Qingwei Works for Her A Ch. 02

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Mr. Adam uses Qingwei to seduce his Asian MILF neighbor.
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Disclaimer: The following story contains themes related WMAF raceplay. If this offends you, do not read on. All content below is a fantasy.

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Qingwei laid in her bed thinking about all that had just happened. She would like to say she was just raped by her racist white professor. But that wouldn't be true. She had enjoyed it too much. No, she LOVED it. By the end, she was begging for his cock. She was so ashamed of how she had behaved. But just remembering all the degrading names he called her while he used her body like a cheap toy made her wet as she laid in bed. She couldn't help it, she reached down and started touching herself. Playing it over and over again in her imagination. She imagined herself riding his big white cock. Her body convulsing from another orgasm as she came all over his white shaft. Her fingers worked their way inside her dripping pussy and she began to finger-fuck herself hard as she pictured her new White Master fucking her tight little cunt. She could feel her juices running down her legs. She was so close to cumming...

She could hear him calling her names, such vile, racist names. Names she used to be offended by, but now she was proud to bear. Now her cunt tightened around her fingers each time she imagined him using a derogatory slur. He was telling her what a dumb gook slut she was, how she deserved to be treated like a filthy oriental whore. She felt the need to please him more than anything else in the world. The fact he could change her 'F' in English class to an 'A' and save her scholarship was just a bonus. She wanted him to use her like a dirty little fucktoy. She needed to be fucked hard and rough. She needed to be degraded and humiliated. And most of all she needed to cum like an Asian slut addicted to white cock. She was getting closer with every thrust of her fingers into her wet hole. She could feel her juices coating her hand and running down her thighs. Her orgasm would be upon her soon.

Just then, she was brought crashing back to reality by the sound of her boyfriend's ringtone on her phone. Fuck! She had forgotten to call him. After briefly catching her breath from her ruined orgasm, she picked up the phone.

'Even when fantasizing about being taken by another man, he manages to ruin my orgasms..' she thought to herself.

"Hello? Hey baby! How are you doing? How was your day?" Her boyfriend greeted her. His voice sounded supportive as ever.

"It was okay I guess..." She replied, trying to keep her voice steady to mask her aroused state.

"That's good. So you got home safely?"


"Are you alright? You sound out of breath..." He asked with a hint of confusion or suspicion in his voice.

"Don't worry about that... I was just working out." She lied, hoping he wouldn't ask any more questions.

"So how did it go with your professor?" he asked. "Did he reread your final paper?"

"He read it, but he wouldn't change the grade. But I finally got him to agree to give me the opportunity to pass the class. I am going to be busy the next couple weeks with... and extra credit assignment..." She told him. 'Extra Credit' sounds a lot better than 'Being his personal chink fucktoy.'

Her mind flashed back to how last night had ended. She was laying on the floor of Mr. Adam's office, her face covered in cum, spit, and sweat. Makeup ruined.

"Well Chinky, congratulations. You just earned an increase in your final score. Instead of an 'F' you now have a big 'D.'" Mr. Adam had laughed at his own crude dick joke.

"What?!?! I thought you said if I was good you would give me an 'A'?" Qingwei had asked. "Please, White Master! I can't lose my scholarship!"

Mr. Adam had slapped her across the face for talking back. He liked his chink whores obedient and submissive.

"What? You thought I meant you'd only have to fuck me once? What is raising a grade from an 'F' to an 'A' worth? A thousand dollars give or take? And you think fucking you was worth that? Ha! You're more like a 5 dollar Thai streetwalker. A dime a dozen. You got a lot more work to do to earn your 'A' Chinky. If you really want it, you're going to be my own personal sex slave for the next two weeks."

He was so cocky!

"Now I suggest you eat the cum that is dripping off your face and get the hell out of my office. I have work to do."

Qingwei had done as she was told, licking her professor's cum off her face.

'Mmmhmm... tastes good...' she thought to herself. She never let her boyfriend cum on her face. And definitely never would have let any of his cum get in her mouth. Let alone swallow any. But here she was, swallowing every last drop of a racist, white man's seed.

But Mr. Adam was clearly finished with her for tonight. She had served her purpose. His balls were empty, so he didn't need anything else from her. He sat back down at his desk, fully clothed again, and resumed grading papers. He didn't even acknowledge her as he got dressed and left his office. She practically sprinted to the ladies room to clean up and fix her ruined makeup before she made her way home.

"What kind of extra credit?" Qingwei snapped back to attention at the sound of her Asian boyfriend's voice.

"Oh you know... just the usual assignments English teachers give in ESL classes." She lied. "But I don't know if I will have time to see you until after grades are posted."

She felt bad. Her poor boyfriend. He thought she was his perfect angel. And he treated her as such. But he had never really turned her on. And for sure never made her orgasm. Being treated like an inferior piece of shit by her racist white teacher had done both. He didn't deserve to be cheated on. But Qingwei didn't deserve to lose her scholarship. And she didn't deserve to only have boring sex that never brought her any real pleasure.

"Do you want me to come over tonight then? Before you are busy?" He offered. Sweet as ever. But compared to Mr. Adam he was just a boy. A skinny beta Asian boy with a tiny dick. Qingwei was in the mood for a man. A dominant white man with a big white cock.

"Sorry baby, I am tired and want to make sure I am well rested for tomorrow. I will see you in a couple weeks." She lied, hoping to get him off the phone quickly so she could get back to giving her pussy the attention it desperately needed.

"OK, goodnight babe." He said before hanging up.

Qingwei sighed heavily. She couldn't wait to find out what her next 'date' with White Master had in store. This was Qingwei's last week of college. She should be focused on exams. But how could she? A whole new world of satisfying, degrading sex had just been unlocked.

She once again started massaging her pussy. Forgetting about her boyfriend and focusing instead on imagining, or more accurately fantasizing about, what would happen tomorrow. As she touched herself, she slowly drifted off to sleep. Dreaming about the weeks to come...

The next day she couldn't focus in her first class. How could she possibly focus on physics when English was next. She spend the whole time staring at the clock. With each second that ticked away, she was that much closer to seeing Mr. Adam again. That much closer to seeing her White Master. She knew she had to find some way to distract herself from thinking about him. She needed to think about something else. Anything else.

The bell finally rang, signaling the end of the class. She rushed to her locker, where she quickly fixed her makeup. She put on extra eye liner, making her eyes look even more slanted. Borderline whorish even. She wanted to look good to please White Master when he saw her again.

As she entered English class, her heart was beating fast. Her face was flushed. She walked through the door and saw she was the first student to arrive. Mr. Adam was reading a book at his desk. "Good morning Mr. Adam." She said, her voice quivering with nervousness.

To her surprise, he didn't even so much as look up.

"Morning." He replied, sounding disinterested. Like it was just another Tuesday and she was just another student.

She sat down in the chair across from his desk, and waited patiently for the rest of the students to arrive. When they did, Mr. Adam put down his book, and handed out their graded essays. Discussing the different prompts and ways to respond. Answering questions from students about their grade.

Qingwei didn't know what she expected. Sure, it's not like he could bend her over and fuck her in the middle of class. But she thought he would somehow secretly acknowledge her. But he didn't even seem to notice her. Did he even remember which Asian girl he fucked last night? Qingwei didn't know how many of his students he had seduced before.

The whole class was insufferable. He just went on and on teaching about the Iliad and the themes different students chose to write about. But Qingwei didn't care. She was so confused. So flustered. So horny... Seeing him act as if she didn't exist. It was driving her crazy...

Her pussy was aching for attention. Attention she couldn't give it, as she subtly tried to rub her thighs together to generate any bit of friction she could muster.

Finally the bell rang. Qingwei didn't know what to do.

Mr. Adam spoke, "And remember class, your grades on the final exam are permanent. They will be posted online in 2 weeks."

'Great...' Qingwei thought... 'More perfect teacher...'

Where was the perverted racist prick she needed?

"Oh and Qingwei, please stop by my desk on your way out after class." He stated matter of factly. Finally! Some kind of acknowledgement. But what did he want from her?

Some of her classmates and friends gave her looks. Wondering if she was in trouble or what the professor wanted. Qingwei did her best to give them a 'It's not big deal' or 'I don't know either' look.

She packed her books up slowly, as most of the students left. Then got up and excitedly approached his desk. He was sitting and as he saw her approach, his face still didn't give away any hint that he had cum on her face 14 hours ago. He simply handed her a folded paper note and said, "This is for you." Then leaned back and opened his book to continue reading. Like the whole class hadn't even happened.

Qingwei rushed out of the room, dying to know what was written on the note. She got into a stall in the women's restroom and sat down finally opening the note. All that was written was an apartment address and a time. 1:30 P.M. She looked at the clock on her phone. It was 12:05, she had an hour and a half to get ready for whatever White Master had in store.

Usually she would eat a quick lunch and then study in the library during her break midday. Especially this close to final exams. She had a history final tomorrow, after all. Her next class today was at 3 P.M., so she had plenty of time. She went home to change and make herself look good for White Master.

After she hurried back to her dorm, she changed into a nice set of lingerie. She felt a little guilty because it was the lingerie her boyfriend bought her for her birthday. She had only worn it for him a couple times, and now she was about to wear it for another man. A white man. But it was the sexiest underwear she had, and she wanted to make Mr. Adam happy.

On top of the underwear, she put on a tight tank top and some short jean shorts. To top it off, she put on a pair of high heels. She checked herself out in the mirror. She looked a bit like a hooker, but she looked hot. Her slim legs showed off well in the heels and booty shorts. Her flat, toned stomach showing, and her small tits waiting for White Master to unwrap them from her boyfriend's lingerie.

She grabbed her purse and headed out the door. She wouldn't want to keep White Master waiting. She was almost to his apartment when she heard her phone ding. It was Mr. Adam.

"Get here now. Bring only the following:"

The list was very short. A dry erase marker, a pack of cigarettes, panties, a bra, and heels.

It was clear that White Master expected her to arrive at his apartment already half naked. A slut. Why would a chink fucktoy need clothes anyway? But cigarettes and a dry erase marker? What were those for?

Qingwei knew disobeying wasn't a good idea. So she popped into a Lawson's convenience store and bought a pack of ZhongNanHai cigarettes and a two pack of dry erase markers. She didn't know what to do about the clothing requirements. There was no way she could walk into the apartment complex in her underwear. She looked enough like a hooker as it is. Plus it was probably illegal. She decided to get to his floor in the building and then strip and stash her clothes somewhere there.

When she got out of the elevator she looked at her watch. 1:27 P.M. Just a few minutes. She looked down the hallway. 6 apartments in total. She decided to strip in the stairway. Mr. Adam lived on the 30th floor. No one would use the stairs, so she could stash her clothes there.

When she was ready, she peaked around the corner. Coast is clear. She dashed to Mr. Adam's door, and knocked. She waited for an answer, glancing over her shoulder praying no one would see her dressed in lingerie and heels like an escort on a house call.

After 30 seconds she knocked again. Still no answer. Finally she knocked a third time, a little louder.

"Who is it?" Mr. Adam's voice called from in the apartment.

"It's Qingwei."

"Qingwei? I am not expecting anyone by that name."

He was clearly teasing her. "It's Chinky..." She said timidly. Praying none of his neighbors were home and spoke English.

"Sorry, I can't hear you!" He shouted from inside the apartment.

"It's Chinky!" Qingwei shouted, giving him what she knew he wanted. She knew he just wanted to humiliate her. And it was working. She was getting wet. Soaking the lingerie her boyfriend bought her. Soaking her panties while standing in the hallway half naked, waiting for a racist white man to let her in so he could fuck her like a cheap whore.

After what felt like an eternity, the door finally opened.

"Ohhhh Chinky!" He said loudly, obviously wanting his neighbors to hear it. " hy didnt you say so?" Mr. Adam stood in the doorway smiling as he looked at the slutty student in front of him.

Qingwei was dying to get out of the hallway, but Mr. Adam's body was blocking her path.

"I don't believe my instructions stated to wear your lingerie, Chinky. Just to bring it. Now be an obedient whore and strip naked for me here in the hallway. The heels can stay on though. And you better be quick, before my neighbors see you whoring yourself out for a white man in public." He teased.

Chinky, desperate to get out of the hall, quickly unclasped her bra, dropping it to the ground beside her. Then she deftly pulled her panties over her slender hips, and stepped out of them.

Not a second later, she heard the dreaded ding of the elevator door opening. Out walked an attractive Chinese woman wearing a tennis outfit and carrying her gym bag. She looked to be about thirty-five years old, and the skirt and sports bra she was wearing showed off her toned figure. Qingwei was mortified. She instinctively tried to cover her chest and crotch, not that her skinny arms covered much.

"Good afternoon Magma! Lovely day today, isn't it?" Adam greeted his neighbor, with a smirk. He made no attempt to hide the fact he was checking out her slim legs and flat stomach. Even her tits looked perky. Although like most Asian women, she was not very well endowed in that department

Qingwei could tell he obviously was relishing in her embarrassment and enjoying showing off his newest gook slave to his hot neighbor. Qingwei's face blushed deep red and she kept looking straight at the floor meekly. She didn't dare make eye contact with a high class Chinese woman while she was standing there naked like a cheap oriental whore.

Magma stopped in her tracks and smiled awkwardly as she took in the site in front of her. She looked Qingwei up and down, and then looked back to Adam. It was clear he was about to have some fun with the poor girl standing completely naked in the hallway.

"Hello Adam." She said with a slight British accent. "Looks like you are going to have fun today?" She asked, nodding at Qingwei.

"Oh you know, just another day in paradise." Adam said winking at Magma. "China is a white man's heaven." Then he looked back at Qingwei, "Chinky, where are your manners? Say hello to my neighbor. And stop covering yourself like you aren't a dirty slut. You're not fooling anyone."

"Yes, White Master." Chinky complied, dropping her arms to her side, exposing her bare breasts and shaved cunt. "Hello ma'am" she said, still not looking Magma in the eyes.

Magma's eyes widened when she heard Adam call his slut 'Chinky', but her mouth dropped open when she heard the girl call Adam 'White Master'. Adam had always been flirty when he saw her in the hall or elevator. Even when she was with her husband and two kids. But she always figured that was just because foreigners were more open. She had studied in London, she knew how foreign men could be.

Her husband on the other hand hated Adam. Magma just assumed it was him being jealous. But hearing such racist language, maybe he was right. Then again... Seeing such a pretty young girl degraded by her white neighbor... Magma was starting to get aroused.

"Good afternoon... what is your name, honey?" Magma asked.

Qingwei looked at Mr. Adam. But she already knew what he would want her to respond.

"My name is Chinky, miss."

"Ok... Good afternoon... Chinky" Magma reluctantly greeted the girl. "You two have fun, okay? Don't do anything too crazy..." She said, as she passed by Adam to get to her door, which was next to his.

As she unlocked her door, she looked sideways one more time just as she heard Adam say, "Alright, slut. Chink pets must crawl like a bitch when they enter my house." Magma stared as Chinky dropped to her hands and knees, and let Adam grab her hair like it was a leash and guide her inside. Just before he entered, Adam looked up and winked at his dumbfounded MILF neighbor.

* * * * * *

Magma quickly entered her house and locked the door. Her initial offended thoughts were giving way to confusion and arousal. She had been married for 10 years, and she had been a mother for 6 years. Her husband was a good match, but she had married him due to family pressure and for the financial benefits. Not for love, and surely not due to sexual attraction. As a result her sex life was.... lacking.

She rarely had sex with her husband, and when she did, it was very vanilla and boring. He would flop around on top of her in missionary for a couple minutes while she barely felt anything. After a couple minutes he would cum and it was over. More of a chore than anything. And she would only give him head on special occasions, like his birthday.

But what she just saw was adventurous. Thrilling. Kinky. And of course she had heard the rumors about foreign men. All Chinese girls in Shanghai whispered about how foreign men were bigger. Much bigger.

She immediately went to her bedroom, which shares a wall with Adam's apartment, and laid down on her bed. She reached her hand down her pants and started rubbing her pussy. She found herself feeling jealous of Chinky. She wanted to experience being taken by a 'White Master.'

* * * * * *

Back in Adam's apartment, he had guided Qingwei to the couch as she crawled.

"First, hand me the marker and lay flat on the sofa." He commanded.

Chinky obeyed, and watched as Mr. Adam proceeded to uncap the marker and write 'GOOK' on her left breast and 'CHINK' on her right breast. He then proceeded lower, and wrote 'White Men Only' on her lower stomach with two arrows pointing at her cunt. Adam smirked, content with his work.

With that out of the way, he stripped naked and pulled out his cock. "Time to suck your White Master's BWC." He commanded. He purposely spoke loud enough that he knew Magma would hear him next door.