Punky's Diary, 3/2/07

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Charlie and Paris (no, not the chick).
6.9k words

Part 6 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 02/22/2007
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Punky's Diary -- a Friend's Experiences, collected by Selbryth.

March 2, 2007

The plane trip to Paris with Charlie didn't seem as long as I would've imagined. I guess that's mostly because we spent pretty much the whole flight naked and squirming around back in the plush bedroom area of the plane. I mean it was nice.

Waaay nice.

But what's nicer is that there happened to be this incredible, luscious beauty squirming around against me doing all these wild things. It's like Charlie seemed more comfortable in her own surroundings—obvious, right?—but now she seemed comfortable and uninhibited; like this was the first time she'd really let go like this in her own setting or something. You could tell because there were little things, little moments where'd she'd glance around as if she was being looked at, or other little things where you could tell she would've placed her hand gently on something but instead overcompensated and just decided to slam it down.

There was lots of slamming though. As soon as the pilot told us it was safe to unbuckle, we did, and then we went to the bedroom and unbuckled everything else. First thing we just got on the bed and got our legs meshed together and started grinding our pussies together. I loved watching Charlie's thing springing back and forth between us, but after awhile she tucked it back and I could feel it as a firm, tubular ridge rubbing against my cunt. I wanted to reach down and flip it toward me so I could push down onto it, but before I could Charlie had snagged one of my legs and was feasting my foot. I had to do the same just to save face and all that shit.

Later on, like an hour or so, I went to my suitcase and took out my strap-on dildo. I'd only packed things that were dearest to me, and so that meant all my dildos and accessories, my guitar and my amp and then six pairs of clean panties and a couple of jeans and tee shirts. I had an extra pair of socks and sneakers and that was it.

But now I came back to the big roundish bed with my prong proudly leading the way and Charlie just melted before it. She'd made this hummy, yummy sound and started to turn and get on hands and knees but I held my hand up to make her wait.

I had the KY tube in my hand too, but I wanted her to stop and she did.

"Face to face, me on top," I said, grinning, and her face lit up even more than it had been. She got readjusted on the bed, brought her knees up and then spread them wide and just lay there waiting. She looked so completely open, so available, that for a long while there all I could do was look. Her cock was sticking straight up, nodding with the throb of her heart but my eyes were focused just a little lower. I stared until I couldn't resist the urge any longer and I knelt on the bed and crawled over, then sat back on my heels while I rubbed the lube into her anus.

Charlie was sighing, her feet were going up on their balls and pointing, and her legs were just amazingly stretched and tight. I finally finished with her and moved in close, reached down to get the head of my dildo lodged in the opening of her ass and then held her legs against my sides and pushed and lowered with my pelvis.

The thing just sank into her like a hot, greasy knife through butter!

Then I was screwing her and her cock was bouncing back and forth between our bellies, making a slapping sound. I leaned over her and started sucking her nipples and licking her armpits and all, and she was totally shaking and quivering all over. I watched her beautiful tits jouncing around, looked down at my own meager boobs and suddenly thought Man I'm the luckiest guy alive!

Totally weird shit, but it was easy to imagine being someone else, a guy with a flat chest, fucking this gorgeous, sexy, yummy broad. Then I'd glance down again and see Charlie's twirling dick and think Oh man that's beyond sexy! and the tension in my crotch would twist up into a solid vein and I'd cum.

This was with the dildo that didn't have the pussy-prong by the way.

I kept going on like this, loving the look and feel and sounds of it, knowing I could go all night if needed, but then Charlie's gasps and groans got more intense, more anxious. I looked down and her dong wasn't wiggling around anymore because it was so stiff. I kept ramming and then she caught her heels on my shoulders and lifted up to me and a moment later she was groaning and gasping and groaning some more. I looked down and her dick was throbbing, undulating, and cum was squirting out all over her belly. It ran into her belly-button and filled it, but her cock kept rippling and flexing and she kept gasping and groaning and a little bit after that, after a couple more thrusts, I came too. Warmth just gushed down between my thighs and even that gave me a shiver all up and down my spine.

When everything settled down I inched my thing out of Charlie and then lay there on my side between her limp legs, licking her belly clean and dry. She kept right on making these shivery gasping sounds the whole time (gee I wonder why), and when I was done she turned on me like some lioness, pushed me on my back, nearly tore the dildo off me.

Then ate me out till I couldn't move anymore.

Payback's a bitch and in this case she was a completely horny bitch I have to say.

But stuff went on like that; just an ongoing touching and kissing and holding interrupted by fierce sexual acts, then more gentle, quiet caressing, then anxious, furious sex, and just on and on like that.

Oh and meals too.

That is until we both passed completely out and slept. I remember dreaming about some huge clitoris with wings coming after me and then me stopping and spreading my legs for it and it entering me and becoming part of me, but it was just too fucking weird. I woke up with someone sucking my nipples and I opened my eyes and see this angel crouched over me, doing what I'd been feeling, and Charlie sees I'm awake and kisses me on the mouth.

"Good morning," she whispers, and kisses me again. "The pilot says we're going to be landing in about an hour or so, so...I thought I'd wake you."

I yawn and stretch and Charlie's looking at my chest like it's made of gold or something.

"I was having such dreams," I tell her and I sit up and she's shuffling around on the bed on her knees and she turns and has a tray with various yummy looking breakfast items on it. The smell of coffee seems to fill the air.

"Like what?" she asks. She's sipping orange juice and I notice there's another glass for me, plus a clean, empty glass.

"Like were you...fucking me while I was asleep? I don't mind if you were or anything, but..."

"No," Charlie says. "But I felt the bed moving and I turned and noticed you were doing some pretty amazing stuff with the heel of your left foot. Actually, I'd like to discuss that in a little more detail...."

I take my cup of coffee and sip. It's already got the proper formula of cream and sugar—'just a tad' and 'a little too much'. It tastes so good I gulp the whole thing down since it's not too hot.

"You let me know when you gotta go potty," Charlie says. "I'll show you the way."

"I'm sure you will!" I say, laughing and her face just turns red.

Since I don't have to go exactly right then, we both settle back and watch the clouds skimming by as we have our scrambled eggs and bacon and more coffee and orange juice (and guava juice too, that was good), and when we're done I look at Charlie, wink, and then get off the bed. She follows me and I start to leave the bedroom area and head for the bathroom in the regular passenger area but she grabs my hand to stop me.

"This way," she says, and then we're heading down a narrow corridor (still inside the bedroom chamber area) and that opens onto a big room with a shower and toilet and everything.

So...stuff happens; like that's a big shocker, right? In fact time only snaps back to normal as I'm standing there under the shower, leaning with my back against one of the stall walls, gasping as this cuter than shit woman kneels in front of me eating me out to perfection, is when the pilot comes over the speakers saying we'll be landing in ten minutes and to please return to your seats and all that jazz. Charlie's giggling in the deluge that's streaming down from the shower head above me and she stands and kisses me square on the mouth. Then the water's off and we're hurrying to towel off and put on robes and get back to our seats.

We make it just in time, but since the airport's real busy we're sitting on the runway for long enough to get dried off proper and dressed.

So I'm thinking, 'Okay, Paris. First time, and here I am dressed like your typical slob.'

Except when I glance over at Charlie, she's got torn-to-shit jeans on and sneakers and looks just like me.

—Except for the fact that she has class and that makes anything she wears (or doesn't wear) beautiful.

So then we're hurrying through the terminal and going this way and that, people are looking at me weird (so what's new) and then we meet the driver and he grabs the baggage (I'm holding my guitar), and the air smells different and it's chillier and I feel so excited I just want to scream or something.

Then we're in the limo and I'm sitting back looking over at Charlie, who's looking out her window. I'm just so totally struck at how gorgeous she is, but even more now because she's in her element. I'm a fried fish out of the oil, really, and here she is, this beautiful, poised, graceful, sophisticated 'lady' in every sense of the word.

I'm with fucking royalty and it's hard for me to get over it, in other words. Especially when we get out half an hour later and she's speaking perfect (I guess) French to everybody who comes up to greet her. She's introducing me and I'm nodding and they're all smiling, and then we're heading into a hotel, and I look up, hoping it's not the Paris Hilton, you know?

Just a personal thing.

But it's elegant, I can hardly even mentally pronounce the fucker's name, and we're heading through the lobby, being checked in by Charlie's 'people' and one of the guys behind the counter thingie looks at me and smiles.

"Ah Mizzz Jeht," he says in this elegant French accent, and I'm going 'oh fuck here we fucking go again!' "Varry nice to be seeing you a-gain..." I look at Charlie and she looks at me and she just raises her eyebrows. Plus I'm holding my guitar so I guess it's even more obvious to people I'm Mizzz Jeht.

Fucking shit.

Anyhow, we get in the elevator and go up fuck-knows how many floors, and the elevator opens into this huge room which I figured is an office or something. Turns out it's her apartment.

Shit man it was huge.

"How do you like it, Ms. Jett?" Charlie kids me as she spreads her arms out and spins around the huge open living room space.

"Please knock it off," I tell her. "I should get sunglasses or something."

"Won't help," Charlie says. "You'll just look more like her."

"Well fuck then," I say. I throw myself down on the nearest armchair and nearly get swallowed by the thing it's so soft. So much for throwing a hissy fit. I look up at my still swirling dervish friend and she's stopping and smiling at me. She comes over, stopping halfway to yank her sneakers and socks off, then throws herself down on the chair opposite me and puts her feet up on the table between us.

Freshly out of her shoes, her feet have that soft, inviting look about them. I'm thinking I should just vent my frustrations on her toes or something, but then the whole Joan Jett thing comes back full on.

Then an idea hits me. I get it by watching Charlie's neatly groomed toenails as she stretches and bends her toes down at me.

"Say," I say. "You're like all upper-crust kind of stuff, right?" Charlie nods at me but continues flexing her toes and making my pussy melt into my undies. "Well, there's like those, whatever you call 'ems, the makeover type people?"

Charlie nods again as she continues to gaze at her feet.

"So," I go on, "What would it cost if I hired some to make me look like someone else?"

"Nothing," Charlie says. "There's certain, shall we say, 'amenities' that are attached to the hotel, but also my family's businesses. In fact, I have an appointment in about an hour to get done up...."

"For some blue-blood type get together no doubt," I say.

"No doubt," Charlie says. She finally blinks and takes her attention off her feet, removes them from the table and places them on the floor. I can still see them because the table top's glass, but she's sitting forward now so I look up.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to just lounge and put my feet up like that. My parents would normally be here already and I'd have to stay all prim and proper. My father would've preferred me to be all virile and proper, but whatever, you know?"

I stare at her. She's really starting to get an attitude.

Sorta like mine.

"So," I go on, "I'll just stay here then...."

"For what, the makeover?" Charlie says. "I should hope so; they're coming here to do it. As far as the blue-blood things; if you want, I'd be honored to have you join me tonight...."


"Oh yes."

"But people are gonna think you're having a fling with Joan Jeht or something."

"Could be worse; you could look like Paris."

"Don't even fucking say that, okay?"

"Sure, but it's true. Besides, just wait till they're done with you."

* * *

So they got done with me—all of me. I was manicured, pedicured, primped, given a beautiful hair style, a facial, a massage, and then custom fitted with high heels and this beautiful, long, slinky dress; the kind of evening gown you see in those Paris fashion shows.

Then I'm going '—okay, dumbfuck, you're in Paris.'

Which I guess a lot of men could say.

Just kidding.

Anyhow I'm standing there in front of the mirrors, which are these floor-to-ceiling foldout doors in the wall, and I can't believe what I'm seeing. I look like a fucking princess or some such shit! I've got makeup on like some model (or that same fucking princess), and all earrings and a necklace and everything, and I'm staring with my mouth just hanging open.

Charlie's staring too, but she has on this light little dress and flats. She's had her hair done up and has some makeup on, but it looks like she's waiting for her dress to arrive or something. I look at her through the mirror.

"Pretty neat, huh?" I say, and she's been grinning ever since the makeover people left so I'm thinking the grin got glued on somehow.

"I sort of miss my dorkette," she says, "but this is a great replacement. I'm not even going to try and tell you how beautiful you are because you'll just brush it off because you know I'm in love with you and all. But...some girls, I tell you; put a little makeup on them and they're incredible. And you're like totally photogenic. At least that's what Margo told me about you. She said your skin would just work on film."

It was a little much for me to take in, but it was true to some degree, I had to admit; it's like some beauty-fairy had bonged me with a wand and now I wasn't the ugly fuckling any longer. Not that I was going to get a big head or anything. I mean I knew the beauty was only as deep as the makeup. Underneath was still no-class me.

"So where we going then?" I said, trying to change the subject. I looked at Charlie's reflection. She was smiling now and not just grinning. I already knew how beautiful she was, but made up like she was, she was gorgeous!

Fuckable too.

"Well, we'll be going to the same place, but I'll have an escort for you because I'll be doing other stuff..."

She seemed real shy about talking about it so I let it go. At least I wouldn't be alone in a strange city.

About half an hour later, the escort arrived, and I kissed Charlie so-long and went off with him. Nice looking guy though—wow. So polite too. Open the fucking doors for me and everything. We got in the limo and were heading I don't know where and then we pulled up in front of this place that looked like it was having a movie premier or something, and got out. There were flashes going off all over and I wished I'd gotten the sunglasses.

We were seated, and it wasn't a movie premier because there was a long catwalk down the middle of the place. People were looking at me and taking pictures and then I heard someone say "Good evening Mizzz Jeht" and my whole insides just dropped. It had all been for nothing. Total waste of time and money and everything.

Then we sat facing the raised walkway and waited, and this ceremony started up and we stood for the French anthem and stuff, then sat while dignitaries and shit were introduced, and I was thinking if the guy points to me and says 'Welcome Mizzz Joan Jeht!" I was going to jump up there and strangle the fucker with his own tie.

But then there were models strutting out, like fifty of them, all wearing incredibly beautiful shit, and then at the end the designer came out for bows—just like you see on the Fashion Network. Then another bunch of models; same thing, then another group and another designer and I started to really miss Charlie. I mean the scenery was wonderful with all these long-legged flat-chested honey-bunches sashaying by, but after awhile even that gets boring, you know?

Like sensory overload.

But a couple of them I kept staring at. Cute ankles and pretty feet in those elegant heels. I was watching and trying not to look like I was checking them out or anything because cameras were all over the place, and I'm looking away like I'm looking for someone arriving at the doors, and when I turn back I happen to recognize one particular pair of ankles.

I mean, I'd sucked and licked every pore of both of them at one point so I had a 'tongue-al' memory!

I look up and Charlie's strutting her cute body right by, but as she does she glances over and winks at me. The dress she has on is unbelievable. It shows everything while covering everything. She does that cute model's 'rampwalk' all the way down to the other end, turns and rampwalks back past me. She doesn't look this time because she's smiling at the people on the other side, but I'm staring at her ass because you can see her crack right through the material, it's so sheer.

I watch her shimmy-shaking her way behind the curtains and I lose track of her behind the other models as they come marching out. I was spacing out on her, thinking maybe I was seeing things, but then I remembered that one morning in my kitchen when I'd thought the same thing and actually had seen things.

A cute little one as a matter of fact.

So then I watch as Charlie does her cutesy thing three more times with three different dresses, and she's so graceful and so gorgeous—as well as completely sexy and fuckable—I suddenly realize I've made a wet spot in my seat.

Which means there's a wet spot in the sheer green velvety dress I have on and it's not going to dry in time for me to leave. The program says the show ends at ten, and it's almost that.

Then Charlie marches out with all the others in their finale with the designer, and there's applause and everyone's standing, and between all the people—including my escort—I see the cocktail girl and get her attention. I get a martini or something, put the glass to my lips and then drop the whole thing right in my lap on purpose. My escort has his hanky out and is trying to help me wipe stuff off, but my pussy-goo stain is now completely disguised in the martini stain because the seat cushion of the chair has a big blotch!


So other people, still applauding, are also trying to help me out and I look up and see Charlie standing right there waving to the crowd but grinning down at me. I smile and she winks again and I feel my alcohol drenched pussy throb inside. The applause goes on and on and Charlie moves back behind the other girls to wave to the other side of the crowd, then moves around some more and finally comes back to face me. She's smiling this huge smile at me, and I'm applauding and yelling, and it's neat because now she's the one on stage and I'm the one staring up at her.