Pussology 301


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That caught her attention. She started to giggle, and giggle, and giggle some more. At some point the goddam booze kicked in and the giggles overcame her. She was layin' on the fuckin' floor, laughing so fuckin' hard she pissed herself, which made her laugh harder. Eventually she ran out of breath and started to panic.

I got a cold washcloth and dropped it on her face. Then I got on my knees on the floor with her and pushed the damn cloth down the neck of her shirt. That stopped the laughs. When she got her breath back, she stood up, pulled out the cloth and tried to hit me in the face with it, swearing at me for fuckin' trying to feel her up. Seems like you can't win.

Right after that, she passed out. I covered the sofa with towels and put her there to sleep it off. The smartest thing I ever did, as far as dealing with Kay was concerned.

I need to explain. My studio, like all the ones on the second floor, had a traditional sofa which split the largest part of the room into a living area and a dining area. It also had a day bed placed in a recess in the wall. The recesses in the adjacent apartments abutted one another, like that Greek key frieze. That's why, when we first met, Kay complained about the noises from my side of the wall. So, she slept on my sofa, and I went to the daybed.

At some point during the night, I was vaguely aware of some one washing dishes (I was asleep, dreamin' for all I knew), then this fuckin', nice, warm body got into bed with me and snuggled. Mmm. When I woke and found Kay in bed next to me, my half hard piss hard went from clay to granite in a second. She must have felt it, because we were face to face. Her eyes sort of half opened, she smiled and said the two greatest words a guy can hear--fuck me.

Now, I would like to be able to tell you that at that point I realized she was still more than half drunk, that she was probably dreaming about good old George, or even Nels, or someone not me, and that I did the noble thing and backed off. But I can't.

I didn't have a friggin' chance. Before she started the word 'me,' she had pushed me on my back, straddled me, mounted me, and slid down my fuck pole. And she began the most absolutely wonderful fuck I have ever had. I swear, Venus and Aphrodite were in the corner taking notes, and their Norse cousin Freya was kneeling by the side of the bed , watching, muttering "impossible, impossible."

Kay was moving up and down my rod. On the up stroke, she would turn a quarter turn to the right, then on the down stroke, return to her starting position. Then on the next up stroke, she did a quarter turn in the other direction, and then back. Have you seen those videos of women giving friggin' blow jobs where they circle their hands around the base of the guy's cock? That's what Kay was doing with her cunt. Plus, she was varying the speed, and the length of the ole in-and-outs.

Just when I thought I was about to explode, I swear to God, she must have fuckin' levitated herself because she did a total 360 on the head of my dick. That did it for me. Whatever jism was in my sack, whatever jelly was in that thing the docs probe in your ass, it all ended up in her. And when I came, so did she. The whole world knew. Did I mention she was a fuckin' screamer?

In about 30 seconds there was a pounding on both our doors. Since she was still screaming, someone tried to open my door. I had forgot to lock it. Sally and Carol came busting in, and fucking froze.

Kay lifted herself off me and out of bed, saying, "He's great, girls. You should give him a try." She left the room, frikkin' bareassed, with my goddam spunk running down her legs.

Sally stared at me, my cock still rampant, and just sort of glided across the goddam room as if she were hypnotized. Carole watched Kay walk away, licking her lips at the sight of all that spunk on her legs. She closed and locked the door and came to the bed.

Sally was just mounting me. Carol swung her leg over my fuckin' face so she faced Sally and for the very first time, I got a close up view of a live fuckin' cooch. God, it was beautiful, and smelled so friggin sweet. And coming closer and closer and then...I got my second lesson in pleasuring a woman.

I will admit in all fucking honesty, I probably failed my first lesson in muff diving. Hell, I just stuck my goddam tongue out there and let the girls slide their cunts all over it. I didn't know fuckshit from beans about what I was supposed to do, except keep that tongue out there, pressed against their vagerinos. Hey, remember, this was the early '60s. Guys didn't talk about this shit, and there weren't any x-rated theaters, at least in Rochester. The one fuckin' art theater they had, if they showed anything it was limited to barely bare boobs and butts.

The girls and I slept until nearly noon, when they got up and limped their ways back to their own rooms. I showered and dressed, then moped a bit, wondering what to do, if at all, about Kay.

It was nearly two when I heard dishes break against the wall. I figured it was time to knock on her door. With a whole fuckin boatload of trepidation, I knocked. It was her voice, the hard one, sounding like a stevedore, asking who it was. I answered, and the stevedore asked what I wanted. I told her I just wanted to be sure she was okay.

As she opened the door, she was asking how the fuck should she be, then just stood there in that blue tee shirt. I did a quick glance up and down, and could tell she hadn't washed up yet. "Satisfied?" She asked, in a tone which suggested she was talking to a misbehaving five-year-old.

Goddam, that tone just about popped my angry cork. Here I was, trying to be a nice guy, making sure she wasn't hurtin', or at least not very, and she was treating me like something nasty on the bottom of her shoe.

I started to turn away, and she started to close the door. I stopped, then pushed my way into her apartment. About two steps in, I stopped and turned around. She just stood there, holding the door, like she was waiting for me to leave. I reached over her, pushed the door closed, and locked it.

Those sunny blue eyes of hers I've talked about, nowhere to be seen. Cold and dark as flint they were; her mouth compressed and as thin as floss. She was angry enough to shit tacks and not know it.

"What are you doing here, Mark; what do you want?" The words were semi-polite, the tone was sorta neutral, but her face, her face had "fuck off" written all over it.

"Fucked if I know, Kay, but I know I need to be here right now, for me, and for you. You need someone to scream at, rail against, beat on, and to keep you from hurting yourself. I just need to know you're okay." And at that point I knew I fuckin' loved her. Wasn't in love with her. But short of that, I cared as much or more about her as anyone in my family, any of my friends, and I wanted, needed her to feel loved.

Today, nearly 45 years later, I can recall the conversation that afternoon like it was this morning. The conversation and everything else.

"So what are you, my knight in shining armor, my Don Quixote?"

"No, that's you. I'm your Pablo."

She snorted and walked to the couch to sit down. "You're an idiot."

"True, but I'm your idiot."

"Shit, look at me! I'm nearly 55 fucking years old, acting like a goddam teenager. Over that ... I can't think of anything bad enough to describe the bastard."

"Piss ant worked pretty good last night."

"For you, it got you a chance to grope my tits."

"Truthfully, didn't think of it at the time. Wish I had. They're nice tits."

"They're too small."

"Says who?"

"Both Nels and George."

"Neither of whom have the sense to appreciate true beauty when its sitting on their noses."

"And now you do?"

"Thanks to you."

She looked more than a little puzzled. When I asked her about last night, she remembered the giggle fits, and the cold cloth, but not trying to wallop me with it, or anything else until she woke up on her sofa, clutching George's note in her hand. It was re-reading that which had occasioned the china smash up.

I told her she had wet herself, laughing so hard. (Oh, my! I haven't done that since I was pregnant) I pointed out to her she had been pretty pissed. A half bottle of wine, a half bottle of vodka and George. Should have been enough to piss anybody off. She started to giggle again.

Then I told her how she had cleaned herself up at my sink and joined me in bed. She looked at her legs, lights going on. "We...?"

I explained that early that morning, about sunrise, we woke up together and she sort of helped herself to my morning boner and rode me to one of the biggest cums I've ever had. She questioned my phraseology, "sort of helped herself." And I had to explain, that before she finished her request for me to fuck her, she was on me.

"Oh my God, I raped you?"

"Uh, no. Rape implies that one of the parties is an unwilling victim, doesn't it?"

"And you were a willing victim?"

"Not even a victim. I could have stopped you, was going to until you started. You showed me moves that were unbelievable. I had visions of mythological love goddesses watching us and taking notes."

She laughed out loud, and long. "You really are precious. How did all this help you appreciate beauty when its sitting on your nose?"

"When you came, you screamed. For a very long time, and loud enough to wake Carole and Sally. They came running in just as you got off of me. You told them I was really good and they should try me. Even though you drained me, I stayed hard, so they did, together, at the same time. One on the old roger, and one on my face. When the roger rider came, they switched. It was nearly forty five minutes before I came again, and they enjoyed every fuckin' minute. And I learned to love the taste of pussy. I'm just not sure what I'm supposed to do."

She gave me a weird look, and asked what did I do for the forty five minutes the two girls rode my face. I told her I just sort of laid there, pressing my tongue into their quims, while they squirmed about, rubbing against it. She just looked at me, her face both unbelieving and sad at the same time. She muttered something about being 25 and totally ignorant about the important stuff in life.

She got up and went to her dresser and rummaged in the drawers for a second to get a towel. She instructed me to stay put, on pain of emasculation. Frankly, I didn't understand the word, but I did the tone.

Twenty minutes or so went by, creeping. Then she and Carole came through the door, both starkers, Kay, with the towel around her head, wrapping her hair, dragging Carole. She ordered me off the sofa onto the floor, and had Carole join me. Kay suggested that since she and Carole were naked, it was only right that I get in the same condition. Then she sat between us, on the sofa, her legs spread wide, revealing one of the prettiest cunts I think I have ever seen, before or since. She drew her legs up so everything from asshole to belly button was totally in view.

She told me to pay attention, then started naming pussy landmarks (clit, vagina, hood, labia, you get the drift) and had Carole point them out. All she let me do was fuckin' observe. She went through the sequence three times, then had Carole point them out for me to name. When Kay was satisfied that I knew them by sight and name, we switched places, Carole and I on the sofa, Kay on the floor.

Kay was going to name the parts, and I had to point them out on Carole's pussy, except I wasn't going to be able to visually see her pussy. When I heard that little kicker, I asked Carole if she was okay with our show and tell exercise since I was going to be feeling her up big time. She gave me a quick kiss, reminding me we had fucked for nearly an hour earlier, we were just doing the foreplay a little late. I smiled and returned the kiss as I slipped my arm around her shoulder and found her left boob.

Kay noticed, smiled and made a mark in the air, as if to say score one. As we went through the name and find part of the drill, she also told me how to caress the particular area she had directed me to. She would ask Carole how she was feeling, and how her body was responding. As time and the drill went on, her responses became shorter, breathier. I was aware that she was getting wetter, and having more trouble sitting still. Kay told me to become aware of signs like that, and of her nipple reaction.

I had just followed her instruction to slide a second finger into Carole's very wet snatch and caress the top of her sheath when Carole went all tense, and then all hell broke loose. Now, I lost my cherry a few years back to a girl a couple of years older than me (yeah, she was drunk, but not that drunk), and been with a lot of girls since, but I gotta say, this was the first full blown female climax I had ever seen. Goddam, it was scary, exciting, empowering, and sexy as hell.

Kay told me to keep stroking like I had been until Carole either stopped shaking, or told me to stop. It seemed like forever, and also like no time at all, when she suddenly just seemed to collapse and pass out. So I stopped stroking and just sat there, with my fingers in her, holding her by the quim and boob. She just hmmed and cuddled up close, putting her arm around my neck. Kay made another mark in the air. Score two.

Soon, Carole started to show signs that she was still with us, opening her eyes, breathing regularly and such. She looked at me with a shit eating grin, then looked at Kay and asked if she could take me home. Kay just shook her head and said class wasn't over yet, there was one more very important skill yet to be demonstrated and learned--the art of male on female oral sex. Carole's grin got bigger and she asked if she was going to be the teaching aid again. The smile faded a bit when Kay said no, but then got real big when she learned she was going to be the final exam.

Carole excused her self to go to the bathroom and Kay took her place on the sofa. She said I'd probably be more comfortable on the floor initially. Her first instruction was to remember how I had used my fingers, and to consider my tongue a finger, or a pair or triplet of fingers, depending on where I was applying the pressure. She then spread her legs and told me to start.

I asked if that was the usual sequence, just dive into the muff and start licking. She told me not to be so fucking dense, of course there was necking and finger play first. So I got back up on the couch with her and pulled her to me for a deep, deep, deep kiss. She started to object, but then just relaxed into the kiss and returned it. We tongue wrestled for a while, then I started playing with her puppies, and caressing her butt. When the kiss finally broke, she made some smart ass comment about me not being totally ignorant.

I got another liplock and started petting her pretty pussy. Every time I felt her start to tense up, I'd ease up a bit to let her cool down a little and then start over. Pretty soon she was in a state where she couldn't cool down without me letting her completely loose. I slid to the floor and pushed her back into the position she had taken when Carole and I were on the floor, semi-reclining and wide open.

Barely touching her with my tongue, I stroked her labia from the top of her slit to her rosebud and back, pausing at her clit for a sloooow trip around that bundle of nerves. I felt a shiver run through her and quickly moved on to the top of the slit and then repeated the move, bypassing the clit on the down trip and sliding around it twice on the journey back up. Her moan let me know I was doing something right.

I continued to explore her cunt with my mouth for several minutes, backing off when ever she approached her orgasmic threshold. She was starting to call me all the names she had shouted after George last night, grabbing my hair and pulling me into her hotbox. In my explorations, I had visited everywhere except her hidden clit-- that little rod that extends from her hood to her pussy opening, under the skin. Finally, I closed my mouth over that little gem and sucked it into my mouth. The first tongue swipe was like striking oil.

Her head was against the back of the sofa; her pussy was in my face; her legs, on my shoulders, around my head; her body, flat out horizontal between the couch and me. She gushed, down my chin, my chest, my groin and thighs, all the way to the friggin' floor. And she screamed, again (Did I mention...).

We hadn't known it, but Carole had come back into the room while we were necking and had been watching us. Before she could lock the door, Sally was there again, along with Sheena and Debbie, the other new girl.

Carole must have signaled them to be quiet, because Kay and I had no fucking idea we were not alone. As she calmed down, I just moved up over and into her, and for the next few minutes, had the nicest quiet fuck; it was amazingly tender and loving. Her climax from the fuck was nothing like the one she just had, but mine was! I must have come a bucketful.

Then, I think it was Debbie, one of the girls started cheering. Kay and I looked toward the door and saw the four girls there, mostly naked. Sheena still had her panties on, and Debbie was just slipping off her bra. Carole started across the room, claiming it was time for my final exam. Kay had her head buried in my shoulder, her legs wrapped around my ass, asking me to tell them to go away.

Without moving, I convinced Carole to take the girls to her apartment, and that I would join them shortly. She said I should come nude and loaded for bear (or was it bare?).

When they were gone, I pulled out of Kay, still a bit more than half hard. She sat up, next to me, right next to me, her head on my shoulder, her arm around my waist. My arm was around her shoulder, supporting her breast. I lifted her chin and kissed her, sweetly, gently...

And that is how I passed Pussology 301.

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jtwheelsjtwheelsalmost 5 years ago
Where do I sign up for course

Good story

TimLovesToEatPussyTimLovesToEatPussyover 6 years ago
One word for it



AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

That's a hell of a great story and very well written. Your attention to details is terrific. THANKS!

I've read a few of your other stories and certainly read more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
The clod and the professor

This is the fantasy of a somewhat educated woman, who is a decent writer, but the story of the youthful dumb cluck and the beautiful cougar is semi-palatable only. He is just too stupid for words. Then there is the chorus of 4 naked neighbors. Ha! Still, more intelligent than most of the stuff here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
If it wasn't leading anywhere...

why bother with all the excessive details? It ended up being just a slightly above average five minute letter to penthouse forum by the end. It's still about a ton better than the typical swill that flows around here, but, you have done better.

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