Protecting The One I Love


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"You do know, dad left us very well off financially, don't you?"

Lindy just nodded, with a smile.

We went over both her accounts, and the ones dad set up for me, having turned 18. We weren't gazillionaires, but very comfortable.

We spent time looking at real estate sites, seeing what was available, in our price range. We found out that not only was Olympia the state Capitol, it was one of Washington state's fastest growing areas.

As we were heading off to bed, she stopped, looked me right in the eyes and said, "Are we really doing this?"

"Yes, I never wanted anything more than I want you and our child."

Monday afternoon, we were at her longtime doctor's office. I was waiting outside and heard some quiet conversation, plus a laugh or two.

When the nurse called me into the exam room, mom, I mean Lindy, was sitting up on the table with this million watt smile.

Doctor Smithers looked at me with a little grin of her own and told me, "your mother took seriously something that was poked at her in fun, and your little girl will be born in just over 7 months, and nobody will hear anything negative from me."

I just couldn't hide my excitement. Lindy and I just held each other, and thanked her long time doctor.

We both agreed that we should at least visit the Olympia area to see what might be our home for more than just the time it will take me to finish school.

Three weeks later we were looking around the Pacific Northwest. Never having been there, it was all new to us. Before we left, Lindy had sort of a makeover. Her long hair with just a little gray was cut shorter, with a nice light brown coloring. She also did some shopping to update her wardrobe. We both admitted she looked ten years younger.

Walking around the campus where I was going to start in January, I whispered in her ear that I just might have to fight off others wanting this newly minted cougar.

Each evening after our exploring, we would return to our hotel and make love until we wore ourselves out.

"You know, Len, I've made love more in the past few months than I have in many years, and I hope you don't wear me out."

We looked at several houses that not only filled our needs, but were priced in our range. We did do some sightseeing, visiting nearby bigger cities, like Tacoma and farther north, Seattle.

We also found it was just a two hour drive to the Pacific Coast, where the scenery took our breath away.

Two days before returning home we put in an offer on a brand new home that was to be completed in two or three weeks. Absolutely perfect. It gave us time to return home, sell our house, and get ready to start our life as husband and wife. Yes we were going to be married, but in Washington state, where nobody knew the truth.

All during this time, neither of us ever lost track of who we were. Yes, we were going to be husband and wife, and we were going to have a little girl to raise, but underneath it all, we were still son and mother.

Getting our belongings together back in Springfield was far easier than expected. We had already made the decision to buy all new furniture, so we didn't have that much to pack up.

Our last night in our old house, we just laid in our bed, hugging each other. The things we were keeping were on their way to our new home.

Arriving in Washington state, and driving to Olympia, neither of us could stop grinning.

Getting everything arranged, we stayed in a hotel for two nights before our new furniture was delivered, along with all our belongings from Springfield.

For the time being, we only bought one car, and finished shopping for all the household items we needed. Each and every store we went into, nobody gave us a second look, but Lindy did notice a few women her age looking at her, wondering about our age difference. Nobody said anything to us, but we enjoyed the attention.

We did inaugurate our new bedroom furniture, the very first night it was delivered.

As I registered for my first semester of school, we were sitting in our living room, when I turned to Lindy and asked if the following Friday was OK with her to get married.

We did go to a local mall to find matching gold bands, thinking if we were going to be married on Friday, rings would be a good idea.

Friday, noon, we were at the Thurston County courthouse, and before a judge and two witnesses, became Leonard and Lindy Gray.

As Lindy began to show, the looks we got continued, but now women in her age group asked how it felt having a child later in life.

All she would reply was "terrific!"

As we got to know our neighbors, several of the wives would cautiously ask if the sex with a younger man was all they heard.

Her standard reply was, "all you could expect, and more" this was always said with a grin, and rubbing her growing baby bump.

As my classes started with me getting the basics out of the way, I did get some looks, when my fellow students noticed my wedding ring. None of them were rude enough to ask anything about my wife.

We did start socializing with some of our neighbors, and for the most part they were very friendly. With me being the kid of the group, I did get some good natured kidding about our age difference plus our baby on the way. We both took it all in stride. Lindy never let on to anyone that this wasn't her first child.

With our daughter finally wanting to meet her parents, we were off to the hospital, bright and early on a Saturday morning. After nearly two hours of labor, Brandy Lee Gray made her appearance. 7 pounds on the dot and 19 inches long. When she was put on Lindy's chest, she just stared at her with her brown eyes glowing.

"Brandy, that gorgeous man is your daddy, and he will do anything you ask."

I just couldn't stop grinning. The one thing I regretted was not having family to share pictures with.

I knew I was going to miss a few days of classes, and my professors knew that, too.

Getting my family home the next day, I quickly learned how much work it was taking care of a newborn.

Lindy did have to remind me that I didn't have to jump up at every little noise.

We were both pleasantly surprised at the well wishes our neighbors gave us.

I started back to school after missing two days. I couldn't believe how tired I was.

When I came home from school on Friday, Lindy was sitting quietly singing to our daughter, when Brandy decided she was hungry. While she was nursing, our next door neighbor came over and after watching Lindy and Brandy together made a comment that shocked us just a bit.

"I've got to say something and I hope it doesn't cost us our friendship. Lindy, I think I can tell this isn't your first child, and I can see a very close resemblance between you and Len."

I started to say something, when my wife gave me look to mean be quiet.

"Go on," Lindy said.

"First, let me tell you that both my younger brothers lost their virginity to me. And second it doesn't matter one bit to me if you two are related. That's all."

"I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that Len and I aren't related, but I truly want to keep this to ourselves, and I hope you understand."

As our neighbor got up to leave, she gave Lindy a kiss on her forehead and whispered that she thought Lindy was both very brave and very lucky.

By ourselves, we just sat there looking at our sleeping daughter and knew we had just bit the bullet.

As we started getting used to our little treasure, we started to rekindle our love making. Just some oral, at first, then we were back in the saddle, as it were.

The first time I tried putting my cock where it wanted to go, Lindy knew it was a bit too early. Instead, silently, she rolled to one side and after wetting my manhood with her mouth, guided me into her soft behind. Truthfully, I had never giving this any thought. I couldn't believe how fantastic this felt.

With a very gentle pushing, I did reach around and touch her throbbing clit, hoping the noises we were both making wouldn't wake our daughter.

Finishing as quietly as possible, we knew this wouldn't be the last time we would use this method. I had never even thought of this as a possibility.

As the weeks were flying by, I was doing very well in school, and our daughter was prospering as well. When we got back into the swing of our normal sex life, we had to ask ourselves the important question. Did we want to take our chances of another child, or not.

I told my wife it was totally up to her as I wasn't the one carrying another child.

It didn't take more than a week of discussion to decide that Brandy needed a sibling. After all, Lindy wasn't getting any younger and our window of opportunity was closing faster than we imagined.

In just a matter of a few weeks of really serious efforts, Lindy thought she was pregnant again.

Another trip to the OB/Gyn confirmed what she thought. Wow, Brandy was going to be a big sister. When we got back home, we put Brandy down for her nap, and sat in our living room to talk.

"Len I hope you know this is my limit, so we best come up with a birth control method to use until Mother Nature takes away my ability. And just so you know, I won't allow you to be snipped. Just in case."

"OK, Lindy don't talk like that, because we are going to be together for so long that I'll be an old man, too."

At her three month checkup, we decided to learn the sex of our next child. Much to our delight, we were going to have a son. This gave us six more months to come up with a name.

We debated about naming him Brady, but pushed that to the back of the line.

"Don't you think Leonard Junior would do?"

"Let me think about that," I replied.

With our love making slowing down to just some very satisfying oral and manual stimulation, we kept ourselves satisfied.

As we neared the arrival of our son, and our daughter growing by leaps and bounds, we readied ourselves for two little ones.

Brandy wasn't old enough to comprehend the fact that she was going to be a big sister, but she loved cuddling with mommy and her growing tummy.

Just before midnight, Lindy told me she was ready. Lucky for us our next door neighbor had told us she would watch our daughter just in case this would happen.

Off we went to greet our son. With just over an hour of easy labor, Michael Leonard Gray made his appearance. He looked just like his sister when she was born.

After a one night stay, we were on our way home, to start another phase of our life. Two kids just under a year apart.

Again, we received well wishes from our neighbors, and offers of help for Lindy while I was in school.

I'm not sure how I did it, but I kept up my near perfect grades even dealing with two little ones. Just lucky I guess.

It wasn't long after we brought Michael home that Brandy started walking, and her curiosity about her little brother knew no bounds. She watched her mommy caring for her brother every step of the way.

It also wasn't that long before we restarted our cautious love making again. This time knowing number three just wasn't going to happen. We were more than satisfied with our two wonderful little ones, and resolved ourselves to the use of condoms for the foreseeable future.

We began walking all over our neighborhood with a double stroller, letting our neighbors see our family.

Our next door neighbor, who sort of guessed our secret and her husband offered to babysit any time we needed a night off. They also had an eleven year old daughter who offered to sit, too. We were truly blessed.

As I was nearing graduation, and mother nature was taking the need for birth control off the table, our two kids were growing up before our eyes. At three and two years of age, we made the conscious decision not to tell them about Lindy and my true relationship, unless they ask somewhere down the line about our age difference. By then, we truly hoped it wouldn't matter any more.

So, there you have it. My little tale of doing anything within my power to protect my mother. Did I do this out of love? Yes. Did I ever think we would marry and have kids? Definitely not! Do I regret anything that has happened? Again, definitely not.

Over these past few years, Lindy and I have taken what life has offered. Yes, our union is very unconventional. Our family dynamic is unusual, but successful. Our two young children were prospering.

Would Lindy and me live our lives into our old age? We both certainly hoped so. As we near our fourth anniversary, none of our neighbors even give our age difference a second glance any more.

I guess were are just a not so typical married couple.

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NesticNestic6 months ago

I really enjoyed your loving mother/son-story. Excellent. More than 5 stars. Please continue to write such incest stories. Thanks.

dazodazoover 2 years ago

I liked it, although a little more detail in the sex scenes would be nice.

chytownchytownover 2 years ago

***Thanks for the read.

linnearlinnearover 2 years ago

Nice and not to crazy in the sex department.

RRC2RRC2over 2 years ago

Another good, strong story from the master. Not everyone will like Jeff's laid back method of story telling, but it is confident and fits his subject matter very well.


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