Professional Excellence Ch. 10


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Linda went last. She virtually emptied the can. Nigel's groin ended up looking like it belonged to a snowman. Her coffee was almost cold by the time she had finished cleaning up those difficult spots beneath his balls and even up the crack of his arse. She blew out her cheeks and kissed the tip of his dick before downing the cup in one. Nigel dried himself off with the towel and, after surveying the scene, spread it open to cover the seat of a spare chair and sat down. I followed his eyes and smiled in turn at the three hold-outs. They were all equally bushed. Legs were splayed, boobs half exposed, blouses barely buttoned; stockings and tights were looking worse for wear and the pristine hair and make-up they had arrived with was now a distant memory.

Only Marjorie was taking steps to ameliorate the damage. She had finished brushing down her skirt and was checking eyes and lips in the mirror of a gilt compact. Eventually she was clearly satisfied and closed the case with a decisive snap. Returning it to her handbag she removed her mobile phone.

'I'm calling Spencer, my chauffeur. I'll drop all of you at home. You've got five minutes to get yourselves into coats, collect your prizes and purchases and thank our hostess.'

She smiled benevolently at me and watched as the bleary crowd began to put themselves into some kind of order. I went out to the hall cupboard to find the requisite outerwear and prepare to see them off. April was first. I was sorry to see she was going and invited her to stay the night. She looked over her shoulder before replying.

'If I stay there's no way I'd get through the night without jumping Nigel. It might happen one day, but not tonight, I think.'

I hugged her close and kissed her cheek, but had no chance to speak again before Linda and Mona fell through the door dragging Nigel behind them. I helped them into their coats as they took turns to thrust their tongues into Nigel's mouth. Headlight flashes reflected in the glass panels of the door as Marjorie emerged. We air kissed and she stared into my eyes for a moment before leaning forward to speak confidentially.

'Think about what I said.'


'Howard's promotion, your elevation.'

I laughed lightly and shook my head. She raised a finger.

'Just think about it. Talk to Howard. We'll speak again.'

She handed Nigel a folded bank note.

'Thank you for a perfect evening. Now come on you three. I'll drop Mona and Linda first, then April. Chop chop.'

There was a sudden silence after they all manoeuvred out. Nigel and I listened as the limousine was started and pulled out of the drive. We stared at each other for a moment before Nigel started to guffaw.

'I often wondered what happened at your girls' night outs.'

'Well now you know.'

'The dry cleaning bills must be enormous.'

'Don't worry sweetheart, we get a discount.'

I wasn't going to be out-cheeked by him and was enjoying the banter. We wandered back into the front room and fell onto the sofa. The room was a mess. As well as the empty glasses, bottles, plates and the associated detritus, I could see at least two pairs of discarded knickers, wrappers from sex-toy related purchases and one or two pasties which had come unglued in the excitement.

There's nothing like the sight of a few hours of cleaning up to bring on post-party exhaustion and that feeling started creeping up from my toes. Nigel shuffling in his seat distracted me; that rekindled the low-level lust I'd been fighting with all night. He had a pained expression on his face and was pulling gently at the cock ring. When he raised himself to try and get a grip on the rubber his dick waved like a metronome. It suddenly struck me that he'd had a hard-on for hours. I found myself wondering whether he'd actually cum.

'You trying to get yourself off? Want me to help?'

He flinched as I reached out to touch his knob. I studied his face, the pained expression had deepened.

'You OK?'


'What's up?'

'It's a bit embarrassing.'

That made me laugh.

'You mean you've been walking around naked for an hour or so, been feeding otherwise respectable women whipped cream on the end of your penis and now you're embarrassed?'

He laughed too before shrugging.

'Maybe you're right.'

'So give. What's up?'

'I'm bursting for a pee.'

'A pee.'

'Yeah, its agony.'

'You're embarrassed because you want to go for a pee?'

'Uh huh.'

'And you're not sprinting to the toilet right now because?'

'That's the embarrassing bit.'

He continued to pick at the cock ring, looking more and more uncomfortable as he did. I reached over and stayed his hand before kneeling in front of him to remove the offending article. Frankly it wasn't that difficult, but then I wasn't the owner of the testicles which were compressed as I worked. I looked up at his face. He looked a little more comfortable as he concentrated on massaging the red marks left by the ring.


'A bit.'

'So go pee. You waiting for me to offer to hold it for you?'

'It's not that.'

I waited.


He took a deep breath to steel himself for fessing up.

'If I pee now it'll go everywhere.'


'Except the toilet bowl: windows, yes, walls, yes, curtains, and carpets, certainly. Anything porcelain? Doubtful. Did Gina give you any indication of when that bloody pill is likely to wear off?'

We were both giggling as he riffed on his list. I reached out for his hand and let him pull me up. I kept hold and started for the door. I felt him tense with reluctance after a few steps, so I pulled harder. I could hear him hobbling behind me on the stairs sucking in air and sighing with pain as well as muttering for me to slow down. We made it to my bedroom and I pushed him into the bathroom before turning him around to face me.

'Get in the shower, close the door, turn on the water and let rip.'

'Good thinking Batman.'

His face lost the pained look and he started to do as he was told.

'I was thinking more Cat Woman, myself. But hurry up, I'll join you. God only knows how I got cream in my hair, but there you go.'

I watched as he first shivered as the water warmed up and then grinned through the semi-opaque perspex as I tugged the net dress over my head and dropped my panties. He almost disappeared as the steam built up and I moved to the door trying to speculate about whether he'd urinated yet. The sour smell of warm pee was not the scent I wanted in my shower. I jumped back as a jet of golden liquid powered against the door at head height. Nigel's grinning face came into view as he hosed the condensation off the the door. I rested my face against it trying to work out whether Nigel was just relieved or displaying the sheer enjoyment of spraying his piss everywhere. I felt the vibrations as he directed the flow against my face and found myself thinking about golden showers.

I waited for him to completely empty his bladder and then a minute or two more to let the smell disperse. I used the time pressing my breasts and crotch against the perspex panel and pulled faces. I was attempting mock ecstasy. From Nigel's laughter I guessed I failed.

He put his arms around me when I eventually joined him, his still-rigid dick pressing against my stomach. Whatever misgivings he'd had about our intimacy had clearly dissipated. I took his face in my hands and kissed him enjoying both the sensation of the embrace and the warmth of the water which drenched us.

Things moved quickly. They always do with young guys. I'd experienced frantic teenage rutting a number of times as I'd worked my way through Nigel's friends in the days before I took up fucking businessmen for money, but nothing like this. I had to take some control. Nigel's dick had a mind of its own. He was shoving his hips against me seeking any hole - or at a pinch, folds in my flesh - in which to bury his member. I managed to turn my back on him and hold him off long enough to position his prick outside my pussy folds. They he was off to the races.

I was lucky not to get concussion as he pounded in to me. Eventually I folded my arms against the wall and rested my head on them to avoid the irregular bashing it was taking as he adjusted his speed or position. My knees almost gave out after my second orgasm; the third made me shout out and after the fourth I felt as if all my bones had been removed and my nervous system linked to a substantial battery. Nigel yelped with frustration as I slouched sideways to make him slide out. I managed to grab his red-hot dick before he turned on whatever homing mechanism boys have and I would be unable to resist a renewed assault. I pressed my fingers against his mouth as he started to protest.

'I've got to lie down. You've fucked me to jelly.'

I got a satisfied grunt in return, but he still managed to almost bring us both to the floor as we got out of the shower. He was on me again as soon as my back hit my duvet. I couldn't stop myself groaning as I felt the seeds of orgasm five start to sprout. Whatever was in Gina's little pills ought to come with a health warning, I told myself as I returned to something resembling reality when ecstasy subsided. And not just for the guy. I was not confident I could take much more and Nigel showed no signs of easing up.

'Cum for me.'

I'd pulled his ear down to my mouth by his hair. I was panting the words more than speaking. I ran my hand down his back and between the cheeks of his arse. The other I squeezed between us and down to cup and fondle his balls.

'I want to feel your hot cum spurting inside me. You're going to explode like a volcano.'

I'd picked up a thing or two servicing randy visitors in the bedrooms of the Royal Hotel. For the first time since he'd speared me in the shower I felt him lose his rhythm. That gave me the chance to work a finger into his opening. He was slick with sweat and the shower and when I squeezed his ball sac I felt the muscles of his anal ring relax. Any girl would take that as an invitation so I slipped inside and heard him gasp and felt the tight grip as he tensed at the unusual sensation. He groaned quietly as I worked my finger deeper all the time demanding and cajoling a climax.

It took barely a minute as he pushed his hips hard against my thighs and I felt his dick begin to quiver against my pussy walls. The pressure of me trying to push in another finger unlocked the floodgates and I felt him began to spurt. Again and again and again. As he drained he continued to grind himself against me. His breathing became broken and the grunts and mewls from his mouth lost all coherence. I could almost feel him deflating and the weight of his body on top of mine growing as he pulsed.

Then it was over and I felt more air forced out of my lungs as I took his deadweight. All I could hear was the pounding in my ears as my blood was raced around my body by my beating heart. I waited for my senses to return along with some kind of feeling in my extremities which felt entirely detached from me. Nigel's head slipped sideways off my shoulder and deep into one of the pillows. I waited for our breathing to still and pulses to return to something approaching normal. It took some time. Eventually I gained some control over my arms and we just lay there while I stroked his hair and smiled.

Nigel was the first to attempt speech.

'Nggh, ahh, bragh, dur, spang.'

'Don't talk darling. Just lie there and enjoy the moment. You were incredible.'

I kept up a patter in the same vein as he experimented with words which increasingly began to resemble English as the minutes ticked by. The cocoon of pleasure was inevitably evaporating and I began to feel uncomfortable. His weight and sharp elbows were part of the problem, but I started to feel sticky as his cum oozed from me. It was the first time in years I'd had sex without using a condom, so I later forgave myself for the schoolgirl error I made next.

I shuffled my butt to try and move away from the growing wet patch whilst at the same time easing Nigel from on top of me. Wrong. I'd forgotten that once his knob flopped out of me - I noticed in passing it had a surprising degree of residual firmness despite its recent exertions - the floodgates would really open. I ended up lying in a puddle of sperm, ejaculate and my own juices which seemed to be growing to the size of a small lake.



'Sorry sweetheart, I was just thinking about the gallons of liquid you pumped into me. You were incredible.'

'You too.'

The smugness in his voice betrayed a 'maturity' beyond his years; a self-confidence in his performance which, unusually in my experience of boys his age, was entirely justified. I kissed him strongly on the mouth before apologising and continued my shuffle across the bed. I grabbed a handful of tissues which I pressed against my pussy to try and hold back the inevitable stream of stickiness and hopped and shuffled to the bathroom.

When I got back, marginally refreshed from shower number four of the past twenty four hours, Nigel was gone.Just like his father I muttered to myself as I spread a towel over the stains on the sheets and collapsed into oblivion on the drier side of the bed.

In fact it was several days before I saw Nigel again. When I eventually surfaced the next day he had already left. I was pleasantly surprised to find the house has been cleared of almost all evidence of the previous night's excesses. I was shocked the next day to find he'd borrowed a steam cleaner and virtually sterilised the whole of the downstairs. WhatsApp told me it had come from Linda and, indeed, I would have been able to follow his progress around the neighbourhood from the application even if he hadn't been leaving me notes on the kitchen island telling me where he was.

The slight concern niggling at the back of my mind that he might be avoiding me after what had happened was allayed when he sent me a link toLiterotica stories by a babe going by the name of 123Janexx. Her rambunctious tales of family bonking made what had gone on between us feel almost conservative. Of course, the return of first Alice, then a sunburned and hangdog Howard kept us both busy. According to April, they barely left Alice's room for the best part of three days after she got back. I'd planned a special meal for my spouse with similar aspirations in mind. It was unnecessary. After massaging the best part of a bottle of after sun into his red bits, conjugal relations between husband and wife were resumed without further discussion.

Only an increasingly frantic Michael, the barman magician, demanding rehearsals and discussions for our now imminent debut, coaxed Monique out of the bedroom and back down to the Hideaway Bar. But life's familiar routines were now joined by different possibilities: Howard's repeated promises to smack Monica's bottom had yet to be fulfilled; would Nigel want to add his mum to the string of new friends he'd made in the neighbourhood; when would Marjorie bring up the lodge presidency again? And why did my hand always find that strap-on whenever I was looking for something, no matter where I secreted it? Questions, questions. I was looking forward to finding at least some of the answers.

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BiggaluteBiggaluteover 4 years ago
Very Good

Have always enjoyed your writing and this story didn t disappoint. A well written, sexy story.

Bob150BobBob150Bobover 4 years ago

I wish this was real....

first, I have to say, this is the only chapter I’ve read, so I have no idea of the real story, but it doesn’t matter. It was a great “stand alone” story.

I so wish it was real & you had pictures of all of those ladies & their outfits.

My wife & I are going on the “BIG NUDE BOAT” next February. Besides hanging out naked, for the dinners, we dress up in “show it all” but cover” outfits.

I am always looking for the sexy, flashy, show em outfits.

Your descriptions are so great, I need to see these women in these outfits so I can get some & put my wife in them for “showing her off”.

Thanks for a great story.

I might go back & read chapter 9.

It was a great story.


Fresno California USA

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