Pushing the Limits in a Small Town


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Returning to her apartment, she did her exercise, today was yoga again. Showering afterwards, she got dressed for work, today she was actually going into work for a few hours to process some books.

When she arrived she was the only person in the building, it was kind of spooky in the huge library with only a handful of lights on, but she was not easily scared and she worked until lunch and then returned home to spend the rest of the day working from her computer.

Supper came and went and she nervously watched TV for a few hours and then around 11:30, thought it was time to get ready. It was a weeknight and it was rainy outside so she thought most people would likely be in bed already.

Stripping off her clothes in front of the mirror, she had "butterflies" in her stomach and her hands were shaking again in anticipation. She rubbed her boobs and lightly massaged her sensitive nipples, almost making her come on the spot. Her pussy was fully aroused with the folds open, already a little puffy and the moisture glistened in the light. All of these feelings were becoming addicting to her and the feeling was almost as exciting as the actual challenge ... almost but not quite.

Tonight, she had her selfie stick, had her phone ready and her key was on the elastic around her wrist. She put on her sneakers and took a deep breath. Opening the door, she peered up and down the hallway. Everything was quiet. She closed her door and stepped into the hallway. The cool air giving her goosebumps everywhere, again. She stopped and took a picture by the elevators and forced herself to walk, not run to the staircase.

Opening the door to the stairs, she stepped into the stairwell and started down the first flight, the sounds echoed up and down the stair case. Fifth floor, fourth floor, suddenly she heard a door open above her and footsteps started down the stairs. Taking a chance, she went into the third-floor hallway, all was silent. Hiding just behind the door, she heard the footsteps get louder.

Unconsciously her fingers found her pussy and started rubbing herself. The footsteps sounded like they were right beside her and then they started to fade, then she heard a door open and close. Licking her fingers, she thought she tasted delicious.

"Horny young librarian flavour," she smiled, licking her fingers again. Moving back out onto the stairs, she descended to the first floor. Using her key, she entered the long hallway, her pale body standing out in sharp contrast to the silent row of apartments. With no place to hide if someone came into view, she almost came again at the thought of being discovered.

She just touched her hard nipples and her knees almost buckled as she came unbelievably hard.

"OOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG," and she moaned so loudly in the hallway that she thought everyone would hear her. She squirted again, her juices running down her legs and filling the hallway with the sweet scent of her sex.

Recovering, she started down the hallway. After the 10 apartments she approached the lobby, stopping, she looked at the entrance. It was then she remembered about the camera, figuring that at this time of night, nobody would be watching, she took a chance.

"Empty," she said out loud, and she walked to the door, getting the selfie stick ready, she took a little video of her walking through the door, opening the mailbox, and closing it again. She snapped a picture, and then noticed two people walking towards the outside door from a distance.

Hurrying, she swiped the lock and entered the lobby, noticing the elevator was on the main floor, she took a chance and pressed the button, the doors opened just as the two people entered the building, she rushed into the elevator and pressed the "6", the doors were just closing as one of the two people yelled.

"Hey, hold the elevator," a man had said. But the doors closed and the elevator started up, she knew they would press the "up" button, but the elevator wouldn't return to the ground floor; she was almost safe.

"2, 3, 4, 5, and then after seemingly forever, 6 appeared. The doors opened and she looked at the empty waiting area, she had to leap out because the doors started to close again, someone else wanted the elevator on another floor.

She started down the hallway towards her apartment, the adrenaline pumping hard after the closeness to getting caught, her pussy actually had droplets of her cum on her lower lips. When she entered her room, she ran to her bed and thrust the vibrator between her legs.

It took only minutes to bring her off again, a loud yell escaped her mouth and she could not believe how incredible she felt. Taking a moment, she submitted the lobby picture to the contest before getting off again on the vibrator.

She awoke in the morning, her sheets damp and smelling like girl cum and she was naked.

"What a perfect way to start a day," she thought.

Reaching over to the jar by her bed, she pulled out day 4:

"Ride your bike on the trail today for at least 1 mile naked."

She was finding that this contest was taking over her life, the excitement and challenge had made everything else seem boring and plain. She was becoming more and more daring in her attitude and taking risks that only a few days ago seemed impossible.

She logged onto the site and noticed that although she was far from the leaders, she was gaining popularity as the days passed and as people dropped off or maybe she smiled, got caught.

She attributed her feelings to the covid-19 isolation, but deep down she knew that her desire to be naked was like a drug, the more she did it the more she craved.

When she wrote down this "challenge" she knew exactly where she wanted to try it.

First though, she made herself have breakfast, exercise, and then work. The discipline she imposed was difficult, because in her mind, she was already on the bike, pussy wet and rubbing against the warm leather seat, her boobs getting tanned by the sun.

Finally, though it was time. Today, she put her hair into a bun on top of her head, she wore a sports bar, loose black Nike shorts, sockettes, and sneakers.

Leaving the apartment and wheeling her mountain bike into the elevator her mind was lost in thoughts about last night and she barely noticed her fingers tickling her pussy through the leg gap in the shorts. Her long fingernails massaging her smooth pussy, her finger tips just teasing the nub of her clit.

"OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS," she moaned as the orgasm claimed her, standing in the elevator as it approached the ground floor.

Flushed she got off the elevator as other people got on, one of the women, recognizing the scent of sex, simply smiled at her and said quietly, "you go girl."

Once out of the apartment and onto the road, the coolness of the slipstream ran up her shorts and made her feel incredibly naughty and even more horny than before. More aware than ever of how the bike seat moulded to her pussy, she found herself pressing her pussy into the seat.

As she approached the bike trail, she felt almost "buzzed," like she was intoxicated by the anticipation of what was coming next.

"Hopefully me, I want to be coming next," she laughed to herself.

The trail was marked off in 1-mile increments and she peddled harder to the place she wanted to "do it". The entire time from when she started on the trail to here, she hadn't seen anyone but she was still feeling really nervous, it was broad daylight and the trail could hide any number of people in its curves and hills.

At the mile marker, she stripped off her clothes in the sun. The warmth, the nudity, and the threat of discovery combined with the broad daylight to have her on the verge of an orgasm. Her breathing was shallow and her hands were shaking as she took her clothes and hid them in a near by tree.

Settling her wet pussy onto the leather bike seat, she felt like her lips were gripping the seat and the friction was electric from the first time she sat down.

Using her selfie stick, she managed to take several pictures of herself riding past the mile marker. Satisfied, she started to ride.

The trail curved around boulders, small ponds, trees, and went up and down small hills. Sometimes she was exposed and sometimes she was under the canopy of trees. She had actually ridden almost twice as far as she needed to. She felt totally free, natural and very sexy. She was so close to another orgasm, that she missed the voices.

Coming around a curve in the trail that was concealed by some trees, she almost came face to face, with two men. They were about 100 feet away when they saw each other, her face was hidden in the shadows of the trees, but her body wasn't. The men, were not hikers, they were dirty and haggard looking, they could not believe their eyes at the naked young woman and the opportunity that this lonely section of trail presented.

She reacted first and braked and started to turn tail.

"Hey sexy, bring that sweet ass back and we will both fuck you!"

They started to run towards her, screaming obscenities at her and telling her what they would do to her when they caught her.

They had managed to close to within 20-25 feet of her as she got turned around, now she was peddling frantically, standing on the pedals, and they had a perfect view of her ass and pussy.

"Get back here you little tease, if we catch you, you will be sorry you ran away," her conditioning and their conditioning was starting to show. Out of breath, from smoking, boozing, and drugs, they started to fade. Her regular exercise and conditioning started to open up a gap. Nevertheless, she did not stop peddling.

Although she had fantasized about get caught and having different people, men and woman, finding her and making her have sex, being fucked by those two was not part of anything she wanted to imagine. Right now, she was scared and her heart was beating madly beneath her boobs.

Approaching the spot where she left her clothes, she started to coast. Drenched in sweat and shaking she realized how close she had come to being caught.

She forced herself to relax as she put her clothes back on. She wondered if she should just quit this contest and she remembered that she was just a quiet librarian, not some naked freak who gets off on being nude and taking chances that most people wouldn't even dream of.

This was all she thought of riding home, the chances she had taken, the risk to her job, career, and reputation. Worst of all had she been caught by those two men; she would likely have been fucked by them.

She logged onto the computer to withdraw her entry, when she noticed an email from the site, in the past 24 hours, she had received more likes than any other entry, and they were reminding her to submit her entry for today.

Pouring a glass of wine, she stared at the phone for about 30 minutes, weighing her thoughts. For the past 4 days, she had never felt sexier or more alive than she did until those two men almost caught her. She was a good librarian and worked hard, but had she had never had any kind of adventures like these ones.

She realized that had she stopped when she had done the 1 mile, she would never have met those two. Realizing that if she had been more careful, that particular situation would never have happened. In her mind, she decided she should finish the contest. She submitted her day 4 entry.

She spent the next couple of hours after supper, looking at all the entries, male and female. Particularly the images of herself. A few more glasses of wine later, the excitement of the past several days caught up with her and she fell asleep fully dressed on the couch and did not wake up until the alarm went off.

She was groggy, naked and sitting in some kind of cell. There were bars on the walls, and now she saw she was the only one naked. Several rough looking women were watching her.

"A librarian, huh, looks like a slut to me," one of them said.

"Some kind of book whore, maybe," another laughed.

Another walked over to her and said, "doesn't matter, you are my bitch now."

Grabbing her by the hair, the last one planted a rough kiss on her lips.

"That's enough," shouted an approaching cop.

"Let's go librarian, they want you in the interrogation room," the cop said as he leered at her body, not even offering anything to cover her nakedness.

The next thing she knew she was on the floor in another room, she was having sex with several men. She had one cock stuffed into her tight pussy, another was crammed into her ass, she was almost gagging with one in her mouth, and she felt her tits being covered in cum from two men jacking themselves off over her.

The orgasm she was having, felt like the biggest one in her life, the feeling started deep inside of her, she felt it building in power as her body shuttered and clenched, and then exploded as she awoke.

Her body shook and convulsed as she came, her shorts were soaked and she laid on the couch where she had fallen asleep last night. It had been a dream, but the orgasm was real and so intense.

Whatever doubts she had yesterday, were a thing of the past, she thought, she had never felt an orgasm that strong before and no matter what, she wanted more and more of them; hiding in a library was not to way to feel like this, being naked, no matter the risk was.

She reached for the jar, she knew what the last one was, "To get naked at work."

This was the one she had been looking forward to the most. Many of her deepest fantasies involved being naked in a library and she had fantasized about libraries even before she had wanted to work in one. In college, both her and her girl friend had spent hours fondling and playing with each other in the "out of the way corners" of the study sections.

A boyfriend had once convinced her to wear a skirt with no panties one night and flash him in a quiet reference section when the library was open. She remembered him feeling up her pussy and having to stifle her moans as he made her come with just his fingers.

Another time, she had sucked his cock in the same section. She got wet just thinking of herself on her knees with his warm cock buried deep in her mouth, her tongue running over the length of him, the feeling that he was going to cum, and then the release of the salty, white liquid which coated her mouth and flowed down her throat.

She remembered the way his knees buckled as she licked his cock clean and thought of the drips of cum that leaked from her mouth.

"That was so sexy," she said out loud, today would be different. She would be alone, with the library closed, she had been asked if she could come in a couple of times a week and she had sent her supervisor an email, asking if it was okay if today was one of those day.

"Sure, no problem, just make sure you lock up when you're finished," she trembled with the familiar excitement when she read the email from her supervisor, Kari. Kari was a woman worth fantasizing about too, but that was for another time she thought.

She got up and showered. Today, she wore a light summer dress with sandals, her hair down with small braids, a nice necklace and nothing else. If she stood with the sun behind her, everyone could see her naked silhouette.

Leaving her apartment, the very light material did nothing to hide her pointy nipples protruding from her dress. The coolness of the morning breeze on her pussy made her feel almost completely exposed to the world, a feeling she revelled in.

Walking up the front steps to the library, she forced herself not to run. Locking the door behind her and leaving the lights off, she almost felt like she was trespassing. The quiet stacks of books, the quiet computers and desks, all places that should be teeming with people, all seemed very quiet in the still air.

She lifted the dress over her head and explored each section of the building totally naked. She laid on the checkout counter and snapped a picture showing her exposed boobs and wet pussy taking care to leave her face in darkness.

Next, she laid on the reference desk and using her fingertips, she played with her nipples with one hand, its fingers making circles on each breast and alternating pinching and pulling on her nipples; the other hand and fingers diving deep into her waiting and very wet pussy.

Her breathing became rapid and her back arched and the orgasm came on like an earthquake with her body shivering and stiffening until the release made her scream at the top of her lungs.

Lying motionless afterwards for a minute then 2, then 5, she slowly caught her breath, her body covered in sweat, she lay with her legs wide apart, her pussy lips red and puffy. So sensitive she could barely touch her pussy, a small puddle of her juices lay on the desk.

She took another few pictures and then rose to a sitting position, then sliding off the desk she turned and bent down and licked her juices from the desk, savoring her taste.

It didn't matter if she won the contest or not, the way she felt ride now was worth all of the risks.

She put the dress on and finished her work. Submitting the pictures to the contest, she enjoyed seeing all of the likes she got and even though she didn't win, she knew that there was no way she could ever stop exercising her love of being naked in places she shouldn't be.

The next day while doing her yoga, there was a knock at her door, that was kind of unusual since normally people would have to buzz first.

Wearing shorts and a t-shirt, sweaty from the exercise, and with her hair in a cute pony tail, she checked the door peephole, it was her boss.

"Kari, it is really nice to see you," she said opening the door and being genuinely happy to see her and Kari hugged her tightly.

Kari was in her mid thirties, very attractive in a "girly girl" kind of way, divorced with a couple of teenagers, and was the person responsible for convincing the board to hire her as she was by far the youngest of the applicants for her job.

"Someone let me in the door in the lobby, I hope you don't mind," she said almost as if she could read her mind.

"The board has been very happy with your work and I have been very impressed with everything you have done, including all of work at home," Kari said after I had invited her to sit down.

"I wanted to talk with you privately though," Kari said almost in a whisper, as if my apartment was bugged.

"Sure, anything, I owe you so much, what can I do for you?"

"I just want you to know that I destroyed the DVD." Kari said as if I would know that that was.

"The security DVD." Kari said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, still not knowing what she was referring to.

"You don't know? Oh, that explains a lot, you mustn't have known," Kari said with me starting to get very worried.

"While the library was first closed, we had installed security cameras, that ..., "she didn't get to finish.

"OMG, OMG, OMG," I just kept saying over and over again, images of my career going up in the flames of a scandal before it really even got started.

Kari took me into her arms and said, "Don't worry, you didn't steal anything, and for what its worth, I am the only one who saw how amazingly hot you were, although I will admit I watched it more than once. The DVD is broken and is in the garbage."

"I am so sorry Kari; I don't know how to explain ..." She cut me off and kissed me on the lips, not a friend kiss either, a deep long penetrating kiss that made my knees weak.

"It's okay," she kissed me again, "You don't have to worry, nobody will ever know except me, and I'm not going to tell anyone ... as long as you do what I say," she said holding me close.

I looked into her eyes and saw only desire.

"Take off your clothes."

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lazy_readerlazy_reader5 months ago

Very hot and fun. A great ending, but I still would like to know what Kari wants her to do.

I wondered about what will happen with Kari, but also with the clerk from the grocery store. It seems the MC will have lots of opportunities for sex.

Camguy4funCamguy4fun11 months ago

That was a great ending to a very erotic and well written story!

SilverBeeTeeSilverBeeTeeabout 1 year ago

Wonderfully erotic and edgy. Satisfying in many ways.....

bottovarnisbottovarnisalmost 3 years ago

Very neat story, I often wonder if anyone has actual experiences like this. Loved the sequences and the style.

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