Pt. 02: Orthodox MILF Family Secret

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An ancient fertility ceremony in modern times.
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Everyone in this story engaged in sexual activity is 18 or over. Resemblance of any kind to real people, places, events, things, planets, etc are purely coincidental.

This is part 2. Part 1 does not include a "pt 1" header and is called Pursuit of an Orthodox MILF. Before reading part 2 I highly recommend reading part 1.


"You ok habibti?" I asked.

There was a long silence before her answer. "No, Rohi not really," she said before she sat up in bed facing me and crossed her legs, adding, "but this has to be done." This seemed serious so I also sat up crossed my legs facing her. She took my hands in hers and she started.

Taking a deep breath, "Ours is a very old family," I nodded, "No listen, we are not AMONG the first Christians of Lebanon, we ARE the first Christians of Lebanon. When my ancestors converted they held deep pagan beliefs and practices. All those were cast aside..." she paused, "except a handful. Those which were believed to be more important than faith, no not more important, they... they transcended faith. They were Responsibilities." She paused before continuing, "Now, over two thousand years that handful have carried on to this day." Her face took on a very serious look, "The one I speak of now is known only to the family, a closely held secret. If the church found out," she hesitated, "well, it would be bad."

I nodded and figured this was what the priest had been talking about those many months ago.

She caressed and then gripped my hands, "We have a tradition when it comes to our children going out into the world. It's important they are prepared, so it's our, the parent's," she gestured indicating both of us, "and you are now the father to my children, our duty is to ready them to go out into the world so they will not bring shame or disrespect to the family. We must present men and women ready for the world."

I was nodding, sounded like a wise belief.

She continued but took another deep breath, "Preparing them for life includes preparing them in the nature of life. Conception to death, all which comes in between."

She paused, "If you were originally one of us what I'm about to say would not be a surprise, inside the family it's common knowledge, and now that we're married you to MUST know of your duty, but it however it must stay understood but unspoken."

She cupped my face with her right hand saying, "You must understand that what I'm asking can never be shared or spoken of. Even to family, Ommi and others. It's understood by all but unspoken."

Once again I nodded and said, "I understand, nothing will be said" but thought, "Holy shit what was she preparing me for? Human sacrifice? Cannibalism?"

It was almost worse.

"Before a child may set out on their own in the world they must not only be aware of but experienced in how children are made," she said and then stopped to concentrate on my face.

I'm sure my face showed a bit of confusion because of what I thought she was going at.

"It is the responsibility of parents to educate their children in these matters."

I nodded and said, "I understand, it's a wise tradition." She looked at me like I was clearly missing something. For clarification I started over, "Ok, what exactly does that mean," I asked, "do you mean they have a full understanding of the mechanics, or are we talking visually or," I paused in the delicacy of the topic, "are you suggesting actually participate? I mean, as in having sex with the children?!"

Stunning conservative religious Kimla said, "Yes, to both."

"WHAT!" I said shocked.

Kimla put a hand on my chest and continued, "Sammy and I had started. By this I mean the children were educated by watching us having sex. But for Giselle it never went beyond that."

In the back of my mind a little devil was screaming, "AHA! That explains why Kimla's

bedroom sexual experiences felt so antiseptic!" But the full weight of what she just said hit me like a hundred stones, "wait," I was a bit in shock, "so the boys and you..." I left the question hang.

Kimla didn't hesitate, "Yes, before Sammy passed."

I think she sensed my trying to come to grips with this revelation. "There's a very formal ancient ceremony, it's not at all for arousal or sexual gratification. It's not erotic but instead deeply spiritual."

Then my mind took the leap and I took a deep breath, "Ok... so if I get this correctly, I'm supposed to have sex with, no... I'm supposed to educate, Giselle?"

Kimla nodded, "Yes, we're years behind. Timing is critical."

Then it struck me, this was why Kimla was under so much pressure from her family to marry quickly. There was a daughter which needed educating and only her "father" could perform the education.

"Ah, the pressure from your family to re-marry!" I blurted out.

She nodded.

I covered my face with my hands, "Ok, that's more than just a little shocking, give me some time to get my head wrapped around this." I asked.

"Of course."

We talked about a few other things that night. We went to sleep without making love, I was a bit disjointed at the news. But... there's always a but... I also thought of Giselle. A virgin. A beautiful dark eyed virgin.

A few day later we were laying in bed and I rolled over and rested my head propped up on my hand. "Alright, describe this educational event."

It was like Kimla was suddenly planning a surprise birthday party, she was excited and flustered all at the same time. She sat up, "Ok, timing all depends upon Giselle's cycles. A phase is rapidly approaching, if we miss this one we'd have to wait 6 months. We can't miss this one. So, following the ceremony exactly is very important. Before we talk about that we, um, we have to... think about Giselle. It will be her first penetration and it's important it go smoothly."

Kimla pointed to my crotch, "manhood size can be an issue."

I frowned and looked at my "manhood" and decided to flip it around on her, "What" am I too small?"

She frowned and slapped my arm, "This is serious. No, not too small, you're larger than most, well... any man I've been with. It's also good you're circumcized, we don't have to do that."

"Say what?" I said.

"We'd have to do it if you weren't already... " she made a motion with her fingers, "snipped."

She blushed but I knew she'd only had sex with Sammy... but penetration wise, my brain instantly knew she meant Sammy but more creepily, her father was her first.

I caught that word, ceremony, she hadn't used it before.

Then she described the entire ceremony in exquisite detail, all the way to how Giselle must be penetrated. It was quite surreal also hearing it from her mother. Who by the way, also had to be present as a witness.

The sudden rush was because the ceremony had to happen on a specific phase of the moon and her menstrual cycle. The ceremony was centered on an ancient pagan deity who originated in the ancient moon god fertility rites of the Middle East. Just turns out that this specific phase of the moon happened only twice a year and was coming up.

The very next week Kimla's mother, or Ommi, arrived. Kimla went with me to the airport to pick her up. This time it was only Ommi, Kimla's sister had stayed in Lebanon. The whole ride I felt ill at ease while Kimla and Ommi chatted on and on about nothing. It was as if the upcoming "event" was a non-event to them.

Preparation for the ceremony began 2 days prior. I was required to stay at home and was placed on a special diet consisting of a lot of lamb, a salad called tabbouleh, stuffed grape leaves, shish tawook, etc. Quite delicious Lebanese dishes apparently required to better ready me.

Ommi and Kimla prepared the dishes themselves and each dish was served with something called "mahwub." It was a creamy sauce I had to eat with everything. I liken it to Greek Tzatziki.

OMG, then there was the pot on the stove which sat there simmering for 2 days and really stunk up Kimla's house. Oh, BTW, Kimla had moved into my house leaving her house for Ommin and Kimla's last son at home who was turning 18 and leaving for Uni in 2 months.

Back to the pot. When started it stunk to high heaven like nothing I'd ever smelled. Think of skunk meets rotting meat. The longer it simmered the thicker it became but, thankfully, the better it smelled until it had a light almost potpourri flowery odor but was the consistency of a slippery gel.

Ommi and Kimla also spent time sewing something I would be required to wear during the penetration ceremony.

I have to admit as the day came close the more and more excited I was getting. Oddly though, as I'm usually a very arousable guy, this wasn't arousing me in a sexual way. I'd get those little tingling feelings in the balls but it'd fade away.

Finally a mere 3 weeks after Kimla and I were married the day arrived when I'd dive head first into a new set of normalcy.

As a nod to Sammy the ceremony would take place in Sammy and Kimla's marriage bed in their house. Her son knew what was up and went to a friends to stay for the night.

The ceremony lasts 12 hours beginning at the sun's zenith, around 1pm local time. Precisely at 1pm Kimla took me by the hand and led me to their now unoccupied 4th bedroom where she lit some incense and left me for about an hour.

Kimla and Ommi had gone over what to expect but didn't really dive into a few details I would have liked to known ahead of time. I was mostly focused on the taking of Giselle's innocence anyway. Hey, I'm a horney guy remember?

The door opened and Kimla and Ommi entered. Kimla was holding a neatly folded white linen something, I assumed a the robe I was to wear. Right away I saw that on Kimla's face there were now very intricately drawn designs. They looked very much like those Mehndi designs you see on Indian women's hands but these were on their faces and shoulders disappearing under their clothes.

Wow, their clothes. They were now dressed in long deep blue almost purple linen gowns. Of course I noticed the cut of the gowns was really quite nice. The shoulder to the waist was fairly close fit showing the form well. From the waist down it was more interesting. Two parts, front and back belted at the waist. The back part was long, to the back of the heels long and went from hip to hip over her ass. The front was cut to be much shorter, going from hip to hip in the front hanging to just above the knees, the edge being in an arc going from roughly mid thigh to mid thigh, their hips were exposed. No hiding it, they certainly weren't wearing underwear.

I immediately admired my Kimla's legs, damn they are gorgeous. long and firm, smooth, but behind her in came Ommi. She was carrying a small pot but it was what she was wearing that distracted me. Ommi never wore anything but a calf length dress, never... ever. Yet in she walked in an identical outfit to Kimla's. I had to admit, even for being in her 60's it was clear where Kimla had gotten her looks. Ommi was old, yes, but her legs were firm and very attractive and I don't think there was an ounce of unnecessary fat on her. I didn't and don't have a thing for Ommi but she is quite mysteriously attractive in her own right. It was while scanning her that I saw they were barefoot their feet also having those intricate tattoo like designs on them.

I opened my mouth intending to ask about the designs but Ommi's quick shake of her head reminded me I was to remain silent through the ceremony.

Kimla knelt in front of me and removed my shoes and socks. Then she took me by the hand and stood me up. With Kimla on my left and Ommi on my right they began to undress me. Well, when they told me I had to wear a ceremonial robe they didn't tell me that they would put it on me.

I tried not to appear too nervous as Ommi unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it out of my trousers. She slipped the shirt off and gave it to Kimla who lay it carefully on the bed. Next, Ommi stepped in front of me and and then knelt before she began unbuckling my belt.

"Oh, shit," I thought, her face was right at cock level. I tried not to look but I couldn't help but look down at her. I glanced over at Kimla and she gave me one of her mischievous smirks.

"Son of a bitch" I thought to myself, "she kept this part from me on purpose. Devious little witch."

I gave her a frown but then looked down when I felt Ommi getting to work.

Methodically and without expression or emotion Ommi slid both my pants and underwear down in one motion. I felt my cock get pulled down and then it sprung back a bit.

Even though there was a cock inches from her face she seemingly ignored it and moved for me to lift one leg at a time so she could remove my pants and underwear. After which I was standing stark naked in front of my wife and mother-in-law.

They moved to my sides again and began circling me while whispering a soft chant as their hands slid up and down me. No area was ignored and it was Ommi who first slid her hands down my belly, over my cock to cup my balls, before sliding down one thigh and then up the other. If she was impressed or disappointed she made no indication.

This went on for quite awhile before Kimla retrieved the little pot Ommi had carried into the room. Ommi knelt in front of me and Kimla holding the pot knelt to her right side. Ommi reached in with her fingers and got a palm full. I got a whiff of it. It was the strange gel they'd made in the kitchen.

Then, I was almost terrified when she proceeded to slather my cock and balls with it. She was very gentle about it but the fact that my mother-in-law was kneeling in front of me slathering this slippery gel over my manhood and balls had my emotions on fire.

I felt my cock beginning to get hard and it didn't take more than a few moments and Ommi was stroking my now very hard cock.

I had to look down because my cock felt the hardest it had ever been. It ached it was so hard. As any guy knows the harder his cock is the more upward along the belly it points. Mine was pointing straight up past my belly button. Ommi squeezed gently with her the finger tips of her right hand testing my hardness as her left hand cupped my balls and smoothed gel on them.

Ommi stood up and wiped her hands off as Kimla slipped my arms through a long lined robe and then tied it behind me. Then they sat me down on the bed, cock still raging... and left.

I lay there amazed at the pup tent over my cock figuring it had to be that gel she slathered me with. Time seemed to flash by but later Kimla would tell me it was every hour they returned. Each time they repeated the same thing but switched responsibilities, they would stand me up, remove my robe, circle me chanting, and then one of them would slather my cock and balls with gel. During the second time I noticed feeling in my cock had changed. I still felt, this time it was Kimla, hands on my cock and balls and arousal was still there but as her hand slipped up and down my cock the growing urge to orgasm and shoot cum all over the place wasn't there. Damn near like being edged but simply hanging at the spot just before an orgasm was inevitable. This went every hour for hours and I completely lost track of time.

Later I would ask Kimla what they were doing during the times I was left alone. She would unabashedly tell me.

Then I had dozed off, yes... still with a raging hard on, when they entered for what would be the last time. However this time there was a significant difference. Both Ommi and Kimla were still wearing their skirt things, short in front and long in back, but...

their tops were different. OMG were they different. The deep blue form fitting top had been replaced by a different shade of blue but equally form fitting top which looked like it had to be slipped from the back. The shoulders were covered and puffy sleeves went down to the middle of their upper arms but the front, the front was completely missing and their breasts were exposed.

Ommi's breasts were an older version of Kimla's, similar nipples and areola, sagging more but really quite nice for her age. On each of them their breasts were covered with the intricate designs mirroring the ones on their faces, shoulders, feet and I assumed the rest of their bodies.

Once again they stood me up but this time they untied and removed my robe before laying me back down. Then there occurred another thing Kimla had left out. As I lay there Ommi stood at the foot of the bed and began running her hands up and down my calves, then she leaned forward her face above my cock only to rub up and down my thighs. My heart began pounding as I thought, "no, she wouldn't."

Ommi then crawled onto the bed so that she could rub her hands up and down my chest all the while moving her hips higher and higher until she was over my cock. Placing her hands on my shoulders she looked intently into my eyes. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Kimla move closer where she adjusted Ommi's dress a bit. Suddenly I felt flesh on flesh and my cock pressing against something new but very very familiar, a woman's pussy.

"My God, is she going to fuck..." I thought to myself. I know my face was showing some consternation and concern because when I glanced at Kimla she nodded and mouthed "it's ok" to me.

Then Ommi closed her eyes, sat up and stretched out her arms while at the same time I see and feel Kimla grasping my cock and guiding me into her mother. Ommi moved her hips a bit and then sank slowly but firmly onto my cock. Usually my cock will bend a tad going in but it was so hard it simply drove into her. Her pussy felt like it was on fire it was so hot inside. I noticed her cheeks wince once or twice as she settled me as deep inside her as she could. She stopped with about an inch of my cock remaining.

I thought, "Well, there was one difference between Kimla and Ommi." Kimla could take all of it.

I hadn't noticed where they came from but in her out stretched hands were now two twisted shapes.

"Snakes," my mind told me. Then it struck me from paintings I'd seen during my travels in the near east. A bare breasted goddess, Minoan or Phoenician, in whose outstretched arms hands held snakes.

Ommi sat still, not moving an inch. That's when I realized that although I could feel the heat of her pussy around my cock what I didn't feel was the desire to fuck, to cum, almost a complete lack of desire while completely aroused.

"Has to be that gel" I thought, "or maybe that mahwub stuff? or a combination of both?"

Only a few moments passed before Kimla took the snakes from Ommi. Ommi opened her eyes and lifted up off me. My cock made a quite audible wet "SLAP" when it slipped from her. I looked down, it was quite wet. I wasn't sure if it was the gel or from Ommi's pussy. She crawled off me and stood still. Kimla stood in front of her and Ommi nodded to her. Kimla nodded back and knelt in front of her using a red linen to wipe Ommi's inner thighs and probably pussy. I couldn't really see well.

Without any further ado they stood me up and walked me naked from the room. It really felt weird being led naked through a house while sporting a raging hard on.

Ommi led me followed by Kimla bringing up the rear into the master bedroom. I had never been into Sammy and Kimla's bedroom and glanced about. Centered against the wall was a king size bed, the head board was like a bookcase, a bathroom to the left, a makeup desk and chair to the right, next to a large chest of drawers. It was lit only by candlelight, the bed was partially covered by a lovely blanket with colored geometrical designs surrounding a large depiction of a full moon, a fertility symbol. There was the light odor of the gel in the air. On the headboard stood a large statue of that goddess I recognized. She was dressed in a long dress, like Ommi and Kimla her breasts were exposed also like Ommi and Kimla, her arms outstretched and grasping snakes.