Puss In Heels


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Another purr vibrated her throat as the silky fur lining her tail grazed against the bare skin at the back of her thigh. She felt her own wetness with each step and a sudden image of Thomas bending her over the copier made her stumble slightly. Her tail canted sideways to correct her movement and she hurried on to her small office.

Milly practically threw herself into her cheap office chair, biting her lips with sharp fangs when she sat on her tail. The mane of fur along her spine stood up straight and she hissed while grabbing the arms of the chair to lift herself slightly.

Before she could investigate, her desk phone buzzed.

"Ms. Devonshire," the cultured voice of her boss said over the speakerphone. "I'll need the Brooke files, please."

"Yes, sir," she answered with her finger on a small button on the phone. "I'll be there in a moment."

She turned, grabbing her mouse to wiggle it in order to wake her computer. Her palm rasped against the smooth surface of the mouse as the skin touching it began to swell.

Her heart beat pulsed throughout her body, from the tips of her silver-furred pointed ears to the bulbous ends of her clawed toes. She shivered, digging her fingers into the arms of her chair as she shoved her ass down, wiggling back and forth to soak her tail in the slick juices of her engorged pussy.

She wondered briefly if she was sick; the sensation reminded her of the many times she'd been home sick with the flu - flushed and feverish and sweating. But she couldn't deny the feeling between her thighs and the image of Thomas - no, now Jason- oh god, no, Robert. She was sure she'd seen him staring at her tits. She pictured herself cornering him in the copy room and winding her body around his, wrapping her tail around his leg and climbing him to-

"Ms. Devonshire?" her phone buzzed. "The file?"

She hissed in surprise and her jaw creaked as it began to lengthen. Her lips, completely black now, pulled back to show a row of sharp fangs in an over-crowded mouth. Her gray eyes locked onto her screen as she began to type in her password.

Fur spread along her back, creeping in fits and starts. She rolled her shoulders with her tongue stuck out. Her index finger reached out and a white line appeared in the middle of it as the nail flexed, bending upwards and widening, keratin flowing from the nailbed as it anchored itself more deeply within her finger. Skin split around it and bones popped beneath. Her other nails followed suit, retreating into their sheaths as they formed.

Milly's index finger bumped into the key, the padding lining the bottom throwing her aim off slightly. She touched the key and it popped off, tumbling down the keyboard as she reached her pointer finger forward. The motion brought her second claw out and another key popped free as she accidentally tore it from the keyboard.

"What in the world?" she said out loud, taking her hand away to stare at it.

Her palm was a dusky rose color along the edges and over her bones as the skin puffed out to protect her hands. She turned it over, wrinkling her brow as she tried to understand why the tips of her fingers looked different. Silver and black hairs lined her knuckles.

"The file, please?" her boss's voice called out, losing patience.

Milly yowled, slapping at the phone in a lightning-fast strike. Her claws cut deep into the plastic and her eyes widened as she yanked the phone from her desk. She shook her hand in a panic and the phone detached to clatter to the ground as she stared at her swollen, padded fingertips. Now that she concentrated on her hand, she could feel the hairs growing on her arm and she tore at her sleeve, easily cutting through the cotton to reveal heavy fur covering her forearm. As she watched, it marched inexorably up to her elbow and then beyond.

"What! What is- oh. Oh go-oowwwwl!" she yowled, clawing at her desk as she bent forward. Her body vibrated like a string and she could smell herself clearly. Could smell how needy she was.

With a sharp crick, her jaw expanded, flattening the bridge of her nose as wisps of hair began to line her cheeks. Her biceps flexed and bulged while she tore at her skirt to expose her pussy. Her tail thrashed, angry at being trapped by her position and the panties over them. Milly's sharp claws ripped her panties as if they were tissue paper and she bent, straining with her tongue out to lick herself. Sweat dripped down her torso to mix with a tuft of fur covering her mound.

"Can't- can't reach-" she gasped, raising her leg to change her position.

"Ms. Devonshire!" her boss yelled from his office.

Milly snapped up, hissing and baring her fangs until she realized what she was doing. She rapidly blinked her eyes while panting with her mouth open.

"Shit!" she said, digging through the files in her inbox. Panic filled professionalism reasserted itself, forcing her to ignore what was happening. She'd spent years studying and walked on eggshells every day at work while trying to fit in and prove she had the skills and abilities needed to climb the corporate ladder. The enormous pressure overwhelmed everything else.

Folders and papers scattered as her broad, padded fingers grasped awkwardly and her claws dug deep. She bucked, arching her back and quivering and as the inescapable heat flooding her body pulled at her nerves.

"Files. Get. The files," she said, standing from her chair and revealing a large wet spot on the fabric covering the seat.

Her blouse pulled tight against her body as muscles developed deep in her back to handle her heavy tail while it continued to grow. With her skirt and panties torn, her tail lifted and swayed behind her, wrist-thick. It rose higher, forcing her ass cheeks apart and filling the room with her heady musk. Her nipples throbbed beneath her blouse and tiny pinpoints of pleasure echoed along her torso. As she walked to her boss's office, powerful leg muscles flexing beneath silver and black-spotted fur, a tiny teat formed, hidden under dense fur.

For a moment, she dropped to her hands and feet, raising her ass with her tail curled to her shoulder. Her lips trembled and she rolled her head, crying out wordlessly for someone to just fuck her out of the miserable, hungry heat consuming her.

She fell to her knees and then stood, pushing at the large oak door before her.

"That took far too-" her boss started to say without looking up. He was just under fifty with gray hairs at his temple and wrinkles criss-crossing his forehead. His first name was Duncan and she would be the first to admit that he didn't look like a Duncan. He worked her hard and wasn't interested in her social life beyond work. She'd never held a single thought for him beyond fear and admiration.

Milly leapt silently from a standing start, her tail whipping behind her as she slammed onto the desk and then into her seated boss. Her weight and impact bore them both to the ground and she pushed her hands to the side, breaking the arms from his chair. The two chopsticks holding her hair fell to the ground as her brown hair unraveled.

"What the-!" Duncan tried to say until Milly's mouth found his.

She kissed him deeply, holding him down with one hand as the other tore through her blouse to expose her bare breasts amidst still growing fur. Fake plastic pearls scattered in every direction when she broke the necklace in one swipe. Leaning forward, Milly growled, the sound vibrating deep in her throat as she grabbed the man's hair. She forced her breast against his mouth and the growl became a vibrating purr when his tongue flicked her nipple.

"S-s-sorry," she gasped, rocking back against his belt and the erection growing in his trousers. Her tail quivered behind her, tugging at her ass. "C-c-can't stop. Need. Need dick."

Sitting up, she grabbed his shirt with both hands and pulled, baring his chest.

"You can't-!" he tried to say again.

She flipped, shoving her pussy down against his face to grind on his mouth. His short beard needled into her swollen, dripping pussy but the pleasure she felt simply by having someone-

"Fuck!" Milly yelled as his mouth opened and his tongue slipped between her wet folds

She tore at his belt and broke his zipper until his cock sprang free. After that, she wasted no time, shoving her furred face down, swallowing the length of him until she thought she would choke. Her soft paws held the base of his cock as she bobbed on him. Her sharp ears lay back against her head, hidden by her loose hair as she worked the length of his dick. She broke away, furiously stroking him before bending back down to lick his length with her wide tongue.

Duncan's hands beat at her side. She could feel his mouth moving as if he were speaking so she lifted her hips.

"-rough!" he shouted.

She turned to face him, grabbing his hand to press it against her belly, forcing him to claw at her furry stomach and the hidden teats as she rubbed herself against his hard cock.

"How did- oh god!" he gasped as she lowered herself onto him, her tight pussy clenching his cock. "Slow down!"

"Can't!" she gasped, yowling loudly as she slammed herself down on him. She grabbed his hands, pulling them up to force him to fondle her breasts and she squirmed in return. "Can't stop. Can't. Need to cum. Oh god, I need to cum, I'm so sorry!"

Words poured out of her mouth as she rode his cock. She begged him to call her his dirty whore as she leaned over him, draping her hair over his face to lash his cheek with her tongue. She leaned back, her tail curling around her waist as she pleaded with him to pull it and call her his little slut. Hot needles tore through her brain and her whiskers vibrated over her black lips as she pounded against him. He grunted with every slap of her muscular ass against his thighs.

Begging devolved into Milly simply yelling "Fuck!" over and over until even those left her and the beast overpowered her. She bared her fangs with her furred ears back, yowling and screaming until he exploded deep inside of her.

"You have to- not so loud!" Duncan yelled. "You can't- oh god- oh god it's too much!"

She bent to him, covering his sweating body with her pelt. Her breasts flattened against him and her claws dug into the carpet as she worked her hips in short, powerful movements. Her eyes were narrow and wild and she couldn't stop licking his bearded cheek.

"More, more, more," she whined, purring and snarling and mewling.

The orgasm roared through her and she threw herself back, her pussy clenching over and over as it forced his cum to spurt forth, coating her fur and his body.

"S-s-s-sorry," she gasped, her eyes rolling back as her tail drooped and then snapped back up.

The heat receded and Milly collapsed, panting.

"You're heavy," Duncan wheezed.

"Oh god," Milly gasped. She pulled herself off and then fell as her overly sensitive clit dragged against his cock. "Oh god!"

Falling to her hands and knees, she raced to his private bathroom and locked herself in.

"I can't even move," her sensitive ears heard her boss say quietly. "Augh, everything hurts. I think I'm bleeding. Yes. That's blood. On my chest. Claw marks."

What did you do?! she mentally yelled at herself. What the hell is this?!

She stood and stared at herself in the mirror, touching her wide, furry face. Her breasts, while not small, were almost hidden beneath fur and her tail waved behind her as if saying hello. Her pupils were dilated and her mouth was full of sharp, deadly teeth.

Milly waved her hands at her sides while spinning around slowly. Her heart pounded while she panicked.

"Milly? Is- is that- ouch- aahhh- is that you?" Duncan asked from the other room.

Despite her terror at what she'd just done, she realized she wanted more. She could feel it starting again. Drums. Steady, powerful drums low in her belly. Dragging her down where the beast could grab her with its claws and take over.

The stockings! It has to be!

As ridiculous as it sounded, it was the only thing that made sense. She stared at her thighs and touched herself, clawing through the heavy fur in desperation.


There was a strange tug mid-thigh. She pulled at it and then pushed and the stocking appeared over her fur. She pushed, surprised that her claws didn't tear it. The second stocking was easier to find and she wasted no time in taking it off. Both lay on the floor, half rolled.

But- but that has to-

Pain flooded her body. She held her stomach and fell to the ground, her tail slamming against the tile as it shortened, bones melting while muscles dissolved and fur retreated. It felt like eternity passed but, finally, she opened her eyes when she felt the cool floor against her bare body.

"-you okay?" Duncan was asking.

With a groan, she rolled and stumbled to her feet.

"I'm- I'm sorry!" Milly said as she scanned the room. She pulled the curtains from the window to wrap them around herself. "I'm coming out!"

She pushed the door and ran as her boss stood to the side with his mouth agape. Silver hairs lined his torn shirt and jacket and blood well from deep cuts on his chest.

Tears of embarrassment streamed from her eyes while she fled the building, ignoring the yells and laughter until she made it to her old car deep within the basement parking garage.

Finally, seated in the silence, she lay her head against her steering wheel and allowed herself to breathe. She was already mentally composing her letter of resignation and considering a move. Somewhere far away from anyone that may have seen her. Alaska perhaps. Or Greenland.


Snow fell in heavy waves of fat flakes as Milly walked down the sidewalk.

"Ain't-" the man behind her tried to say. He wavered on the sidewalk and then pulled his coat tighter against his body. "Ain't you cold?"

She laughed as she walked before him in her bluejeans and t-shirt. Her bare nipples pressed against the front of her shirt.

"No, not so much anymore," she answered, steam curling away from her mouth. "It's here."

"Whoa," he said, staggering back to look up. "Nice. Nice. House."

"Yeah, well," she shrugged. "I got a little lucky from my last job. A, uh, a decent severance package."

She opened the door and led him inside, taking his hand to guide him through the dark.

"Can't- can't see a damn thing," the man cursed, stubbing his toe on the edge of a small table.

"I can, don't worry," she assured him. "Just kick off your shoes at the door."

She waited patiently until he worked his boots free and then took his hand to lead him through her house. Once in the bedroom, she pushed him down playfully to the bed. He laughed, laying with his arms spread.

"Whole room's spinning," he said. "Whole room."

"Why don't you take your clothes off," she told him, standing and watching for a moment.

He struggled with his shirt but she waited, feeling the anticipation of it until he began to struggle with his pants.

"I'll- I'll- I'll get it," he said, moving his hips until his cock was free. It was limp now but she'd felt it when they flirted at the bar and knew that wouldn't last long. "Didn't- what was your name?"

"It doesn't matter," she told him as she pulled her shirt off.

She moved slowly. Letting it build. It'd been half a year and she'd spent most of it denying herself. Her pants slid down her hips and legs. She wasn't wearing any panties. Over time, she'd found she liked going as bare as she could. Especially with skirts. In public. Knowing a gust of wind in the right direction would show all. It just felt natural to her and she'd go in less if she could.

Thick brown pubic hair covered her mound. She'd stopped shaving a few months ago. So she could touch herself. So she could pet herself and pretend.

Today she was done pretending.

"You comin'? Gettin' cold," the man groused.

She sat at the edge of the bed with her stockings in hand. He sat up awkwardly to kiss her shoulder and rub her back and she leaned into him, enjoying the feel of his rough hands as they scratched her body.

"Bite my shoulder," she told him with her eyes closed as she picked her leg up to pull her stocking on.

He obliged, nibbling at her neck.

"Harder," she gasped and he bit her. "Harder! Use your teeth!"

She closed her eyes as his teeth marked her and the effect was almost immediate. Imagining him behind her, teeth anchored in her neck to hold her limp as he mounted her.

The second stocking slid over her leg and she turned, pushing him down to straddle his legs. He laughed again, reaching for her but she pushed his arms down. He was hard now, and big.

Milly leaned over her to kiss the head of his cock and her ass raised. It ached. Throbbed deep within.

Her pussy dripped with anticipation. It'd taken a couple months to get over the shame from her last job. To accept the desire she struggled to deny herself. She'd almost given in an uncountable number of times since then but she'd put it off. Waiting until she was ready.

Her nails dug into the blanket beneath them, nails folding as the joints popped and the fingers expanded. She lowered her hips, rubbing her slick, hairy pussy against his dick.

"Hot," he whispered, grabbing her neck with one hand and her tit with the other, pulling her to him to kiss her. "Pussy's so fucking hot."

She broke away and held him down, turning his face so she could lick his neck and cheek. Her tongue rasped against his skin and he squirmed. Finally, she leaned back, grabbing her breasts as she felt the nerves connect to her tail. As she felt the tail come under her own control. Silver hairs emerged among the brown over her pussy and they spread in a sharp peak up to her belly button. She reached beneath her, grabbing his cock. Already she could feel the pads forming as she held him steady, yowling as she speared herself on him, her lips parting as she pressed her claws into his chest, lowering herself until he touched her cervix.

She leaned forward to kiss his lips and her own top lip split. Her gray eyes met his as she slowly rocked back and forth with a happy little mewling sound.

"So fucking hot," he murmured, grabbing her hips and stroking the soft fur he found there.

"You won't remember a damn thing, will you," she laughed before grunting as spikes of pain announced milk ducts forming for her growing teats.

He grabbed her ass without reply and her tail lifted as she began to speed up.

When the fur spread and the heat began to fill her, all she could think was that she couldn't believe she'd waited so long for it. And that she'd never make herself wait again.

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freewingfreewingover 1 year ago

Call me soft and put me on.

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