Project - Prometheus Ch. 09


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If he hadn't already caught anyone else's eye, Korsa would have thought of getting some of this handsome man for herself. He had powerful arms that fed into a strong pair of hands, which she was sure were capable of many things! Some of these things raced through her mind as things she'd like his hands to do to her! Though he was with Natalya, it didn't stop her from fantasizing about the man.

"That is the smell of Inari's cooking. She used to work in a high-class restaurant many years ago and her skills are legendary!" Korsa enthused.

"Smells like it! I don't think I've ever smelled something like this before!" Alex stated as they walked into the lounge. He saw that Natalya, Kasumi and Taal'ani were already there and seated. The main dining table, reserved for officers, was fully set for a proper and elaborate dinner. The looks on their faces were ones of anticipation as he could tell that they were just as excited as Korsa was.

"So, I hear that this dinner is one I would not want to miss," Alex said as he seated himself next to Nats.

"Most assuredly not, sir!" Priya beamed as she walked out of the kitchen door, her arms laden with several dishes. Inari and Luminia followed right behind her, their arms similarly laden with dishes of food. The women quickly and gracefully deposited the platters on the table before anyone could get up and offer to help.

In front of the crew was a veritable feast of middle eastern cuisine. There was Shish Tawook, Dolma, Falafel, Tabouleh, Kofta and variety of many other dishes that Alex had yet to identify. Stunned at the sheer volume of everything that lay in front of them, Alex took a moment to soak it all in and loved the smells that were teasing his nose.

Kasumi was similarly entranced, as she herself had never gotten the chance to experience food like this, before leaving Earth. Her mouth watered at the sight and smell of everything that lay in front of her. Her stomach rumbled loudly, betraying her hunger to the rest of the crew. She would have blushed, when a louder rumble sounded next to her, where Korsa was seated.

"What? I'm hungry!" Korsa said, managing to not blush, despite being tempted to do so. Lumi, Inari and Pree had removed their aprons and sat down at the table to eat. Almost immediately, everyone dug into the various dishes, taking a little of everything. There were pitchers of water and wine placed on the table, which were passed around.

"I honestly didn't know that so much could be done to food to make it taste so... so... delicious!" Luminia enthused as she tasted the delicacies that lay before her.

"As I said earlier, you still have much to learn about the galaxy," Inari chuckled as she helped herself to some Tabouleh. Nodding vigorously, Lumi helped herself to some of every dish, taking great interest in the Kofta and Dolma. The wine and food flowed freely as everyone enjoyed themselves, stuffing themselves silly. Luminia was in heaven, having never eaten anything quite so fancy.

The wine and conversation flowed as the evening wore on, everyone yammering about how the rest of their day went. Although everyone had eaten their fill, Inari had warned them not to eat too much, as dessert would be coming out soon! With the help of her assistants, they cleared the table when everyone had eaten their fill and bustled back on out, large dishes of Baklava and Knafeh.

"This is the most sumptuous meal I have ever eaten! You certain outdid yourself ladies!" Alex said in a satisfied growl. Everyone else echoed those compliments, having thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

"Thank you!" the ladies replied, preening under the collective praise. They had also brought out some bottles of hard liquor, for anyone who desired a nightcap at the end of dessert. As everything was cleaned up and everyone was feeling well fed and happy, one by one, they all turned in.

Alex made himself a large mug of jasmine tea and adjourned to his quarters to relax. Korsa stated that she would head to the archives, to do some further research on Lumi's physiology and to see if anything could be done to help Shazza. Taal'ani left for her quarters immediately, having played herself tired earlier. Natalya and Kasumi shared a look between each other, before both getting up and heading off, saying they had things that needed attending to.

With more than half the crew gone, Inari, Priya and Luminia made short work of the mess they made cooking and serving the evening meal. Within twenty minutes, both the kitchen and lounge was cleaned and looked spotless. Lumi looked a bit apprehensive at what she would do and where she would sleep.

"At a bit of loss?" Pree asked, slinging her arm around Luminia's shoulders.

"Yes. Where exactly would I sleep?" Lumi wondered.

"Follow us. The captain was kind enough to designate a specific room for you," Inari said, walking up. Sandwiched between both ladies, Lumi eagerly went with them. She was being given her own room?!? This was something that Luminia had only dreamed of! Despite being an only child, she often had to share sleeping space with others growing up. Having your own space was something that only mated pairs in her clan were given. This was something that was both foreign and exciting for her!

In less than two minutes, the three women were walking into an empty room, near to where everyone else was resting. It was spartan in its décor, yet still functional. Luminia couldn't help but gawp at the bed that lay there. All of that space was for her?? She couldn't help but squeal like a little girl at the thought of jumping onto the pillowy softness of that bed! She would have done so, but both Inari and Priya stopped her.

"You know, you really should have yourself a proper shower before hopping into bed," Inari stated.

"What is this 'shower'?" Lumi asked, puzzled at the word.

"Where we use water and soap to get ourselves clean," Priya said. "Come, we'll show you."

With that, Pree stripped down her clothes, letting it all fall to the floor. Inari was maybe a beat or two behind her lover, dropping the semi-clean clothing to the deck. Lumi was far from bashful, having seen both women naked before, and they'd seen her naked. She followed their lead and took off her clothes, letting the leather and furs fall off her body.

Once they were all naked, the human women led her to the small room that contained the shower unit. Inari instructed how to use everything in there, including the toilet which fascinated the Artucian woman to no end. They also explained what exactly the mirror was, as it confused Lumi why there was six of them in the room, when there should have been only three. Once she understood that it was like ice in catching her own reflection, Lumi looked a bit chagrined at her stupidity.

Then, Inari demonstrated the use of the shower, setting the temperature to a pleasant heat before stepping underneath it. Pree joined her lover, letting the hot needle spray do its work, sluicing away the stink and grime that had accumulated over the last few days. She undid her braid, letting her hair breathe and threading her fingers through it, detangling any snarls. Both women took the time to let the heat soak into their bones as they enjoyed the steam that was rising from the water.

Lumi took a few steps towards them and the water, never having seen such a thing before. Once the hot steam hit her, Luminia was convinced that it wouldn't hurt or burn her and stepped underneath the falling water. The sensation of it was marvelous! The beat that the high-powered jets was playing on her skin and the heat of the water warmed her skin pleasantly!

Moaning in delight, Luminia was more pleased than she could have thought possible! She was in a place of safety, away from the beasts and natural predators of Talemkha, her belly was full of delicious food and now, she was standing underneath a cascade of water that was warming her up deliciously! She closed her eyes for a moment and let the water wash over her face before opening them. She then noticed that Inari and Priya were putting something in their hair and suddenly, a white froth appeared!

"What are you doing to your hair?" she cried out, wondering if something was wrong.

"Washing our hair, so it is clean and smells nice. It doesn't hurt. It feels good. Come here, we will show you," Pree beckoned. A little apprehensive but trusting the women with her, Luminia stepped over and let the women put some of this 'shampoo' in her hair. They had quickly worked up a lather, scrubbing her hair and her scalp, which Lumi admitted felt nice.

Instructing her to keep her eyes closed, they helped guide her hands as they helped her scrub and rinse the suds from her hair. They also told her about washing her hair and washing herself, to keep clean. Inari showed this, by using soap on her own body and passing it along to Priya, who used it as well. When she was done, Pree passed it to Lumi, who was instructed to not get it in her eyes, as it would sting.

Nodding, Luminia washed herself as best as she could, taking special care with her face, her secret places and her breasts. The three of them took turns washing each other's backs, as there were spots that none of them could reach alone. Once they were all reasonably cleaned, Inari shut off the shower, and they all grabbed the towels to dry off. Priya, having hair as long as Luminia's, showed her how to use a second towel to dry her own hair and how to twirl it, keeping it on her own head as she could move about to do whatever else she needed to.

Inari helped Lumi locate clean clothing she could wear and showed her how to put them on. Once she was dressed, the human women took her to the mirror, to show her what she looked like. The transformation astounded Luminia, seeing how much grit and grime was cleared away by the shower! She looked easily as beautiful as her mother did and touched her own face to be sure that what she was seeing wasn't an illusion.

Inari and Priya had also noted the change and saw that Lumi was a beautiful woman! She could easily be the kind of woman that would drive men crazy with her looks and her body, especially her body! With the long and strong legs she had, males of many species would likely be crawling all over Luminia, given half a chance!

"Like what you see?" Inari asked, with a smirk on her face.

"Yes! I didn't know that washing like this would make me look beautiful!" Lumi said honestly, her sky blue skin glowing in the light.

"Proper cleaning and grooming do a lot for a woman's looks!" Priya stated.

"Grooming?" Luminia asked.

"Something about taking care of some things with your body, but it's late and we all need to get ourselves some sleep. I promise, we'll take you though the ins and outs of proper grooming tomorrow, after dinner," Inari said to her newfound friend.

"All right," Lumi yawned as she shuffled over to the bed. Needing no instruction with the blankets, she crawled underneath and fell asleep the moment her head hit the pillow. Snickering to themselves, both human women got dressed in their semi clean clothes and let themselves out. They quickly sought their own room and bed as weariness threatened to overcome the both of them.


Both Kasumi and Natalya walked on out of the monorail station, having paid a visit to the Fabrication sector and the Machine shop. The items they carried would make their night one to remember. They only hoped that the man they were looking to seduce also saw things that way. Kasumi especially, was all jittery, never having done anything like this before.

"Nervous?" Nats asked, knowing full well that the redhead was beyond nervous.

"Aren't you?" Kas fired back.

"Maybe a little," Natalya admitted, "but trust me, we will blow his mind! Just remember what I taught you and it will all be good."

Nodding and breathing out heavily, Kasumi walked at the same pace that Natalya did, matching her step for step. They had reached the Officer's deck in good time, having arrived well after everyone had turned in for the night. Both women hoped that Alex was still awake as they had both taken a lot of time and effort in crafting both the outfits they wore and the items they had in hand.

Both women approached the Captain's quarters and Nats noted that the active light was still on. She smiled, knowing that Alex hoped that she'd stop by tonight and she was in no mood to disappoint. Glancing over at Kas, she could tell that the Scot-Jap woman was on edge, but that would soon change. The lessons that she'd given were learned so well, that she was sure that Kas could have done very well in that profession.

Placing her hand on the pad, the program took a moment to register that it was her asking for entry. Receiving the green accept prompt, the door slid open, revealing the young captain in a position that the ladies were hoping he'd be in. He was lying down on his bed, shirtless and only in his black pants, reading a book and he smiled at Natalya's entrance into the room. He was puzzled though, why Kasumi was there and sat up, opening his mouth to voice his concern.

"Say nothing Alex. Just enjoy the show that's coming," Nats said seductively, holding her hand up, to indicate he should be silent. Flummoxed as to the why and what show, he almost said something but was drowned out by the sudden music. It was solid, thumping dance music, the type that was heard in nightclubs. It emanated from the small beatbox that Kas had placed on his desk.

Seconds later, Natalya walked to one point in the room, with a small cylinder in each hand. Lifting her left arm, she hit a hidden switch, and it expanded to the length of a long pole, long enough to sit between both the ceiling and floor. The pole didn't move, as Nats gave it a good shake, to ensure that it magnetized properly. Seeing it stayed put, she smiled and walked over several feet, before activating the other one.

With both poles in place, the women gyrated and move to the beat of the music. Both ladies were in their respective uniforms, or so Alex thought. They moved with an easy grace as though the clothing didn't hamper them at all. After a closer look, Alex could tell that they were replicas of the real thing, but rather convincing replicas. He was about to ask what exactly their clothes were when he heard a tearing sound.

Snapping his gaze over to Kasumi, he saw that she was swaying and grinding against her pole, but her midriff was bare! He saw the cloth from her shirt lying the floor, cleanly torn right off. The tear was a little too clean, and he then realized that the clothes they were wearing were designed to come apart easily! Somehow, Natalya had put together some sort of striptease for him and seemingly talked Kas into it!

He wasn't complaining though as the undulating movements of both women was setting his blood afire! He sat up properly as he watched both women tear their clothes off, in slow and seductive movements! He couldn't believe his eyes or his luck, not just one, but two women were doing a striptease, just for him! Although he had eyes for Natalya, he couldn't help but stare at Kasumi and her lush body!

He watched her shimmy and jiggle, letting her assets bounce along with each move she made! Alex couldn't believe that he didn't notice this woman before, with her large rack and beautifully sculpted ass! He stared, enraptured by the show she was putting on for him! He had the good sense to blush as he felt he was betraying his lover by staring at the Commander. He looked back to Nats, only to find her smiling.

"It's OK Alex. Look all you like, because before tonight is over, you are having both of us," Natalya told him sultrily, as she continued to tear away her clothing.

"Uh... deh... wha?" Alex got out.

"That's right, sir! You will spend the whole night pleasing us and you are going to love it!" Kasumi told him as she finished her striptease, everything she wore now nothing more than rags at her feet. The redheaded woman now wore only a black lace bustier, a matching black thong and a pair of lace stockings. Nats was in a similar getup herself, but only in white.

Kas stopped the music and then both women walked over to the bed and sat on either side of him. With both women staring him down, Alex felt at a disadvantage, despite his size. Kas and Nats leaned in, tearing off their bustiers, smothering his face with their tits. Their hands played all over his musculature with at least one hand from each of them, seeking his dick. He heard Kas squeak in surprise and a hand withdraw from his crotch before it went back.

"Oh... my! You are... big!" Kasumi breathed as Natalya pulled it out from under his pants. Alex then felt both women shift away from him and looked down at what they were doing. Moments later, he threw his head back and moaned as Kasumi and Natalya licked and sucked on his cock, bathing in the warmth of their mouths.

Back and forth they went, each woman taking a turn in shoving his massive prick into the warm and inviting confines of their mouths. It took all of his willpower to not lose himself to the pleasure and erupt right these! Alex could tell that the women were simply teasing him that they wanted to see how desperate he was to cum. He wasn't about to go that easily and held on as best he could.

"Go distract him a little Kas! Let's see what he's really made of!" Natalya said to her friend devilishly. Licking her lips, Kasumi disengaged herself from Alex's large tool and crawled up to him, like a cat stalking its prey. The moment, she was close enough, Alex surprised Kas and grabbed her, dragging her to him. Squawking in alarm, Kasumi would have berated Alex, but her lips and mouth were suddenly occupied with his.

She peeped into his mouth before surrendering to his advances and let herself be kissed. Kas didn't know for how long the kiss lasted but didn't care as she was doing something she'd always wanted to do! She felt liquid fire rush through her veins as her soul ignited in a passionate conflagration! She backed away from him slightly as they ended the kiss and Kasumi stared at him as he stared at her. A question came from Alex that surprised her.

"Did you feel that?" he asked through a moan. She nodded dumbly her chest heaving with passion. Kas kissed him this time, letting everything she felt for him pour through into it. She felt him answer back with a wordless declaration of his own, feeding the fires that burned within her. Their kiss set them both aflame in its intensity and they broke apart, breathing heavily.

Seconds after that, she felt his hands roam over her body, seeking something and finding it. As his hands settled on her ass, Alex gripped it tightly and tore away her thong, leaving her naked, but for the stockings she wore. He then heaved her upwards, so that her molten core as sitting in front of his face. She almost protested but was cut off by his mouth pressing to her nether lips, his tongue flicking out along her slit.

Wordlessly, she moaned at the sensation of it and sensed that he wasn't taking any excuses. His hot breath on her treasure was sending Kasumi into fits and starts as she felt his tongue probing along her lips. Placing her hands on the wall in front of her steady herself, Kas let Alex ravish her pussy, enjoying each delicious minute of it!

She didn't know how long he was lapping up at her leaky core, but she could sense that things were ramping up quickly. Each lick and suck was sending her along the road to an orgasm, the first one that anyone else had given her in centuries! Kas clenched as she felt his tongue was dipping into her love channel, seeking her essence. Kasumi moaned cutely, feeling the tremors vibrate through her.

She was sure that her clit had come out of its protective hood and she could feel Alex's tongue darting close to it. Every time it drew near, it would then take a different direction, heading away from it and Kasumi groaned frustratedly each time! This time though, she felt he was getting closer and would not stop. Then, just as she thought he'd draw away again, his mouth enveloped her clit, his tongue pressed down on it and he sucked hard.