Promoting Naturism with New Friends

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Jason and Suzanne encounter more than naturism on holiday.
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On Thursday Suzanne and I laid in bed a bit later than normal, we had returned from a long day at the beach with our new acquaintances on Wednesday, grilled some burgers we had in the fridge and ate them with some salad and baguette we had picked up at the site store. I had questioned Suzanne about her feelings after stripping off on the beach.

"Well, I guess I quite enjoyed it. Liberating. Yes that is the best description I can think of." Suzanne said as I grinned at her and probably raised my eyebrows.

"Well it looked a bit stupid being the only clothed one there." She decreed.

"Anyway I couldn't have you staring at Angela's ass or bald pussy all day." She went on before I light heartedly teased her a bit more.

Eventually we went to bed after she confessed, that given the right circumstances, and that beach was one of them, then she might enjoy a bit of naturism after all. The beach the company and the mood were just right for that. We may have retired but I had my cock sucked until I was ready to come then got it jacked off over Suzanne's now quite dark red tits. After that she flopped back on the bed lifted her knees to the edge and pushed my head down to her warm wet puss, I was evidently expected to return the favour orally, which I happily did. I set about her pink lipped vagina with my tongue as the moderately trimmed ginger fluff from her landing strip brushed my nose.

After that I crawled up beside her and we chatted briefly and affirmed we were okay with each other and the days events and revelations. We agreed that between her and myself, we would always keep in touch whatever and wherever we were and whoever we ended up with. After that briefly we discussed plans for the next two days before we would move on to some other accommodations that we would look for but it had to be something nearby. Then I rolled on top of her and got between those long slim legs and we fucked like we had the first time we got together until we fell asleep tired, sweaty and covered in body fluids.

When we woke up that morning we showered cleaned and the usual morning routines before enjoying a return to bed for a slow, long love making session, I felt Suzanne wanted that. It was obvious when she grabbed me by the love handle and gently led me to the bed. Her rosy ass and developing tan was very attractive and definitely convinced me to comply.

So late morning we headed to Arcachon and the Dune du Pilat for a drive in her new car with the top down. We lunched on the south side of the Gironde after we had stopped to go look at a vineyard and sample the wines. After we reached our planned destination, we climbed the steps of the massive sand dune, then we took some pictures and headed back up the coast the way we had come.

Around Montalivet just before we caught the ferry at Pont de Grave we drove past two large naturist resorts the second one of which we had to drive past two sides as the road went round that way. Suzanne even remarked as we passed by the second resort, Euronat, she could see two naked couples walking round the football pitch chatting together and totally visible to the road. I pointed out I was driving her new car and she was only seeing them in the distance and through a little shrubbery and I best keep my eye on the road. Suzanne shrugged and agreed that it must be the climate around here, the naturism bug seemed to be infectious round these parts.

While on the brief ferry crossing we speculated about a brief trip to Cognac and looking for another place to stay the rest of the holiday, we would then stock up on food and supplies once in the new accommodation wherever that would be. Suzanne wanted to go sample Cognac as she had enjoyed the trip today but we would have to figure out where we were sleeping, worst case was find a hotel, we could both afford it if we had to.

Upon disembarkation it was early evening on that Thursday so we went back to the chalet had a quick shower changed our sweaty tops and Suzanne changed her shorts before we headed back out to find a restaurant in La Palmyre.

We found a nice grill to get some fish and seafood or meat as we could choose either. As we were about to be seated at a table in a corner, we were noticed by Andrew the dentist and his girlfriend Angela, they asked a waiter to ask us to join them. We thought why not, their table had room and was much more nicely located. It turned out they had arrived not long before us and were still pondering the menu over a glass of wine, so we joined them for dinner and the pleasant company.

About two hours or more later we decided we had each drunk enough although the girls were a bit tipsy and jovial no one was really drunk. Like us the other couple had avoided sunning too much and they had done some shopping in Royan. Angela said she had missed the beach, then she suggested we pop out to the Grande Cote and go for a quick skinny dip and romantic walk on the beach in the twilight.

I looked at Suzanne, who just said "Oh What the hell, why not."

"We don't have towels." I ventured, but did not decline.

"Nor us, we will dry off soon enough on the walk back, a late night dip does sound appealing." Added Andrew.

We followed Andrew and Angela out to the beach on the St. Palais road and parked beside the road at a wide path off to the right. Angela and Andrew got out of their car and walked round to the driver side leaving the door open. As we got out of our car and I left the door open as the canvas hood was now up for the night, we noted Angela and Andrew removing their tops. It was then Andrew called out to us.

"It is very quiet, hardly anyone around, we are walking down without clothes, no one will see us or care if they do."

"You sure?" I questioned as Suzanne clasped my shoulder.

"Come on we can streak there and back if we have to." Encouraged Angela.

"Oh fuck, I am going to get arrested or something on this holiday," Suzanne added with a giggle as she released her grip of my shoulder and pulled her top off and folded it placing it on her driver seat followed by her bra, shorts and briefs leaving her in a pair of moderately heeled pair of wedge sandals.

I added my tee and shorts to our pile, leaving me in just a set of blue deck shoes I wore to drive Suzanne's pride and joy, I had gone commando after the earlier shower. We locked up the cars and each put the keys on top of a front tyre, not really secure, but who wanted to carry keys, then both of us couples made a bit of a hurried dash down the first part of the path before any passing cars got a real good look at what we were up to.

We were walking side by side holding hands as couples do with the girls in the middle giggling and laughing when we realised we would pass a couple walking arm in arm towards us from the beach. The girls fell silent and I felt Suzanne grip my hand tighter.

"Just carry on as normal." Said Angela.

"Exactly." I said

"Perfectly normal evening stroll." Added Andrew.

Very soon the couple came near to us we could see him say something and she looked up at us four. As we passed she smiled and both greeted us with "Bon Soir" and a huge grin.

We each replied "Bon Soir" in unison, followed a few seconds later by some tittering laughter from the girls that started us guys off too.

Just as we were about to reach the beach we passed a thinner area of trees and heard a twig or small branch snap just to our left and a mumbled voice. As we pulled up and looked we could see two men a few metres away in the woods, one was standing holding the others head as the other was kneeling and giving his accomplice a blow job. I looked at Suzanne as she just stared motionless and watched the two guys, moaning and enjoying their al fresco activity.

Suzanne suddenly looked at me and just smiled then turned to look at our friends, Angela was grinning and holding onto Andrew by the elbow who was just staring at the couple and stroking his penis which was developing into a sizeable stiffy. I thought I should take the lead or we would all end up being the voyeurs here and it might not be what the couple of guys wanted and I was definitely unsure about Suzanne's feelings on the matter. I had a fair idea that Andrew was definitely interested in them, but I had no idea what Angela was thinking, but she was not shocked. So I turned Suzanne back towards the beach then Angela and Andrew followed two paces behind catching us up pretty soon.

When we made the beach we then jogged to near the water and kicked our shoes off into a pile and then just ran and dove right in, it was bracing after the warm humid evening but not too cold. When I surfaced Suzanne surfaced beside me and grabbed me by the shoulders and planted a big kiss right on my lips. I looked round to see Angela climbing up onto Andrew and falling down again as he caught her by the pubis and she was grappling with his now very hard and erect that point Suzanne locked lips with me after she witnessed the same thing from the other couple who were now grappling with each other's sex and kissing fervently.

The next few minutes were a blur of sloshing about in the water kissing, fondling and horsing about before Suzanne grabbed me and stroked me to an all too quick climax, as she alternated between kissing me and looking over to watch Andrew bend Angela over in the shallower water and screw his mistress doggy style as she held her knees and he thrusted into her, slapping her ass with his thighs as they fucked, while holding his partner by the waist from the rear.

As we calmed down and took a swim a little distant from our friends who were now doing the same we all four washed ourselves down, then walked out of the water. Just before we got out Suzanne grabbed me by the hand and we started to walk ashore.

"You owe me one after that." She said. "You randy mother fucker you, I want it like Angela got it, later, over the end of the bed, you better be ready to fuck all night when we get back."

"You are loosening up on this holiday aren't you Suze?" I teased.

"Are you okay with what happened tonight?" I asked to be sure. "I really had not expected any of this, the two guys then our friends open display in front of you." I wanted to be sure we were staying in France for another week.

"I will survive, besides I am still horny too, but I suspect this is not new to you. Or them either is it?" Suzanne queried.

" We can talk about it another time, you are my main interest on this holiday." I quelled any further questions on my previous sex life before her. "Oh and leave my mother out of my sex life will you, she thinks pretty highly of you although she may share your opinion on some of my depravity."

"Really? Maybe I should also ask your sister about that." She replied.

"You know the seemingly respectable aunt Karen, she would be the one with the interesting opinions, I bet she has a rather unique view on the strange relationships in your family."

"Mmm, maybe you are getting in way too deep in your thoughts about my family and our lifestyles?" I finished the conversation.

We all clustered up and then retrieved the footwear we had kicked off before entering the water. There was a kind of embarrassed quiet, as we fell in line again to walk along the beach a bit. We went about a hundred yards the all turned to walk back holding hands with our partners the girls in the middle,

"Suzanne?" Angela asked, breaking the silence."I hope you had fun, and were okay with the swim and the, erm other stuff, erm well you know. I am sorry if it offended you, it was kind of a spur of the moment thing."

"Angela, I don't think I am ever going to forget this holiday, or the people I have enjoyed it with." Suzanne replied, and I tightened my grip on her hand and swung it as we walked on.

At that point Suzanne let go of my hand and stopped, I looked on as I took another two steps along with Andrew, the women who had clasped hands between them also had stopped and embraced each other in a tight hug but what happened next surprised me, they kissed each other and held that embrace. Andrew and I turned and smiled at each other both of us bemused by the scene on the moonlight beach of the tall read head and shorter dark haired and naked women openly snogging on the beach.

"Mmm, you sure you girl friend wouldn't want to party with some other like minded folks?" He looked at me with a huge grin like a Cheshire cat.

"Oh, I knew she was fun, but honestly I never thought..." I stopped.

"Really Oh, but I kinda got, well we, Angela and I both of us kind of felt you were not interested by any hint or suggestion we made, about being more open and maybe closer." He said as we walked on, with the two ladies following us holding hands and tittering again.

"I mean you kind of warned me off about Suzanne, but I noted you did not rule yourself out, was I wrong, because well to be blunt and I hope I do not offend either of you." Andrew went on. "Well we occasionally, when away, well away from home and work, we like to enjoy more than just being naked with like minded friends, both of us together or not, if you understand?"

"Oh, I do, I have been involved before with swinging, if that is what we are talking about, my family have for longer than that and well we never hid it inside the family as adults of course." I replied.

"It is just Suzanne never met them before until last weekend, and we are really just good friends, that like to have sex, but I do need to talk with her and make sure what she wants."

We left the previous conversation there as the girls caught us up and we all fell in line again and walked back towards the car, I noted it was now getting a little cooler, but despite this my dick was swinging as we walked and Andrew had a fair old chubby going on too. The ladies said nothing but held our arms as we walked, Suzanne's nipples brushed my arm and they were very hard and pointed at that time. I was not sure if it was the cold, the snog with Angela, or the likely good old rogering from me that she was going to get later, was making her perk up like that.

"So have you folks sorted your accommodation yet?" Angela Asked.

"No we will have to find something tomorrow." I said.

"Hey! Would you want to join us at ours, we know a spare caravan that is free and we could get a reasonable rent on. You might have to join the local club, some people we know have a summer pitch, but their unit is free at the moment" Andrew added.

Suzanne delayed a little looked at me and shrugged her shoulders and nodded. So as we walked back to the cars we agreed with the other couple to come and have a look what was on offer at around eleven the next morning. It did seem strange we were all four talking about the naturist camp site and the facilities while walking back to the main road car park all of us still naked and mildly excited in conversation about us staying in a caravan.

After making arrangements Suzanne and myself went back to our chalet, I was wearing my shorts and tee shirt and driving Suzanne's car, while she chose to just put her underwear on to sit in the passenger side so it did not look too bad when we passed our site security team. When we got back indoors we were quickly naked and still a little salty from the ocean, but I was attacked by a very horny red head. Suzanne dragged me onto the bed and grabbed my cock pumping it like her life depended on it. I was soon very hard and had a good feel of her sopping wet ginger muff.

Taking charge and remembering the scene on the beach I got on top, stood up grabbed Suzanne, turned her round to the end of the bed and made her kneel on the edge as I grabbed both her tits from behind. She soon got the message bent over and reached between her legs to get hold of my cock and insert it in her slippery groove as I bent my legs to lower ready for entry. We fucked fast and loud without a care what any of the neighbours thought about the noise emanating from our cabin through the thin wooden walls. I surprised myself how long I lasted but Suzanne had got me off on the beach and she had by now been hyped up way longer than me. I could feel her come and come again with her juices freely running down over my smooth balls slicking up our motions like a well oiled piston slapping about in a worn out engine.

Later we showered and went to bed proper for some sleep with Suzanne cuddling up to me unlike her normal sleeping self. However I was woken early around five in the morning by a soft gentle stroking of my mostly flaccid penis. I could feel Suzanne's head resting on my stomach as she played with my love handle, all the sheets had been kicked off the pair of us. This tender scene soon lead to another bout of intercourse but this time it was more gentle lovemaking in the missionary position as we stared into each other's eyes.

Later in the morning we both woke up and then showered and did our morning ablutions routines, but we ended up fooling around in the nude inside the bedroom and soon back on the bed in a sixty nine with Suzanne on top and rubbing her pussy furiously on my face as I seriously tongued her from her clit to the pink rosebud of her ass. I knew from our time together she liked this but only when really horny and even if I tried to drive her over the edge she would use the position to control how much tongue she got and where.

So while I tried to drive her wild she sucked me, spat her saliva all over my cock head and pumped the whole length of my shaft then occasionally slid me into her throat. In return I humped up at her face. All too soon I felt my balls start to boil so I patted the pink lightly tanned rump over my head and Suzanne knew to back off just before I spurted my load, she aimed my tool so that the splashes ended up over her chest as she ground out a last orgasm on my face and almost suffocated me in the process.

We showered again after a short silent rest. After some of the last juice we had in the refrigerator was shared out we started to pack up our bedroom materials and clothes into our suitcases as we were moving out. We were both still naked and we had not opened the curtains or the doors on the chalet. Only then did we start a real conversation, I had enjoyed the morning and the closeness of really sleeping with Suzanne, rather than just sharing a bed and having sex, the previous night I also thought I should let her make the first comment on what had happened yesterday.

"So, we are going to need to get dressed to head over to Andrew and Angela's campsite." Said Suzanne, "I can't believe you just let me agree to going over there, I have no idea what they do or what happens at a nudist, sorry naturist site. I wonder if this is too much."

"We do not have to go, if you feel uncomfortable, about being naked or being around naked strangers, but when you get down to it, it is no different to here or any other site except people are naked."

"That easy huh?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow, "And everyone just casually has sex in front of each other, like last night."

"No, I thought you realised that was a bit different."

"Yeh, but it just all seemed, so normal and you seemed to just let it all go on." She remarked and went on, "You say that naturism is no different, yet we see two guys, one giving the other a BJ, then we watch a couple we only just got to know screw in the shallow water like a couple of wild animals, and, and well, help me out here, you seem to take it all in like it was just an everyday thing, you are way too cool about this."

"Did you have fun?" I asked

"Yes strangely I did" she replied "I still think, well part of me does, that I shouldn't."

"How do you feel about it now?"

"Mmm, curious, Why am I not appalled or shocked? Why are you so calm about this? Lots of things really, but I never knew you would be so calm about what happened not just about seeing Angela get screwed by Andrew or watching the guys in the trees."