QOS Island Ch. 01

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The story continues from QOS Creator.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 04/05/2024
Created 06/02/2023
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[Chapter 1] - Queen of Spades Island

It didn't take long for the two men to put their clothes back on after fucking Tabitha in her husband's bed. One of the men turned to Chance, Bob's shemale girlfriend, to get her attention while she was still fucking Tabitha.

"We gotta go! We are gonna be late."

At that moment, Chance released her seed into Tabitha, who also had her orgasm with her shemale lover at the same time. Tabitha collapsed near her husband, who had passed out from the sleeping agent. Knowing what was going to happen to him, she smiled wickedly.

A few seconds later, the men picked up Bob, lifted him, and dragged him outside. She followed, but not before turning to Chance, who was lying on the bed, stroking her cock.

"I hope to see you again soon!" Tabitha said.

Goodbye, hun; I am sure we will meet again. Please take care of Bobby for me!" Chance smirked evilly.

The men got Bob into the limo without anyone seeing them. There was still a strong odor of weed in the car. With the four of them in the limo, Tabitha sat next to her passed-out husband and the limo took off.

As the limo took off, one of the black men called the plane on his cell phone to let them know they were on their way. The ride to the small private airport was uneventful and short. Tabitha still glowed after her sexual encounter with the two black men and the shemale. Once the limo stopped next to the waiting small plane, she was roused from her sleep.

After getting out of the limo, the men picked up the limp sleeping Bob and took him into the plane. Next, Tabitha sat opposite her husband on the plane.

"Ok, we're good to go," announced the pilot to his passengers. After that, he said, "We will stop at Miami for our first refueling, and then at Columbia for our second refueling. It will be a long flight, so get comfortable."

Initially, Tabitha wondered why it would take so long, but then she remembered where the island was. According to her mistress, the island lies west of Ecuador. This will be a lengthy trip. Taking one of the pillows and blankets, she made herself comfortable and soon fell asleep.

"I don't care how much it cost! I need you to find my daughter!" James Robinson said to the private investigator.

"Pam is still alive, and her miserable husband knows what happened to her!"

Pam's mother, Michelle, added, "Do you have any information on what may have happened?"

"Unfortunately, I do not have more information to share with you this week; however, I will be going back to Bob's apartment as soon as I finish here," Kevin replied.

Michelle smiled faintly, and James gave a satisfied look.

Pam's parents hired a private investigator after the police told them they couldn't charge Bob since they had no evidence other than lying to charge him. As a result, James decided to hire a private investigator to help the police uncover any information or clues about the whereabouts of his eldest daughter.

Michelle and James had two daughters, Pam and Laura. The oldest of the two was Pam, who was seven years older than Laura. There are some similarities between Laura and Pam, however, Laura was thinner and wore modest makeup and styled her hair. Despite being 28 years old, Laura has not been married yet. After graduating college, she worked at a hospice facility outside of Minneapolis as a nurse. She has had several relationships, but they have all ended within a year. Jason Miles, her current boyfriend, has been with her the longest. She feels that he could be the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Laura and Jason should have been married by now, but the missing sister issue has affected their relationship. Laura has been affected greatly by this, and Jason stood by her. Since he truly loves her, he can wait.

The mother of Pam and Laura is Michelle, a former model who was a finalist in Miss Minnesota. As an attractive woman, her cheerleading at high school laid the foundation for her modeling career. As soon as she met James, she quit modeling, even though it didn't pay well, and focused on being a stay-at-home mom for her two daughters. Grays are beginning to appear on her naturally dark blonde hair. Even after so many years, she still has an impressive figure because she knows how to take good care of herself.

In the St. Paul area, James the patriarch ran a successful car dealership business. Having taught his two daughters the importance of hard work and using your brain, he was proud of how he raised them. James has been psychologically damaged by Pam's disappearance. Even though he is still a hardened businessman, losing his daughter has hurt him like no other could. In his heart, he knows that Pam's husband Bob is responsible for her disappearance. Several scenarios play out in his head; Did Bob harm her in some way? Is she a victim of abduction? For what purpose? When he thinks about that, he shudders.

The only thing James knows is that she didn't go to Ireland as she and Bob suggested. Upon discovering that something was wrong, he had the police check the flights and found that she had never boarded the plane from New York to Dublin. This is where the investigation hits a brick wall. Investigators checked the security footage throughout the sprawling airport once they discovered that she had indeed arrived in New York and had not boarded the plane to Dublin. There, they discovered that the footage of that day had been corrupted and could not be recovered. James was not completely convinced by the police's claim that this was an honest mistake on the part of the airport security team.

As a result, James hired Kevin Bell of Bell Investigations as a private investigator. It was told to James that Kevin Bell was the best investigator in the state. Police used his help to uncover several missing person investigations. When Kevin gave James a list of references from some clients, one of them told him Kevin was half Indian, half bloodhound. Finding people is something he is good at.

Because Kevin finds this case so bizarre, he is motivated to solve it. It might be because of this that he is so successful in what he does, James thought to himself. Regardless of whether he has any news or leads, Kevin provides the Robinsons with weekly updates. As if it were his child, he felt it was important for him to demonstrate his concern.

Over the past few weeks, Kevin has been keeping an eye on Bob Myerson. Pam's husband has been living with another woman in his apartment for several months, and he rarely sees Bob leave the building. Kevin does not have the time or resources to monitor him 24/7, so he stakes out for a few hours on different days.

Kevin left Robinson's house to go to Bob's. As he did last time, he parked his older dark sedan across the street, which gave him a great view of the small apartment complex. It was a relief to find that the space was available today. Parking on the street was full of parked cars last week, and the view wasn't great. It may be due to the time of day on the weekend. Fortunately, today he could park his car in an ideal location and observe the activity from the apartment.

Despite the cooler weather in April, today was still very pleasant. The weather was warm enough for him to roll down the window of his car but cold enough for him to wear a light jacket. Kevin wears his Vikings sweatshirt. The radio was on and some classic rock was being played at a low volume so that he would not be distracted from his primary mission. The 38-year-old is a huge fan of older music from the 90s and 80s. Compared to those eras, he felt today's music is awful. Kevin was a single man who had no plans to get married. Not yet, at least. When he is not working, Kevin hangs out with plenty of friends every weekend. Taking jogs around his neighborhood keeps him in great shape since he is a gym rat. The thick main of his light brown hair has not receded yet and he is thankful he is not balding like his father.

A familiar tune was playing on the radio when something out of the ordinary happened about an hour into the stakeout. In response, Kevin stopped humming and quickly grabbed his binoculars from the passenger seat to take a closer look. In front of the apartment complex, a black limo pulled up.

"Hmm, this is interesting," Kevin thought to himself.

Kevin saw the rear car door of the limo open on the opposite side. His first observation was a cloud of smoke as the door opened. Kevin saw a blonde woman wearing a fur coat and dressed slutty. In his opinion, she is probably an expensive hooker ready to meet her client. A pair of black men emerged from the front doors of the limo car at the same time. The focus of Kevin's attention was on the men. The two black men wore non-descript clothing, long sleeve shirts, but no jackets or coats.

A large dark duffle bag and a rope over the shoulder of one of them attracted Kevin's attention. As the men talked with the woman, they headed into the apartment.

Astonished by what he saw, Kevin tried to make sense of what had just happened. The rope is needed for what purpose? Has someone ordered some kinky shit?

They disappeared into the apartment complex. Kevin decided to investigate the vehicle. The driver turned off the axillary power of his car and stowed the binoculars back in the passenger seat. After exiting the car, the investigator locked the vehicle behind him because the area was crime-ridden.

As he walked past the limo, he pretended to admire it as he had never seen a car like this before. His first impression of the car was the smell. There's no denying it, weed.

With the tinted windows, he couldn't see well in the car itself, so he walked toward the back to get the license plate number. As a precaution, Kevin figured he might have stumbled upon something he could give to the police if it had anything to do with his investigation or some other crime.

As the investigator walked back to his car, he quickly wrote down the plate number on his notepad. Then he waited.

About an hour later, the apartment doors opened. As quickly as he could, Kevin grabbed his binoculars again. The two black men are carrying someone.

Kevin exclaimed, "Holy shit!"

They were carrying Pam's husband, Bob. They were followed by the hooker. They rushed to get the man into the limo as soon as possible. Despite the short amount of time, Kevin was unable to determine whether Bob was alive or dead. They jumped into the car and drove away quickly.

As Kevin prepared to tail this car, adrenaline kicked in. As he started up his sedan, he checked for traffic and made a U-turn to follow the limo. Since it was a limo, he couldn't miss it. To avoid giving away his pursuit, he kept his distance.

He was thinking about the woman, who was the hooker, during his pursuit. There is something strangely familiar about her. He knows he has seen her before but isn't sure where. On a busy highway, a few cars got in between the limo and Kevin's car as the limo made a few turns.

After a few minutes, the Limo turned into one of the private airports. After passing the airport entrance, Kevin stopped on the side of the road. From this position, he could see the airstrip, but it was far enough away to not be noticed if anyone looked at him.

Grabbing his binoculars again, he looked through them. The limo was heading toward a leer jet parked near a hanger. After it stopped short of the airplane, the two men jumped out and opened the rear door to grab Bob. After focusing on Bob, Kevin confirmed that he appeared to be knocked out. After that, Kevin focused on the woman who had just exited the limousine. He had a good chance to examine her face after she paused long enough.

"It can't be! Pam?"

He didn't have his super zoom camera available since it was in the back seat, and it would be too late by the time he got it.

The two men got Bob into the plane, and what appears to be Pam followed. Within seconds of closing the plane door, the engines fired up and the plane started taxiing to the runway.

Immediately, the investigator called the Robinsons.

A call came to James' cellphone, and he noticed it was from Kevin. He quickly picked up the phone and put it on speaker so his wife and Laura could hear him. Hopefully, he will provide some useful information.

"Hello, James?"

This is James. Whatcha got, Kevin? "

"You won't believe this, but I think I found Pam."

Michelle put her hands over her mouth in disbelief. The tears were starting to flow for Laura.

Still unsure of what he heard, James asked, "What do you mean?"

"I think I found her; she was..."

He was quickly cut off by James.

"What! Where? Tell us where, I will be right there!"

"James, she is boarding a private plane at Schmidt Airport right now. The plane is about to take off!"

The airport is known to James, and he has flown from it many times.

"Kevin, listen carefully, I don't care how you do it, but I want you to find out where that plane is going and go there, no matter what the cost is!"

"Yes sir."

"When you find out where she is heading, call me!"

Then, James hung up his phone and turned to his wife.

"Oh James, she's alive!"

Michelle began to cry as she hugged her husband tightly. Then Laura hugged her boyfriend and started to cry.

Kevin watched the leer jet take off into the clear blue sky. A few minutes later, he got out his laptop computer and turned it on. Before the plane took off, he was able to obtain the tail number, N102SS. After looking up the tail number, Kevin was able to access the charter database. He quickly found the plane's information and its destination on his laptop. He has never heard of the owner of the plane, Babylon Mystic, Inc. There is something peculiar about the destination. It gave him latitude and longitude numbers instead of an airport code. The numbers were scribbled in his investigation notebook.

After that, Kevin opened a GIS mapping software and searched for the Lat and Long coordinates. 01D22'20.85"S, 89D39'38.35"W were entered into the corresponding search fields. As the GIS mapping zoomed in, a small island was revealed approximately 600 miles west of Ecuador. It is one of the Galapagos Islands. When Kevin zoomed in on the satellite image, he noticed it wasn't the highest quality and hadn't been updated for fifteen years. Neither an airstrip nor an airport can be found at the coordinates given.

"Now why would you be going there?"

He closed his laptop and sat there thinking. Then, he pulled out his cell phone, found the contact he wanted, and dialed the number.

"Hey Brad, it's me, Kevin. I have a favor to ask of you."

The voice on the other line replied, "What do you need Kevin?"

"How close can you get me to the Galapagos Islands?"

"Galapagos Islands? What the hell do you need to go there for?"

"It's for a case I'm working on?"

"Give me a second. Can you hold on to the line while I check?

Kevin agreed to hold. After a few minutes that felt longer than that, Kevin's contact was back on the phone.

"He Kevin, sorry 'bout the wait, I can get you to a city called Chipipe, that's in the western part of Ecuador. I hope you got your passport?"

"Brad, thanks, that will work. How soon can you take me there?"

"Well shit man, you're in luck. I can take you tonight if you wish."

"Perfect, oh one more thing, since you're my traveling concierge, can you find a boat charter to take me to? Hangon, it's Isle Espanola. I want to be discreet about it, no tourist boat ride."

"I will see what I can do."

"Thank you," Kevin replied before hanging up. Afterward, he called his assistant to have her clear his schedule so he could go to Ecuador.

Tabitha thought Miami was a welcome change from Minneapolis' cool air. While the plane was refueling, she wanted to stretch her legs and have a smoke break.

Immediately, she felt the warmth of the air and didn't need to wear her fur coat. With high heels, Tabitha ascended the plane steps as expertly as she could. Due to the piercing of her clit, the movement made her pussy excited once again. The blonde changed her outfit during the flight. In a pink crop top t-shirt, she shows off the spade-shaped belly ring she wore. As well has black PVC shorts with a zipper that starts at the front just below her navel ring and can be unzipped all the way back, her shirt advertises who she is and how proud she is of it, in black letters "SLUT". Tabitha's outfit is complete with black 6" platform sandals. The blonde had to redo her fabulous slutty makeup after one of the large false eyelashes fell off after fucking at her husband's apartment earlier.

As she puffs on her cigarette, it seems as if she's been doing it for years. As she reflected on her older self, she realized that she would never have smoked. The woman watches the cigarette burn, admiring the red color on her long fingernails. While revving up the plane's engines, she finishes up and gets back into the aircraft.

The men gave her husband Bob a shot to keep him sleeping for the duration of the trip. As she sat next to him, she began to play with his long hair.

"Oh, Bob! I can't wait to see what they do to you. I'm sure it will be amazing!"

A black man sits opposite her and her sleeping husband.

"We will be there in about 4 hours, but we have one more stop to make."

"Thanks, Hadley," Tabitha said still watching Bob.

Hadley is the plane assistant, who will ensure Tabitha's needs are met. Originally from Jamaica, Hadley works for the organization as a transportation assistant.

When Tabitha looked away from Bob, she looked at her assistant Hadley, "Can I ask you a question?"

There was a nod from the dark black man.

"Would you mind telling me more about the island?"

Certainly, Ma'am. Previously, the island was called Isla Espanola. Following the corporation's purchase, it is now known as Queen of Spades Island. Isla de reina de picas."

"The small island has an airstrip just east and a few training buildings north and south of it," Hadley explained.

In her mind, Tabitha believed they would be taking Bob there.

"On the west side of the island is the main resort, but it's not close enough to the beach, so you won't find sandy beaches there."

"Why is that?"

"There is no beach. It's a forty-foot-high rocky cliff. From the resort, you can hear the waves crashing on the rocks. Despite being a private resort, the resort is very large. There are many pools, amenities, and larger guest rooms."

"I am interested in learning more about the training facilities," Tabitha stated. In addition, her mistress had already provided her with information about the actual resort.

"Your husband will go to the first training building. That's the one north of the airstrip. This is where he will be physically modified. Some doctors and nurses are working there."

She wondered exactly what he meant by physically modified, but she let him go on.

"South of the airfield is the second training building. Apart from the resort, it is the largest complex on the island. That's where the real training takes place. There are a few dominatrix living there."

A smile spread across Tabitha's face and she drifted off to sleep. She is very anxious about what awaits her and her husband on the island.

The remainder of the flight was uneventful. Columbia was the last stop, so the flight time was much shorter than the previous ones.

Despite Tabitha's inability to sleep, there wasn't much to see out the plane window since it was late at night and she couldn't see anything moving across the ocean. She couldn't see anything even after the captain said to prepare for landing. Only after the plane landed could she make out the outline of a vast jungle with the airport lights lighting up the runway. In no time at all, the plane had taxied and Handley had opened its door.