Pussy Whipped!

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Young married man; wimp or what?
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By way of an introduction this story is largely fiction, but is still rooted in some fact, so let's say it's fictiony. I have an uncle, now deceased. He and his wife had a big bunch of kids. Let's put things in perspective; you could have a bunch of kids, a big bunch, or a whole big bunch. He had his own gas station and a mind of his own. He didn't take any shit off any man, but was he ever the doting husband and loyal son. There's an interesting totally true story about him, his brothers, and the Ku Klux Klan. I'll tell it one day when I write a later story. I remember eating dinner a lot at their house when I was growing up. Their mom gave a hell of a lot orders, but it was dad who always said grace, if you know what I mean. He was the one who taught me how to ride. He ate a whole quart of raw oysters once and got sick as a dog. They were Chincoteague oysters so they were extra sweet and a lot more tender than what most people get nowadays. It's like you couldn't eat just one.

I hope you like this story. It's my third entry into the Loving Wives genre. I want to thank everyone who has made comments and suggestions about Tommy and Sandy and Painful Payback. I'm trying to do better, and I'm taking your comments seriously. My next two tales will be totally fiction, but I have another I'll do later based on a cousin I grew up with. I still haven't asked my oldest daughter to edit any of these yet so I hope you'll be courteous when you find a mistake. Don't just shit on me. On Tommy and Sandy I really screwed up on the dates didn't I? I don't know how I missed that miner versus minor thing; just stupidity I guess. You don't have to agree with that. Well here goes nothing. I hope you enjoy it.


November 7th circa 3:30 p.m.:

I stirred my hot tea for about fiftieth time. I thought about dropping in another lump of sugar thinking that might make it a little less tasteless. I pondered the other three quarters of the club sandwich I'd ordered but couldn't eat, "I tell you Bev I just don't know what to do."

Beverly Camel is my older sister. Ever since I could remember whenever I had a problem, she was the one I could always, and I mean always, turn to.

Now let's see I must go on, "Bev everything started out so good. I always get home from my job first. I fix a nice supper. I always try to fix one of Bill's favorites. We eat, wash the dishes together, and then we slip into the bedroom for some great sex. Later we'll lay in bed watch some TV, and maybe do it again.

I watched as Beverly listened attentively and nodded her head reflectively. I knew I was doing the right thing. Beverly was the smarter one, the thinker. She had such a creative mind. I could tell she was figuring things out, "Like I said Bev everything was great until about four weeks ago. Then Bill started coming home and acting differently; now he gobbles up dinner as fast as he can, and then he bails out."

Annie went on, "He used to be so mannerly; now he's different. Like when I fix spaghetti; he used to eat it with a big spoon. You know, twirl it around in the spoon and eat it the way they do on those TV shows. But the other night when I fixed spaghetti; you know what he did? He scooped it up and slapped it on a piece of bread, then he folded the bread over and ate it like a sandwich. I swear Bev he deliberately smacked his lips and ate with his mouth all open just to embarrass me."

She couldn't stop, "I feel awful. Now after he eats he just jumps in his old Camaro, tells me he's out for the evening, and he drives off. I don't know what to do. I miss my old Bill."

Bev nodded and listened.

I saw the concerned look in my sister's eyes, "I tell you Bev. We've hardly been married a year. You don't think he's found another woman? I just don't know where he goes. Gee Bev we've been talking about a house and kids!"

Beverly listened. Annie was her little sister, the baby of the family. There was an older brother Gary, and of course mom and dad. Beverly took her sister's hand, "Let's keep this to ourselves right now. Christ, if we tell Gary he'll be out looking for Bill. If he finds him and Bill's up to something you know he'll beat the shit out of him. We can't say anything to mom and either. Mom's not well, and you know dad. He doesn't like Bill all that much as it is. Dad wanted you to go to college; but in his own words, 'you had to marry the greasy auto jock'. Jesus, I'd hate to think it if dad turned out to be right."

Then Beverly rolled her eyes and added, "Damn, if dad found out Bill was disappearing like that after dinner every night you know he'd load the shotgun and that'd be all she wrote."

Annie frowned, "I didn't say he went out every night. Sometimes he stays home. He likes to watch Dancing with the Stars and he has his favorite mysteries. You know NCIS. A lot of times he brings home technical manuals. He's really serious about staying ahead with the tech. stuff. But when he's home now, I just don't know, it's just different. Now in bed it's always just a slam bam thank you ma'am, and then off to the TV. He acts like he doesn't even care if I do anything anymore! I used to really get off; now it's more like shaking hands. Gosh Bev I really like making love, and until lately Bill was such a considerate lover. He always made sure I had my... um, my...you know. Oh, I could just cry."

Beverly squeezed her sister's hand, "You don't know where he goes?"

"I thought about following him a couple times," answered Annie, "but what if he saw me, or worse what if I saw him with, well. I don't think I could handle it. Bev I love him so much. I just don't know what to do."

One Month Earlier, September 5th:

Bill was sitting around the picnic table outside the garage having lunch with three of the guys.

There was Fred. He was twenty-two, unmarried, and just getting over a gut wrenching break up with his high school sweetheart. They'd been a pretty much exclusive item since their junior year, but then he caught her with one of the boys who went to the local university. She'd more or less dumped him; she'd traded up you might say. Fred did the tire work; he did the simple things like tire pressure, valve stems, balancing, and repairing flats.

Then there's Buck. At thirty-six Buck was the oldest, divorced, and a confirmed woman hater. He'd caught his wife in bed with the boss at his last place of employment. He'd pulled the guy off his wife and beat the shit out him right there in their bedroom. He'd paid a hefty fine and spent a few days in jail for it. Of course, after that his wife left; took their two kids with her too. Buck operated the alignment machine when he wasn't running errands for Mary their forty something office secretary.

Last of the group was Barry. Barry was twenty-seven, married, and paying on a mortgage and two cars. When he left the garage in the afternoon he went to his other full time job working the second shift at the paper mill. He seldom saw his wife and new baby, but he suspected she was up to something with one of the neighbors. He wanted to do something, maybe find out, but he was so damned tired all the time he just couldn't pull it together, just no energy.

That left Bill. He and Annie had been married just ten months. Annie was the world to Bill; she was a pretty little thing, short brown hair, dark brown eyes, kind of mousy really, but he loved the living shit out of her.

Annie's dad was an administrator who worked out of the central offices for the county public schools. He'd gotten his little girl a decent job as a secretary at the nearby middle school. Bill liked the money she brought in; it helped with the bills, and maybe they'd be able to save a little to buy a house in a year or two.

Annie's dad didn't like Bill; in fact he never liked him. He thought Annie could have done better. He believed Annie only married him as a way to show him, her dad that is; that he couldn't tell her what to do. The idea his daughter actually had fallen in love with and married an auto mechanic never crossed his mind.

Though Bill was still 'the kid' in the garage, he was their best mechanic. He knew his job, and could fix just about anything. Bill thought he was smart in other ways too. He imagined if he got a little help; he could start his own garage. He already had a pretty reliable clientele.

Fred ripped off another big piece of the sub he'd bought. All the guys except Bill ordered out to the Subway or bought something at MacDonald's every day. Mostly they got the Subway cold cut; sometimes Fred got a hot sub. Today he was working on a steak sub, "Bill you can't trust em. I tell you, if you aren't on your toes they'll lie to you and cheat on you the first chance they get."

"I don't know Fred," replied Bill, "Annie's a good girl. I trust her."

Buck was picking the onions out of his sub when he said, "I wished I'd handled things differently with my ex. I know what I did wrong. I gave in too much, and I let her have her way about everything. I mean a man's got to be a man. He's got to keep his foot on his wife's neck or she'll run out on him."

Bill took a bite of his homemade bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich Annie had fixed for him and put in his metal lunchbox that morning. The bread must have been a little stale, because she'd toasted it. He didn't like crumbly bread so if it was a day or two old she usually put it in the toaster. Sometimes she'd cut the crusts off if she thought it wasn't just right. He checked the inside of his lunch pail to see if she remembered his pudding. There were two napkins crumpled in the corner of the lunchbox; a small plastic spoon was wrapped inside them. Annie preferred to make her own pudding instead of buying the stuff they sold at the supermarket. She always stuffed a huge gob of the stuff in a Tupperware container for him. She said her 'homemade' tasted better and was better for him because it didn't have all those preservatives in it. He saw she had his iced tea in another Tupperware container. He'd already drunk all the flavored coffee she'd fixed and poured in his thermos. Annie made good coffee, and she'd bought his favorite flavoring, that unsweetened almond flavor he liked so much. It made his coffee taste extra good early in the morning.

Bill listened to the guys, "I don't think I have to worry about Annie."

Barry scoffed, "Ever wonder why her old man got her the job at the middle school?"

"Well, he loves his daughter, and he knows we're trying to save up for a house and maybe kids later on."

Buck chuckled, "Yeah, what about those young college educated school teachers? You got a hot wife Bill. If you're not careful she'll be trading up like little Freddie's sweetheart here."

Fred didn't like that, "I hate the bitch, and I hate the smug little fucker she ran off with."

"Buck's right Bill," added Barry, "your wife's a hottie. One of these days she's going to see there's more to life than being a mechanics wife."

"If I were you Bill," said Fred, "I'd start to stick it to her now, before she gets too uppity."

"Uppity," asked Bill?

"Shit Fred's right," intoned Buck, "you gotta keep her in her place now so she knows who the boss is. Otherwise you'll be shit out of luck."

"How do I do that," Bill innocently inquired?

Barry smiled wisely, "You've got to keep her on her toes. Keep her guessing. Never let her know what's up."

Bill looked at Barry, but he didn't understand.

Buck smiled, "Yeah, keep her guessing. Hey I bet you go home every night and just sit around and watch the tube or something don't you?"

"Well yeah," replied Bill.

"So she knows what's up all the time," clucked Fred, "look my man, don't you ever like just go out. Christ Bill no one ever sees you out. You ever thought about just getting out. You know shaking off the cobwebs, kicking up your heels a little."

Fred chortled, "Yeah. Like getting out with the guys. Tossing off a few, maybe squeezing some fresh meat down at the tavern."

Bill was nonplussed, "You mean cheat on Annie? I could never do that."

"No, of course not," answered Barry, "what he means is to get out, see the boys, having a brew, maybe just flirt a little bit, knock off a game of pool or two, play some darts. You know, come home with a little foreign perfume on you every now and then just to keep her guessing; just to keep her worried, wondering."

"Yeah," piped up Buck, "just to keep her off guard."

Bill answered, "Oh I couldn't do that; it would hurt her feelings. She wouldn't understand. Beside I think it would be wrong."

Fred laughed, "Hey, guess what?"

"No what?"

Buck hit it, "You're pussy whipped!"

Pissed at that Bill shot back, "Bull shit! I'm no pussy. What, you calling me a wimp?"

Barry laughed, "If the shoe fits."

Just then the garage foreman stepped outside; he was a real asshole, a total piece of worthless shit, "You all coming back to work, or do I to tell Mack?" Mack was the owner; and a nice guy as long as everyone pulled their weight, but he could be a real prick if he thought anyone was slacking. Of course the biggest slacker in the company was the fat fuck yelling at them right now.

Fred called back, "We're coming."


The next day, September 6th, while Bill was intently reaching up working on a Volvo transmission Buck sneaked up on him. Barry was right behind. Buck real quick snapped a dog collar around Bill's neck. Barry slipped a lock through the hole at the end of the tongue of collar and clipped it shut. It was a big one and bright red; something one would put on a Labrador or a German shepherd.

Bill leaped back, "Hey, what the..."

Fred laughed, "Yeah, that's you! Little Billy Boy, the neighborhood lap dog!"

Bill reached up and felt the collar. The other guys in the shop were staring. Some started to laugh.

Bill pulled at the collar, "Hey you bastards get this off!" He reached for a large pair of shears.

Buck stayed his hand, "No, I think you should wear it, at least till lunch time anyway."

Barry grinned, "Yeah, wear it a while. It looks good on you."

They made Bill wear the fucking collar all morning. Mary even came out to the garage to see it. Bill felt humiliated. He didn't speak to any of the guys the rest of the day, but he swore that night, instead of staying home, he'd slip down to the Sunset, the local tavern, and have a beer just to show everybody he wasn't the pussy whipped wimp they thought he was.

3:00 p.m. November 8th:

Annie had just gotten home from work; the phone was ringing so she picked it up, "Hello."

"Annie this is Bev. I've got an idea."

Annie was all ears, "You do?"

"Yeah, listen. Since you're afraid to check up on Bill I've been talking to a couple of the girls. They've seen him around. He isn't going anywhere. He mostly just goes to the Sunset, buys one maybe two beers, and then he hangs around just listening to the other guys talk. Sometimes one of barflies, one of the piggies with nothing to do will try to hit on him, but he pretty much keeps his distance."

"What do you mean pretty much," asked Annie?

Bev responded, "I don't know actually, except they said there are a couple girls who like to tease him. You know; act like they want to get in his pants, but so far he's held them off."

Annie was concerned, "What's so far mean?"

Beverly chided, "Come on Annie, you know Bill's a good guy. He wouldn't do anything wrong; he'd never get out of line. I heard maybe once or twice he's let one of them give him a peck on the cheek, maybe let one squeeze that muscular ass he has a little, no big deal."

"Hold it," a slightly pissed Annie replied, "I'm the one who's supposed to be pecking those cheeks, and if anybody's squeezing Bill's ass it should only be me. I don't like the sound of this. Is there anything else I need to hear?"

"Well," answered Bev, "There's a dance floor."

Annie sighed, "Well that's OK; Bill's not much of a two stepper."

Beverly wasn't helpful, "No, but I heard he's been doing some slow numbers with a couple of the girls."

"Oh heck no Bev, Anybody I know?"

"Now don't get upset. You remember Gwen Bitterman and her sister Laurie?"

"Those two," winced Annie, "Yes I remember them, especially Laurie. She's always had trouble keeping her hands off my Bill. Oh Bev what should I do?"

Bev answered, "I thought about it. I think you should see for yourself. I'll get some of the girls and we'll go with you. We'll keep you hidden. We can slip in for just a few minutes, see what's going on, leave, and then see if we need to do anything."

"OK, when?"

"Well let's see. This is Wednesday. Thursdays are pretty busy at the Sunset. I'll get a couple of the gang to go with us as a smokescreen. We'll slip in Thursday night say around 8:00 p.m. You can scope the situation out and leave without being seen."

Annie felt a knot tighten in her stomach. What if her Bill was up to no good? It made her sick to think about it, but there was no other way. She had to see for herself, "Thursday then, if Bill skips out of the house we'll follow."

Bill was out that Wednesday night. He usually got home around 10:00. Annie thought, Thursday, tomorrow; she wouldn't make it easy for him.

Tomorrow-Thursday Afternoon, November 9th:

Annie had taken off work early. She'd run to the supermarket and bought a rack of ribs, some sweet potatoes, and fresh green beans. She knew she wouldn't have time to make a pie from scratch so she bought a frozen cherry pie, and some ice cream to scoop over it.

She spent all afternoon cooking. Ribs were one of Bill's favorite meals. She figured if she could entice him with food and maybe a little sex he might not go out at all that night. If he stayed home with her there wouldn't be any need to find out if he'd been naughty. She preferred the word naughty; it sounded less threatening. She knew her Bill could never be bad; no, not her Bill.

That afternoon before Bill got home Annie took a hot shower. She shaved her legs, trimmed her Suzie, that was their pet name for her vagina, polished her nails, did her hair up real nice, and put on some fresh makeup. She slipped on the tiny hooped earrings Bill had bought her along with the thin matching necklace. She pulled on a pair of lacy silk panties, her special white silky camisole, no bra; she wanted her pert little 34Bs to jiggle around just a little for when he got home. She had on her prettiest white blouse with the perky peter-pan collar she knew he liked, and she put on her black pleated mini-skirt, another of his favorites. She capped it all off with a pair of white ankle socks and her low heeled black shoes. Last she dabbed on some of the expensive perfume Bill had bought her.

Annie checked herself out in the mirror. She was convinced she was every little boy's, and in this case, young man's idea of the perfect wet dream. She was standing at the front door of their rented house when Bill pulled up.

Bill got out of his Camaro and headed straight for the front door. He'd been the target of some serious ribbing all afternoon. Annie had put a love note and a tiny flower in his lunch kit that day, and the guys had been merciless. Actually he liked it when she did shit like that; it made him feel special. He noticed none of the other guy's wives did anything like that, but he'd kept his mouth shut. Yeah he liked it, but it was embarrassing sometimes too.

Bill walked in and right by Annie. He didn't look up or anything. He just walked on by, "I have to take a quick shower. I'm meeting some of the guys again tonight."

Annie was surprised and hurt. She'd done herself up special. She'd fixed him ribs. He didn't even say hi or anything. He used to kiss her when he got home. She didn't even get that tonight. She followed him down the hall, "Bill didn't you notice anything when you came in?"