Public Humiliation

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Needing a job, she takes one that shows her off in public.
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Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/02/2018
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I was just laid off from my job. I had been with the company for 15 years and now they are downsizing and I was released. I had no idea what I would do now. I hadn't had to look for a job in so long, I just didn't know where to start. I knew I should have a resume showing my experiences. But the only experience I had was being a good secretary. That was it.

Then as I was looking through the want ads, I saw one that said, 'We want to give you and offer you can't refuse'. I thought that was interesting enough and jotted down the number to see what this was about. If nothing else, I could go draw unemployment until something came along.

But, let me explain about who I am. My name is Judy Monroe. I have lived alone for all my life, not ever really wanting to settle down with just one guy. Yes, I slept with many men, but never found one that I wanted to stay with forever. I didn't think I could have been faithful if I had stayed with just one.

I'm 35 years old, and am in good shape. I work out a lot and keep healthy. I have a nice figure, or at least I have been told that. The only thing I wish I could change was the size of my boobs. I am only a small 34, but my nipples are quite nice. They stick out like little erasers, especially when I get excited. The rest of my body is 24, 35. My butt is well rounded and I think it is my best asset. And I was not afraid to flaunt it. You know the old saying of if you got it, flaunt it. Well, that is what I did many times to find a bed mate for a night. I would show off some of my body out in public, just so I could get a guy in bed. Maybe I didn't have to, but I did enjoy a little bit of exhibitionism at times.

And, there isn't much I wouldn't try at least one time. I have sucked many men off, let them screw me and even gave up my butt to some of them. I would let them feel me up in bars and lost many pairs of panties to the ones who wanted a souvenir. Many times, I would walk home without my panties on, knowing some guy was probably sniffing them as he jerked off.

But now I was not working and I couldn't afford to go out like I used to. I had to find me a job and get back to work. So, I got the want ads from a friend and began my search. That is when I saw this one that said, 'We offer you a chance to get back your life. It is an offer you can't refuse'.

I called the number from the ad and a very nice female answered. She said her name was Dana and that she worked with a guy by the name of Guy. She was sweet sounding and seemed very concerned that I needed a job right away after losing mine. She wanted to meet with me the next day to go over what would be required from me. I was so excited, I told her I would be at the address she gave me at 10 AM. But, I didn't know what kind of work I would be doing yet. So, I just had to wait to find out.

I didn't sleep well that night. My mind was going through all sorts of things that she might want me doing. My only experience was a secretary and I hoped that is what she wanted me to do. She sounded like she was a business woman. Maybe she travelled around or she owned a big business of some type and needed a person to oversee her clerical work. My mind was just wandering all night.

The next morning I was up early, got my shower and dressed up in my very best clothes. I paced around my home waiting for the time to go get my new job. It seemed like it took forever to reach 9:30. I had to leave then to make it to her address on time. I didn't want to be late for my appointment with her.

Finally, I could leave my house. I drove to the appointment with my mind still wandering all over the place. I was so excited to hopefully get hired so soon after being laid off that I almost missed the address.

I pulled into the drive of the address and it was a beautiful place. A big house with fountains in the front. I parked my car and walked up the walk to the front door. I rang the bell and waited.

It wasn't long and the door opened. Inside stood a beautiful elegant lady. She said, "You must be Judy. I'm Dana. Please come in."

I said, "Yes, I am Judy. So, nice to meet you Dana."

We walked into her house and it was just beautiful. She led me into a nicely decorated living room with a fireplace. I always wanted a fireplace and this one was very impressive. It was also a large room with beautiful furniture.

She asked me to sit and then had someone bring us tea. She waited for the servant to leave before she spoke.

"Judy, I am very pleased that you answered my ad. I am always looking for talented beautiful ladies to work for me and my company." She explained.

I said, "Yes, I saw the ad and it was quite interesting. An offer I can't refuse?"

Dana then said, "Well, some have refused it, but I thought it would catch someone's eye. And I see it has you wondering about my offer. I can tell you it does pay good and you could have fun, travel and do many things you might enjoy."

I asked, "So, please tell me what job this is. So far you have made it sound very interesting, but you haven't said what the job is."

She looked at me and said, "I will understand if you say no to me once I tell you. I hope you at least try it out to see if you would enjoy it, but as I have said, I won't hold it against you if you tell me no."

I said, "I would like to at least know what it is, so please tell me and quit beating around the bush, please."

Dana laughed and said, "Yes Judy I was beating around the bush. I am always leery of asking girls to do what I want, even if I do pay well and would take good care of you."

"Well Dana, please tell me so I can tell you yes or no." I told her.

"OK, here it is Judy." She said. "I want to use you as a model for some public humiliation. I want to be able to expose your body to others and watch you have sex with others, both men and women."

I said, "Wait. Tell me again what you want me to do. You want me to get naked in public and let others have sex with me?"

Dan kind of blushed, but said, "Yes, it is something like that, but I want to be able to expose you in different kinds of ways. I want to be able to tie you up, rip your clothes off, cut them off, or have you remove them on my orders. I want to parade you around areas where other people are, showing off your body. I want to be able to spank or whip you in public. In other words, I want to use you and your body to turn others on and to watch as you perform many different types of sex in public."

I sat there in silence for quite some time. She didn't say any more. We both sat there with our own thoughts. I was wondering if I could do something like that. If I could parade around in public showing off my naked body and then having sex with others. I admit, I do enjoy showing off, but being tied up or bound so I had no control, I wasn't too sure about that.

Finally, I asked, "Dana, that is a lot to ask of someone. Have others done this for you and if so can you prove that they did it without being in trouble since it is against the law to be naked in public."

"Judy, I know it is a lot to ask. That is why I only take the very best." She said, "Yes I have had others do this and I have videos of every one of them. It was all done with their permission and even if it is against the law to be naked in public here, it is not in other parts of the world. That is why I said something about the travel. I will show you some of the videos and then you can decide. The travel is paid for by my company, as is the wardrobe, the hotel rooms and meals. You would get all of this plus a salary for modeling."

"That all sounds so good, but I am still not sure. May I see the videos? And where is it legal to get naked in public?" I asked.

"Yes Judy, I will show you the videos." She told me. "Spain, Belgium and a few other countries allow nudity. And I always check with the authorities to keep us all out of trouble. You will never have to worry and you will never be alone."

She then picked up the remote, hit a few buttons and I saw the big screen TV come to life. It showed a girl, standing in the middle of a busy street. I also saw Dana with her, talking to her. Dana walked away a few feet and the girl started getting undressed all on her own. She removed her shoes and socks, then her blouse and skirt. She was in her bra and panties. Dana came back up to her and helped her remove her bra and then she tied her arms behind her back. She worked fast and had her tied in no time. Then Dana removed the girl's panties and she was standing there naked, in the middle of a busy street. People walking past looking at her. Then Dana had her walk around and down the street to a park. That is where she was met by a man who had his cock out. The girl went to him, dropped to her knees and put his cock in her mouth and started sucking him. There were people still around them as this naked girl gave a man a blow job.

Dana shut it off and went to another video. This time, the girl was already tied and still dressed as they walked down the street. Dana would stop her and proceed to expose some of the girl's body, a little at a time. She pulled her panties to her knees and made her walk like that for a short distance. Then she raised her skirt up to show the girls butt and pussy. This kept going until the girl who still had clothes on was showing everything she had.

I was getting turned on by watching this happen and thought I could do that. My hand went to my crotch and I started playing with myself. I was not aware of doing it until Dana asked if I was having fun. I then realized what I was doing and stopped.

She laughed and said, "I can see you liked what you saw. What do you say, want to give it a try?"

I said, "Yes I do, but I have some questions first."

"Of course, you do and we can discuss them. I also must ask you some questions. May I go first?" Dana said.

"Yes, you may, as long as I get my answers too." I said.

"Good, I don't know much about you so will go through a lot of questions." She said. "Are you married Judy?"


Do you have a boyfriend?"


"Are you a virgin?"

"Hell no."

"Do you suck cocks?"

"Yes, and swallow."

"Good. Do you do anal?"

"I have before. Not my favorite, but yes."

"Have you had sex with a girl before?"

"Yes, but only a couple times when I was younger. I was drunk both times and don't remember too much."

"Do you shave your pussy or let it grow natural?"

"Shave it. I'm bald down there."

"Have you ever had more than one man at the same time? If so, how many?"

"Yes, I had sex with 2 men at the same time before. But no more than that."

"Have you ever had a gang bang? If so how many men were there?"

"No, never did that, even though I have thought about it before."

"Have you ever shown off in public before? Flashing is the same."

"Oh Yes, I love to show off. Helps me pick up guys. It's funny they stay away until they get a glance up my skirt and then they are all over me."

"I know that is true. Have you ever been totally naked in public before?"


Have you ever been spanked, whipped or paddled?"

"No, and I'm not sure I want to be."

Have you ever been slapped in the face or had your tits slapped?"

"I was slapped once during a little fight and I didn't like it. I slapped her back."

"How about hair pulling"


Have you ever been tied up or immobilized before?"


"OK, I think I have a good knowledge of how we start." Dana said, "Now you had some questions for me?"

"I said, "Yes, I do. To start with, will I be naked in public a lot?"


"How much will I earn when I am with you?"

"Well, as I have said, I pay very well. And for what I will have you doing, it is worth a lot. So, how does $1500.00 sound to you for each scene we do?"

"Really. That much to show off in public."

"Well, there are some other things you will do also. You see, you will have to have sex with others too. Each scene will take you around the streets of where ever we are and you will have to fuck, suck and eat pussy in all the scenes. This will take a lot of patience on your part, but I know you can do it."

"How long does each scene last?"

"They normally last for about 6 hours total. We have to move around some and getting things set up takes time."

"Will I have to buy special clothes when I am working?"

"No, I will provide all the clothes you will need. Sometimes I will cut or rip the clothes you have on and I wouldn't want them to be yours."

"So, if I agree to all of this, I will earn $1500.00 for each time you use me. You will provide travel, lodging and food while I am working. You will provide the clothes I need."

"Yes, to all of this. I have a private jet to take us wherever we need to go. I have access to hotels all over the world and have a person at my disposal to fit you with all the clothes you will need."

"OK, when would I start should I agree?"

"I would like to be in the air within the hour if you agree to accompany me."

I thought for a moment and said, "Well, guess I should go pack something to take with me."

"I take that as a yes you accept the job. You won't need anything as I will provide everything for you. The only thing we need now is a passport. You do have one, don't you?"

"Yes, I would have to go get it."

"Is it at your apartment?"

"Yes, it is. I can go get it and get right back so we can leave."

"No, we will go by your place on the way to the airport. That will save us some time. Now, have you accepted this job and do you now work for me."

"Yes, I accept the job and do work for you now."

"Very good. I have some paper work for you to sign and then we can get moving. Oh, and I need you to take all your clothes off."

"Why do I need to get naked now? I thought that came when we went to do the scenes."

"Yes, it does, but I need to get your measurements for the clothes and I want to see what you look like naked. If your body isn't appealing, the scenes won't be that good. Besides, I thought it would be nice to have some fun before we leave."

So, I stood and took my clothes off. I never had a problem being naked in front of others, but it was usually men that saw me this way. And Dana said we would have some fun. I wondered what that meant.

Once I was naked, 2 more people came into her living room. Another woman and a man. Dana said, "These are my clothes makers. They will measure all of you before we get to play. Just don't mind where they put their hands or fingers. I need to know all about you, so let them do their jobs."

I nodded as the 2 approached me and began. The measured everything. They wrote down many numbers. Measurements, height, how long between my feet and pussy, space between my breast, how round my ass was, length of my slit, distance between my pussy and butthole. They had their hands all over my naked body and I was getting turned on.

The man turned to Dana and said, "OK, she is ready Princess. All measured and quite wet. We will have her wardrobe ready when you leave."

Dana said, "Thank you John and Betty. I am sure she will look great in all the clothes."

They both left and I watched as Dana got naked with me. She was beautiful. Very fit and well proportioned. I wasn't sure what else she had in mind, but found out for quickly.

She came to me, hugged me and lowered me to the floor. Then she got on top of me and kissed me right on the mouth. I couldn't resist and returned the kiss. It wasn't long and she was touching me all over and had worked down to my breast and soon to my pussy. She started eating me and I was in heaven. I had never had my pussy licked like she was doing it now. God, it felt so good.

Dana continue her assault on my pussy and then she stuck her finger in my ass. That is when I lost it and started cumming on her face. She kept licking and sucking on my pussy and clit and I continued to cum for her. It felt so good. I don't think I have ever cum so hard before. I was so hot and she wasn't stopping.

She made me cum 3 times before she let me up. I rolled over and almost went to sleep. I was so relaxed. But Dana had other ideas. She whispered in my ear, saying "Now it is your turn to make the Princess happy. And remember, it won't be the last time you do this and not just with me either."

I got down between her legs and started licking her naked pussy. She tasted so good and was quite wet. I thought back to when I was in college and had my first taste of pussy. It was my roommate at the time and we had been drinking. We couldn't find any guys, so we did each other. I enjoyed it, but I didn't do it again with her. I had a couple other encounters with girls, but it wasn't great. I kind of just drifted away from girls and only did the guys from then on.

I licked her juicy pussy and made her cum a couple times and she pushed me away. She said, "OK, time to go away. Let's get dressed, get your passport and get on our way."

I got my clothes back on and she redressed. Then we left my car at her house and I rode with her to my place. I rushed in, got my passport and went back to the car. I was excited knowing I had a job and was going to have fun getting paid. Well, at least I hoped that was the way it was going to be. She had said I would be naked in public and that is the only thing that bothered me. I didn't mind being naked, I just didn't want to get arrested for doing it.

Dana's driver drove us to the airport and we boarded her private jet. It wasn't very long and we were cleared for takeoff and we were on the way. I was getting nervous now, but was very excited.

Dana said, "OK, Judy. Once we land, we will go to our rooms. Your clothes for the first scene will be there for you. But, I have to tell you some of my rules before we get there."

I said, "OK, just don't let me get arrested and I'll be good with it."

She said, "Oh, don't worry about getting arrested. I'll be with you always and I also have some body guards close by to protect you. You will not get in any trouble. I have cleared everything I plan on doing with you with the local authorities and we will not be bothered. Well maybe some people saying things about you, but that is all."

"That is a relief" I said.

"Now, when we are together, I expect complete obedience from you." She started, "I want you to pay attention to what I say and let me do whatever I want with you. I am there to guide you and protect you."

I nodded that I understood and she continued. "I have safe words that you need to know. I call them red, yellow, green. If you say green, everything is ok to continue. If you say yellow, then we are moving too fast and I will slow down until you are back at green. But, if you say red, everything stops. All action stops and we discuss what happened when you say red. Nothing will continue until we are both satisfied that the problem is fixed."

Once again, I nodded and said, "I understand. Hope I don't have to use red."

She laughed and said, "You can use red for many reasons. If the bindings I use on you are too tight, if you need to pee, and even if you need some water or something to eat. It doesn't have to be only because you don't want to do something for me. Do you understand this?"

I said, "Yes and thank you. I thought I could only use it to stop because I didn't want to do it."

Once again, she smiled and then said, "Now, if I should have you gagged, which I will from time to time, and you want to stop, all you should do is shake your head back and forth and say, 'uh, uh, uh, uh'. That is like saying red."

I said, "OK, I didn't realize I would be gagged at all. But it is ok."

Then she said, "That even goes if you have a cock in your mouth."

I laughed at that. I love sucking cocks and did hope to have some in my mouth. Guess that is just like being gagged.