Project - Prometheus Ch. 32


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"Now, Captain Briggs, tell me why the attack on Veldhern failed. Was it due to the incompetence of men like him?" Jolena queried, glaring at the writhing man on the ground.

"No, ma'am. In fact, it was because of other factors entirely out of our hands," Joseph replied.


"I could, but I think I'd rather show you. I have the battle footage from the engagement, if you care to see it?" the round man asked.

"I would care to see it. Lead the way," she stated.

"Gentlemen, dismissed," Briggs called out. The men there nodded and saluted, before turning and dispersing, not wanting to invoke Jolena's ire.

She was a gorgeous woman, as were the other seven women who accompanied her. Many of them men there were already fantasizing about these women, but that was all they could do. Jolena laying out Rat Face woke them up, and not in a good way. As she had stated, they would all be in for worse punishments, if any of them got too friendly with the crews of her fleet.

With her making such a statement, it was a reasonable assumption that they were comprised mostly, if not entirely, of women. The men shook their heads and departed, leaving Mike to deal with his bruised ego and balls. Some of them even poked fun at the man, for being such a shit with the envoy of Lady Zarkazh.

Mike lay there, groaning as he slowly clambered to his feet, angry beyond all measure. Not since his encounter with that Khontaran bitch had been so humiliated! He'd often put women in their place when they got too pissy at him. Now, this bitch had taken him down several pegs and in front of men who were starting to respect him! He would not let that go, and he swore that he'd get his revenge on this woman, even if it killed him!


The Darkstrider was well into the next leg of its journey as Alex puttered around the galley. He'd come to first after his little romp with Korsa and he kissed her gently, before scooting out of bed. Just finishing up a tray of nibbles for himself and Korsa, and walked back to her quarters, hoping she was still asleep. The door opened at his approach and he saw the big woman come to and sit up in her bed.

"Alex... wha..." Korsa started before she saw the food in his hands. Seeing this brought a couple of tears to the woman's, as she'd never really had this before. Sure, she'd been with guys plenty of time, but few had stuck around afterwards. None went to this level of caring for her, and her bottom lips trembled.

"First time for brunch in bed?" he asked with a smile, already sure of the answer.

"Yup!" she nodded vigorously as Alex walked to the bed with the tray of food. The moment he set the food down, she grabbed the man by the shirt and dragged him down for a soulfired kiss. She moaned heavily into it, letting Alex know how much the gesture meant to her.

"More Snu-Snu?" Alex asked with a chuckle.

"Food first, Snu-Snu after," Korsa replied as her belly rumbled.

"Shower?" Alex questioned, and Korsa's eyes danced as she smiled.

"I love the way that you think!" she grinned.

The two of them laughed and ate, enjoying the tender and intimate moment they had just then. In almost no time at all, the whole board was cleared, with little less than crumbs remaining. True to his suggestion, Korsa pulled Alex into her shower, the two of them engaging each other in a passionate romp. They finally came out of the shower a little while later, clean and grinning like utter fools.

"We need to do that again!" Alex smiled as he donned his clothes after drying off.

"Yes, we do!" Korsa agreed, glowing at the amazing sex she had enjoyed over the past dozen hours.

"Somewhere with a pool? Or maybe back on Veldhern again, when we go back?" Alex suggested.

"Either option sounds good to me!" Korsa smiled. "Just remember, I'm not the only woman you need to please."

"Oh, don't worry, I'm aware! Just wanted some extra time with you, so you didn't feel neglected," he told her in a boyfriend voice. Korsa squeed and picked Alex up, kissing him fervently, yet again. She finally put him down after a few minutes, as the twinge in girl bits reminded her she'd need time to recover.

"So, what'll you be up to?" Korsa asked, curious about how Alex was going to spend his day.

"Read through the hermit journals and see if there's anything useful in them. I know Jaesa has already categorized everything there, but there might be subtle nuances she missed in them," Alex replied.

"Hmm! That's an interesting idea. Let me know what you find, OK?" she asked.

"Always! What about you?" Alex questioned.

"Me? I've got some new toys that I need to break in, and I also have some things that I need to talk to Jaesa about. I'll be in the Med Bay if anyone needs me," Korsa told him. Nodding, the pair of them finished getting dressed and stepped outside her quarters, hand in hand. They kissed once more, before heading their own separate ways, but Alex whispered something that Korsa just caught.

"Maybe next time, I'll take the collar off," Alex remarked as she sauntered away from him. Korsa's head turned, and she fixed Alex with a meaningful gaze.

"Be careful what you wish for," Korsa replied with a smoldering glance and pump of her eyebrows.

Alex laughed and smiled, before heading off to the lounge to do some reading. He was just approaching the doors, when his other three lovers happened upon him. Seeing the look on his face, they all grinned, knowing that Korsa had given the man a night to remember.

"You treat mama right, mister?" Natalya asked, making sure that her adoptive mother was given the full experience the three of them had.

"I treat that woman like the lady that is and always will be. A queen, much like you three," Alex grinned. This earned some squeals and the three of them kissed Alex, each one taking turns with him. The poor man was out of breath by the time Natalya, Kasumi and Shazza had their fill. He took a moment to center himself, before coming back off cloud nine.

"Who's next?" Kasumi asked.

"Me! Me!" Shazza yipped, raising her hand like an errant schoolgirl.

"No, me!" Natalya argued, giggling as they play fought over who was taking Alex to bed next.

"Maybe... let me decide? Besides, I need at least a few hours of recovery before I can bring this dude back out again," Alex laughed. All three women looked at him, looking like they wanted to devour him and hug him at the same time. They all then looked at each other, before smiling devilishly.

"That's not a half bad idea. Maybe we'll also provide... incentives, on who to pick," Natalya told him sultrily.

"Who says it has to be just one of us? Maybe... we all take turns? Same time?" Kasumi suggested.

"Oooooo! I love that idea!" Shazza quivered.

"Ummm... maybe let me do some reading and research first, before doing that?" Alex interrupted politely.

"Research? What research?" Kasumi asked, curious.

"The Hermit's journals. I haven't had the time to read much of them, but I'd like to see if there's anything hidden in the personal logs he made," Alex told the three women.

"You want a hand with that?" Natalya offered.

"Please! By all means!" Alex said, accepting her offer. Kasumi and Shazza jumped in too, wanting to find out such things as well. With that, the four of them adjourned to the lounge in their quest for knowledge, hoping to find anything that would shed light on their new powers.


Korsa sat at her desk, the holoscreen displaying the schematics for the futara toy she had built for Inari and Priya. She was busy making modifications to the original design, retooling it, so it could adapt to other species. Checking the inventory, Korsa saw that she had all the necessary materials to make it work. There was just one vital component that she was missing to complete it and huffed in disappointment.

She sat there, trying to think of a viable alternative that could make it work, but finding nothing. Korsa then thought about bringing Jaesa into her little side project, and that's when it hit her! Snapping her fingers, she did some basic checks and estimates, hoping that her idea would work. She watched the sims and her guesses and simulations showed her that it would!

"Jaesa, could you come and see me in the Med Bay? Your physical self, please?" Korsa asked. In a few minutes, Jaesa's avatarial form showed up, ambling over to the doctor. Korsa noted how over the last week, stubble had started to show on Jaesa's head. Now, there was a full patch of brown fuzz on her head that would soon turn into proper hair.

"Yes, Korsa? What is it you require?" Jaesa questioned.

"I'd like your input on this. The sims are telling me it will work, but I need a second opinion. Someone who understands medical tech like I do," Korsa stated as she gestured at the holoscreen.

"Hmm. Just a second... yes, I believe that it will work," Jaesa replied as she finished her analysis of the redesign in seconds. "Who is this one for?"

"Luminia... or Aesha. From what I can tell, they're both a little high and dry, so I thought... a little gift would be nice," Korsa supplied with a grin.

"Seeing how there is a lack of men on the ship, other than Alex and Tahral, who are spoken for, this makes sense. You think they'd go for such a thing?" Jaesa queried.

"Oh, I saw them taking off to the villas, more than once on Veldhern. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they've been up to when they're alone," Korsa snickered.

"A reasonable assumption, going by how... amorous Artucian are. You need some help with working the synthetic skin?" Jaesa questioned.

"While I could probably do it myself, I will admit that I am a little in the dark about how to form it correctly. Think you could give me a hand?" Korsa asked.

"All you had to do was ask," Jaesa replied with a smile. The two women then put their heads together and started working on this new 'gift' for the Artucian women. Korsa was certain they'd put the item to good use!


And that's where chapter 32 ends!! Another lighthearted chapter, full of history, passionate sex and eventual danger! I know this one was a bit shorter than normal, but I can't control the volume on how they come together. Sometimes there's a lot to be told before the chapter ends, other times, it's less.

Regardless, this one was a lot of fun to write, and if everyone is paying attention, you'll note the subtle shift of how things are changing! I won't say any more on the matter, but just know that many changes are happening and will be happening soon! Speaking of changes, the first character, created by one of my patrons, is now being brought forward! Who is it and what is their purpose? You'll all find out in chapter 33!!

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my work and I hope that you've enjoyed it! I'm open to constructive criticism and will seriously consider any suggestions made about various story arcs. Please rate and comment on my work down below and ask me questions if you wish, as I love hearing from my fans! If you like what I write, don't be afraid to follow and share with your friends, though your views, ratings and comments are enough for me.

In the meantime, this is C.H. Darkstrider, signing off to grab a beer and some quality time with the wife! ;) You will attain whatever you most desire, as long as you believe in yourself. Cheers!

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Michael56SmithMichael56Smith7 months ago

IDEA (light bulb!), ... Jaesa helps the Artucians move / Salvage the Ark and Ylena, either rebuild him / it / her in orbit, .... or revise the ship into University Campus to teach the Artucian about their past / their heritage, ... either way iy's cargo of plants / seeds and tools would be invaluable, ... and by Asteroid mining, Jaesa could get them even more tools and building materials, ... Jaesa would not sit on her hands, she'll do stuff, ... did Alex give her instructions that might limit her? (I bet that was before he knew that she was 'free' and could disobey him?) ...

-- So, when Alex and the Darkstrider do return, months later, Jaesa Prime may have a thriving Artucian culture, .... as well as having (90%) built a large part pf Alex's new fleet of battle / support ships, ... that'll blow his mind and set him to grinning, ... Maybe? ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith7 months ago

Nice travel-time chapter with food and sex and projects, ... nasty new characters introduced, and I love that the Pirate Queen's right-arm woman slammed rat-faced Mike around and intimidated the rotund Captain Briggs, ....

== and I mentioned this before, but I'll say it again, if they troubled to alternately use their Stealth drive, they could likely shake off any potential trackers that might be following them, and their treasure trove of technology, ...

-- They're currently off to find Alex's decedents, and experts on the Aether, ... then will they have time to follow up on Kas's family?

-- and what is Jaesa Prime, back on the Perseus doing with her Sentries, and salvage hauling ships, .... Will the genius AI train up a few helpers among the Artucian? And will she start up some Asteroid mining? she'll have months before the Darkstrider finally returns, ... and how far along and how many of Alex's new fleet of ships can she prepare (maybe 90% to 95% basically complete? Just awaiting the rarer materials bought in by the Darkstrider), ... would she work mostly on the big ships, battleships and cruisers, or concentrate on the small ones, like corvette's, ... food for thought, ... ;-) ttfn

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I'm curious. How big are the way points? I like the idea of them using stealth mode. Then again if the area is close, the other ships can still see them. If the other ships are using just scanners to see, then wouldn't they run into the Darkstrider?

Random thought,

Buddy J.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

only took 32 chapters, but it finally happened. Korsa was in the Gym. Its been bugging me that the strongest of them works out the least. Okay to be fair she probably works out more often, but who wants to read about it, unless something sexy or important takes place. I guess I figured that it would be mentioned more?

Overthinking as usual,

Buddy J.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

Space is extremely huge, but I agree with firehorseuk that the Darkstrider should probably use the stealth mode at alternate way points as the travel, make it harder to track them, ... they are an overpowered Frigate that could take on a battlecruiser, ... so, when they get back to the Perseus with all the materials they were short on, will the Darkstrider crew get a new, bigger and badder ship (the Darkstrider II or the DarkStride?), ... and when is Kas going to get a chance to follow up on her centuries separated family members? ... It is a big galaxy and there are lots of bad guys out there to beat down, ... and that should make for a lot more good reading, ... ;-) TTFN

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