Problem with a One Night Stand Ch. 06


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"Eh, you guys are adults. I'm sure it will lose it's appeal fast once they realize how boring you are." I told him, earning a punch to the shoulder. "Besides, Humphrey's whole campaign is that gay couples deserve respect, so ideally people will respect your relationship and all will be good."

"Well, something certainly changed your outlook on this whole thing." He teased. "Did Barry finally manage to get that giant stick out of your ass? You were freaking out over nothing. Adam isn't even here."

"I know. I was a little bit dramatic." I admitted. "I just hate that he still has power over me."

"Then don't give it to him. Focus all your energy on just being you and let Adam go fuck himself." Jason told me in a way more gentle tone than I would have used if the situation were reversed. It was like I could hear the whining in my voice but was completely unable to stop it from coming out. Sure, things were great with Barry now, but how long until the other shoe dropped? I just nodded in agreement, taking what he was saying to heart. "Oh look, there he is." He grinned.

I turned to see what he was looking at, and sure enough, Barry was walking towards us, my dad right behind him. I watched as he patted Barry on the shoulder before turning off to go see other people. Barry was a man on a mission, making his way through the crowd and coming straight towards me. "Hey." He greeted me with a quick kiss. "Jason, hey. How's it going?"

"Great. Thanks for coming. Matt is so excited that you're both here. He's been super busy talking to everyone, but he'll come by if he can."

"No worries." Barry told him. "We are happy to be here. And we both know that Matt doesn't have to prioritize us, but if we get a chance, we'll gladly say hi. But right now, I just want a chance to dance with my handsome boyfriend." He winked at me as he held his hand out for me, and I felt myself blushing as I took it. "We'll see you later, Jay. Have a great night." I waved goodbye to Jason as Barry led me to the dance floor, blushing even more at the look that Jason gave me as I walked away. In hindsight, it may have been the obscene gesture he made at me that made me blush, but either way, I could feel the heat on my cheeks. We made our way to the middle of the dance floor before Barry spun me close to him and put his hand on my waist, pulling me into him until our fronts were mere inches apart. His other hand held onto mine, so I wrapped my arm onto his shoulder as he began to lead me to the rhythm of the classical music that was playing. "Thank you for bringing me tonight." He told me as he spun me around. "I'm having a great time."

"I'm glad." I told him. "Was my dad able to help you out with your project at all?" He just laughed. "What's so funny?" I frowned, my mind naturally steering towards the worst possible outcome, that Barry was jut using me to get close to my father and his business contacts. He wouldn't be the first to do so.

"Josh, I didn't need help with anything. I'm not even taking any finance classes."

"But you said..."

"I made it up, Josh. You looked like a deer in headlights, and you've said more than once that your dad gives you a hard time. I didn't want him to bring you down tonight, so I made that up as a distraction. I just wanted you to have a good time."

"You did that for me? How did you know what to talk to him about?"

He just shrugged before pulling me close. "I had to just wing it, but he didn't seem to notice. I just kept it He's actually kind of a good guy."

"I noticed that too. He's been different lately."

"He couldn't stop talking about how wonderful he thinks you are. And quite frankly, he's not exactly wrong. You're pretty fucking awesome."

I just blushed. "Stop it." I laughed. "You're going to give me a big head."

"Well, being this close to you is making my head bigger, although I don't think we're talking about the same head." He teased, his voice dropping a few octaves as he pressed his waist a little closer to mine until I could feel his hard cock pressing against my thigh. He leaned his head in until his mouth was pressed against my ear. "You look so fucking hot in that suit, by the way." He murmured, his lips brushing ever so gently against the lobe of my ear, his warm breath fanning across my neck in a seductive manner that was highly inappropriate for the middle of a political event. "I can't wait to get you out of it though."

"Oh, yeah?" I blushed, loving the attention.

"You don't even want to know the things I want to do to you when I see you in that." He murmured against my ear. To an uninvolved observer, it probably just looked like we were just two kids snuggling on the dance floor, but the erection I was sporting was anything but innocent.

"Good thing we have a two hour ride home."

"Oooh, an exhibitionist, huh?" He teased. "I think I could wait until we get home, but consider yourself warned, when we get back to your dorm, I plan on fucking you right up against the wall until your legs give out and you can't handle the pleasure anymore." I let out a little whimper at the image, and pressed closer to him. "I see you like that, don't you?"

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath as I pressed my face into his shoulder, embarrassed at how bright red my cheeks must be at this point. "You are a dirty son of a bitch tonight."

"I just want you to be happy again." His tone got a little more serious as he pulled back. "You really scared me this afternoon."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't let Adam have such an effect on me. I just really want that part of my life to be over." I told him, forcing my eyes to meet his. "I just don't want to go down that road again. I don't wan to be with someone just because it's convenient, or because they want a connection to my father, or both. I'm done being someone's secret. I'm proud to be gay, and I don't wan to keep having to hide it."

"I understand." He told me, placing a soft kiss on my mouth before pulling me in close to him again, yet somehow keeping up with the rhythm of the violins and cello. "But also, I don't want you to feel that way with me. I like who you are, and I certainly don't want to get closer to your father. I want to get closer to you."

"You mean that?"

"I do. I can't promise I won't ever hurt you, but I can promise I'll never try."

"Thank you." I said with sincerity. "Same goes for me."

He chuckled softly. "I have a feeling that you are exactly what I need in my life." He grinned before spinning me away from him, making me let out an embarrassing squeal before he twirled me back into him. His mouth met mine in a searing kiss, hot and sweet and full of promises for a naughty nigh ahead.

We spent the next several hours dancing, eating, drinking champagne, and talking with the others who were out to support Matt's dad. Matt and Jason joined us for as much of the night as they were able, and my dad spent the whole dinner talking to me and Barry about how school was going. He seems really engaged, far more so than he ever really had in the past. Maybe he was turning over a new leaf the same way I had though. We enjoyed the evening right up until about 1 am, when the event emcee stepped up to the microphone on the stage. He had a giant smile on his face and you could just tell he had good news. "Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention please." He announced, and the room became quiet almost instantly. It seemed like everyone had the same thought I did, and a nervous excitement filled the air. "First of all, I would like to thank all of you for coming out in support of Senator Humphrey. He has worked tirelessly on this campaign, but I would like everyone to join me in a round of applause for the entire Humphrey family." When the room quieted down again, he gave us that award winning smile once more. "But most of all, I would like everyone to join me in congratulating the next President of the United States!" The crowd went wild as the giant map of the country filled the screen behind him, showing that Humphrey had indeed won over the country by a landslide. Red, white, and blue confetti fell from the ceiling, filling the room with a giant cloud of American fun. Images of Matt and Jason with Humphrey and his wife filled the screen, along with Jason's dad and the senator he represented who was going to be vice president. The room was full of happiness, and it was exhilarating. As a gay man, this would change the world I lived in. Barry seemed equally awestruck, but still found a way to lift me and spin me in circles before pulling me close and kissing me deeply. There were flashes of light all around us as everyone celebrated and cheered, and we relished in the fun after party.

Eventually, everything died down and we were getting ready to leave when my dad approached me and gave me a hug. "Josh, I want you to take my limo home. I already cancelled my car. You were here much later than I anticipated and I want you and Barry to get some rest on the way home. It will probably take some time to get out of the city alone, and I don't want you to be exhausted in class tomorrow." He was hilarious for thinking I would be going to class after such a late night, but I wasn't about to correct him. "Have a great evening. I'll see you at Thanksgiving when your mother is back from Europe." He told me, shook Barry's hand, and took off into the crowd. I had no idea what he was doing for the rest of the night, but that was his call.

Barry was practically giddy with joy when he saw the limo waiting for us, and was like a little kid when we got inside. "This is so swanky!" He exclaimed, plopping onto the plush leather bench along the side. I laughed as he stretched out, sliding in after him, sitting perpendicular to him as the driver shut the door behind me. "Did you just ride in these all the time?"

"Of course not." I laughed. "Sometimes we took a jet."

"You're kidding!"

"Of course I'm kidding." I told him. "I was always at school so I never really travelled like this. My dad and mom, though, they travelled in style a lot of the time. It's fun for tonight, but I don't need this treatment every time I go anywhere."

Barry slid across the bench and sat facing me as the limo pulled out onto the street. He stared happily out the window as we made our way through New York City, the bright lights passing by in a blur. By the time we made it to the highway, he was a bit more subdued and came closer to me. He gave me a flirty wink before his hand landed in my lap. "What are you doing?" I laughed. He just leaned forward and let his mouth land on mine. I'm not even sure how he did it, but he managed to hit the button to close the divider between us and the driver before he began kissing me. He didn't waste time with the formality of slow kisses and dove directly into my mouth, his tongue twisting with mine as he began to fumble with my suit jacket. "Barry." I laughed, pushing him off of me. "What are you doing?"

He sat back and looked at me, his pupils blown with lust and his lips dark pink from our make out session. "You have looked so fucking hot all night." He grinned. "I couldn't hold back any longer."

"But the driver...."

"Is separated form us. People get it on in limos all the time." His hand landed on my groin, and had a hard time denying his advances once he had solid proof that I was just as into it as he was. Knowing I lost that battle, he pulled me onto his lap and crashed his lips into mine once more. I'm not sure how he managed it, but in a matter of seconds, he had me on my back on the bench seat again, and his hand was already working on my belt. Barry finally got it open, and he shifted his mouth down to my neck as he wrapped his hand around my shaft and pulled it from my pants. His tight grip was warm and solid, and I forgot why I was opposed to hooking up in the first place as he began to stroke me up and down, his lips tightly pressed to my neck. I knew I would have a mark after all of this, but I couldn't care less at this point.

"Barry." I moaned out. "More, I want more. Please." I begged.

He laughed and as usual, completely placating me and pushing back so he could pull my pants all the way off. This time, when he leaned forward, it was so his mouth could wrap right around my shaft. He sucked so hard my hips bucked off the leather seat before he slowed down and began to savor my cock. Barry took cock sucking to an art, and I found myself completely lost in how good he could make me feel without even trying. I had never felt like this before, and the fact that Barry actually liked me for me as well as for sex was enough to get me going extra hard every time I felt him near me. My eyes squeezed shut as he began to take up a lick-bob-suck pattern, sending shots of pleasure down my spine with each lick.

Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, Barry pulled off me with a pop and lowered himself to the floor so he was sitting before me. He propped one of my legs on his shoulder before pulling me forward until my ass was right on the edge. "You have the most perfect ass." He told me, tracing up and down the inner part of my thigh with his finger as I laid sprawled out before him. "I just want to bury myself inside you and stay there forever."

"That would be awfully inconvenient." I tried to laugh, but it came out choked due to the awkward positioning and the way that my cock was so hard I couldn't focus on much else.

"I don't think it would be inconvenient at all. I think it would be awesome." He grinned up at me before he leaned in closer and let his warm breath tease the sensitive skin surrounding my hole. I should have been more prepared than I was when his tongue flicked out and licked me, not wasting any time with foreplay. He just dove right in and began to eat my ass like it was a delicacy. I was writhing on the seat, desperate for more than he was giving me. I wanted his cock in me so bad it hurt, but Barry wasn't giving me any of that. I tried to position myself so I could watch him, but the awkward angle I was stuck in made it hard to see much of anything, but I could see the top of Barry's head between my legs and I decided it was a sight I would never get tired of.

Barry was a pro at what he was doing. He used the perfect combination of soft, firm, and downright dirty licks, probing into me every now and then. One of his hands slid up my thigh until it reached my dick, which was flapping against my stomach, leaving a wet, sticky trail from all the leaking I was doing. He wrapped it around me and began to stroke up and down at a tauntingly slow pace. "Oh, fuck." I groaned out. "You're torturing me."

He pulled his face from my ass and grinned up at me. "That was kind of the point." He teased.

"Come up here." I pulled at his sleeve.

"I don't exactly think that we'll both fit up there." He laughed. I looked around and realized he was probably right. The bench didn't exactly have a lot of room, but the floor looked wide enough for a little bit more fun. I rolled off the seat and onto the floor, pulling Barry with me so he landed on top of me. He landed with an oomph half on top of me, but immediately started to laugh as we struggled to fit together. I pawed frantically at his pants, tugging his shirt free before I shoved his pants and down his thighs as his mouth found mine. I had never kissed someone after they had eaten me out, nor had I ever tried it on someone myself, so the musky taste of his mouth shocked me at first. I recovered from the surprise quickly though, and just savored the feeling of his mouth on mine, the weight of his body pressing against mine. Once his pants were down far enough, he pressed against me, maneuvering his body until his cock was lined up with mine. The press of his heavy shaft against mine felt heavenly, and we quickly feel into a groove, rocking back and forth against each other as our orgasms mounted. As my moans began to increase in volume, Barry's kisses grew in intensity, masking it so the driver wouldn't hear. Our thrusts got more and more desperate until I couldn't take it anymore and finally exploded, shooting my load all over my chest, the final spurts dribbling over Barry's skin. Barry wasn't long behind me, his own explosion pouring over me as he came with a groan against my mouth. We lay in silence, exchanging soft, lazy kisses until we both caught our breath. "Fuck, Josh. You are phenomenal."

"Stop." I laughed, pressing my face against his chest. "That was all you."

He held me close as we cuddled on the floor of the limo, our pants around our ankles, shirts messy. The hum of the car as we drove along 95 lured us into a sense of calm that was hard to fight, although once we realized how close we were to home, we both scrambled to get our clothes back on and straightened out before we pulled up onto the street in front of my dorm. The driver held the door open for us, giving us a knowing grin as we climbed out. Barry shot him a wink before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and walking towards my building. "So are you too exhausted, or..." He trailed off, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. It always tickled me when he acted bashful like that.

"I thought you were going to come up and fuck me against the wall." I told him, making him blush even more. The contradiction between Barry's confident, sexy side, and his bashful, adorable side warmed my heart. I was falling so hard for him, I couldn't even seem to try stopping myself from careening down that path. And for the first time in my life, it really felt like I was into a guy who felt the same way.

Barry's blush was just a ruse, though, and his confident side burst right through again as he led me up the stairs to my room. By the time I got the door open, he pushed me into the room and slammed the door shut behind him. His animalistic nature took over, and in no time flat, he had me spun around and pressed face first against the wall across from my door. "I did promise you I would fuck you against the wall." He growled into my ear as he pressed into me from behind, crushing me into the cold concrete tile of the wall. "But I have something else in mind, if that works for you."

"Anything." I panted, my cock already firming up again. I was insatiable when it came to Barry, and I have never been more grateful for my ability to recover quickly in my entire life. Desperate for any kind of contact from him, I pushed my ass back into him, happy to find that he was also pretty hard again as well. "What did you have in mind?"

He pulled back from me, leaving me desperate and wanting for his heat. "Strip." He demanded, and I immediately followed his command, desperate for whatever he was willing to give me. Once I was completely naked, my hard cock swinging in front of me, I stood before him, flushing over his blatant perusal of my body. "You have a killer body." He told me. "It amazes me every time I see you naked."

"Feel free to look whenever you want." I grinned.

He grinned back at me before pointing at the bed. "Lay down on your back." I did as he told me, spreading out in as sexy of a position as I could manage. I watched as Barry slowly slid his tie off from around his neck and leaned over me, taking both of my hands in his and raising them above my head. I cooperated fully as he used his tie to wrap around my wrists and then around the bar on my headboard. He gave a quick tug to make sure it was tight before tracing his fingertip down my arm as I tested the confines myself. I was totally unable to tug free, and the thought both made me nervous and turned me on in a way I had never experienced before. I had never experienced with bondage before, and while it was a little terrifying, I also knew I was safe with Barry. I watched helplessly as he went to my drawer again. He seemed pretty fond of the toy collection I had in there, but all he grabbed was lube and a condom. I squirmed anxiously on the bed, ready for him to make some sort of move and take me from my misery.