Quartet: Eleanor Ch. 01


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Robert felt helpless. He wanted to say something ... anything to prove he wasn't a complete idiot but no words came to him.

"Relax, Robert. I'm not going to bite." she laughed. She heard him exhale as looked straight ahead.

"Uh ... I guess I'm not very good at this. You have me kind of ... discombobulated." he finally blurted.

"Ha! Ha! What a great word." she laughed. Eleanor turned and looked at him carefully for a moment. "Don't you date, Robert?"

"Uh ... not very much. I've had a couple of girl friends in the past, but no one that I was serious about. No one I wanted to marry, that is." he said honestly. Finally, he turned and looked at her. "I don't remember the last time I was as goofy-mouthed as I am right now." he confessed. "One kiss on the cheek and I'm a basket case." He was looking at her again with that unblinking gaze that spoke volumes to Eleanor about who he was.

Eleanor smiled at him and took his hand. "You weren't goofy-mouthed last night when you introduced yourself and asked me to join you at your table." she said.

"Well ... uh ... you hadn't smiled at me and you hadn't talked to me and you hadn't kissed me on the cheek yet." he said, still gazing unblinkingly at her eyes.

She seemed genuinely surprised at his confession. "Did I have that big an effect on you Robert ... really?"

He stopped to think for a moment and then: "Yes! You're about the only thing I've thought about since last night."

"Well, I'm flattered ... again." she said with an arched eyebrow. "To tell the truth, Robert, I've been thinking a lot about you too."

"You have? How come?" he looked puzzled by her confession.

"You have that kind of effect on me, I guess. It hasn't happened to me in a very long time, but you ... well, we can talk about this later. The night's just getting started." she said, looking straight ahead as they approached the restaurant.

They concluded the cab ride in silence and after Robert had paid the driver, they entered the restaurant and were escorted to their table. When their waiter came to see them about having a drink before dinner, Eleanor ordered a glass of Napa Valley Cabernet while Robert ordered a Bourbon and water. They sat quietly for a few moments after the drinks arrived until Robert broke the silence.

"Eleanor ... last night you called me Bob and today you've been calling me Robert. Why the change?" he asked seriously.

She looked at him thoughtfully for a moment before answering. "I don't know, to be honest. It just seems like that should be your name. Does it bother you?"

"No, not at all. In fact, I'm used to being called Robert. I introduced myself as Bob last night because it was more ... friendly, I guess. You can call me anything you like." he smiled, finally beginning to relax and be his more comfortable self.

"I like Robert." she said simply. "It suits you."

"Robert it is then." he agreed. "Eleanor and Robert ... that has a nice ring to it." he said, grinning at her. He was gratified with her smile in return.

The evening went very well. Robert had completely relaxed and allowed himself to be who he was. Eleanor recognized his growing confidence and confirmed her original opinion of him; he was unique and interesting and she was strongly attracted to him. They talked more easily and traded confidences. The meal was superb and they lingered over their shared desert. Robert was desperately trying to extend the evening and unknown to him, Eleanor was planning the same.

"I have a very nice brandy and some Kona coffee at my apartment. Why don't we go there." she suggested.

He looked at her and saw that she was quite serious and he quickly signaled their waiter for the cheque and requested a cab. As they stood in the entrance foyer, Eleanor took his hand and looked up at him with a smile. Robert, for his part, was just grateful he didn't faint. He could hardly believe what seemed to be happening. At this stage, Eleanor was his leader and he was destined to follow her.

When they arrived at her apartment, she opened the door and led him in, switching on a pair of small lamps to give a minimum of light. She took his overcoat and hung it in the hall closet with her own. She turned to him and once again, on tiptoe, kissed him; this time on the lips.

"Why don't I make some coffee and we can relax with a brandy. Take your jacket off, Robert and loosen your tie. Be comfortable." She might have asked him to jump out her eighth floor window and he'd have agreed. His mind was reeling and he had a silly grin on his face that no amount of concern over what was happening would erase.

Robert finally dropped into her plush sofa and waited for her to return from the kitchen. It at least gave him time to gather his thoughts and try and conduct himself like a mature adult. He was sure he was going to embarrass himself. He just didn't know how.

Eleanor returned from the kitchen with a pair of brandy snifters with a healthy portion in each. "Coffee will be ready in a couple of minutes." She walked to the sofa and slipped down beside Robert, handing him one of the snifters. "Try this." she said with a distinctly sexy voice. "I think you'll like it."

"I'm not very experienced with brandy." he said hesitating. "But I'm sure I'll like it." He hoped he hadn't spoiled the moment or made himself look too much like a country bumpkin. He took a sip of the amber liquid and decided it was smoother than his last experience with the liquor. "That's nice." he said with a hint of surprise. He was desperately trying to relax.

"I'm glad you like it." she smiled. "I've had a lovely evening with you. I didn't want it to end just yet."

Robert turned toward her, gazing intently into her eyes. They were dark, to the point of almost being black. Her elegant, aquiline face was framed by her dark brunette shoulder length hair and he thought those eyes were truly the windows to her soul. Robert slowly, unconsciously, leaned toward her until his lips gently touched hers. He was completely unaware of a conscious act to kiss her, but once he had arrived, he felt the tension drain from his shoulders. Eleanor closed her eyes and returned his kiss and they held themselves in that lightest of embraces for what seemed an eternity. Eleanor slowly drew back, looking directly at Robert. This giant of a man was so incredibly gentle and unexpectedly reticent that she was totally without caution in his presence. She looked at him for a moment. His deep blue eyes and sandy brown and reddish tinged close cropped hair seemed to fit his personality perfectly. He looked the part of the innocent. She took his brandy from his hand and placed it on the coffee table in front of them. Her hands moved to clasp his face softly and she leaned toward him again with a more forceful kiss. She felt his powerful arms encircle her shoulders and he returned her kiss with a growing passion.

"I feel like a high school kid on his first date." Robert said quietly when he had relaxed their embrace.

Eleanor smiled and took his hands. "We're not kids anymore, Robert. And I take it neither of us is a virgin. Why don't we just celebrate what's happening. I can tell you it hasn't happened to me before." she grinned.

"It's all new to me. My head is just spinning." He looked at her and began to chuckle and then laugh. "How about that! A forty-four year old born-again virgin! That's me!"

"Oh, I hope not. I think you're just being too modest. I'll bet you're dynamite in bed." she said with a smirk.

Robert was once again flummoxed.

"I'm just too aggressive for you, aren't I?" she grinned.

"I guess so. I didn't think ... I mean ... I just ... oh man, here I am all goofy-mouth again." he moaned. "You can sure tell I'm no big city boy."

"No, I guess you aren't. But maybe that's what I like about you. Maybe that's why I'm attracted to you. You aren't some city guy with a slick line of gab and a big, fat ego. I like the Robert Thompson I see. You don't need to change for me." She had delivered this mini speech with a serious look and a level, soft voice.

"I don't know why, but I keep wanting to call you Ellie." Robert blurted out.

Eleanor looked at him in surprise and then smiled. "All my friends and family call me that. Since you're now my friend, you have my permission." she laughed.

"I think I want to be more that your friend, Ellie." he said seriously.

"I know. I want that too." Eleanor stood, still holding his hands. She tugged at him to get up and when he had, she led him down the hall to her bedroom. When she had reached her big brass framed bed, she turned toward him and began to unbutton his shirt. Robert watched her for a moment and then smoothly pushed the thin straps of her dress off her shoulders. He was strangely calm for someone who had been uncertain and confused a few moments earlier. He reached behind her for the zipper to her dress and finding it, slowly lowered it. In a moment the dress slipped off her and fell at her feet. She continued to gaze at his face as she finished with his shirt buttons and pulled it off him. She smiled and gently pushed him back on her bed and then proceeded to remove his shoes and socks as she knelt before him. Robert was taking in her sleek beauty as she bent before him. Her black strapless bra and short panties were contrasted against her pale, flawless skin.

As she stood, he could see the prominent slope of her breasts and the perfect flare of her hips. She was by far the most beautiful woman her had ever been with. He was conscious of his now prominent erection and as Eleanor reached for his belt he had a moment of hesitation before pressing himself to relax and enjoy this experience. He placed his hands softly on her shoulders as she unzipped his pants and began to pull them down. He rose briefly to help her and then stepped out of them; standing before her in his boxer shorts. She stood, looking up at him silently and placed her hands on his massive shoulders and drew him to her. His arms encircled her and he began to kiss her; at first gently and then more insistently. Her tongue probed him and he opened to permit their mutual exploration. His hands sought the clasp of her bra and after a moment of fumbling with his big fingers, it popped open and he slowly removed it to see her partly hidden splendor. She was blessed with those lovely, sloping, conical shaped breasts that were perfect in size and classic in form.

Eleanor stepped back for a moment to allow Robert to see all of her. Her breasts swayed easily with her movements and she could see in his eyes that he was fascinated with her naked form. She smiled at him and slid her thumbs into each side of the waistband of her panties and slowly, with an undulation motion in her hips, began to slide them down her hips until they too fell at her feet. She put her hands on her hips and looked at him with a questioning face.

"You approve?" she smiled.

"Yes ... more than you can know." he croaked. "You are so very beautiful. I keep wondering if this is real."

"Well, there's only one way to find out." she said in her soft, sexy voice. She stepped toward him and slipped her hands inside the waist of his boxers and slowly, without altering her gaze into his eyes, began to lower his final piece of clothing. Still without looking, her hand softly clasped his now full erection and she felt him react to her touch. She ran her free hand over his broad chest and behind his head, pulling him into another passionate embrace. His arms once again wrapped around her and then, as if she were a feather, he lifted her and placed her on the bed before him. He knelt beside the bed and began a slow and sensual exploration of her body; beginning with her shoulders and then to her breasts and on down to her navel. She had closed her eyes as he had begun this oral voyage of discovery and she reacted with a quiet moan when he had played with her nipples between his lips and stroked their erect tips with his tongue. Now that same tongue was circling her navel and dipping into it with little stabs; causing her to react once more.

Robert stopped for a moment and looked at Eleanor with a questioning expression. "Do you want me to stop here?" he asked.

"If you mean, do I want you to stop working your way toward where I want you to be, the answer is definitely no."

He smiled and sliding his arms under her thighs, he turned her to a position across the bed with his head between her lovely long legs. He looked into her eyes once more and then moved toward her neatly trimmed sex and began by stroking her outer labia with long, smooth draws. He felt her hands on his head and he began to use his tongue to part those lips and seek her inner folds. Almost involuntarily, her knees spread wider to invite him deeper into her and he responded. His tongue now sought out her clitoris and she reacted with electric muscular jolts as he at first circled and then stroked the tiny nub. Robert took his time with these delights; waiting for Eleanor to guide him to her next desire. She was writhing slowly in her own ecstasy; her eyes remaining closed and her breathing becoming irregular.

Eleanor had been pushing his head into her vagina for a few minutes until she suddenly stopped; her hands falling to her sides and pushing her herself upward as her hips rose and shuddered. Robert recognized her orgasmic release and was pleased that he had brought her to this passionate moment. As the erotic interlude passed, her hands once again moved to his head; this time gently pulling him up to her.

"I'm ready Robert. Please ... now." she pleaded quietly.

He moved slowly and deliberately and he rose over her; casting a shadow on her as he blocked the light from the lone lamp. He was conscious of her desire to have him now and yet cautious that he was well endowed and needed to be careful as her entered her. He need not have worried. Eleanor took him in her hand and pulled his fully engorged member toward her waiting, wet slit and virtually impaled herself on it by rising to reach him. She grasped his buttocks and pulled herself in one dramatic effort, gasping as he filled her tight, wet sheath. Robert sank into her almost all the way, taking care not to hurt her and spoil this incredible moment. She began lunging at him with all her might; demanding his powerful stroke and he responded to that demand; at first slowly and then more and more quickly and powerfully. Eleanor had become more vocal as she alternated with her eyes open and then closing. Her head moved from side to side almost in rhythm with his body as he entered her time and time again. They lost track of time.

Robert had begun to change his pattern and then, without leaving her, he rolled onto his back, bringing her on top of him. She lay on his chest for a few moments as he continued to move in and out of her. Her eyes opened once again and she kissed him with all her passion and desire exposed. She rose up on her hands and arms and began to ride him; once again her eyes closed as she left for another place and another pleasure. Her head continued to loll from side to side and a silly grin formed by her mouth belied the intensity of her emotions. She threw her head back and moaned a wordless cry as she passed through her second orgasm and Robert knew he would not be far behind. In a few moments he began to breathe rapidly and his powerful stroke was once again resumed; thrusting upwards into his new lover and then he came. It was over, but it was a feeling of complete fulfillment that encompassed them both. They lay in each others arms, her body sprawled carelessly across his giant frame, his hands stroking her lovely buttocks.

They were quiet for quite a while until Eleanor stirred and raised her head to look at him. Her smile was all he needed to know that she had been pleased with him. He grinned back at her and his hand gently caressed her hair and face as they lay with her still on top of him.

"That was no country bumpkin performance, Mr. Thompson." she said quietly.

"I'm glad you liked it. There's plenty more where that came from."

"Oh, I hope so." She closed her eyes and laid her head down on his chest again and he wrapped his arms around her as she began to fall asleep. Robert couldn't imagine being any happier than he was at that moment.


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Bs_PrincessBs_Princessalmost 17 years ago
back on track ..

you are one of my favorite Lit. Authors. with that said .. I've been waiting on the edge of my seat for you to start posting this last installment of the Quartet. I'm so thrilled that we're finally gonna learn Elenor's story. So far this chapter has lived up to all my expectations of your writing. Keep the story coming ...I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY !!!

mtstorymtstoryalmost 17 years ago

I loved all your stories so far. This one is starting out Great. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
New Reader

This is the first of your work that I have read. I feel that I already know these people and find them quite sympathetic. This encourages me to go back and look at your other submissions. Thanks for not having spelling or gramatical errors. The quality of your presentation matches the quality of your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Very Good

A very promising to this story. I've enjoyed the three previous stories.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Lose Interest? Not hardly!!!. LOVED IT!!!

One - Glad you're back. Two - Loved the start. Three -- I see some heartache ahead but I'll hang in there. Looking forward to the next Chap.

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