is expecting your affidavit." With that, they turned and left the way they came.

"What in the hell..." Jack Muscone asked wonderingly as we watched them leave, and I sat back down.

"I don't know." I said. "But they are scared of something. They are scared of something..." After a moment's reverie, I called out "Teresa! Call Father Romano and tell him what's happened here, and that he's getting that protection detail no matter what..."

Part 27 - Epilogue

2:00am, Sunday, September 5th. I drove the 'Black Beauty' to Police Headquarters, passing through a DUI checkpoint on University Avenue at the north end of the road. I was glad to see that the Officers were professional in every way.

At Headquarters, I checked in with the Duty Desk people, who told me of the arrests made on minor charges. I went down into the basement areas, and to Myron Milton's I.T. office. My master key unlocked his office, and a borrowed key unlocked the drawer on the right side of his desk. I extracted the leather satchel inside, locked everything else back up, then went to my office and did some paperwork.

Nearly an hour later I left for home. I went by more southerly routes, passing through another DUI checkpoint. I was very much on watch to see if I was being followed. It ain't paranoia...

I drove out to Reservoir Road and up Mountain View Road to The Cabin. I parked the Black Beauty in the garage, and went directly into my home office. I flipped the switch that sent electricity through the bars embedded in the walls, creating a Faraday cage.

Only then did I take the server out of its shielded satchel, and hooked it up to the laptop that came with it. Yes, it was the server Myron had copied the data onto, and the files could be decompressed only by the program on that one laptop. I was going to outright lie on the affidavit I would give to Judge Folsom.

I then proceeded to compound my illegal actions by looking at the data. I watched some of the video of Peter Frost vigorously fucking Marla Locklear in the missionary position on the sofa of his office. I could see that she was one hell of a fuck, and it was easy to see how she pussywhipped men and got them wrapped around her finger.

Then I watched a video from the home camera we took from Frost's home. He was fucking Denise on the bed. As hot as Marla had been, Denise was beautiful, in great shape, and was obviously an amazing fuck. She had wanted to marry this guy, but he dropped her like a stone for Marla? I thought to myself. Never question the course of true love, a wise person once taught me.

After a while I grew sleepy, so I took the shielded laptop and server and hid them in the cave behind the wine cellar under the floor. Something was on that server, I knew. Something that was scaring two hardened lawyers so much that confronting me, the Iron Crowbar, was preferable to it being found. Something that a Superior Court Judge had been bound and determined to keep concealed, even to the point of letting an innocent man be convicted and maybe even put to death over.

But I was equally bound and determined to find out what it was. And then, woe betide whoever was implicated. Woe betide...


No solution coming in the stories, but just for fun: how did Carole get the birthday card to Greta?

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chytownchytown5 months ago

*****Thanks for sharing.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum7 months ago

That an easy answer, it was Inga G who was raped and beaten by the Black radical who was blown up. She transferred to NYPD from TCPD. At August award ceremony, Carole gave her the card to deliver to Greta.

Got the verdict right too!!😀

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Great story again and once again, I got it wrong. 5⛤

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 1 year agoAuthor
Next story submitted

The first chapter of the next story,"God Save The Queen", has been submitted. Patreon patrons (Level 1-4) will have the first chapter by the time you read this.

Those who remembered that Inga Gunddottar went to the NYPD are to be congratulated for getting that one right.

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