Punky's Diary, 2/16/07

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Allis and the Cum Chamber.
4.7k words

Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 02/22/2007
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Punky's Diary -- a Friend's Experiences, collected by Selbryth.

February 16, 2007

Hi it's me—whoa, yawn, right?

So anyhow, being with Ava and Morgan for a bunch of days now has convinced me to grow my bush back. I mean, Morgan totally enjoyed Ava—that whole weekend, if you remember—and I enjoyed watching! But the way Morgan would just go after Ava's beautiful pussy was incredible.

The clam with the beard in the front row wins the cigar!

And that following Monday and Tuesday and on and on, and then the Wednesday night at the club with the band, and...well you get the picture. Those two really hit it off, but the weird thing is, it really didn't bother me that much.

So it's a Thursday and I'm going it alone because, well, I figure Morgan and Ava need some time by themselves if they're gonna start an actual relationship. Besides, Morgan had just seen Ava and me 'sharing' the horns of her guitar the night before, so I figured I'd gotten 'my share' of things.

It had been pretty sexy though I have to admit, Ava and me kneeling there on the stage, each of us with one of the horns of her guitar buried deep up our cunts, going up and down and up and down while the crowd went crazy.

Gives me shivers just thinking about it now.

But anyhow I'm really drag-assing all day because of being up all night previous, and it finally gets to be quitting time and I go to kiss Morgan goodbye and turn down her invitation to join her and Ava at her house, and then I get back to my place. I just wanna sleep, you know?

So I get there and there's like a delivery girl or something standing there by the mailbox. I figure it's a bill collector, but I go up and she turns and she's like this teeny little thing! I'm not that big myself, but this woman made me feel like Attack of the 50 Foot Woman or something.

I figured she must've been an alien or maybe a pixie or something. She didn't look Irish or anything remotely Celtic though.

So I ask her what she wants, and she starts grinning and telling me that she saw me at the club the night before and she just had to see me in person and that she wondered if I was interested in going to this other club she knows of, but no, of course she wasn't asking me 'out' or anything and it's just for my own interest.

So—in order for me to stop what was turning into a Spoken Novel, I invite her in and she's all bashful faced and shit, and I coax her and a few minutes later I'm sitting in my living room with this pixie girl—short hair, big eyes, and everything. When she had her cap off she looked even more elvish (but not the tall High Elves like in the Tolkien books; just this cute little person with a big toothy grin and laughing eyes.

And Allis (that's her name) goes on to tell me that's she's 23 years old and 95 pounds when she eats too much and please don't laugh or think of her as a dork because it's tough being so tiny and have people take you seriously.


So then she's all flustered looking and gets up and says she has to go and gives me a card for the place she was telling me about and just like that, she leaves! I'm sitting there going 'fuck, did that really happen or what?' but I look at the card and it's downtown and I know where it is, and so I decide to go.

That Saturday comes and all I'm thinking about is Ava and Morgan. I'm not jealous or feeling left out or anything...just sorta turned-on by what might be going on over at Morgan's. I mean I know what the possibilities are, and just thinking about some of them gives me a stiff clit that just doesn't seem to want to go away! So I'm in my shorts and tee-shirt, sitting in my favorite armchair, staring at the blank television screen and just imagining Ava there, undressing, and I put my one leg up on the arm of the chair and then I'm visualizing Morgan standing there in her pretty bathrobe (with nothing on underneath obviously), and she's watching Ava undressing and she has this big smile on her face and then she slips her robe off and her nipples are just sticking out like light-brown fingertips, and then my hand sorta reaches under my leg and around and a little bit in and I push against my pussy bulge.

I'm not really thinking as I'm doing all this—it just happened.

You know how it is.

So then Ava is totally naked, with no shoes on, and Morgan's eyes go all up and down her body and then down to her feet, and I know Morgan's thinking about how pretty Ava's feet are (because they really are), and then my fingers somehow manage to slip in through the leghole of my shorts and beneath the crotch panel of the panties, and I gasp and just let it happen.

My middle fingertip is inching in, reaching, just about to slip into my slit and slide up to my clit when the doorbell rings! I yank my hand away but I'm still seeing that sexy little mental movie, and in it, Ava and Morgan are hugging naked and I'm seeing how their boobs are mashed together and how passionately they're kissing and the way Morgan is reaching down and grabbing Ava's firm buns and squeezing them to pieces.

It takes me a moment but I get up and catch my breath and walk to the door. I open it wanting to kill whoever it is, but it's the pixie and she has this huge grin on her cute face.

"I just came by to see if you wanted a ride." she says, and for just a moment my mental movie fades and now Allis is the star, and she's barefoot and she's naked and she's just given herself totally to me and I'm about to take her.

"Uh...sure," I say, and you can almost hear the little thing's mind going Yay!

So I tell her to come in while I get dressed and she tells me it's real casual and not to worry and that I look fine like I am. I glance back at her at one point and catch her checking out my legs and ass! She wasn't quick enough to hide where she was looking. I wasn't mad or anything; in fact it was kinda like Hey, thanks...I appreciate it.... But she was all nervous and shit because I caught her looking.

Then I turned and got real evil inside and made sure I left my bedroom door open when I took my tee-shirt off. I could feel her eyes on my back! I just knew she was hoping I'd turn around, and then I had to decide if I was just being a shit and big-headed or if she really was looking.

So I turned and it looked like she was going to faint or something! I just grinned at her, and she started to smile, but her pale face looked white like a sheet now.

Then I slipped on a nice blouse, left the shorts because she said they looked okay, and put some sneakers on. I wasn't worried for some reason about going off in a stranger's car (I really should've been), but then we were driving down the freeway (oh that's why I went with her! She had an old convertible with the top down!), and then we were there.

Allis was out of the car and opening my door for me before I could even find the handle, and then the parking guy zoomed off and I was left alone with this strange but kinda-cute woman. We headed for the door and the doorman recognized her and let us in, and the moment I stepped into the place all I could think was sex!

And it's not because there were humping orgies going on all over the floor, or bound and gagged people being whipped or anything like that. It was dark, sure, but it was fresh-smelling and air-conditioned and pretty nice actually. Outside was like a dump; inside was like a neat looking almost psychedelic modern kind of metro club.

Then Allis grabs my hand and leads me in past the other folk milling around and we get to this circular archway thingie and we go in. There's naked people in there, but it's only because they're undressing and stowing their stuff in some pretty clean looking lockers. I turn to see what my host is doing but she's already got her shoes and jeans off and is just now taking her top off. She's totally unaware of me looking but I really am totally checking her out. She really is pretty under all that grunge stuff she wears. No tits—flatter than me!—and a nice little full bush when her panties finally come down.

I'm just standing there staring and now she's the one who looks up and catches me! But my face doesn't turn red like hers did. I have something to say and I just have to say it.

"God, you're so pretty!" I just blab out loud (totally no class), and this time when she blushes it isn't from being ashamed!

So anyhow, I finally strip down and then Allis and I stroll over to these little—I dunno—like little portals or something. They're round openings in the wall, maybe seven feet in diameter, and you can see that there's a tunnel that goes almost straight down beyond each one. Oh! Like on those big ships that have those tuba-looking thingies sticking up? Fennels or flannels—funnels!

Anyhow there's a banana/fruity smell blowing up and out from the funnels (there's like eight of them in a row), and other naked people ahead of us in a short line, and they wait until a light flashes green, and then they just jump in and disappear down the funnel. There's pairs and groups of three and four, singles, and then it's me and Allis standing there. I'm trying to peek down to see where the tube goes but I can't see anything.

"Don't be afraid," my friend says. "It's a little weird the first time but...it's really neat, trust me!" So I do. The green light flashes and Allis and me step off into nothing!

But we only freefall about 10 feet or so before the tube narrows around us and slows us down. But the thing is, the walls of the tube are made of some sort of really realistic synthetic skin! And on top of this every square inch is coated with this really thick, gloppy lubricant that's so slick it feels like pussy goo or something. But it's like an inch thick on the walls and always oozing down and down and as Allis and I slide down this tunnel thingie we not only get squished gently together (good excuse for being front to front with her!) but we're both being totally drenched and smeared and coated with this slime!

It was terrific!

So we're sliding and sliding and then the tube starts to bend off to the side and then down and then another direction—like a rollercoaster thing. And the inside of the tube is lit by pinkish light coming through from the other side of the skin; it gives the impression that you're sliding through someone's insides—like the intestines or maybe some gigantic cunt or something! But as we're sliding I'm obviously enjoying not only the feeling of this gooey stuff gliding around me, but the feeling of having a warm, naked girl against my front side. I put my arms around Allis—just for support and comfort you understand—and she hugs me back and we both go ripping along hugging like that.

But then there's soft bumps and things sliding against me. I look and the tube isn't just a soft, sleek surface anymore; it's got things sticking out of it. Not hard, but jutting roundish shapes made of a firmer version of the skin. They're like cocks or huge clitorises in a way, and we start to slow down as we pass against them. It's almost like getting a massage.

Finally and suddenly, our feet touch bottom and the floor is soft and spongy and slippery. It's like we've landed in the monster's stomach (or her womb)! I lose my balance because of how soft and uneven the floor is, and Allis and I both tumble sideways. We're still holding each other but when we hit the floor we separate. There's no real impact though because it's so thick and cushiony. We're laughing and trying to get up and then I take a step and find that the floor is angled more than where we landed and I go skidding off with Allis right behind me. We slide another 10 or 20 feet and splash in this clear, gooey puddle. There's more of those protrusions, and as I laugh and wipe the tears from my eyes, Allis suddenly singles one of those things out and squats down on it.

The look in her face! She gasps and then shivers and I so know how that feels. I find the prong closest to me and get myself onto it, and things just blank out. You can hear muffled moans and stuff—laughter too—from the other tunnels but it's really soft, and so there we both were, all by our twosome, squishing our slick bodies up and down on these delicate but firm things sticking out of the walls and floor, cumming!

I don't know how long it went on like that, but when I looked, Allis had gotten a second of those things up her ass and was still kneeling there going up and down. She was facing sideways to me so I could see both prongs. She looked so cute doing that—so sexy—that I stopped what I was doing just so I could watch with a clear mind.

Then I don't know what happened. I guess I really must've needed to be with someone rather than just sit there cumming, but before I could think, I'd gotten off my prong and slid and skidded over to Allis, and as she went up and down, I started 'helping' her out a little bit. Just holding her waist and lifting up and pushing down, but then I gave in to what I was feeling and started feeling her up; just running my hands all over her chest and shoulders and hips and thighs, adding to what she was already feeling. And she really must've liked it because she lifted her arms up out of the way and let me do whatever I wanted! Such a sweetie!

I kept exploring her, groping and fondling everything I could, and as I did, her gasps and moans got harsher and harder and louder. She was really cumming after just a few moments, and then I slid around behind her and reached around and really started to rub her chest for her.

She leaned back against me, melting almost, and I held her and hugged her and kept her slim little body going up and down on those prongs. I almost wished I was one of those prongs, and then finally I couldn't resist it. On one of her up motions I lifted her right off her things and sat her on my lap, then reached down and around and slid my fingers into her cunt.

She jerked against me. She moaned so loud I knew everyone in the place could hear, but what the fuck, you know? I started finger fucking her fast and hard and she leaned back against me and brought her knees up and spread them wide. She rolled her pelvis to make the angle better, and then, because everything was so totally drenched in gooey slime, I easily got another finger up her butt. There was zero resistance—it just slid right in.

So there I am double-finger-fucking this sexy pixie-broad and she's beyond the beyond and I'm just loving the shit out of it! And since it's so sexy and hot and wonderful I'm starting to cum too just from doing it! Then I flip her over so she's facing me and I'm just about to get her to stay on hands and knees so I can go behind her and enjoy working her backdoor with a little more leverage when her eyes pop open and she grins.

"If...you...have to, you know," she half moans, "Then...you can go on me. I'd really love it...." So I'm thinking it was like that old Rolling Stones song or something, like she's quoting lyrics, Something on me then—duh—I realize she's talking about something else.

That grin of hers though! Such a cute, sweet invitation!

"You mean like..."

"Yah," she says. "Like in the club, only...fresher, you know?"

So yah of course I knew! I started to get to my feet, slipped, splashed in goo, then got to my knees to try again. I mean, I really wanted to do this for her—for me too!—but before I could, there was a whole bunch of laughing and screaming and yells coming from the opening to this rubbery chamber and suddenly three nude bodies flashed out of the entry tube and landed in a tangle of arms and legs, making chunks of the thick banana-scented lube fly everywhere. Then they were getting to their feet and looking around, and when they saw Allis and me they all smiled.

I did too. It was Syndi and Monique from the band, and one of our biggest, loudest yelling fans, Shay.

Then they were with us and Allis was hugging Shay, and Monique was clapping me on the back and Syndi comes up and hugs me.

That felt really nice!

"So what you guys up to?" Monique says to me, and Allis answers.

"Just you know," she says, "...the regular stuff. I'm glad you guys could make it; I thought you weren't coming."

Shay just rolled her eyes and put a big, beefy arm around Allis's shoulders. Standing next to the way taller and stockier Shay, Allis looks even more like a pixie.

"Oh, we wouldn't miss any chance to 'cum'," Shay laughs, and I was still so revved up from what Allis and I had been doing that I went right up and hugged Shay and Allis, and then looked back at my bass player and drummer.

"You two just gonna stand around and watch?" I ask, and then there was suddenly five naked ladies touching and laughing and wrestling and slipping around in the slick, slippery chamber.

I have to say that I really loved the chance to be with Syndi and Monique! Kissing them, touching them is like something that would never have happened at the club or anywhere else for that matter; all of us trying to be so professional and all.

Except for me and Ava of course.

Then another big splash and a giggle and a girl I'd never laid eyes on got up drenched and grinning and slogged on over to join us. Monique, who'd just been exploring my left leg with both hands, turned and let go right away. She now reached both arms out to the newcomer.

"Susan!" she said, and they hugged and kissed, and then Susan crawled over and was introduced to me.

She was well worth waiting to meet and that's a fact. Totally the opposite of Monique with a slender build, fuller boobs, sandy blonde hair—really a modelesque looking lady. They started rubbing together—tits-to-tits—and kissing, and that left just me and Syndi.

Allis was on her knees getting from Shay what she'd requested of me! But even though that was really sexy looking and would normally have been a real turn-on for me, it was Syndi who really held my attention just then.

So there I am suddenly, hugging and kissing this cute woman while the other two couples go their own way. Syndi's like this ultimate tomboy but really soft and feminine on the inside. We're hugging and touching and grabbing and she's giving me back exactly what I'm giving her. I keep thinking of her and her bass and how she always seemed only able to relate to it, and now I'm seeing this other side of her and it's like the sexiest thing I'd ever seen. Like this whole secret side of her coming out and being beamed at me.

Finally we get down on our knees and then we roll on our sides and we're slipping and sliding around and rolling over on top and under each other, all the time with our hands massaging boobs and thighs and grabbing buns. I'm just about to get the advantage and pin her down and just suck her nipples when there's suddenly hands all over me—my ankles and hips and shoulders—and I'm spun over on my back and held down and all these cute, smiling faces are hovering over me.

"Man, I friggin' give up, okay?" I tell them, and then I'm suddenly covered with kisses and licking tongues and groping, exploring fingers! Orgasms galore start just about instantly and pretty soon I'm reduced to a melted, squirming blotch of goo being manipulated by six pairs of hands (and actually some toes too), with mouths going everywhere on me. Finally it gets to the point where I'm squirting and suddenly Allis is right there between my legs, trying to get it to splash on her.

She got what she wanted, but then everyone started jostling for position, trying to get my secretions on them. I was feeling like a slot machine in a casino or something: stick something in the slot (fingers in my cunt), pull the handle and see what comes out.


Over and over again; they weren't giving me any kind of break; just 'fingers, orgasm, squirt!' on and on. It was a tough job, but somebody had to do it I guess. I was really happy about it. I mean, the pee-thing was old-hat already, but what was coming out of me was my own personal juice—my private stock as it were—and I couldn't think of anyone—or group of anyones—that I would rather have shared it with.